White House Petition To Strip Citizenship Of Signers To Seccession Petition

There are no "remaining military" weapons systems. It all belongs to the USA.

As the USA troops leave Texas, the Mexican army rolls across the Rio Grande and its AF patrols the skies.
I wonder if Lincoln expected soldiers from the South to move north taking their weapons with them and fight against their home states.

Strarkey, I'd already flagged you as a bit of an airhead in some exchange we had some time ago. Obviously, I had been to lenient.
Meathead is pumped full of hot air! Silly goof thinking Texas could exist by itself outside of the union. The Mexican army would tear the state apart.

There are no "remaining military" weapons systems. It all belongs to the USA.

As the USA troops leave Texas, the Mexican army rolls across the Rio Grande and its AF patrols the skies.
I wonder if Lincoln expected soldiers from the South to move north taking their weapons with them and fight against their home states.

Strarkey, I'd already flagged you as a bit of an airhead in some exchange we had some time ago. Obviously, I had been to lenient.
Meathead is pumped full of hot air! Silly goof thinking Texas could exist by itself outside of the union. The Mexican army would tear the state apart.

There are no "remaining military" weapons systems. It all belongs to the USA.

As the USA troops leave Texas, the Mexican army rolls across the Rio Grande and its AF patrols the skies.
I wonder if Lincoln expected soldiers from the South to move north taking their weapons with them and fight against their home states.

Strarkey, I'd already flagged you as a bit of an airhead in some exchange we had some time ago. Obviously, I had been to lenient.
You are joking, right? The Mexican Army take on Texas?! They couldn't 160 years ago when they actually had something of an army, and they're going to do so now? Seriously? It is stunning why anyone would even think that. It is doubtful that Mexico could defeat Belize, Honduras or El Salvatore let alone Texas.

Yeah, they'll attack as soon as they get their tank repaired. lol
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Meathead will denying reality as his life's blood seeps into the soil, his last look at the Mexican solider who bayoneted him for being called a greaser.
I suspect that a whole lot of Americans would elect to leave TEXAS if it seceded.

Because while many right wingers truly dispise Obama, and are not happy about the USA, they are still patriotic Americans, first and citizens of TEXAS second.

States righters who still long for a return of the CSA, of course, have never felt that way, so such a POV is a complete mystery to them.
Here are some facts and frequently believed misconceptions about Texas secession:

— Fact or fiction? As a condition of its admission to the Union, Texas was given the unilateral power to return to its former Lone Star Republic status if it so chose.


Texas Gov. Rick Perry is responsible for spreading this widely held misconception. Three years ago, he declared, ”When we came into the Union in 1845, one of the issues was that we’d be able to leave if we decided to do that.”

That’s just plain not true.

Texas has no right to secede. The bottom line is that any state — or confederation of states — can illegally secede from the Union. But the result, as we discovered in 1861, is Civil War.

Some facts and fiction for Texans who want state to secede from U.S. | Texas Regional News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News
Meathead will denying reality as his life's blood seeps into the soil, his last look at the Mexican solider who bayoneted him for being called a greaser.
We are talking about Mexico, right? Do you realize that Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican national holiday is not a day of independence, rather and the Alamo were the only time Mexico ever won battles any larger than gun fights with banditos (The Battle of Puebla) and that was against the French btw:D. In both cases they were quickly routed in the ensuing conflict.

The Mexicans would be as outclassed as you are in this little squabble.
69 petitions covering all 50 states have been circulated to secede from the united States.

The White House threatened stripping citizenship of anyone who signs it.

Kind of harsh don't you think?

White House Threatens Citizenship and Exile Secession Petition*Signers
source: The Weekly Standard

A White House petition gathering force calls for citizenship to be stripped and exile for anyone who signs a petition in favor of a state’s*secession.

“Mr. President, please sign an executive order such that each American citizen who signed a petition from any state to secede from the USA shall have their citizenship stripped and be peacefully deported,” the full petition reads.*

The title of the petition is, “WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede and Exile Them.”

