Which policies in 2012 will sway your vote?

Which of these issues could sway your vote?

  • Obama, becasue Mitt will invade Iran

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Obama, because the GOP & Ryan will kill SS & Medicare

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Obama, to bring back the 14,000 factories the GOP moved to China

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Obama, or else global warming will get really bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Obama, for fair taxes, or "only little people" will pay taxes

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Mitt, or Obama's energy policies will destroy US economy

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Mitt, Obamacare shows complete incompetence

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • Mitt, beacause the EPA is totally out of control

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Mitt, to save the US dollar and our way of life

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Mitt, because we cling to our guns and religion

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
I'm trying to keep track of which party has the better policies so that voting in November can be with conviction. I'm not seeing a clear choice yet. Its running about 50-50.

Please add any additional policies that I missed. I know there are many, the biggest may be the explosion of the Debt when China stops lending us $0.40 of every dollar spent.

IMHO the main cause of US problems is that too many folks are riding in the wagon instead of helping pull it. From the low-lifes getting assistance to the wealthy stashing cash off-shore, and selling us short.
Oh look! An independent! He's not made a decision yet! Everyone...........hurry! He needs to hear the reasoned, rational arguments that this forum is known for so he can make a choice in November!
And.....there it is! The undecided independent voter.........has decided not to vote. Right?

The debates this year should be REALLY interesting. The guy who wins the debates will win the election. They are both good debaters, so the better policies should win.
My top three priorities:

1. War. I cannot support a party (the GOP) that believes it's our right or obligation to invade other countries when we get cranky. I support our brave troops, and I hate, truly hate, to see them die and suffer for the egos and ideologies of a few.

2. Freedom of Speech. It is our greatest right, and I cannot support a party (the Democrats) that uses Political Correctness as a weapon, a bludgeon, to control the issues. We have already begun to lose this freedom, and I see no signs of this reversing.

3. The economy. I cannot support a party that uses simplistic, two-dimensional thinking when addressing the economy and issues that effect the economy. Nor can I support a party that appears either unwilling or incapable of looking at the big picture, the long term. Unfortunately, both parties fall into this category.

So I'm screwed. I'd prefer to vote for one of the "major parties", but in good conscience I cannot. Looking at alternate parties.

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My top three priorities:

1. War. I cannot support a party (the GOP) that believes it's our right or obligation to invade other countries when we get cranky. I support our brave troops, and I hate, truly hate, to see them die and suffer for the egos and ideologies of a few.

2. Freedom of Speech. It is our greatest right, and I cannot support a party (the Democrats) that uses Political Correctness as a weapon, a bludgeon, to control the issues. We have already begun to lose this freedom, and I see no signs of this reversing.

3. The economy. I cannot support a party that uses simplistic, two-dimensional thinking when addressing the economy and issues that effect the economy. Nor can I support a party that appears either unwilling or incapable of looking at the big picture, the long term. Unfortunately, both parties fall into this category.

So I'm screwed. I'd prefer to vote for one of the "major parties", but in good conscience I cannot. Looking at alternate parties.


Both have sent soldiers to war.

You said that Democrats threaten freedom of speech. Can you at least try to support that claim? Using political correctness as a weopon? Example?

The economy.......simple. The GOP has no plan that hasn't already been proven to fail. The DNC understands the need to grow the middle class. That is a stark enough difference for me.
My top three priorities:

1. War. I cannot support a party (the GOP) that believes it's our right or obligation to invade other countries when we get cranky. I support our brave troops, and I hate, truly hate, to see them die and suffer for the egos and ideologies of a few.

2. Freedom of Speech. It is our greatest right, and I cannot support a party (the Democrats) that uses Political Correctness as a weapon, a bludgeon, to control the issues. We have already begun to lose this freedom, and I see no signs of this reversing.

3. The economy. I cannot support a party that uses simplistic, two-dimensional thinking when addressing the economy and issues that effect the economy. Nor can I support a party that appears either unwilling or incapable of looking at the big picture, the long term. Unfortunately, both parties fall into this category.

So I'm screwed. I'd prefer to vote for one of the "major parties", but in good conscience I cannot. Looking at alternate parties.


The Greens want your vote.
You said that Democrats threaten freedom of speech. Can you at least try to support that claim? Using political correctness as a weopon? Example?

Holy crap.

Let me invite you into my little brain for just a moment. Yes, it's a strange place, but this will just take a moment. When I see someone deny something that is painfully obvious, my first thought, of course, is to respond. But then that thought is interrupted by the knowledge that, if this person was willing to deny something that is so obvious before, surely they'll do it again to whatever I have to say.

The American Left uses Political Correctness on an ongoing basis. Every day, all the time. They continue to use it because it continues to work. If you're really going to deny that, let's just not proceed.

You said that Democrats threaten freedom of speech. Can you at least try to support that claim? Using political correctness as a weopon? Example?

Holy crap.

Let me invite you into my little brain for just a moment. Yes, it's a strange place, but this will just take a moment. When I see someone deny something that is painfully obvious, my first thought, of course, is to respond. But then that thought is interrupted by the knowledge that, if this person was willing to deny something that is so obvious before, surely they'll do it again to whatever I have to say.

