Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Miscellaneous
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: It is great to see that Tamim had found some employment. I guess she really can stretch her 15 Minutes of fame as a Juvenile Delinquent.

Gaza's terror factions taking on strategy of gradual escalation

Analysis: The groups, led by Hamas, agree to resume border protests and incendiary balloons in a bid to pressure Israel and the UN to resolve the longstanding issue of transferring money from Qatari for rehabilitation of Gaza after May war


It is getting hard to figure out who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.


Most Respectfully,
The PA volunteered to help, and Israel accepted. They sent four firetrucks and 20 firefighters to help control the blaze.

Now, Palestinians are complaining about their leaders approving doing something humanitarian for Jews.

Social media in Arabic had many posts against the Palestinians helping Israel.

Many of them pointed out that this happened on the same day that Israeli forces killed four armed terrorists in Jenin.Journalist Ibrahim Moqbel said on his Facebook page, "The occupation killed 4 and we sent them 4 fire engines. This is the national project in the religion of Abbas!"

Journalist Alaa al-Rimawi tweeted, "The Minister of Defense of the occupation, responsible for destroying Gaza a few months ago, thanks the Palestinian Authority and the President for sending the Palestinian Civil Defense to participate in putting out the fires in Jerusalem."

One other referred to the Algerian wildfires which Morocco offered to help fight and Algeria refused, saying, "A sad short story. Morocco offers to help Algeria to put out its fires, but the latter refuses, on the pretext that Morocco is allied with Israel. Massive fires erupt in the mountains of Jerusalem, and the Palestinian Authority offers assistance to Israel to put them out, and the latter agrees.” She doesn't seem to be saying that algeria was wrong or stubborn to refuse Moroccan help.

(full article online)

It must be infuriating for the Pally islamic terrorist franchises to be kept waiting for their suitcases of Qatari welfare money.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Defense Minister Benny Gantz toured the environs of the Israel-Gaza border Aug. 17. They met with Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers serving in that sector, visited the Gaza border division's command room and toured the Iron Dome missile defense system located nearby. The tour took place a day after Israel’s southern town of Sderot was targeted by two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip — the first incident of its kind since the May 10-21 conflict. One rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome system; the other did not cross into Israel.
It looks like Qatari welfare money will be getting to the islamic terrorists in Gaza. With an open acknowledgement that Hamas steals a significant portion of the welfare cash, this will be another windfall for the islamic terrorists allowing them to stuff their bank accounts.

The United Nations and Qatar signed an agreement for the resumption of Qatari cash payments to needy families in Gaza in a move that reduces the possibilities of another all-out war between Israel and Hamas.
An NGO called the "Association 302 to Defend Refugees Rights" condemned the US conditions on aid to UNRWA, including the condition that UNRWA should adhere to its own mandate of impartiality and UN principles.

The organization said that these measures will ultimately lead to restrictions on the UNRWA definition of refugee, presumably to bring it in line with the UN definition.

It said that if the US must approve UNRWA Palestinian school curricula, it is "stripping the Palestinian curricula of any contents seen as discriminatory or inciting against the Israeli occupation, such as referring to historical Palestine."

Judging from what I've seen in their curricula, that isn't the issue.

Another NGO, the Democratic Gathering of UNRWA workers, the trade union of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, terror group, condemned UNRWA supposedly punishing workers who post incitement on their social media, saying that this is a violation of freedom of speech.

It is normal for Western corporations to prohibit employees from engaging in controversial topics on social media when they can be identified as being employees of that company. It isn't stopping freedom of speech.

Another Islamic terrorist ''day of rage'' is approaching. Hamas will supply the party hats, Swastikas, balloons and all the disposable youngsters they can find.

Report: IDF Gears Up for Palestinian ‘Day of Rage’ Along Gaza Border​

JNS.org – Israel has begun reinforcing its military presence along the southern border, ahead of the “Day of Rage” planned for Saturday by Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip, Kan news reported on Thursday.
An NGO called the "Association 302 to Defend Refugees Rights" condemned the US conditions on aid to UNRWA, including the condition that UNRWA should adhere to its own mandate of impartiality and UN principles.

