White House spokesman ‘not familiar with’ Chris Lane murder

The only place I heard about the "rodeo clown" thingee was here and on Facebook from my Conservative friends......along with all the lovely "Impeach Obama" polls they send.

I RARELY watch cable news. MAYBE once or twice a month, at best. On the Local and National news shows, I heard about it nearly every night, in one form or another, for at least two weeks - then read about it in the online news organizations for yet another week. All gnashing their teeth about "whether or not this could be construed as a hate crime".

You must not listen/watch the same new sources I do then.


Possibly. I live 38 miles from the nearest town up here in Montana. I get satellite feeds.....But, it's still ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX. Same thing "most"'Americans get..:lol:
this admin is so biased and racist
I have never felt so ashamed of who our president is and how he conducts him self
White House spokesman 'not familiar with' Chris Lane murder | The Daily Caller
If our country cannot start to undo this biased as well as racist agenda, were done

Is the Daily Caller even familiar with the case? Didn't they post the wrong photo for Mike Jones? Didn't they claim he was black? When in fact he is white.

I wouldn't worry about what the Caller said, they can't even get the facts right.

Can you provide a quote from our president on this matter?
he thought Trevon could be his son
we hav a case in which one could debate self defense that included a black victim and a hispanic "victim"
and a pure hate crime with a balck and a white victim

Why does one mean so much to Obama and not the other?
this admin is so biased and racist
I have never felt so ashamed of who our president is and how he conducts him self
White House spokesman 'not familiar with' Chris Lane murder | The Daily Caller
If our country cannot start to undo this biased as well as racist agenda, were done

Is the Daily Caller even familiar with the case? Didn't they post the wrong photo for Mike Jones? Didn't they claim he was black? When in fact he is white.

I wouldn't worry about what the Caller said, they can't even get the facts right.

Can you provide a quote from our president on this matter?
he thought Trevon could be his son
we hav a case in which one could debate self defense that included a black victim and a hispanic "victim"
and a pure hate crime with a balck and a white victim

Why does one mean so much to Obama and not the other?

How long after Martin was killed did Obama make a comment?

And I guess you can't respond to what I posted.
this admin is so biased and racist
I have never felt so ashamed of who our president is and how he conducts him self
White House spokesman 'not familiar with' Chris Lane murder | The Daily Caller
If our country cannot start to undo this biased as well as racist agenda, were done

Is the Daily Caller even familiar with the case? Didn't they post the wrong photo for Mike Jones? Didn't they claim he was black? When in fact he is white.

I wouldn't worry about what the Caller said, they can't even get the facts right.

Can you provide a quote from our president on this matter?
he thought Trevon could be his son
we hav a case in which one could debate self defense that included a black victim and a hispanic "victim"
and a pure hate crime with a balck and a white victim

Why does one mean so much to Obama and not the other?

Again, I think that comment came months after the killing, following the constant media attention that was given to the case.

Can't fault a guy who works for the President for not knowing the details of a single homicide days after it happened, right?
this admin is so biased and racist
I have never felt so ashamed of who our president is and how he conducts him self
White House spokesman 'not familiar with' Chris Lane murder | The Daily Caller
If our country cannot start to undo this biased as well as racist agenda, were done

Is the Daily Caller even familiar with the case? Didn't they post the wrong photo for Mike Jones? Didn't they claim he was black? When in fact he is white.

I wouldn't worry about what the Caller said, they can't even get the facts right.

I don't know who printed the photo of one of the Black perps twice. It was probably the Local News or the Cops..... Or not.

But don't get your knickers in a knot over Daily Caller.... They're bigger than Politico. And they're bigger than the Chicago Tribune.

We're not talking a small outfit here.

Let me help ya

The senseless, infuriating murder of Australian Chris Lane has drawn comparisons, by some media outlets, to the killing of Trayvon Martin. Fox and Friends and The Daily Caller, for example, have each posited the Lane killing as illustrating some sort of “double standard” by black leaders like Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and President Barack Obama, but in the process, each of them falsely reported that Lane was shot by “three black teens,” when one of the suspects is clearly a white male. A Duncan, Oklahoma police source confirms, to Mediaite, that 17 year-old suspect Michael Jones is, indeed, a white male.

