White fans, black players

Football teams are based and defined by the cities they are based out of.
Fans identify with their teams as representatives of themselves and their cities.

It is a unifying tradition.

Exactly, so stop being a troll

My point about the fact that the white fans having no problem seeing majority black teams as "them", as strong evidence against the claim that White America is racist,

is pretty much the opposite of trolling.

Try to be less dishonest.

The only time they want to see blacks win is when hes, running jumping or has a ball. And youre trolling. Period
Wow, you sure do have a MASSIVE chip on your shoulder.
I don't hate white people, in the same way that I don't hate Tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature.

I understand how white people think.

The past and present and future of black ppl concern me the most and in that history white people are the main evil.

Who has the Nation of Islam hurt? Islam is a barbaric religion that enslaves women. Yes, enslaves. You'd think blacks would be more sensitive to that sort of thing.
Who has the nation enslaved ?
Anything having to do with Islam enslaves women.
Where sports cuts through all this bullshit isn't in a bunch of fatasses watching a bunch of athletes, it's in a bunch of regular folks really playing the sport together. Who of any race can really relate to the greatest athletes in the world - and also multi-millionaires - mostly from a distance or through a box? Go down to the local park and see a bunch of guys playing a pickup game. Go to your local high school and see a bunch of kids working hard, smart, and together. Go to a local gym and see a bunch of guys (yes, I know, and gals) punching/grappling/throwing each other and being careful and respectful of one another at the same time. You'll see people of all races, backgrounds, religions, whatever. Give people a chance and they will keep the stupid, divisive bullshit the numbskulls drone on about here to the side. Sport is a great way of letting that happen where circumstance might otherwise not often provide.

This thread is about the success, the unremarked upon success, of Spectator Sports to "cut through all this bullshit".

And though it does not make sense, plenty of regular folks, really DO "relate" and/or as I put it, identify with these multi-millionaires, and feel part of their victories and defeats.

My position that this is powerful evidence AGAINST the claims of many on the Left that America, specifically White America, is a racist and oppressive place.

I do think there is an emotional connection with the team and admiration for the players and I think the fans could care less what race the players are. In that respect I agree that professional sports not only helped break down cultural barriers re race, but once those barriers came down, it has been among the least racist components in American culture. At least until this silly Anthem protest started.

Somebody mentioned Jackie Robinson. He entered professional sports 70 years ago well before civil rights became a national issue and before there were any formal efforts at desegregation in the armed forces here and abroad, in America, in Europe, in colonial Africa, largely everywhere. During the mid 20th Century there was segregation pretty much everywhere in the industrialized world.

Abraham Lincoln did issue an emancipation proclamation to free the slaves in the Confederacy--not in the Union slave states--and held a personal theory that the black people should be deported to Liberia or British colonies elsewhere. Typical of the culture of his time, he was a segregationist opposing the mixing of the races and interracial marriage between black and white was unthinkable.

Even Charles Darwin who proposed that all of humankind descended from a common ancestor also taught that natural selection produced a superior race among Anglo-Saxons and an inferior race in African black people. And now 99.9% of school curriculum includes his theory of evolution but ignores his theory of racial superiority.

Up to the mid 20th Century, segregation was widely the cultural norm throughout the free world. To think that the USA was somehow the only 'villain' of 20th Century culture is just silly.

And I do credit sports, including professional sports, as an important factor in changing that culture and begin breaking down the cultural/emotional barriers. It is worth noting that had not a large majority of white people wanted those barriers down, it would never have happened.

So now black professional football players, with their less black teammates supporting them in solidarity, are protesting police brutality by disrespecting the National Anthem and the flag that has made it possible for them to live a lifestyle that the huge majority of us can only imagine?

What kind of sense does that make? Do a demonstration by wearing a certain color ribbon or picketing a police station if they feel strongly about it.

