While Biden stands by uselessly, Chinese military surrounds Taiwan after devastating earthquake

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Biden's weakness is not only a disaster for Ukraine and Israel, but for Taiwan, too.

The forces of evil are marching unimpeded around the world, while the dementia patient licks his ice cream cone and fondles children.

Biden and Xi held their first phone since July 2020 on Monday. Within hours, dozens of Chinese warplanes and multiple naval vessels were reported around Taiwan, the largest coordinated display (implied threat) of 2024. At least 30 planes and nine ships were detected in Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) by the country's Ministry of National Defense (MND).

The MND announced via social media:

"30 PLA aircraft and 9 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 20 of the aircraft entered Taiwan’s northern, middle line, and SW ADIZ. [Republic of China Armed Forces] have monitored the situation and employed appropriate force to respond.
Xi's message to Biden? How to say this in a publishable manner...

“Pound sand, Joe."

Here's more on what appears to have been an ineffectual call (for Biden) between the two leaders:

The two discussed a range of issues, including China’s increasingly aggressive military tactics aimed at Taiwan, Beijing’s relationship with Russia, and “continued concerns about the PRC’s unfair trade policies and non-market economic practices,” according to a White House readout of the call.
The call comes after Biden and Xi met in California in November for the first time in a year, after which the president said the two would “keep the lines of communication open,” but maintained criticism of his Chinese counterpart, telling reporters he still considers Xi a “dictator” and would operate under a “trust but verify” strategy when it comes to his dealings with China.
The White House described the conversation as “candid and constructive.”
Biden is certainly not standing in their way.

He's eager to help.
Actually, it would be pretty stupid for the US to risk WWIII over an internal dispute between Chinese factions.

Here's the problem. Legally, Taiwan is part of China. That's what the UN recognizes, that is what Taipei claims, that is what the US Recognizes. The "One China" policy is the one thing everyone agrees upon.

What they don't agree on is how China should be reunited.
Actually, it would be pretty stupid for the US to risk WWIII over an internal dispute between Chinese factions.

Here's the problem. Legally, Taiwan is part of China. That's what the UN recognizes, that is what Taipei claims, that is what the US Recognizes. The "One China" policy is the one thing everyone agrees upon.

What they don't agree on is how China should be reunited.

Yes, the UN, China, and the DemoKKKrats are all in agreement on expanding communism.

This isn't news.

Taiwan is very vunerable at this time.
Biden is gone folks... last night Biden invited a group of American Palestinian leaders and a doctor who has been treating terrorist... errrr Palestinians in Gaza for the past year... That doctor walked out on Joe and left the White House...
So, Trump cult diaper babies, has Taiwan fallen yet?


You are such a pack of crybaby dumbasses.

Now, run along. Beijing has new orders for you, I'm sure.
So, Trump cult diaper babies, has Taiwan fallen yet?


You are such a pack of crybaby dumbasses.

Now, run along. Beijing has new orders for you, I'm sure.
Wtf does that even mean? I thought the Trump cult diaper babies were controlled by Russia?

Biden has signaled to China that they will not intervene in a military situation. That is relieving…. unless you were alive for the first Gulf War.

Biden's weakness is not only a disaster for Ukraine and Israel, but for Taiwan, too.

The forces of evil are marching unimpeded around the world, while the dementia patient licks his ice cream cone and fondles children.

Biden and Xi held their first phone since July 2020 on Monday. Within hours, dozens of Chinese warplanes and multiple naval vessels were reported around Taiwan, the largest coordinated display (implied threat) of 2024. At least 30 planes and nine ships were detected in Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) by the country's Ministry of National Defense (MND).

The MND announced via social media:

Xi's message to Biden? How to say this in a publishable manner...

“Pound sand, Joe."

Here's more on what appears to have been an ineffectual call (for Biden) between the two leaders:

Hey Marvin. Do you have a source other than "Redstate.com" for your bullshit Chinese Propaganda???

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In review, RedState is a conservative news and opinion website that publishes content with a borderline extreme right-wing bias.

I googled this story, and NOTHING.

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