Which is the more Conservative, really?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
We have two candidates to choose from in the GOP primaries.

One has arecord of leading the conservative movement to success in winning the first GOP majority in the House in decades. The other was one of the most liberal govenors of Massachussettes history. That is MASSA-FREAKING-CHUSSETTES!

We have one candidate who has been endorsed as the leading conservative by Nancy Reagan herself, who has been endorsed by one consrevative leader after another from Palin to Thompson to Cain and Perry. The other candidate has the endorsements of the old Bush the Elder's Rockeffeller wing of RINOs like Dole, McCain, and various apparachiks from the Bush the Elder's only term. These are the same guys that supported Bush the Elder in breaking his no new taxes pledge. Have they suddenly have an honest bone transplanted into them, seriously? Is there a single reason that these same liars are not lying now and kissing the RINO establishments ass?

The GOP electorate in Floriduh are being conned by some of the best liars on the planet with the use of multi-million dollar Super Pack money that by law Romney is not supposed to have anything to do with, but he does.

Even the New York Times gets it.

Their strategy was to...
Find lines of attack that could goad Mr. Gingrich into angry responses and rally mainstream (aka RINOs) Republicans. Swarm Gingrich campaign events to rattle him. Have Mr. Romney drop his above-the-fray persona and carry the fight directly to his opponent, especially in two critical debates scheduled for the week.

The results of that strategy, carried out by a veteran squad of strategists and operatives assembled by Mr. Romney to deal with just this kind of moment, have been on striking display here.

By this weekend, Mr. Romney’s aides were on the offensive and increasingly confident, with some combination of their strategy and Mr. Gingrich’s own performance swinging polls in Mr. Romney’s direction. Even as it acknowledged the damage inflicted on Mr. Romney by the past several weeks, his team suggested that it had learned a lesson about never letting up on rivals, especially if Mr. Romney wins the nomination and confronts Mr. Obama in the general election.
Behind the scenes, it was more than that. It was a call to arms employing all the visible and invisible tactics of political warfare. As recently as Wednesday, several Romney advisers, donors and supporters were speaking in terms of what losing in Florida would mean and how they could survive it.

If Mr. Romney does win here on Tuesday, it will have been through a blistering and unrelenting series of attacks. His campaign has pressed everything at its disposal into service to eviscerate Mr. Gingrich, painting him as an erratic, unreliable Washington insider in mailings and television advertisements, at two critical debates here (where his team made sure Mr. Romney had ample and vocal supporters in the audiences) and even by sending supporters to mock him at his own events.

On Saturday, it released a new ad featuring a 1997 NBC News segment in which the anchor Tom Brokaw reported that Congressional peers of Mr. Gingrich, then speaker of the House, had “found him guilty of ethics violations.”

It seems unbelievable that gazzillions of dollars in advertized lies, slander and spin could erase in peoples minds WHAT THE TWO CANDIDATES HAVE ACTUALLY DONE.

The RINO establishment is supporting Romney for a reason: to flush out the Tea Party Movement people and retake complete control of the GOP. Everything TPM people have worked for in the GOP will have been completely undone within two years, even if Romney loses in the general election.

Maybe the TPM is composed of a bunch of stupid people like the main stream press has been saying all this time. They are throwing out a loyal TPM guy in favor of a lying billionare and his gazzillionare lackeys all because they cant fathom a simple truth that Hitler observed a long time ago: if you repeat even the most absurd lie long enough people will eventually believe it.

TPM people need to stop listening to the slanderous ads and look at the actual records of the two candidates. Stop listening to rumors and subjective assessments that are nothing more than lies. Gingrich did not resign in disgrace and he was not voted out of leadership because of being emotionally unstable. He presided over an election loss in the House and so gave up his position as is so frequently done. It had nothing to do with the Democrat witch hunt over things that the IRS later completely exonerated Newt of any wrongdoing.

Stop listening to the liars slander. That is how these RINOs work and why they have remained in power in the GOP through Reagan, Bush the Younger and everything else.

Please dont be gullible fools trading the facts of deeds for the promises of liars.
Lived in mass at the time. He made budget profits by not cutting socislist programs,but raising certain state fees drastically,and then the socialized medicine.
Untitled Document

From the 2008 election when Romney decided to campaign to get the VP slot, a careful observer pointed out the following:

1. In 2002 Romney opposed a state constitutional amendment defining marriage. To get the homosexual Log Cabin Republicans' endorsement, which he aggressively sought in both 1994 and 2002, he secretly promised to violate the state Constitution and illegally impose sodomy-based "marriage" if merely given the fig leaf of a legally impotent court opinion. In 2003 he got the excuse he needed when four outlaw judges belched forth the Goodridge opinion urging the legislature to legalize sodomy-based "marriage."...

The state constitution explicitly says the judges have absolutely no voice in marriage law. None. It says only the legislature can alter the laws. Only. The very same court has admitted this. And even the ultra-liberal Massachusetts legislature rejected the judges' fantasy as lacking any legal force.

But Romney and his ABA-approved "conservative" legal experts went to work. They pretended that the court's attempt to bluff the legislature into changing the marriage laws somehow bound the chief executive of the statutes to pretend that the intact marriage statutes had actually been changed.

Alliance Defense Fund lawyer David French even embarrassed himself by pretending that judges who claimed authority to redefine the term "marriage" in common law (as mere court opinions are often called) were also magically redefining both the Legislature's binding intent in the statutes and redefining the intent of the sovereign people as expressed in their state Constitution. ...

But Romney put on a spectacular show for the public. He avowed undying fealty to natural human marriage and the people's right to govern themselves, free from tyrannical judges. He suddenly found a political use for the "Mormon family values" he had thoroughly trashed as governor. He publicly protested that these "arrogant judges" had violated the state Constitution (and thus, their oaths of office). He was right. They had, but no where near as grossly as he was about to. He had secret campaign promises to keep for the "Log Cabin" Republican homosexuals, and the inauguration oath he had pledged the People and to God would have to be broken.