As of this writing, 2,205 have signed the petition; 22,795 more signatures are needed for the issue to be addressed by the White House.

The Washington Times reports on the numerous petitions to secede on the White House’s website:

It’s traditional for Americans to threaten to move to*France*or*Canada*when their candidate loses, but this year some disappointed voters are implementing a different plan.

In the wake of the Nov. 6 election, petitions seeking to secede from the union have been filed on behalf of 23 states on the*White House*website, https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions. Most of the petitions contain the same wording and ask to withdraw “peacefully” from the United States in order to form independent governments.

FEMA death camps
I suspect that a whole lot of Americans would elect to leave TEXAS if it seceded.

Because while many right wingers truly dispise Obama, and are not happy about the USA, they are still patriotic Americans, first and citizens of TEXAS second.

States righters who still long for a return of the CSA, of course, have never felt that way, so such a POV is a complete mystery to them.
A lot of Americans would when they find out what's going to happen to their food stamps and welfare checks. I wish this wasn't just a hypothetical scenario!
You apparently do not know Mexican history at all.

Go back and study just the War of Texas Aggression, and tell us just what of the 13 battles the Texans won, hmmm?

You Texans would stand no chance against any modern military.

Meathead will denying reality as his life's blood seeps into the soil, his last look at the Mexican solider who bayoneted him for being called a greaser.
We are talking about Mexico, right? Do you realize that Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican national holiday is not a day of independence, rather and the Alamo were the only time Mexico ever won battles any larger than gun fights with banditos (The Battle of Puebla) and that was against the French btw:D. In both cases they were quickly routed in the ensuing conflict. The Mexicans would be as outclassed as you are in this little squabble.
You apparently do not know Mexican history at all.

Go back and study just the War of Texas Aggression, and tell us just what of the 13 battles the Texans won, hmmm?

You Texans would stand no chance against any modern military.

Meathead will denying reality as his life's blood seeps into the soil, his last look at the Mexican solider who bayoneted him for being called a greaser.
We are talking about Mexico, right? Do you realize that Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican national holiday is not a day of independence, rather and the Alamo were the only time Mexico ever won battles any larger than gun fights with banditos (The Battle of Puebla) and that was against the French btw:D. In both cases they were quickly routed in the ensuing conflict. The Mexicans would be as outclassed as you are in this little squabble.

Dear Jake: I don't think it will necessarily be military force, but financial separation of resources invested into alternative solutions and systems equally protected under law.

I would compare to the historical split from corrupt Catholic authority by the Lutheran Reformation, for followers of the law to govern themselves by the law and not by some corruption of it for economic or political control by abuse of authority. the same process of liberating the church from corruption, by teaching people the law directly, is already happening with the state, for very similar reasons. We do indeed need to learn from history, which is repeating itself. We can avoid bloodshed and violence if we understand what is happening and work through this civilly to move toward independent self-govt by "localized" democratically run programs and systems, while remaining under a central govt that is no longer overburdened with programs outside its intended jursidiction.
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Emily, clap trap.

The pseudo-intellectualism of the far right, the pseudo-science of the far right, the religious bigotry of the far right -- none of that will wash anymore.

We will follow the sensible conservatives of the party, not you flaming reactionaries anymore.

Dear Jake: Which group are you throwing me in with?
I'm a Constitutionalist who believes in defending prochoice equally as prolife, pro-gay marriage equally as the views of those against. I believe in respecting, protecting, and including the beliefs of people from the various parties equally as distinct religions.

What do you call that Jake?
if I equally respect the consent of people from all over the spectrum, whether far right or left or moderates like myself who put Constitutional equality and inclusion above any personal biases or beliefs any person or party might have that the rest do not share.

The closest terms I have found for what I believe are either isocracy or isonomy.
Autocracy is close but it doesn't cover how to deal with relations with people/groups
of differing even opposing beliefs. Under isonomy, all people/groups would be responsible for living by, enforcing and supporting their own policies; and only where these agree do you have public policy that covers all the population. For religious conflicts, these are kept private and separate instead of imposing one policy on others who disagree religiously. I am still working on enforcing that concept, and now political beliefs are in need of this same separtion of party from govt, similar to separation of church from state, or private policy from public policy, whatever you call this distinction to be fair to all people from all groups.

