White fear of demographic change is a powerful psychological force


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Excellent study

Richeson’s studies on interracial interactions had taught her that when people are in the majority, the sense of their race is dormant. But the prospect of being in the minority can suddenly make white identity — and all the historical privilege that comes with it — salient. And, she guessed, the prospect of losing majority status was likely to make people (perhaps unconsciously) uneasy.

White fear of demographic change is a powerful psychological force
What privilege? What a bunch of crap.

Don't be stupid...but I know that is not possible.
Fuck your nonsense about white privilege.

Excellent study

Richeson’s studies on interracial interactions had taught her that when people are in the majority, the sense of their race is dormant. But the prospect of being in the minority can suddenly make white identity — and all the historical privilege that comes with it — salient. And, she guessed, the prospect of losing majority status was likely to make people (perhaps unconsciously) uneasy.

White fear of demographic change is a powerful psychological force
great study but it leaves out how demographics are measured by the majority, so "white" was never an established definite term, the irish and the italians were not considered white at one point, hispanics were counted as white until the 1980's. there is still alot of different answers when it comes to jewish people or muslims who are white, or mixed race like is Obama black or white. if we go by the old racist one drop rule that used to be law in America then we have actually had a black president before Obama. If we go by skin tone alone, well a black and white couple can produce both black and white kids, even twins can come out with one looking black and the other completely white with blonde hair and blue eyes. So since race itself is an imaginary construct, then its definitions can change at anytime

It also leaves out countries like South Africa where a system of white supremacy exists despite whites having always been in the minority.
What privilege? What a bunch of crap.

Don't be stupid...but I know that is not possible.
Of course simple minds buy into the lie that minorities are mistreated in America.

America elected a black man POTUS twice, the top rated TV show (Oprah) for 2.5 DECADES starred a black woman...and she is one of the RICHEST people in the whole f-ing world. Our entertainment, academia, professional sports, and business world have numerous successful minorities.

So...don't be stupid. Don't buy the lies of the radical left.
What privilege? What a bunch of crap.

Don't be stupid...but I know that is not possible.
Of course simple minds buy into the lie that minorities are mistreated in America.

America elected a black man POTUS twice, the top rated TV show (Oprah) for 2.5 DECADES starred a black woman...and she is one of the RICHEST people in the whole f-ing world. Our entertainment, academia, professional sports, and business world have numerous successful minorities.

So...don't be stupid. Don't buy the lies of the radical left.
nazi propaganda
What privilege? What a bunch of crap.

Don't be stupid...but I know that is not possible.
Of course simple minds buy into the lie that minorities are mistreated in America.

America elected a black man POTUS twice, the top rated TV show (Oprah) for 2.5 DECADES starred a black woman...and she is one of the RICHEST people in the whole f-ing world. Our entertainment, academia, professional sports, and business world have numerous successful minorities.

So...don't be stupid. Don't buy the lies of the radical left.
nazi propaganda
Yeah...truth is nazi propaganda and lies are now truth.

I believe it was a CIA director who said they controlled most of the MSM and they would know of their total success, once all Americans believed lies rather than truth.
What privilege? What a bunch of crap.

Don't be stupid...but I know that is not possible.
Of course simple minds buy into the lie that minorities are mistreated in America.

America elected a black man POTUS twice, the top rated TV show (Oprah) for 2.5 DECADES starred a black woman...and she is one of the RICHEST people in the whole f-ing world. Our entertainment, academia, professional sports, and business world have numerous successful minorities.

So...don't be stupid. Don't buy the lies of the radical left.
nazi propaganda
Yeah...truth is nazi propaganda and lies are now truth.

I believe it was a CIA director who said they controlled most of the MSM and they would know of their total success, once all Americans believed lies rather than truth.
let me guess.... he was jewish
I'm not white and I fear the end of white America, but not because I'm whitewashed.

Rather, the end of white America is being replaced by a sort of racial chaos. There is no other group that is dominating, but rather a mish mash of all sorts of competing groups. It does not bode well.
Excellent study

Richeson’s studies on interracial interactions had taught her that when people are in the majority, the sense of their race is dormant. But the prospect of being in the minority can suddenly make white identity — and all the historical privilege that comes with it — salient. And, she guessed, the prospect of losing majority status was likely to make people (perhaps unconsciously) uneasy.