Now, remember when the police ID'd GZ as white and repubs went crazy saying the MEDIA did it.

Here is the media, for sensationalism, claiming that the WHITE dude is a BLACK dude.

C'mon lets hear the howls or racism!! Where is it?
this admin is so biased and racist
I have never felt so ashamed of who our president is and how he conducts him self
White House spokesman 'not familiar with' Chris Lane murder | The Daily Caller
If our country cannot start to undo this biased as well as racist agenda, were done

Is the Daily Caller even familiar with the case? Didn't they post the wrong photo for Mike Jones? Didn't they claim he was black? When in fact he is white.

I wouldn't worry about what the Caller said, they can't even get the facts right.

I don't know who printed the photo of one of the Black perps twice. It was probably the Local News or the Cops..... Or not.

But don't get your knickers in a knot over Daily Caller.... They're bigger than Politico. And they're bigger than the Chicago Tribune.

We're not talking a small outfit here.

The Daily Caller still has the wrong photo up. ;)
Allen West also claimed it was three black teens, a lie Fox and Friends repeated.
Is the Daily Caller even familiar with the case? Didn't they post the wrong photo for Mike Jones? Didn't they claim he was black? When in fact he is white.

I wouldn't worry about what the Caller said, they can't even get the facts right.

Can you provide a quote from our president on this matter?
he thought Trevon could be his son
we hav a case in which one could debate self defense that included a black victim and a hispanic "victim"
and a pure hate crime with a balck and a white victim

Why does one mean so much to Obama and not the other?

Again, I think that comment came months after the killing, following the constant media attention that was given to the case.

Can't fault a guy who works for the President for not knowing the details of a single homicide days after it happened, right?

Ding ding.
Is the Daily Caller even familiar with the case? Didn't they post the wrong photo for Mike Jones? Didn't they claim he was black? When in fact he is white.

I wouldn't worry about what the Caller said, they can't even get the facts right.

Can you provide a quote from our president on this matter?
he thought Trevon could be his son
we hav a case in which one could debate self defense that included a black victim and a hispanic "victim"
and a pure hate crime with a balck and a white victim

Why does one mean so much to Obama and not the other?

Again, I think that comment came months after the killing, following the constant media attention that was given to the case.

Can't fault a guy who works for the President for not knowing the details of a single homicide days after it happened, right?

It was just days. A few days after the racists Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (whose son is a convicted felon of a dimocrap scumbag politician from obama's home town) that the Stuttering Clusterfukk made his racist statement.

Congratulations dimocrap scum..... It's been a Hundred years but you finally got yourselves another racist in the White House.
Can you provide a quote from our president on this matter?
he thought Trevon could be his son
we hav a case in which one could debate self defense that included a black victim and a hispanic "victim"
and a pure hate crime with a balck and a white victim

Why does one mean so much to Obama and not the other?

Again, I think that comment came months after the killing, following the constant media attention that was given to the case.

Can't fault a guy who works for the President for not knowing the details of a single homicide days after it happened, right?

It was just days. A few days after the racists Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (whose son is a convicted felon of a dimocrap scumbag politician from obama's home town) that the Stuttering Clusterfukk made his racist statement.

Congratulations dimocrap scum..... It's been a Hundred years but you finally got yourselves another racist in the White House.

If you weren't such a pussy, I'd call you a dick.
So now the White House is to be briefed on every single homicide in the US of A.
My dog is going to be euthanized today from having a stroke, does the White House need to know about this death also?

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander
Its his BS, not mine and for that fact, not yours
The president needs to be in Chicago trying to stop blacks from killing blacks
he keeps sticking his nose where it does not belong
Trevon and GZ both made mistakes that the law stated that GZ had a right to defend him self
These ass-holes killed this innocent kid because he was white
GZ killed TM because TM was beating the shit out of him and BHO states he could have been his son
It is 100% BS

If GWB had done the same, I would feel no different
Can you provide a quote from our president on this matter?
he thought Trevon could be his son
we hav a case in which one could debate self defense that included a black victim and a hispanic "victim"
and a pure hate crime with a balck and a white victim

Why does one mean so much to Obama and not the other?