But don't disrespect us all and think they are winning converts to their cause by disrespecting our flag and National Anthem. And don't give us the really ignorant statement that they aren't disrespecting their country or those of us who love it. They hurt their cause by disrespecting millions in a way that only makes them look like arrogant hateful jerks. And telling us that isn't their intent makes about as much sense as any other rude and boorish people telling us it was not their intent to be rude or boorish to us but only to those other people.
What kind of sense does it make for you to claim the flag and the racist national anthem made it possible for them to live a lifestyle? The flag or the anthem doesnt have shit to do with the hard work they put in to become athletes. If people have a problem with their political views they are free to go watch Nascar, pig wrestling or pumpkin seed spitting instead.

That Anthem and that flag represent the very concept of freedom from oppression (originally from an oppressive English monarchy) and then was the standard under which millions risked all, bled, and died so that we now have a culture in which nobody is held back in much of anything other than their physical/mental limitations in part, but mostly by the choices they make.

To disrespect the National Anthem and that flag is to thumb your nose at all the effort, risk, and cost of all those who have created the free, prosperous society we now have with all the opportunity it offers to everybody regardless of race, ethnicity, gender etc.

Is there still injustice? Yes. But it is not all the fault of those who got us from there to here.

Is there still cruelty, hatred, racism? Yes. But it is not hte fault of all those who got us from there to here.

If I treat you rudely and explain to you that I am not disrespecting you personally but rather somebody else who deserves it, how much are you going to believe that? To disrespect the National Anthem and flag of a people who don't deserve that disrespect just to protest something wrong in society makes no sense either.

And if we can't focus on what is wrong without condemning everybody, it is going to be a much more miserable world for all.

The anthem is a racist representation of white americans feelings towards Blacks. Fuck the anthem. Symbols dont do anything. They didnt put in the work the athletes did so spare me that bullshit. If you think thats thumbing my nose then thats your issue. I'm busy protesting the racist anthem and police brutality.

If some white person came to me and said I object to you wearing a Malcolm X shirt because he didnt like whites I would say "cool" and go about my day. I wouldnt get upset because whites took a knee when I walked by.

My hope is that all the symbols whites revere that harken back to their racism are destroyed eventually. Will I lose sleep over it? Nope but I will enjoy seeing them dismantled.

And I think it is extremely racist to label the National Anthem as racist when there isn't a single symbol, noun, adjective, or reference to race in it.
This thread is about the success, the unremarked upon success, of Spectator Sports to "cut through all this bullshit".

And though it does not make sense, plenty of regular folks, really DO "relate" and/or as I put it, identify with these multi-millionaires, and feel part of their victories and defeats.

My position that this is powerful evidence AGAINST the claims of many on the Left that America, specifically White America, is a racist and oppressive place.

I do think there is an emotional connection with the team and admiration for the players and I think the fans could care less what race the players are. In that respect I agree that professional sports not only helped break down cultural barriers re race, but once those barriers came down, it has been among the least racist components in American culture. At least until this silly Anthem protest started.

Somebody mentioned Jackie Robinson. He entered professional sports 70 years ago well before civil rights became a national issue and before there were any formal efforts at desegregation in the armed forces here and abroad, in America, in Europe, in colonial Africa, largely everywhere. During the mid 20th Century there was segregation pretty much everywhere in the industrialized world.

Abraham Lincoln did issue an emancipation proclamation to free the slaves in the Confederacy--not in the Union slave states--and held a personal theory that the black people should be deported to Liberia or British colonies elsewhere. Typical of the culture of his time, he was a segregationist opposing the mixing of the races and interracial marriage between black and white was unthinkable.

Even Charles Darwin who proposed that all of humankind descended from a common ancestor also taught that natural selection produced a superior race among Anglo-Saxons and an inferior race in African black people. And now 99.9% of school curriculum includes his theory of evolution but ignores his theory of racial superiority.

Up to the mid 20th Century, segregation was widely the cultural norm throughout the free world. To think that the USA was somehow the only 'villain' of 20th Century culture is just silly.

