Who and How: Progressives respond

Dear, how can supporting our Founders belief in freedom from big liberal govt look bad?
I do recall that Joe is an open communist who supports Castro's concentration camp island!

The Founding Slave Rapists didn't want Freedom. That came later.

dear slavery had existed for 100,000 years so any country founded then would have had slavery.

Feel stupid for supporting Castro's concentration camp island today and hating America for creating freedom on earth??
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I don't want to reverse 100 years of labor and environmental progress to compete with countries that don't care about the welfare of their people.

1000% completely stupid of course given that China just eliminated 40% of the entire worlds poverty( is that welfare of people?) by switching to capitalism from socialism which slowly started 60 million to death.

You're pure libcommunist so pure deadly stupid.
dear slavery had existed for 100,000 years so any country founded then would have had slavery.

I think you are a little deluded, dumbass.... Human Civilization isn't more than 6000 years old.

1000% completely stupid of course given that China just eliminated 40% of the entire worlds poverty( is that welfare of people?) by switching to capitalism from socialism which slowly started 60 million to death.

Uh, actually, no. Most people in China still live in shit poverty. That's why they have women willing to ship themselves over in freight containers to be prostitutes here.
I think you are a little deluded, dumbass.... Human Civilization isn't more than 6000 years old.

dear, as a treasonous libcommie hater you said our Founders were slave rapists. When I pointed out that any country founded then would have had slavery you changed the subject rather than admit your liberal stupidity??

Does that tell you you are as bright as a typical libcommie?[/QUOTE]
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Uh, actually, no. Most people in China still live in shit poverty.

dear, do you think 60 million are slowly starving to death in China today they way they did under llibcommieism?? Do you think they instantly eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty with Republican capitalism? Do you think they now buy more cars than we do??

See why we have to positve that liberalism is based in pure ignorance??
So, basically, Progressives answer is that bringing quality products to the American marketplace is hurtful to the typical Progressive. Apple needs to pay the highest possible prices for their raw material and labor and only then will Progressives be happy?

Uh, what "quality products"? You mean the beads laced with roofies or the toys painted withe lead paint?

How about the computer you use to post these remarkable "insights"

Using your "ideas" we'd still be on Tandy and Radio Shacks
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Did you have something to say, Troll-Boy?

yes dear I said as a treasonous libcommie hater you said our Founders were slave rapists. When I pointed out that any country founded then would have had slavery you changed the subject rather than admit your liberal stupidity??

Does that tell you you are as bright as a typical libcommie?[/QUOTE]
right, the lib Nazi wants to decide what are quality products and not let the American people decide!!

no, I want products made on a fair playing field.

I don't want to reverse 100 years of labor and environmental progress to compete with countries that don't care about the welfare of their people.

Translation: He wants to live in a pre-industrial society where everyone (but the VV Rich Overlords, of course) scrabble out poverty level existences as dirt farmers.
dear, do you think 60 million are slowly starving to death in China today they way they did under llibcommieism?? Do you think they instantly eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty with Republican capitalism? Do you think they now buy more cars than we do??

If you are going to make up your own history, there's no having a discussion with you.
Translation: He wants to live in a pre-industrial society where everyone (but the VV Rich Overlords, of course) scrabble out poverty level existences as dirt farmers.

Are you some kind of fucking retard? I find myself asking that question of conservatives every day.
Anyway, here's the thing. We had 100 years of a labor movement, of an environmental movement, and today we are NOT what China is right now. A polluted place with no safety protocols.

We had a strong, vibrant Middle Class and it was awesome to be an American.

And then you Conservatards came along starting with Reagan and fucked it up.
dear, do you think 60 million are slowly starving to death in China today they way they did under llibcommieism?? Do you think they instantly eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty with Republican capitalism? Do you think they now buy more cars than we do??

If you are going to make up your own history, there's no having a discussion with you.

translation: I cant answer the questions. I lost the debate but I"m still a libcommie because I place no value on thinking.
Translation: He wants to live in a pre-industrial society where everyone (but the VV Rich Overlords, of course) scrabble out poverty level existences as dirt farmers.