Again, I think that comment came months after the killing, following the constant media attention that was given to the case.

Can't fault a guy who works for the President for not knowing the details of a single homicide days after it happened, right?

Ding ding.

One liar backing up another liar's claim? It's the dimocrap way...

St Skittles was shot on Feb 26, 2012.

Zimmerman was questioned and let go.

Nobody was paying any attention to it.

Race hustlers finally got the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM to make a "Big Deal" out of it on March 13-15 when the HuffBlo, the NY Slimes, The Atlantic and Crimesider ALL run essentially the same stories. While the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Broadcast and Cable Media interviewed his mommy and daddy.

Zimmerman is still a free man. No charges are filed yet.

the Stuttering Clusterfukk of a RACIST piece of shit makes his infamous, "If I had son" racist comment on Mar 23, 2012.....

Before ANY charges are filed against Zimmerman.

On April 11, 2012 Angela Corey announces he will be charged and is in custody.

the Stuttering Clusterfukk made his comments three weeks before he was even arrested. Eric Himmler even started an investigation before he was charged at the State level.

We have a racist as president, people.

Just that simple
Can you provide a quote from our president on this matter?
he thought Trevon could be his son
we hav a case in which one could debate self defense that included a black victim and a hispanic "victim"
and a pure hate crime with a balck and a white victim

Why does one mean so much to Obama and not the other?

Again, I think that comment came months after the killing, following the constant media attention that was given to the case.

Can't fault a guy who works for the President for not knowing the details of a single homicide days after it happened, right?

It was just days. A few days after the racists Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (whose son is a convicted felon of a dimocrap scumbag politician from obama's home town) that the Stuttering Clusterfukk made his racist statement.

Congratulations dimocrap scum..... It's been a Hundred years but you finally got yourselves another racist in the White House.

Really? Obama made that comment about Trayvon being his son (or whatever he said) just days? I don't doubt you, just didn't know that.

I still think the Trayvon case got MUCH more media attention than this, which makes it more likely that the President will remark.

Again, don't think it's fair to fault the President every time an adviser is unaware of a homicide that happened days earlier, do you? It was not the President's place to comment on Trayvon, nor is it his to comment here...
Again, I think that comment came months after the killing, following the constant media attention that was given to the case.

Can't fault a guy who works for the President for not knowing the details of a single homicide days after it happened, right?

It was just days. A few days after the racists Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (whose son is a convicted felon of a dimocrap scumbag politician from obama's home town) that the Stuttering Clusterfukk made his racist statement.

Congratulations dimocrap scum..... It's been a Hundred years but you finally got yourselves another racist in the White House.

If you weren't such a pussy, I'd call you a dick.

oh, snap
(1) "The Cambridge Police acted stupidly"

(2) "If I had a son, he would have looked like Trayvon"

(3) "To prosecute the Philadelphia NBPP for voting rights violations would have been demeaning to my people"

That, along with the picture of Comrade Barack tossing the bust of Winston Churchill, which the British People had so generously donated to the American People, into the White House dumpster on Comrade Barack's first day in office is all you need to know to have a firm grasp on this administration's racial bias..

According to former DOJ Voting Rights Section attorney, J Christian Adams, AG Eric Holder also carries with him in his wallet at all times, a scrap of paper with the following words "The black attorney has more in common with the black criminal than the black attorney has with the society he is sworn to represent" Whither the statue of the "Blind Justice" or is it simply a very plain, nose on your face instance of "Black Skin Color Uber Alles"? Comrade Barack appears to be completely unbothered by Comrade Holders very obvious racial bias as are the heads, owners, editors, and publishers of the various news media organizations, the AP, the NYT, the WaPo, ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC to name a few. If the shoe were on the other foot and it were a Republican AG who let his racial bias hang out to such an extent for all to see, the hem and the haw, the sound and the fury, the froth and the spittle that would be emanating from these august news organizations would make an a naive bystander think that Hurricane Audrey had just made landfall.
The news heads must all be of the opinion that it just feels so good when Comrade Barack uses the KY Jelly.
So now the White House is to be briefed on every single homicide in the US of A.
My dog is going to be euthanized today from having a stroke, does the White House need to know about this death also?