The organization said that these measures will ultimately lead to restrictions on the UNRWA definition of refugee, presumably to bring it in line with the UN definition.

It said that if the US must approve UNRWA Palestinian school curricula, it is "stripping the Palestinian curricula of any contents seen as discriminatory or inciting against the Israeli occupation, such as referring to historical Palestine."

Judging from what I've seen in their curricula, that isn't the issue.

Another NGO, the Democratic Gathering of UNRWA workers, the trade union of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, terror group, condemned UNRWA supposedly punishing workers who post incitement on their social media, saying that this is a violation of freedom of speech.

It is normal for Western corporations to prohibit employees from engaging in controversial topics on social media when they can be identified as being employees of that company. It isn't stopping freedom of speech.

The Palestinians reject having the Zionist narrative being taught in their schools.
It said that if the US must approve UNRWA Palestinian school curricula, it is "stripping the Palestinian curricula of any contents seen as discriminatory or inciting against the Israeli occupation, such as referring to historical Palestine."
The truth is incitement.
It seems the islamic terrorists graciously offered a representative loser from the major islamic terrorist franchises.

This week, Israeli forces entering the city of Jenin on an undercover mission to apprehend terror suspects came under fire. In self-defense, they fought back and killed four of the Palestinian assailants. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade later confirmed that the dead were members of their respective organizations.
The Emir of Mahmoud'istan seems to playing a game with the competing Emir in Sinwar'istan. The PA is not going to endorse reconstruction of the territories occupied by the islamic terrorist franchise until the two, competing franchises resolve their differences.

That is really just a mechanism for both sides to hoarde their welfare money. The islamic terrorist franchises have spent nearly two decades competing with each other for control of massive welfare wealth both sides have accumulated.

PA: No reconstruction before ending Fatah-Hamas dispute​

AUGUST 14, 2021 16:28
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PEOPLE GATHER at a Hamas-sponsored anti-Israel rally in Gaza last month. (photo credit: MOHAMMED SALEM/ REUTERS)
A 28-year-old woman was shot dead Friday night while driving in the central town of Ramle, the 71st Arab Israeli to be killed this year as a result of the violence that continues to plague the community.

Police suspect that the woman, identified as Lorin Musrati, was targeted by the family of her late husband — who was also gunned down in 2015. They opposed the victim’s decision to leave the city of Ramle with her children in order to move to Haifa after her husband was killed, the Haaretz daily reported, adding that law enforcement was also looking into other motives for the attack.

Police believe the suspect drove past the victim’s vehicle, fired at her and fled.

(full article online)

With a fresh crop of disposable pre-teen dead martyrs walkin', Hamas wants more concessions.... of else the kid gets it.

Give the kid a koran and an Islamic terrorist script about the evil Jews and you have some propaganda points.

Hamas: Cash aid deal good, but insufficient​

Gaza factions vow to continue fight to lift "siege"​

AUGUST 21, 2021 20:31

HAMAS SUPPORTERS attend an anti-Israel rally in the northern Gaza Strip on Sunday. (photo credit: MOHAMMED SALEM/REUTERS)

HAMAS SUPPORTERS attend an anti-Israel rally in the northern Gaza Strip on Sunday.

The Qatari-United Nations agreement on the delivery of Qatari cash aid funds to the Gaza Strip, which was announced last week, is a positive though insufficient development, a source close to Hamas said on Saturday.
Saturday fun day for islamic terrorists.... well, except for those whose gee-had didn't end well.

Major clashes broke out along the Gaza border throughout Saturday, with one Palestinian assailant opening fire at an Israeli border guard from point-blank range, critically wounding him, Border Police said.

At least 41 rioters were injured by Israeli troops during the hostilities, two of them critically, according to the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry.

One of the critically hurt Gazans was a 13-year-old boy, Palestinian health officials said.

Israel strikes after Gaza border clashes​

Rami AyyubAAP
Sat, 21 August 2021 6:28PM

Israeli troops responded with riot dispersal means against Palestinians gathered at Gaza's border.

Gee-had. It's nature's way of telling you it's a Darwinian world.
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