The American Left uses Political Correctness on an ongoing basis. Every day, all the time. They continue to use it because it continues to work. If you're really going to deny that, let's just not proceed.


Come on, man. Just give me some examples. I'm not convinced by your original claim nor your attempt to avoid supporting that claim.
My top three priorities:

1. War. I cannot support a party (the GOP) that believes it's our right or obligation to invade other countries when we get cranky. I support our brave troops, and I hate, truly hate, to see them die and suffer for the egos and ideologies of a few.

2. Freedom of Speech. It is our greatest right, and I cannot support a party (the Democrats) that uses Political Correctness as a weapon, a bludgeon, to control the issues. We have already begun to lose this freedom, and I see no signs of this reversing.

3. The economy. I cannot support a party that uses simplistic, two-dimensional thinking when addressing the economy and issues that effect the economy. Nor can I support a party that appears either unwilling or incapable of looking at the big picture, the long term. Unfortunately, both parties fall into this category.

So I'm screwed. I'd prefer to vote for one of the "major parties", but in good conscience I cannot. Looking at alternate parties.


The Greens want your vote.

Thanks for the tip. I'll check 'em out.

Both have sent soldiers to war.

You said that Democrats threaten freedom of speech. Can you at least try to support that claim? Using political correctness as a weapon? Example?

The economy.......simple. The GOP has no plan that hasn't already been proven to fail. The DNC understands the need to grow the middle class. That is a stark enough difference for me.

1. Only one party has said that Iran will never be allowed to have nuclear weapons.
2. On college campuses you cannot oppose liberalism. For example, Bucknell U had students handing out "Obama-Dollars" during the stimulus and got in trouble. You similarly cannot support 2nd amendment, or oppose abortion. Call it political correctness run amok.

3. Totally agree with you on the economy. I want to see Obama take on Wall Street and...
tax every transaction, (need long term capital to grow)
prohibit short sales (stealing our 401k money)
stop computer trading (unfair)
stop derivatives (dangerous)
Tax off-shore money (like Marc Rich)
Tax capital gains at same rate as income (not Romney's 14%)
Tax outsourced goods and labor
Tax-breaks for domestic goods & labor
Stop tax breaks for big oil when oil is above $50/bbl
I'll vote for Gary Johnson. Not interested in wasting my vote on lesser-of-two-evils shell games.
It's impossible to vote for any corrupt, lying scum sucking power hungry narcissistic politician with any sense of conviction

We have nothing to vote for the the best of two absolutely bad choices. Personally I refuse to hold my nose and vote anymore. If I can't vote for someone without losing my lunch then I'd rather not vote.
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You said that Democrats threaten freedom of speech. Can you at least try to support that claim? Using political correctness as a weopon? Example?

Holy crap.

Let me invite you into my little brain for just a moment. Yes, it's a strange place, but this will just take a moment. When I see someone deny something that is painfully obvious, my first thought, of course, is to respond. But then that thought is interrupted by the knowledge that, if this person was willing to deny something that is so obvious before, surely they'll do it again to whatever I have to say.

The American Left uses Political Correctness on an ongoing basis. Every day, all the time. They continue to use it because it continues to work. If you're really going to deny that, let's just not proceed.


If it is so obvious, then it shouldn't be difficult for there to be some examples provided.

Personally, I happen to think Political Correctness tends to get a bad rap. What's so horrible about trying not to offend whole groups of people?

Why political correctness matters

if people were more cognizant of their prejudicial ideas and thought twice about vocalizing them when doing so might unnecessarily offend others, we'd live in a more truly accepting environment. We could begin to create a culture of openness in which people feel comfortable asking questions about practices or customs that they do not understand.
You said that Democrats threaten freedom of speech. Can you at least try to support that claim? Using political correctness as a weopon? Example?

Holy crap.

Let me invite you into my little brain for just a moment. Yes, it's a strange place, but this will just take a moment. When I see someone deny something that is painfully obvious, my first thought, of course, is to respond. But then that thought is interrupted by the knowledge that, if this person was willing to deny something that is so obvious before, surely they'll do it again to whatever I have to say.

The American Left uses Political Correctness on an ongoing basis. Every day, all the time. They continue to use it because it continues to work. If you're really going to deny that, let's just not proceed.


If it is so obvious, then it shouldn't be difficult for there to be some examples provided.

Personally, I happen to think Political Correctness tends to get a bad rap. What's so horrible about trying not to offend whole groups of people?

Why political correctness matters

if people were more cognizant of their prejudicial ideas and thought twice about vocalizing them when doing so might unnecessarily offend others, we'd live in a more truly accepting environment. We could begin to create a culture of openness in which people feel comfortable asking questions about practices or customs that they do not understand.

No....it must be TOO obvious......blindingly obvious......making examples impossible to find.
Did Mitt "jump the shark" on Obamacare if/when the USSC kills Obamacare? Can Mitt actually put that issue on his stack? That was one of the biggest negatives during the primaries, that Mitt can't throw rocks at Obamacare because he was its godfather.

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