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander
Its his BS, not mine and for that fact, not yours
The president needs to be in Chicago trying to stop blacks from killing blacks
he keeps sticking his nose where it does not belong
Trevon and GZ both made mistakes that the law stated that GZ had a right to defend him self
These ass-holes killed this innocent kid because he was white
GZ killed TM because TM was beating the shit out of him and BHO states he could have been his son
It is 100% BS

If GWB had done the same, I would feel no different

How do you know why they killed him, there has been no trial.
Again, I think that comment came months after the killing, following the constant media attention that was given to the case.

Can't fault a guy who works for the President for not knowing the details of a single homicide days after it happened, right?

Ding ding.

One liar backing up another liar's claim? It's the dimocrap way...

St Skittles was shot on Feb 26, 2012.

Zimmerman was questioned and let go.

Nobody was paying any attention to it.

Race hustlers finally got the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM to make a "Big Deal" out of it on March 13-15 when the HuffBlo, the NY Slimes, The Atlantic and Crimesider ALL run essentially the same stories. While the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Broadcast and Cable Media interviewed his mommy and daddy.

Zimmerman is still a free man. No charges are filed yet.

the Stuttering Clusterfukk of a RACIST piece of shit makes his infamous, "If I had son" racist comment on Mar 23, 2012.....

Before ANY charges are filed against Zimmerman.

On April 11, 2012 Angela Corey announces he will be charged and is in custody.

the Stuttering Clusterfukk made his comments three weeks before he was even arrested. Eric Himmler even started an investigation before he was charged at the State level.

We have a racist as president, people.

Just that simple

3 years ago I would have dis agreed with you
2 years ago?
100% racisit
I live in the south and know not one minority that is as racist as he is
(1) "The Cambridge Police acted stupidly"

(2) "If I had a son, he would have looked like Trayvon"

(3) "To prosecute the Philadelphia NBPP for voting rights violations would have been demeaning to my people"

That, along with the picture of Comrade Barack tossing the bust of Winston Churchill, which the British People had so generously donated to the American People, into the White House dumpster on Comrade Barack's first day in office is all you need to know to have a firm grasp on this administration's racial bias..

According to former DOJ Voting Rights Section attorney, J Christian Adams, AG Eric Holder also carries with him in his wallet at all times, a scrap of paper with the following words "The black attorney has more in common with the black criminal than the black attorney has with the society he is sworn to represent" Whither the statue of the "Blind Justice" or is it simply a very plain, nose on your face instance of "Black Skin Color Uber Alles"? Comrade Barack appears to be completely unbothered by Comrade Holders very obvious racial bias as are the heads, owners, editors, and publishers of the various news media organizations, the AP, the NYT, the WaPo, ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC to name a few. If the shoe were on the other foot and it were a Republican AG who let his racial bias hang out to such an extent for all to see, the hem and the haw, the sound and the fury, the froth and the spittle that would be emanating from these august news organizations would make an a naive bystander think that Hurricane Audrey had just made landfall.
The news heads must all be of the opinion that it just feels so good when Comrade Barack uses the KY Jelly.

White people are the Godsend of the human race. Ha!
I think, more importantly, the question is "Why hasn't the Main Stream Media become more "invested" in this story"?

I mean, for three weeks we heard, day after day, night after night, about the ridiculous "rodeo clown" and how HORRIBLE this was.

Yet, nothing but crickets from ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, et al.

Geeee..it's almost like they have an agenda....

You must not be paying much attention as it has been all over the news. There also isn't much to cover here as the perps were arrested within hours of the murder, pretty cut and dry.

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