And I do credit sports, including professional sports, as an important factor in changing that culture and begin breaking down the cultural/emotional barriers. It is worth noting that had not a large majority of white people wanted those barriers down, it would never have happened.

So now black professional football players, with their less black teammates supporting them in solidarity, are protesting police brutality by disrespecting the National Anthem and the flag that has made it possible for them to live a lifestyle that the huge majority of us can only imagine?

What kind of sense does that make? Do a demonstration by wearing a certain color ribbon or picketing a police station if they feel strongly about it.

But don't disrespect us all and think they are winning converts to their cause by disrespecting our flag and National Anthem. And don't give us the really ignorant statement that they aren't disrespecting their country or those of us who love it. They hurt their cause by disrespecting millions in a way that only makes them look like arrogant hateful jerks. And telling us that isn't their intent makes about as much sense as any other rude and boorish people telling us it was not their intent to be rude or boorish to us but only to those other people.
What kind of sense does it make for you to claim the flag and the racist national anthem made it possible for them to live a lifestyle? The flag or the anthem doesnt have shit to do with the hard work they put in to become athletes. If people have a problem with their political views they are free to go watch Nascar, pig wrestling or pumpkin seed spitting instead.

That Anthem and that flag represent the very concept of freedom from oppression (originally from an oppressive English monarchy) and then was the standard under which millions risked all, bled, and died so that we now have a culture in which nobody is held back in much of anything other than their physical/mental limitations in part, but mostly by the choices they make.

To disrespect the National Anthem and that flag is to thumb your nose at all the effort, risk, and cost of all those who have created the free, prosperous society we now have with all the opportunity it offers to everybody regardless of race, ethnicity, gender etc.

Is there still injustice? Yes. But it is not all the fault of those who got us from there to here.

Is there still cruelty, hatred, racism? Yes. But it is not hte fault of all those who got us from there to here.

If I treat you rudely and explain to you that I am not disrespecting you personally but rather somebody else who deserves it, how much are you going to believe that? To disrespect the National Anthem and flag of a people who don't deserve that disrespect just to protest something wrong in society makes no sense either.

And if we can't focus on what is wrong without condemning everybody, it is going to be a much more miserable world for all.

The anthem is a racist representation of white americans feelings towards Blacks. Fuck the anthem. Symbols dont do anything. They didnt put in the work the athletes did so spare me that bullshit. If you think thats thumbing my nose then thats your issue. I'm busy protesting the racist anthem and police brutality.

If some white person came to me and said I object to you wearing a Malcolm X shirt because he didnt like whites I would say "cool" and go about my day. I wouldnt get upset because whites took a knee when I walked by.

My hope is that all the symbols whites revere that harken back to their racism are destroyed eventually. Will I lose sleep over it? Nope but I will enjoy seeing them dismantled.

And I think it is extremely racist to label the National Anthem as racist when there isn't a single symbol, noun, adjective, or reference to race in it.
You mean besides the part of the anthem that advocates killing the enslaved that fought for their freedom?
I do think there is an emotional connection with the team and admiration for the players and I think the fans could care less what race the players are. In that respect I agree that professional sports not only helped break down cultural barriers re race, but once those barriers came down, it has been among the least racist components in American culture. At least until this silly Anthem protest started.

Somebody mentioned Jackie Robinson. He entered professional sports 70 years ago well before civil rights became a national issue and before there were any formal efforts at desegregation in the armed forces here and abroad, in America, in Europe, in colonial Africa, largely everywhere. During the mid 20th Century there was segregation pretty much everywhere in the industrialized world.

Abraham Lincoln did issue an emancipation proclamation to free the slaves in the Confederacy--not in the Union slave states--and held a personal theory that the black people should be deported to Liberia or British colonies elsewhere. Typical of the culture of his time, he was a segregationist opposing the mixing of the races and interracial marriage between black and white was unthinkable.