White fear of demographic change is a powerful psychological force

Certainly the facts back this up. Western style counties that have the most cultural, ethnic, and racial homogeneity are the happiest in the world despite their differing political systems. Nothing new here.

World Happiness Report - Wikipedia
Global Peace Index - Wikipedia

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Excellent study

Richeson’s studies on interracial interactions had taught her that when people are in the majority, the sense of their race is dormant. But the prospect of being in the minority can suddenly make white identity — and all the historical privilege that comes with it — salient. And, she guessed, the prospect of losing majority status was likely to make people (perhaps unconsciously) uneasy.

White fear of demographic change is a powerful psychological force
How do you think the Native Americans felt while watching themselves become a minority in their own land?
Wow.....this Richeson fellow is a real genius. Pffft

Show me any people that likes being demographically overtaken in their own lands.
Excellent study

Richeson’s studies on interracial interactions had taught her that when people are in the majority, the sense of their race is dormant. But the prospect of being in the minority can suddenly make white identity — and all the historical privilege that comes with it — salient. And, she guessed, the prospect of losing majority status was likely to make people (perhaps unconsciously) uneasy.

White fear of demographic change is a powerful psychological force
How do you think the Native Americans felt while watching themselves become a minority in their own land?
Wow.....this Richeson fellow is a real genius. Pffft

Show me any people that likes being demographically overtaken in their own lands.
And you will have to get used to it , right now white christians are just 45 percent of the population down from 56 just a few years ago

'New American Century': White Christians Now Minority - Breitbart

Excellent study

Richeson’s studies on interracial interactions had taught her that when people are in the majority, the sense of their race is dormant. But the prospect of being in the minority can suddenly make white identity — and all the historical privilege that comes with it — salient. And, she guessed, the prospect of losing majority status was likely to make people (perhaps unconsciously) uneasy.

White fear of demographic change is a powerful psychological force
How do you think the Native Americans felt while watching themselves become a minority in their own land?
Wow.....this Richeson fellow is a real genius. Pffft

Show me any people that likes being demographically overtaken in their own lands.
And you will have to get used to it , right now white christians are just 45 percent of the population down from 56 just a few years ago

'New American Century': White Christians Now Minority - Breitbart

Or we can kick them out in a bloody civil war.
Excellent study

Richeson’s studies on interracial interactions had taught her that when people are in the majority, the sense of their race is dormant. But the prospect of being in the minority can suddenly make white identity — and all the historical privilege that comes with it — salient. And, she guessed, the prospect of losing majority status was likely to make people (perhaps unconsciously) uneasy.

White fear of demographic change is a powerful psychological force
How do you think the Native Americans felt while watching themselves become a minority in their own land?
Wow.....this Richeson fellow is a real genius. Pffft

Show me any people that likes being demographically overtaken in their own lands.
And you will have to get used to it , right now white christians are just 45 percent of the population down from 56 just a few years ago

'New American Century': White Christians Now Minority - Breitbart


Yes, but whites as a whole are net tax payers while blacks are net tax takers. When the demographics shift whites will do as they've always done, move away and take their money elsewhere. Blacks will be left with the same corrupt government officials they chose to vote for, violence that they ignore, and failing schools that they created. There are minorities across the world who hold the financial power of a nation despite rampant discrimination. The Chinese in Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, and Vietnam are a good example of this. Jews have held financial power in a number of countries where they are the minority. The difference is that these minority groups excel in the face of adversity, they don't fail and blame the majority. Whites are a victim of their own ability to delay instant gratification. For example, they wear rubbers and are less likely to accedently have children they can't afford. That means when whites do have children it's because they want to and take a personal interest in educating and raising their children. Folks who have fatherless children derived from going home with a guy they just met at the club are far less likely to devote themselves to their children who will repeat the cycle when they mimick the behavior of their mother who brings a new man into the house every week or two. Or perhaps mimick the behavior of their absentee dad who considers himself a player and falsely passes himself off as a provider by buying expensive cars and cloths disputes living in the projects. When blacks seize the majority they will either need to adopt white culture or drive the US into third world status. However, blacks are not likely to seize the majority because one demographic breeds children they didn't mean to have at an alarmingly higher rate: South and Centrial Americans. And if blacks believe they will get a better deal under Hispanic/Latino rule they are sorely mistaken. South and Centrial Americans come to the US fleeing the governments and economies they created and will only recreate the disasters they fled from when they are the majority unless they adopt the white model.
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