Jake I don't just react by rejecting things, I look to align with each group or person on what we agree on so we can formulate SOLUTIONS that DON'T exclude or impose on others.

Please let me know what you think I am doing wrong by trying to work with and include all people, and all views religious or political. Can you tell me what you would label this besides being a Constitutionalist?
You apparently do not know Mexican history at all.

Go back and study just the War of Texas Aggression, and tell us just what of the 13 battles the Texans won, hmmm?

You Texans would stand no chance against any modern military.

Meathead will denying reality as his life's blood seeps into the soil, his last look at the Mexican solider who bayoneted him for being called a greaser.
We are talking about Mexico, right? Do you realize that Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican national holiday is not a day of independence, rather and the Alamo were the only time Mexico ever won battles any larger than gun fights with banditos (The Battle of Puebla) and that was against the French btw:D. In both cases they were quickly routed in the ensuing conflict. The Mexicans would be as outclassed as you are in this little squabble.
You're an idiot and I've never been to Texas.
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Jefferson fought the anti-intellectualism, the anti-science, and religious fundamentalism in his party in 1800. Same thing today in the conservative party.

Dear Jake: Again I must ask which of these groups do you pigeonhole me into?
I am really curious now, because I sympathize with Jefferson, and I consider it a compliment when people who are either Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, Christian or nontheist, both appreciate my views that defend and include their views equally.

I work with the Democrats as a member, and a resident in a Black Democrat District; and align so much with Republicans, Libertarians, and other independent "Constitutionalists" as I describe my own views, that more conservatives will tell me I don't belong in the Democrat Party because it is so corrupt and has gone too far with liberal leftwing agenda. I figure I come across as moderate, yet inclusive enough that I can work with both far right wing as well as far left wing, as long as they don't start freaking out and projecting their fear of some opposing group onto me. I hope I have not done that with you here, but it happens.

If you were addessing me as one of the Reactionaries tearing apart the GOP can you please explain what msg you got this from? Or were you not directing that criticism to me and I misread your msg? Sorry for any misunderstanding, but I get "curiouser and curiouser"....
69 petitions covering all 50 states have been circulated to secede from the united States.

The White House threatened stripping citizenship of anyone who signs it.

Kind of harsh don't you think?

White House Threatens Citizenship and Exile Secession Petition*Signers
source: The Weekly Standard

A White House petition gathering force calls for citizenship to be stripped and exile for anyone who signs a petition in favor of a state’s*secession.

“Mr. President, please sign an executive order such that each American citizen who signed a petition from any state to secede from the USA shall have their citizenship stripped and be peacefully deported,” the full petition reads.*

The title of the petition is, “WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede and Exile Them.”

As of this writing, 2,205 have signed the petition; 22,795 more signatures are needed for the issue to be addressed by the White House.

The Washington Times reports on the numerous petitions to secede on the White House’s website:

It’s traditional for Americans to threaten to move to*France*or*Canada*when their candidate loses, but this year some disappointed voters are implementing a different plan.

In the wake of the Nov. 6 election, petitions seeking to secede from the union have been filed on behalf of 23 states on the*White House*website, https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions. Most of the petitions contain the same wording and ask to withdraw “peacefully” from the United States in order to form independent governments.

A petition to do something to those who sign a petition....What fun! Where do I sign?
Some random person submits a mocking petition for those stupid secesh ones, and Mud here thinks it's "The White House."

How embarrassing for the OP.

The petition asking the president to sign an executive order was posted on the White House site here: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/pe...igned-petition-secede-and-exile-them/ZbMjcwPf

I love it when liberals turn out to be wrong.
No, some idiot named "Douglas H" from Escondido, CA started a petition, the same way those skullfucks who started a petition to secede did.

Not "The White House."

Sheesh. This isn't very hard. THINK!

I'll have to look this guy up and thank him...He only lives one town over....lol

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