Whites Only Basketball League: All-American Basketball Alliance Bans Blacks, Foreigne

Jan 17, 2010
This is something you don't see every day, an all white professional basketball league. Will you go if it comes to a city near you and do you agree with the premise of it?

Whites-Only Basketball League: All-American Basketball Alliance Bans Blacks, Foreigners

A whites-only basketball league aims to launch in twelve cities this summer, according to a report in the Augusta Chronicle. The All-American Basketball Alliance would also ban players born outside the United States.

The report includes additional shocking quotes from the commissioner:

Lewis said he wants to emphasize fundamental basketball instead of "street-ball" played by "people of color." ...

"Would you want to go to the game and worry about a player flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch?" he said. "That's the culture today, and in a free country we should have the right to move ourselves in a better direction."

From the Augusta paper:
Basketball league for white Americans targets Augusta 011910 - The Augusta Chronicle

A new professional basketball league boasting rosters made up exclusively of white Americans has its eyes set on Augusta, but the team isn't receiving a warm welcome.
"Only players that are natural born United States citizens with both parents of Caucasian race are eligible to play in the league," the statement said.
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They're racist assholes, but far as I know they have a right to be racist assholes as long as they're not taking any federal funds.
Ya cause only minorities can have their race the only one allowed in some club or group. Don't you know anything?

No, it's comments like these:

"Would you want to go to the game and worry about a player flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch?" he said. "That's the culture today, and in a free country we should have the right to move ourselves in a better direction."

Other than Ron Artest and Gilbert Arenas, most of the NBA is well-behaved. So if this is their excuse, it's a pitiful one. Which is why I think they're assholes.

And if they take federal funds, they wouldn't be allowed to do this as far as I know.
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Ya cause only minorities can have their race the only one allowed in some club or group. Don't you know anything?

No, it's comments like these:

"Would you want to go to the game and worry about a player flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch?" he said. "That's the culture today, and in a free country we should have the right to move ourselves in a better direction."

Other than Ron Artest and Gilbert Arenas, most of the NBA is well-behaved. So if this is their excuse, it's a pitiful one. Which is why I think they're assholes.

And if they take federal funds, they wouldn't be allowed to do this as far as I know.

Yup as far as you can recall there has only been 2 incidents in basketball, short memory ehh? Once again you are part of the problem not the solution.
Yup as far as you can recall there has only been 2 incidents in basketball, short memory ehh? Once again you are part of the problem not the solution.

I'm saying two major incidents in recent memory. But maybe you can get me a list of incidents that have occurred in NBA arenas.

And the Ron Artest one was a few years ago. But go ahead, enlighten me please.
lol ... with the way that reads you would think that you need to come to an NBA game wearing a flak vest or some shit.

Sounds like a boring ass league anyway. Who the hell wants to watch a bunch of white boys play ball?
lol ... with the way that reads you would think that you need to come to an NBA game wearing a flak vest or some shit.

Sounds like a boring ass league anyway. Who the hell wants to watch a bunch of white boys play ball?

Don't you know? They're handing out guns for protection at NBA games now. :lol:

And unless they're all Larry Bird, it's going to be like running into a ex who you had a bad breakup with. Terribly awkward and you'll find yourself not getting out of the situation fast enough for your tastes.
Yup as far as you can recall there has only been 2 incidents in basketball, short memory ehh? Once again you are part of the problem not the solution.

I'm saying two major incidents in recent memory. But maybe you can get me a list of incidents that have occurred in NBA arenas.

And the Ron Artest one was a few years ago. But go ahead, enlighten me please.

The Arenas incident had zero to do with the crowd. It happened in the freakin' locker room and nobody was hurt.

In the Artest incident the crowd was throwing shit at the Pacers and talking mad shit before the Pacer players went into the crowd to layeth the smacketh down. I'm not saying it's right but I will say it's pretty freakin' stupid to talk shit and throw 64 ounces of soda at a bunch of pro basketball players. Don't write checks your ass can't cash.
The Arenas incident had zero to do with the crowd. It happened in the freakin' locker room and nobody was hurt.

In the Artest incident the crowd was throwing shit at the Pacers and talking mad shit before the Pacer players went into the crowd to layeth the smacketh down. I'm not saying it's right but I will say it's pretty freakin' stupid to talk shit and throw 64 ounces of soda at a bunch of pro basketball players. Don't write checks your ass can't cash.

You're making it hard for me to set him up for what would of been a trouncing Art. :lol:

And that's my point. The other point I was going to make was this person asks like there would be no fights in the league. So unless there are mindless robots who cannot raise a hand to humans, there will be fights or some sort of incidents at some point.

And you're right on both incidents as well.
Sport is Darwinian fair. Talent rises, crap falls. It is this way and no other. That is the beauty of it. (This is, by the way, why racist or hierarchal societies segregate sport.)

Let sport talent ring free.

I don't know what self respecting man would want to play in a limited leauge of any kind, what kind of man loves a sport and does not dream about playing against the very best?
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I dont watch basketball shows .
If I did, Id rather watch people with downs syndrome play, they always seem very happy and are generally pleasant and don't seem to be mean spirited.
I grew up in the southwest.

There is a "Native American Basketball Leauge" that is in several states.

Only Indians are allowed to play on the teams.

Yet, they have never been accused of racism.

That's because in todays PC society only whites in America can be racist.

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Who cares if a group of people want to have a club, team, whatever?

Personally I wouldn't care if a bunch of _________ (insert skin color or ethnic group here) wants to have an exclusive ____________s only club.

It ain't no skin off my back man.

BTW doesn't it seem to be that the people who protest clubs like this are the least likely to want to join them? I recall something in Boston where a guy wanted to have meetings for a men's only beer and cigar club or some such thing and the biggest protesters were some women that neither smoked nor drank.

It's silly really
Who cares if a group of people want to have a club, team, whatever?

Personally I wouldn't care if a bunch of _________ (insert skin color or ethnic group here) wants to have an exclusive ____________s only club.

It ain't no skin off my back man.

BTW doesn't it seem to be that the people who protest clubs like this are the least likely to want to join them? I recall something in Boston where a guy wanted to have meetings for a men's only beer and cigar club or some such thing and the biggest protesters were some women that neither smoked nor drank.

It's silly really

Careful the PC police will find you in contempt and harass and arrest you. You bigot you.
Who cares if a group of people want to have a club, team, whatever?

Personally I wouldn't care if a bunch of _________ (insert skin color or ethnic group here) wants to have an exclusive ____________s only club.

It ain't no skin off my back man.

BTW doesn't it seem to be that the people who protest clubs like this are the least likely to want to join them? I recall something in Boston where a guy wanted to have meetings for a men's only beer and cigar club or some such thing and the biggest protesters were some women that neither smoked nor drank.

It's silly really

Careful the PC police will find you in contempt and harass and arrest you. You bigot you.

Who would have thought that a live and let live philosophy would be a bad thing?
I dont watch basketball shows .
If I did, Id rather watch people with downs syndrome play, they always seem very happy and are generally pleasant and don't seem to be mean spirited.

And their balls are always in wacky places.

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