Even Charles Darwin who proposed that all of humankind descended from a common ancestor also taught that natural selection produced a superior race among Anglo-Saxons and an inferior race in African black people. And now 99.9% of school curriculum includes his theory of evolution but ignores his theory of racial superiority.

Up to the mid 20th Century, segregation was widely the cultural norm throughout the free world. To think that the USA was somehow the only 'villain' of 20th Century culture is just silly.

And I do credit sports, including professional sports, as an important factor in changing that culture and begin breaking down the cultural/emotional barriers. It is worth noting that had not a large majority of white people wanted those barriers down, it would never have happened.

So now black professional football players, with their less black teammates supporting them in solidarity, are protesting police brutality by disrespecting the National Anthem and the flag that has made it possible for them to live a lifestyle that the huge majority of us can only imagine?

What kind of sense does that make? Do a demonstration by wearing a certain color ribbon or picketing a police station if they feel strongly about it.

But don't disrespect us all and think they are winning converts to their cause by disrespecting our flag and National Anthem. And don't give us the really ignorant statement that they aren't disrespecting their country or those of us who love it. They hurt their cause by disrespecting millions in a way that only makes them look like arrogant hateful jerks. And telling us that isn't their intent makes about as much sense as any other rude and boorish people telling us it was not their intent to be rude or boorish to us but only to those other people.
What kind of sense does it make for you to claim the flag and the racist national anthem made it possible for them to live a lifestyle? The flag or the anthem doesnt have shit to do with the hard work they put in to become athletes. If people have a problem with their political views they are free to go watch Nascar, pig wrestling or pumpkin seed spitting instead.

That Anthem and that flag represent the very concept of freedom from oppression (originally from an oppressive English monarchy) and then was the standard under which millions risked all, bled, and died so that we now have a culture in which nobody is held back in much of anything other than their physical/mental limitations in part, but mostly by the choices they make.

To disrespect the National Anthem and that flag is to thumb your nose at all the effort, risk, and cost of all those who have created the free, prosperous society we now have with all the opportunity it offers to everybody regardless of race, ethnicity, gender etc.

Is there still injustice? Yes. But it is not all the fault of those who got us from there to here.

Is there still cruelty, hatred, racism? Yes. But it is not hte fault of all those who got us from there to here.

If I treat you rudely and explain to you that I am not disrespecting you personally but rather somebody else who deserves it, how much are you going to believe that? To disrespect the National Anthem and flag of a people who don't deserve that disrespect just to protest something wrong in society makes no sense either.

And if we can't focus on what is wrong without condemning everybody, it is going to be a much more miserable world for all.

The anthem is a racist representation of white americans feelings towards Blacks. Fuck the anthem. Symbols dont do anything. They didnt put in the work the athletes did so spare me that bullshit. If you think thats thumbing my nose then thats your issue. I'm busy protesting the racist anthem and police brutality.

If some white person came to me and said I object to you wearing a Malcolm X shirt because he didnt like whites I would say "cool" and go about my day. I wouldnt get upset because whites took a knee when I walked by.

My hope is that all the symbols whites revere that harken back to their racism are destroyed eventually. Will I lose sleep over it? Nope but I will enjoy seeing them dismantled.

And I think it is extremely racist to label the National Anthem as racist when there isn't a single symbol, noun, adjective, or reference to race in it.
You mean besides the part of the anthem that advocates killing the enslaved that fought for their freedom?

That has been debated for decades--ever since I was a kid which was a very long time ago. And there is no agreement on whether that phrase in the third verse--a verse that is never sung and most people probably don't even know it exists--was referring to the Corps of Colonial Marines who were black people fighting for the British, or whether it referred to the British practice of kidnapping people and forcing them to fight for the crown.

But what would the excuse be for your hatred of the Anthem if we dumped it and adopted say "God Bless America" or "America the Beautiful" both of which have lyrics more suitable as an anthem? Would you feel any different about your country?
What kind of sense does it make for you to claim the flag and the racist national anthem made it possible for them to live a lifestyle? The flag or the anthem doesnt have shit to do with the hard work they put in to become athletes. If people have a problem with their political views they are free to go watch Nascar, pig wrestling or pumpkin seed spitting instead.

