White House orders end to COVID-19 airport screenings for international travelers

Why is the president doing all he can to make the problem with the virus worse?

The man has known how deadly and contagious this virus is since at least last January, yet he keeps doing all he can to spread it more. How many more deaths are needed before he stops taking these totally irresponsible and deadly actions?

This will bring the virus here from overseas to spread, cause death and further destroy our nation.

Why was there never a national standard on air travel during this pandemic?

Remember, Trump and his Trumpsters exist within their own isolated, separate, entirely closed-circuit reality.

What may seem ridiculous and strange in normal world, is smart and cool and The Truth and manly and MAGA in that world.

Once you see the distinction, many of their actions begin to make more sense.
Did anyone read the post right above this one?
Why is the president doing all he can to make the problem with the virus worse?

The man has known how deadly and contagious this virus is since at least last January, yet he keeps doing all he can to spread it more. How many more deaths are needed before he stops taking these totally irresponsible and deadly actions?

This will bring the virus here from overseas to spread, cause death and further destroy our nation.

Why was there never a national standard on air travel during this pandemic?

Remember, Trump and his Trumpsters exist within their own isolated, separate, entirely closed-circuit reality.

What may seem ridiculous and strange in normal world, is smart and cool and The Truth and manly and MAGA in that world.

Once you see the distinction, many of their actions begin to make more sense.

I wasn't able to find the complete list of those 15 airports but I found a list of 13 of them. Notice that 3 out of the 13 are red states. While 10 of them are blue states.

trump and his followers see things in the context of us versus them.

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Why is the president doing all he can to make the problem with the virus worse?

The man has known how deadly and contagious this virus is since at least last January, yet he keeps doing all he can to spread it more. How many more deaths are needed before he stops taking these totally irresponsible and deadly actions?

This will bring the virus here from overseas to spread, cause death and further destroy our nation.

Why was there never a national standard on air travel during this pandemic?

fake news with no source,,,

It's real, but the OP says it was Trump's decision when it was really the CDC's. From another source:

The CDC said it was ending the screenings due to a better understanding of the coronavirus that indicated that the symptom-based screening has “limited effectiveness because people with COVID-19 may have no symptoms or fever at the time of screening, or only mild symptoms.”

“Therefore, CDC is shifting its strategy and prioritizing other public health measures to reduce the risk of travel-related disease transmission,” the agency said.

A Trump administration official told CNN that a draft public affairs guidance memo lays out the rationale for ending airport screenings, stating that of the 675,000 passengers screened at 15 airports, fewer than 15 have been identified as having COVID-19.

So what the CDC is saying is that it's a waste of time because for one, Covid is hard to stop since it can't be detected in it's early stages, and two, 15 people out of nearly 700,000 is so few that the cost to taxpayers and flight customers doesn't justify it. In my city, we have 15 new cases discovered every single day, and usually more.

This is precious. I have to say the irony is thick. So now, it's the CDC that's responsible for ending the testing? I wonder who could have suggested that?
And I find it deeply amusing that you accused Obama of ending the redundant testing for the H1N1 virus when it was the CDC that just did the..exact..same..thing.
You Trump supporters really have jumped the shark. :auiqs.jpg:

I don't recall saying anything about Hussein and H1N1. Can you tell me, WTF would Trump end the testing; what would be in it for him? He's not in charge of it, and it's really not his business. Most of what took place under President Trump in regards to this virus were at the directives of the CDC, FDA, Fauci and Birx. This is no different.

Read my link. Since January and 675,000 people later, only 14 cases of Covid discovered. Do you really think we should be spending the time and money for that?
The man has known how deadly and contagious this virus is since at least last January, yet he keeps doing all he can to spread it more.

If this virus is so deadly why is Nancy Pelosi sneaking out to get a 'rinse and blow' while keeping other people's businesses shuttered....

...and why are Democrat politicians supporting and facilitating the foreign-funded Domestic Terrorists' continuing riots, looting, burning, assaulting, murdering, flag burning, especially when they are not social distancing & the only ones wearing masks are those committing smart enough to want to hide their identities??????

And if masks are effective, why didn't the Democrats give them to prison inmates instead of releasing them?

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