White Democrats


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Hang on! Stay with me here. A few simple questions to some (not all) Democrats who happen to be white who insist on using race as an issue:

1) What gives you the right to speak out on racism?

2) Have you been a victim of racism yourself?

3) If not, how do you know what racism is like?

4) If so, when?

5) How are you helping the black community by breeding hatred?

6) How come, that if you are white, that you engender hatred of white people by some in the black community?

7) If you advocate affirmative action in our colleges and schools, do you not realize that this is a form of discrimination against whites?

8) If you do, then why don't you speak out against it?

9) Why are you so concerned with white cops killing black men?

10) What if a white cop killed a white man, where would you be?
The unfortunate truth is that White democrats were the the KKK. The democrat party was the party of segregation (still is?) and White democrats have a long standing interest in racism. Today's version of democrat politics is nothing more than LBJ's plantation racism.
Hang on! Stay with me here. A few simple questions to some (not all) Democrats who happen to be white who insist on using race as an issue:

1) What gives you the right to speak out on racism?

2) Have you been a victim of racism yourself?

3) If not, how do you know what racism is like?

4) If so, when?

5) How are you helping the black community by breeding hatred?

6) How come, that if you are white, that you engender hatred of white people by some in the black community?

7) If you advocate affirmative action in our colleges and schools, do you not realize that this is a form of discrimination against whites?

8) If you do, then why don't you speak out against it?

9) Why are you so concerned with white cops killing black men?

10) What if a white cop killed a white man, where would you be?
1. Because it's real.
2. The depends upon how you define racism but essentially no.
3. I learn from others, as we all should,
4. NA
5. We aren't, we're acknowledging that hatred exist, on all sides.
6. Because payback is a bitch and Whitey gets away with murder, literally.
7. It's a way of making the playing field more level, and it works. Life isn't fair so get over it.
8. No reason to, it works.
9. Because they wouldn't be dead in most cases if it was white on white or black on black.
10. Looking for the truth, as always.
Hang on! Stay with me here. A few simple questions to some (not all) Democrats who happen to be white who insist on using race as an issue:

1) The 1st Amendment

2) No, nobody has ever told me I'm inferior or superior to other races

3) N/A

4) N/A

5) I'm not breeding hatred

6) I don't engender hatred of white people by some in the black community.

7) Affirmative Action is a compensatory measure to correct socioeconomic disadvantages that exist based on race or sex

8) N/A

9) I'm not

10) I don't understand the question

That was kind of irrational....

They really weren't questions at all...just misconceptions written in the form of questions you'd hoped people answered the way you wanted
“They really weren't questions at all...just misconceptions written in the form of questions you'd hoped people answered the way you wanted.”

Correct, known as a loaded question fallacy – and the OP's thread fails accordingly.
1) The 1st Amendment

Of course. It entitles you to an opinion. Not your own facts. Remember that.

2) No, nobody has ever told me I'm inferior or superior to other races

Then why do people in your party feel the need to belittle people on the right as racists? It seems to me as if your party believes that the black man matters more than the white one. The black man deserves more rights than the white one. Where is this 'equality' you speak of?

5) I'm not breeding hatred

Prove it. Look at Ferguson and Garner. Where are you when people claim that white cops kill black men because they are racists? Why is it when a black man switches from your side to another that he is labeled a traitor, Uncle Tom, or worse?

7) Affirmative Action is a compensatory measure to correct socioeconomic disadvantages that exist based on race or sex

That's a dodge. And not what I asked. You are white. You apply to a university and are denied in favor of a minority. Wouldn't you feel slighted by it? Wouldn't that be racist? What if a public university started discriminating against you in favor of the opposite gender? Wouldn't that be sexist?

10) I don't understand the question

Yes you do. If it were any other race, white cop on white man, black cop on black man, there wouldn't be any protests. None. And you would be silent.

They really weren't questions at all...just misconceptions written in the form of questions you'd hoped people answered the way you wanted

I don't really care how you answered the questions. So, who is being irrational? And tell me, explain how they are misconceptions? I challenge you to disprove them.
1) The 1st Amendment

Of course. It entitles you to an opinion. Not your own facts. Remember that.

2) No, nobody has ever told me I'm inferior or superior to other races

Then why do people in your party feel the need to belittle people on the right as racists? It seems to me as if your party believes that the black man matters more than the white one. The black man deserves more rights than the white one. Where is this 'equality' you speak of?

5) I'm not breeding hatred

Prove it. Look at Ferguson and Garner. Where are you when people claim that white cops kill black men because they are racists? Why is it when a black man switches from your side to another that he is labeled a traitor, Uncle Tom, or worse?

7) Affirmative Action is a compensatory measure to correct socioeconomic disadvantages that exist based on race or sex

That's a dodge. And not what I asked. You are white. You apply to a university and are denied in favor of a minority. Wouldn't you feel slighted by it? Wouldn't that be racist? What if a public university started discriminating against you in favor of the opposite gender? Wouldn't that be sexist?

10) I don't understand the question

Yes you do. If it were any other race, white cop on white man, black cop on black man, there wouldn't be any protests. None. And you would be silent.

They really weren't questions at all...just misconceptions written in the form of questions you'd hoped people answered the way you wanted

I don't really care how you answered the questions. So, who is being irrational? And tell me, explain how they are misconceptions? I challenge you to disprove them.

1. Of course. It entitles you to an opinion. Not your own facts. Remember that...........That's irrational.

2. Then why do people in your party feel the need to belittle people on the right as racists? It seems to me as if your party believes that the black man matters more than the white one. The black man deserves more rights than the white one. Where is this 'equality' you speak of?...........I'm not a Democrat if that's what you thought. I'm a registered Independent. I don't believe any human beings "matter" more than any other, but I admit I'm not sure how you're using the word "matter". People need to secure their own rights, even if they have been promised them, and race is irrelevant to that concept. I don't speak of equality, I endorse the idea of making something of yourself, and the chip fall where they may. If you are successful, it is good for you if you give back, in your own way, for spiritual reasons

5. Prove it. Look at Ferguson and Garner. Where are you when people claim that white cops kill black men because they are racists? Why is it when a black man switches from your side to another that he is labeled a traitor, Uncle Tom, or worse?...........How is it possible for me to prove I don't breed hatred? This is the internet. When the Ferguson and Garner crap wound up on TV, I was sitting in my living room thousands of miles from it all. I support the police in the Ferguson case, and haven't made up my mind about the Garner case.

7. That's a dodge. And not what I asked. You are white. You apply to a university and are denied in favor of a minority. Wouldn't you feel slighted by it? Wouldn't that be racist? What if a public university started discriminating against you in favor of the opposite gender? Wouldn't that be sexist?........I wouldn't care what race or sex the person belonged to that beat me out. I would feel it was unfair if someone had lower test scores than I, and got it. What it sounds like you're trying to do, is exaggerate how much that happens to support your racial and sexual resentments.

10. Yes you do. If it were any other race, white cop on white man, black cop on black man, there wouldn't be any protests. None. And you would be silent......Oh, I thought you were asking where I would be physically about a white cop shooting a white man etc....which would have been on my couch. I don't care what race the cop or the suspect are.

I don't really care how you answered the questions. So, who is being irrational? And tell me, explain how they are misconceptions? I challenge you to disprove them.............Why did you ask the questions if you don't care how people answer them? unless you weren't really asking questions. One really annoying thing posters do on this, and other sites, is to ask people to "prove" opinions. That's not the way it works, and people who think their opinons are the only right ones, are irrational.

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