That Anthem and that flag represent the very concept of freedom from oppression (originally from an oppressive English monarchy) and then was the standard under which millions risked all, bled, and died so that we now have a culture in which nobody is held back in much of anything other than their physical/mental limitations in part, but mostly by the choices they make.

To disrespect the National Anthem and that flag is to thumb your nose at all the effort, risk, and cost of all those who have created the free, prosperous society we now have with all the opportunity it offers to everybody regardless of race, ethnicity, gender etc.

Is there still injustice? Yes. But it is not all the fault of those who got us from there to here.

Is there still cruelty, hatred, racism? Yes. But it is not hte fault of all those who got us from there to here.

If I treat you rudely and explain to you that I am not disrespecting you personally but rather somebody else who deserves it, how much are you going to believe that? To disrespect the National Anthem and flag of a people who don't deserve that disrespect just to protest something wrong in society makes no sense either.

And if we can't focus on what is wrong without condemning everybody, it is going to be a much more miserable world for all.

The anthem is a racist representation of white americans feelings towards Blacks. Fuck the anthem. Symbols dont do anything. They didnt put in the work the athletes did so spare me that bullshit. If you think thats thumbing my nose then thats your issue. I'm busy protesting the racist anthem and police brutality.

If some white person came to me and said I object to you wearing a Malcolm X shirt because he didnt like whites I would say "cool" and go about my day. I wouldnt get upset because whites took a knee when I walked by.

My hope is that all the symbols whites revere that harken back to their racism are destroyed eventually. Will I lose sleep over it? Nope but I will enjoy seeing them dismantled.

And I think it is extremely racist to label the National Anthem as racist when there isn't a single symbol, noun, adjective, or reference to race in it.
You mean besides the part of the anthem that advocates killing the enslaved that fought for their freedom?

That has been debated for decades--ever since I was a kid which was a very long time ago. And there is no agreement on whether that phrase in the third verse--a verse that is never sung and most people probably don't even know it exists--was referring to the Corps of Colonial Marines who were black people fighting for the British, or whether it referred to the British practice of kidnapping people and forcing them to fight for the crown.

But what would the excuse be for your hatred of the Anthem if we dumped it and adopted say "God Bless America" or "America the Beautiful" both of which have lyrics more suitable as an anthem? Would you feel any different about your country?
There is plenty agreement. Why do you think Black people are protesting it?

"No refuge could save the hireling and slave.
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave.
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave."

I would have no problem if they dumped the racist anthem and put something non racist in its place. No it wouldnt change the fact that the US has a race problem. The only way I would feel differently is if whites actually addressed their heinous past and rectified it by paying me my ancestors back wages for slavery and lost wages due to Jim Crow. We know thats not going to happen anytime soon so why even talk about how I would feel if the changed the anthem?
The ignorant , and/or those with an agenda, misinterpret or misunderstand that verse.
Is that why Klitschko were the top heavyweight boxers for many years, and Golota beat up Riddick Bowe the champion back when?
Who did he (Klitschko) beat Lewis ? Bowe ? Tyson ? Nope.

And Golota lost against Bowe Twice. They're the facts

Joshua (A black man in his prime) knocked Klitschko into retirement. Granted he (Klitschko) put up a good show and came close to winning. But he never. Why ? Because a white man can rarely beat a top black boxer in his prime

The last time I can think was when Max Schemmiling beat Joe Louis in the 1930's

Golota was clearly beating Bowe, in fact he suffered brain damage from Golota.
When blacks play professional sports, they're playing games invented by whites, run by whites and almost totally owned by whites. And I'm pretty sure Michael Jordan knew what side of the bread the butter was on... the white side.
Football teams are based and defined by the cities they are based out of.
Fans identify with their teams as representatives of themselves and their cities.

It is a unifying tradition.

