Whites now evenly divided about SSM. Blacks?

For those of us old enough to remember when Gay people didn't even exist in media or for that matter in the world of the commonplace, reality changes slowly but it changes. Consider attitudes towards gays just a few years ago under Reagan and aids. Life is constructed in the head and the head gets its information from other heads, slowly heads change and what seemed odd seems normal and what seems wrong seems fine.

In the mid fifties, "generosity was voted the most conspicuous American characteristic, followed by friendliness, understanding, piety, love of freedom, and progressivism. The American faults listed were petty: shallowness, egotism, extravagance, preoccupation with money, and selfishness." William Manchester in "The Glory and the Dream" quoting George Gallup's Institute of public opinion.

I learned in School that the practice of identifying the race of a person arrested for a criminal act was limited to Blacks. Jim Smith, Black, of Cincinatti would lead the story and then the details would follow.

That practice no longer exists, but now, it is not at all unusual to see a story frame an evil doer's actions as racist or greedy and then identify the evil doer as Jim Smith, Republican of Cincinatti and so on.

The approach to bias is an evolving thing.
it is mostly an age thing. but the boy troll o/p wouldn't understand that.

it also is about the fact that blacks are church going people and would be a natural constituency for repubs if repubs didn't keep voting down social programs and pursuing their little southern strategy.

stupid, huh?

same as they're driving away hispanics.

So, Why do blacks hate gays?

Why doesn't the left address this with them?

Why do blacks hate gays?, because homosexuality is just another white perversion
that is in predominately white areas. And homosexuality is a dead end lifstyle, that
produces no children. Most blacks are raised in the church, that promotes a normal family
structure. A Man and a Woman, then you produce a child.
Homosexuality is considered evil,and against gods will, a sin, an aberation of nature, Satanic.
Blacks in America needs no parts of this white liberal agenda.

In your understanding of the world, is there nothing that that occurs in the life of Black person that is not first the plot of a White person?
I have learned that whenever a news story goes out of its way to avoid giving any relevant details of crime suspects- especially when it's something particularly egregious- such as "Youths were driving through a suburban shopping center parking lot grabbing purses from women"- you know which "youths" they were talking about.

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