Which Questions Would You Ask Mueller?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Assuming the grifters and grafters currently running the Executive Branch decide to permit Robert Mueller to testify before Congress, which questions should Democrats or Republican members pose, and which questions would you ask if given the chance?

For example, I've wondered who decided to end Mueller's investigation and why?

What Congress Should Ask Robert Mueller When He Testifies

"11. Many commentators, including highly experienced former federal prosecutors, were surprised by the timing of your end of the investigation while relevant litigation was ongoing and significant actors such as Julian Assange and Roger Stone could still, at least conceivably, flip and cooperate with your investigation, thus potentially yielding new investigations and even prosecutions.

"Please explain fully your reasoning for bringing the investigation to a close when you did."
I'd asked Special Counsel Mueller if he knew it was a bunch of hogwash before he wasted a crapload of money chasing unicorns.
I'd asked Special Counsel Mueller if he knew it was a bunch of hogwash before he wasted a crapload of money chasing unicorns.
How would Mueller know hogwash from Crossfire Hurricane before beginning his investigation?

FBI probe into Trump and Russia was codenamed 'Crossfire Hurricane'

Because Mueller was closer friends with the Russian Oligarch (Oleg Deripaska) than President Trump ever was (I bet you didn't know that and it wasn't in the media or the Mueller report)..
Did you find any evidence that Iraq was in any way involved in planning or assisting in the attacks on 9-11-2001?
How can you sleep at night?

Glad you asked.

What Congress Should Ask Robert Mueller When He Testifies

"III. Obstruction

"19. Volume 2 of your final report strongly indicates that, if President Trump engaged in criminal obstruction of justice, some of his personal lawyers were directly involved in those activities and could be criminally liable as well. What was your decision for not pursuing indictments of those lawyers for involvement in obstruction and witness tampering? Was your decision affected by the prospect of the President being included explicitly or implicitly as an unindicted co-conspirator?"
Did you find any evidence that Iraq was in any way involved in planning or assisting in the attacks on 9-11-2001?

Did Bob explain how two planes collapsed three steel-framed skyscrapers into their footprints to your satisfaction?

Gillibrand: I Will Look Into Whether Robert Mueller Was Part of a 9/11 Cover-Up | NTK Network
Molar. In the chops or in the nuts ?, Choose quick cause both can come at the same time.5-4-3.....
Can Trump Organization Executives Be Prosecuted for Money Laundering? - Just Security

"Michael Cohen has painted a target on Trump Organization executives in court and Congress. If prosecutors and grand jurors accept the evidence presented in Cohen’sSDNY sentencing memorandum and congressional testimony, those involved in the ‘hush money’ payments Cohen facilitated for Donald Trump could be prosecuted for a money laundering conspiracy for the way they agreed to handle eleven reimbursement payments to Cohen."
Assuming the grifters and grafters currently running the Executive Branch decide to permit Robert Mueller to testify before Congress, which questions should Democrats or Republican members pose, and which questions would you ask if given the chance?

For example, I've wondered who decided to end Mueller's investigation and why?

What Congress Should Ask Robert Mueller When He Testifies

"11. Many commentators, including highly experienced former federal prosecutors, were surprised by the timing of your end of the investigation while relevant litigation was ongoing and significant actors such as Julian Assange and Roger Stone could still, at least conceivably, flip and cooperate with your investigation, thus potentially yielding new investigations and even prosecutions.

"Please explain fully your reasoning for bringing the investigation to a close when you did."
Assuming there are NO grifters and grafters running the Executive Branch, why did it take so long to come up with nothing?
Did Bob explain how two planes collapsed three steel-framed skyscrapers into their footprints to your satisfaction?

Gillibrand: I Will Look Into Whether Robert Mueller Was Part of a 9/11 Cover-Up | NTK Network

I would ask Special Counsel Mueller how when he was Director of the FBI (2009) he decided to chose (then) Agent Andrew McCabe (is that name familiar) to help court Oleg Deripaska during secret hotel meetings in Venna, Budapest, Hungary and Washington in order to secure the Russian Oligarch's assistance (and money) to assist with the release of Robert Levinson from Iran.
Assuming the grifters and grafters currently running the Executive Branch decide to permit Robert Mueller to testify before Congress, which questions should Democrats or Republican members pose, and which questions would you ask if given the chance?

For example, I've wondered who decided to end Mueller's investigation and why?

What Congress Should Ask Robert Mueller When He Testifies

"11. Many commentators, including highly experienced former federal prosecutors, were surprised by the timing of your end of the investigation while relevant litigation was ongoing and significant actors such as Julian Assange and Roger Stone could still, at least conceivably, flip and cooperate with your investigation, thus potentially yielding new investigations and even prosecutions.

"Please explain fully your reasoning for bringing the investigation to a close when you did."
I would ask what those 14 secret cases were that were spawned by the Mueller report
Assuming the grifters and grafters currently running the Executive Branch decide to permit Robert Mueller to testify before Congress, which questions should Democrats or Republican members pose, and which questions would you ask if given the chance?

For example, I've wondered who decided to end Mueller's investigation and why?

What Congress Should Ask Robert Mueller When He Testifies

"11. Many commentators, including highly experienced former federal prosecutors, were surprised by the timing of your end of the investigation while relevant litigation was ongoing and significant actors such as Julian Assange and Roger Stone could still, at least conceivably, flip and cooperate with your investigation, thus potentially yielding new investigations and even prosecutions.

"Please explain fully your reasoning for bringing the investigation to a close when you did."
Assuming there are NO grifters and grafters running the Executive Branch, why did it take so long to come up with nothing?
Are you talking about those dozen or so situations in the Mueller report that would be felony charges for anybody else?
Assuming the grifters and grafters currently running the Executive Branch decide to permit Robert Mueller to testify before Congress, which questions should Democrats or Republican members pose, and which questions would you ask if given the chance?

For example, I've wondered who decided to end Mueller's investigation and why?

What Congress Should Ask Robert Mueller When He Testifies

"11. Many commentators, including highly experienced former federal prosecutors, were surprised by the timing of your end of the investigation while relevant litigation was ongoing and significant actors such as Julian Assange and Roger Stone could still, at least conceivably, flip and cooperate with your investigation, thus potentially yielding new investigations and even prosecutions.

"Please explain fully your reasoning for bringing the investigation to a close when you did."
I'd ask him how come he sucked Obama's ass for 8 years letting all manner of crimes go.

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