Exactly, so stop being a troll

My point about the fact that the white fans having no problem seeing majority black teams as "them", as strong evidence against the claim that White America is racist,

is pretty much the opposite of trolling.

Try to be less dishonest.
Bullshit. I frequent the NBA forums on different sites and they are filled with whites either whining about how the league is majority Black or calling them racist names. However one would think they wouldnt be on a NBA forum but they cant stay away.

ONline is not real life.

I live in a city that loves sports, and I've never heard it in real life.
Who said it was real life? Do you honestly think those cowards would say the stuff they say online in real life?

I think that a very small selection of people bother spending much time online on sites like this or any NBA forum, and are not representative of really, anyone.

I certainly don't judge any black people by you, for example.

My point about the fact that the white fans having no problem seeing majority black teams as "them", as strong evidence against the claim that White America is racist,

is pretty much the opposite of trolling.
Football teams are based and defined by the cities they are based out of.
Fans identify with their teams as representatives of themselves and their cities.

It is a unifying tradition.

Exactly, so stop being a troll

My point about the fact that the white fans having no problem seeing majority black teams as "them", as strong evidence against the claim that White America is racist,

is pretty much the opposite of trolling.

Try to be less dishonest.

The only time they want to see blacks win is when hes, running jumping or has a ball. And youre trolling. Period

YOu have done nothing to support either of your claims.

My point about the fact that the white fans having no problem seeing majority black teams as "them", as strong evidence against the claim that White America is racist,

is pretty much the opposite of trolling.

Try to be less dishonest.
"Massive decline?". You must be joking. this very board alone, which is primarily visited by an alt right majority of white people like yourself, should dispel your belief about allegedly "celebrated black athletes".

My guess is that there are some football fans right here.....and they are likely some of same individuals who routinely stereotype the majority of black people as veing prone to corruption.

I can even recall seeing some in this forum refer to the NFL as the so called "Negro Felon Leaugue".

You do "almost" have a point in your statement "It is not 1947" anymore. That is definately true.

The main difference now is that we have the Internet....where true sentiments are on display daily, and public etiquette has been begrudingly redefined as

"political correctness". In code that means "We resent not being able to say what we really believe without reprecussions"

I doubt that very many of the people who use terms like "Negro Felon Leaugue" are football fans.

And very few white people use such terms. I've never encountered it in real life, never in media, and very rarely online.

Yes, massive decline.

Of course they are fans. Some even have a stake in in the game as NFL owners. Some voew black players as the "property" of the team.

Much like the same mentality towards a prize racehorse. When playing days end, most fade into obscurity and are ansorbed back into the collective that you all refer to as the "black community".

Ex NFL player, politician or whatever. It is the belief that all think and act alike.

Yes "massive decline"......in PUBLICALLY EXPRESSED" sentiment. Massive increase in anonymous polls and forums. There is safety in anonomity.

Pay attention to the obvious

I live in a city with a high level of sports fans.

I've not seen anything like what you describe.

Veteran players who stick around in the city, are still seen and respected of both races, to the point that even I pick up on it.

I recall seeing a famous defensive player in the hallway at a hospital, years after he retired. I told my friends, they were interested to hear about it.

I recall another friend of mine when looking for an address at one point. He was looking at a nice house and some guy on the street told him that that was the house of a famous retired black football player.

Former players still enjoy high status.

Not sure what city you speak of. But I live on the west coast and have some personal friends who I played on the same high school and college and several of the went on to play professionally as well as coach. Two of my old coaches played professionally as well. They tell an entirely different story than yours.

I'm sure that they are not treated like they WERE when they were actively playing, but that is not racism.

I live in a Rust Belt city.

No. Much of what they experienced that shaped their perceptions regarding the dynamic between white fams and black athletes happened during their playing days.
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Whites cant abandon sports. I told you already that whites worship Blacks because we can do things you guys simply cant do. You take the average white guy and put him up against the average Black guy and the Black guy is going to be more athletic 9 times out of 10. You whites need hero worship and your ability to be color blind is betrayed when the Black sports hero betrays you. You start calling him the N word and telling him he gets paid to play sports not make political commentary.

