Whites Stayed Home and Re-Elected Obama


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Dick Morris
Now that all the data is in, the fundamental reason for Mitt Romney’s defeat is apparent, if largely unreported. It is not just that blacks, Latinos and single women showed up in record numbers at the polls. It’s that whites didn’t. The final numbers suggest that 91.6 million votes were cast by whites — seven million less than the 98.6 million cast in 2008! Meanwhile, 16.6 million blacks voted, 300,000 more than in 2008 and 11 million Latinos voted, 1.7 million more votes than were cast by Hispanics in 2008. We lost ...more at
Whites Stayed Home and Re-Elected Obama | Right Wing News

This really isn't “news” as all too many of us saw it coming. Romney's campaign gurus took the white vote for granted and spent too much time reaching out to those who weren't going to vote for him anyway. When one thinks about it – a little over 50% of eligible voters bothered to register and a little over that 50% even bothered to go to the polls! What does that say about us as a nation?

Dick Morris foolishly assumes that the 7 million whites who didn't vote would all have cast their votes for Romney.
by Dick Morris
Now that all the data is in, the fundamental reason for Mitt Romney’s defeat is apparent, if largely unreported. It is not just that blacks, Latinos and single women showed up in record numbers at the polls. It’s that whites didn’t. The final numbers suggest that 91.6 million votes were cast by whites — seven million less than the 98.6 million cast in 2008! Meanwhile, 16.6 million blacks voted, 300,000 more than in 2008 and 11 million Latinos voted, 1.7 million more votes than were cast by Hispanics in 2008. We lost ...more at
Whites Stayed Home and Re-Elected Obama | Right Wing News

This really isn't “news” as all too many of us saw it coming. Romney's campaign gurus took the white vote for granted and spent too much time reaching out to those who weren't going to vote for him anyway. When one thinks about it – a little over 50% of eligible voters bothered to register and a little over that 50% even bothered to go to the polls! What does that say about us as a nation?


Maybe they were just too busy to vote.

Or too lazy.
I am a white male & I did not vote for Romney. He is a bailed out government subsidized entitled asshole who sold out as many jobs to China as he possibly could. He promised to increase medicare by $716 billion. He also wants to increase military spending. He believes the middle class should continue to subsidize the rich. He would rather continue to subsidize Big Box retailers who import from China than subsidize exporters who bring home the money & jobs.

I don't like Obama, but I hate Mitt Romney.
I'm a white middle class man as well and I voted Obama. In fact virtually every white person I know did as well. That was the best thing ever watching Dick Morris trying to explain himself to a shocked and very ass hurt Fox News talking head the day after the election. This country is moving beyond race.
Now that all the data is in, the fundamental reason for Mitt Romney’s defeat is apparent, if largely unreported. It is not just that blacks, Latinos and single women showed up in record numbers at the polls. It’s that whites didn’t. The final numbers suggest that 91.6 million votes were cast by whites — seven million less than the 98.6 million cast in 2008! Meanwhile, 16.6 million blacks voted, 300,000 more than in 2008 and 11 million Latinos voted, 1.7 million more votes than were cast by Hispanics in 2008. We lost ...more at

At some point, soon, ‘white turnout’ will become moot.

America is becoming more sophisticated, more in tune with civil liberties and personal freedom, more diverse socially, racially, culturally, sexually, and religiously – including increasing numbers of those free from faith and believers who don’t belong to organized religions.

In essence, American society is advancing, leaving the GOP behind, the social conservative ‘message’ no longer relevant.

The irony of this, of course, is republicans once spoke the language of progress, inclusiveness, and a desire to embrace the future; a language now lost some 40 years ago, the consequence of the Faustian bargain struck with social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists.

So it’s not necessary for republicans to ‘abandon their values’ or ‘become democrats,’ just return to whom they once were.
Even Fox is distancing themselves from that toe sucker. Him and Rove.

Dick Morris was wrong about EVERYTHING again. He said it would be a Romney landslide. He was as wrong as Dr. House.
by Dick Morris
Now that all the data is in, the fundamental reason for Mitt Romney’s defeat is apparent, if largely unreported. It is not just that blacks, Latinos and single women showed up in record numbers at the polls. It’s that whites didn’t. The final numbers suggest that 91.6 million votes were cast by whites — seven million less than the 98.6 million cast in 2008! Meanwhile, 16.6 million blacks voted, 300,000 more than in 2008 and 11 million Latinos voted, 1.7 million more votes than were cast by Hispanics in 2008. We lost ...more at
Whites Stayed Home and Re-Elected Obama | Right Wing News

This really isn't “news” as all too many of us saw it coming. Romney's campaign gurus took the white vote for granted and spent too much time reaching out to those who weren't going to vote for him anyway. When one thinks about it – a little over 50% of eligible voters bothered to register and a little over that 50% even bothered to go to the polls! What does that say about us as a nation?


I said this would happen from the beginning. Many white Republicans did not vote because they disagreed with the far right tilt the party has taken. While I am in that group, I actually moved over to the Dems and voted Democrat this time, but many just stayed home. If Republicans continue to think that the reason they lost is because they weren't conservative enough, they should think again.
Why anyone would listen to Dick Morris is beyond me...LOL

Well, he is the go to guy for Hannity and Oreilly. It all makes complete sense. They never, ever called him out. They just smiled because it was what their audiences wanted to hear.
Romney was not popular because he was moderate Mormon and rich. The kiss of death for successful charity giving men.
Like Moderate Juan McCain, Romney decided he could alienate the Conservative base of the the Republican Party

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