Are you some kind of fucking retard? I find myself asking that question of conservatives every day.
Anyway, here's the thing. We had 100 years of a labor movement, of an environmental movement, and today we are NOT what China is right now. A polluted place with no safety protocols.

We had a strong, vibrant Middle Class and it was awesome to be an American.

And then you Conservatards came along starting with Reagan and fucked it up.
What, are you 20yrs old or something? You must get your facts from Hildabeast.org or something. Reagans economic expansion was the best this country has seen in years. I was there, I know.

I do not mind when a liberal/socialist wants to condemn a President for policies, or for personal actions. But when they try and re-write history to make their argument seem plausible; well that is out of bounds. That is the equivalent of Obama saying the economy is wonderful because the unemployment rate is below 6%, but oh I forgot to tell you...........the participation rate sucks.

Either read and teach yourself what actually was going on, or don't claim crap that is just political fantasy to make your weak case anyway!

This is exactly why it is impossible to debate with a liberal. They do not debate from actual facts, they debate from facts they create to fit their agenda. I won't go into the actual facts of the economy, I will just ask you one simple question..........if you are accurate, explain to everyone why the man won re-election with a landslide not seen since; and when he won his second term, the economy under his watch was steaming along well enough that no scare tactic could have re-elected him!?!?!?!

You re-writers of history are pathetic, you really, really, are.
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What these SOCIALISTS fail to tell you is............their ideas raise the cost to the consumer exponentially. What they also fail to tell you is; many a corporation did not flee America because of labor costs, they left because of regulation, taxation, and government interference. The only companies/corporations that left the US that I know for labor cost problems were union.

That sounds bad, doesn't it, but let me explain. I retired as a blue collar worker that was union, and I know how ridiculous it is! The retirement is funded, but the work deals were not!

When I worked and the economy went South, I made MORE being off then when I worked, lol. How could this be? Simple, I got 95% of my pay, didn't have to gas my vehicle, buy lunch, pay for coffee, or anything else. That is surely 5% of your pay. And, if I missed a day while at work, I lost money. How do you miss a day when you do not work?

I was never laid off with no recall date, I was on 2 weeks off 1, or on 2 off 2. But I know people who were laid of with no return date, and it got sooooooooo bad, that if the company knew that business was going to pick up before their benefits ran out, they would make them come into the cafeteria and sit for 8hrs and pay them the extra 5%. Why? Because they hoped they would get so bored, they would take a day off, or use their vacation to go do something, because you see, you kept accruing vacation, even if laid off.

Let me tell you what it was like! We had people who would come back to work after being off for 6 months and instantly take their vacation. After they came back from vacation, they would then use their personal business days, and then come back, and go on medical leave making 85% of their pay. This was standard procedure for about 7 to 10% of the laid off workers.

And so, when someone starts spouting off all about how unfair America is insisting that somehow corporations are evil, I say this...........when BILL CLINTON signed NAFTA into law, he for all intensive purposes killed any union that produced anything labor intensive. They are still here, but their wages and compensation have either stayed stagnant, and in many cases dropped.

Government regulation, regardless if you see it as good or bad, has pushed many others out. So has taxation. Who wouldn't go where there is less of both, especially when you have to compete with similar products built there putting you at a tremendous disadvantage if you do not?

So let us examine the facts, then judge! Who demanded ridiculous benefit packages for union workers to protect them from loss of wages even in a down turn? Unions. And who run unions? LIBERALS.

Who signed NAFTA? Bill Clinton. What was Bill Clinton? A liberal.

Who wants TPP? (also know as NAFTA junior) Obama. What is Obama? A liberal/socialist.

Who wants to screw the corporations because they are evil? Obama/Hilly/liberals/socialists. And who do all these people blame? Conservatives/republicans.

Who wants to keep the borders open to let illegals in pushing down wages? Obama/liberals/socialists/rinos.

Who will never, ever, never ever, say lets lower taxes on corporations to lure them back or keep them? Liberals/socialists/Obama/Hilly.

Yep, but I bet it makes no difference to the liberal voting bloc, cause you are promised free stuff, lol.

It's about making a higher net each and every year. Nothing more, nothing less.

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