Your racist ranting is hiding any point(s) you may or may not have.

Whites could abandon sports filled with blacks, if they had a problem with blacks majority teams.

There is no reason that Hockey could not grow to become the primary team sport of White America.

That this does not happen, greatly undermines your lefty lies about how racist White America supposedly is.
Hockey wont ever become popular until more Blacks play it. This proves my claim that whites love every true sport that Blacks dominate. Its even more apparent when viewership explodes because one Black player dominates which is the case with Tiger.

Or whites just don't care.
Evidence pretty much kills that option. If they didnt care they wouldnt call players racist names and demand them to be politically vanilla.

No, evidence supports that the fans don't like their players being unpatriotic anti-American shit heads.

Then those "fans" are not patriotic themselves if they begrudge "their players" their right to peacefully protest. If they perform on gameday that should be all that matters. They are not the ones putting in the work to develop the talent required to enfage in a professional sport, so an athletes personal views should be off limits.
Football teams are based and defined by the cities they are based out of.
Fans identify with their teams as representatives of themselves and their cities.

It is a unifying tradition.

Exactly, so stop being a troll

My point about the fact that the white fans having no problem seeing majority black teams as "them", as strong evidence against the claim that White America is racist,

is pretty much the opposite of trolling.

Try to be less dishonest.
Bullshit. I frequent the NBA forums on different sites and they are filled with whites either whining about how the league is majority Black or calling them racist names. However one would think they wouldnt be on a NBA forum but they cant stay away.

ONline is not real life.

I live in a city that loves sports, and I've never heard it in real life.
Who said it was real life? Do you honestly think those cowards would say the stuff they say online in real life?
Exactly. I would tend to think that what ones says online from the safety and anonimity of a private computer is likely more truthful than what they would say publicly where there would be no privacy.
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Football teams are based and defined by the cities they are based out of.
Fans identify with their teams as representatives of themselves and their cities.

It is a unifying tradition.

Exactly, so stop being a troll

My point about the fact that the white fans having no problem seeing majority black teams as "them", as strong evidence against the claim that White America is racist,

is pretty much the opposite of trolling.

Try to be less dishonest.

The only time they want to see blacks win is when hes, running jumping or has a ball. And youre trolling. Period

YOu have done nothing to support either of your claims.

My point about the fact that the white fans having no problem seeing majority black teams as "them", as strong evidence against the claim that White America is racist,

is pretty much the opposite of trolling.

Try to be less dishonest.

I don't have to back up a fact. You can find them yourself. Hell you aren't even questioning it's validity. So as far as I can tell you just want me to post links as an exercise in linking.

Michael Vick cheered for pitbulls. Does that mean he loves dogs? Romans cheered Gladiators does that mean all of them loved or saw themselves as indentured servants?

Stop trolling
Exactly, so stop being a troll

My point about the fact that the white fans having no problem seeing majority black teams as "them", as strong evidence against the claim that White America is racist,

is pretty much the opposite of trolling.

Try to be less dishonest.
Bullshit. I frequent the NBA forums on different sites and they are filled with whites either whining about how the league is majority Black or calling them racist names. However one would think they wouldnt be on a NBA forum but they cant stay away.

ONline is not real life.

I live in a city that loves sports, and I've never heard it in real life.
Who said it was real life? Do you honestly think those cowards would say the stuff they say online in real life?

I think that a very small selection of people bother spending much time online on sites like this or any NBA forum, and are not representative of really, anyone.

I certainly don't judge any black people by you, for example.

My point about the fact that the white fans having no problem seeing majority black teams as "them", as strong evidence against the claim that White America is racist,

is pretty much the opposite of trolling.
"I think ..."

The problem with that phrase, in your case, is that there is zero proof you ever think. You consistently say something idiotic and naive.

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