In a brazen display of contempt for the sovereign People, their Constitution which he had sworn to defend and the God in whose name he swore his oath, Romney opposed a citizens' effort to remove the four outlaw judges who he openly accused of violating their oaths of office to impose their personal preferences on the people!...

Mitt was caught between a Log Cabin and a hard place. He had trashed the Supreme Law of Massachusetts to hand homosexual Republicans a social revolution that had been unthinkable (and pushed homosexual adoption, signed in fifty-dollar abortions at taxpayer expense...). But he also wanted to be the "Leader of the Free World." To convince conservative primary voters that he was their man he'd have to portray himself as a principled defender of marriage, children, life and constitutional governance.

Impossible. But Mitt had a business plan: he would take the state Constitution totally out of the discussion and make facts go away by writing checks. To whom? Well, to the conservative elites, of course -- the self-proclaimed guardians of life, marriage and constitutions. After all, is there a cheaper date in America?

Fulfilling his secret 2002 campaign promises to the "Log Cabin" homosexuals, Romney told America through crocodile tears that arrogant, tyrannical judges had forced him to violate Articles V, X, XX and XXX of Parts One and Two of the Massachusetts Constitution: "We obviously have to follow the law as provided by the [Court] and … decide 'what kind of statute we can fashion which is consistent with the law."...

2. After his stage-managed pro-life "conversion" Romney's signature healthcare plan established abortion as a taxpayer-subsidized "healthcare benefit" -- for a mere $50 co-payment. He also created a permanent, official government role for an unelected Planned Parenthood representative on his healthcare board (no pro-life appointee). Again, this was AFTER his Hollywood-produced pro-life "conversion."

3. Fulfilling other confidential campaign promises to Massachusetts' powerful homosexual bloc, Romney increased government subsidies for pro-homosexuality propaganda starting in kindergarten. For his entire four years Romney conspicuously refused to enforce the parents' rights law meant to help parents protect their children against such indoctrination.

When running for the U. S. Senate in 1994, Romney had promised in a letter to the "Log Cabin" homosexuals to be more pro-gay than Ted Kennedy. As a Republican (and a Mormon), he winked at them, he could get away with more than a Democrat could. They got the message and glowingly endorsed him in both 1994 and 2002.

4. Even the remanufactured "conservative" Romney opposes a ban on homosexual boy scoutmasters and supports sexual orientation laws that would force private businesses and religious institutions to, for example, hire cross-dressers and transvestites or face criminal fines and punishment.

5. Romney cited a non-existent "law" to force Catholic Charities' adoption and foster care agency, to give children to homosexuals even when normal mother-father families were lined up to give them a real family. Even liberal former governor Democrat Mike Dukakis pointed out that this "law" Romney used was not a "law," but merely an executive regulation that a governor can cancel with a stroke of his pen.

6. Romney's "conservative" mercenaries also market him as a "fiscal conservative." Yet his "signature" achievement as governor, his government-run "universal" healthcare plan was endorsed by Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, and Planned Parenthood. It has been an economic catastrophe according to the Wall St. Journal, Boston Globe, and Cato Institute.

8. Romney increased taxes and fees by over $800 million which have since devastated the Massachusetts economy. He opposed the Bush Tax Cuts -- earning him praise from uber-liberal Barney Frank.

9. Romney lies without apparent shame, and has boasted falsely of "seeing his father march with Martin Luther King," of being a "life-long hunter," of having earned the "National Rifle Association's endorsement," always "being for life," ad infinitum. All lies.

10. Romney supported McCain-Feingold "campaign finance reform" laws which shamelessly outlaw political speech -- an unalienable right guaranteed under our state and federal constitutions for which countless of our young soldiers and sailors have died.

11. Romney backed the McCain-Kennedy plan to give amnesty to illegal aliens (disguised under the label "comprehensive immigration reform") and backed parts of eco-extremist McCain-Lieberman "carbon cap and trade" bill.

The ambitious and greedy GOP elites have ruthlessly covered up Romney's actions. They claim he's a fiscal and social conservative who would help McCain shore up support among both social conservatives and "pocket book conservatives." But McCain would be selecting a Republican Barack Obama who, as Founding Father of sodomy-based "marriage" and $50 dollar taxpayer-funded abortions, has accomplished what radical Democrats dream of accomplishing.

The charade required to successfully portray Romney as a conservative who resisted homosexual "marriage," opposed giving parent-less children to homosexuals and opposed $50 abortions involved a massive media campaign of bare-faced lying. That the "conservative" elites took the lead in this Marxist-style subversion of a state constitution and in enabling government funding of industrial scale abortion is a frightening indication of why America is slipping into tyranny. Romney's subversion of the oldest functioning constitution in the world -- and California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's (similarly illegal) copy-catting -- mark the end of the rule of law in America on the issues that ultimately define any society.

Senior homosexual activists and many Democrat strategists understand that the consequences will be sweeping: the end of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association and parents' rights, as already evident in Canada and much of Europe.

As Justice Antonin Scalia warned of the Lawrence v. Texas opinion in which a United States Supreme Court majority mocked the American people and the Founding Fathers by pretending to have the constitutional authority and power to "strike down" the anti-sodomy laws of states, "this could be the one that swallows the rule of law."

Indeed. It is still swallowing.

Lawrence invited Goodridge. Goodridge invited the anti-constitutional and legally void California opinion that Schwarzenegger in turn has used as a justification for trashing the constitution he swore to defend and uphold. And long before the swallowing is done, it will be too late to reverse it.
Lived in mass at the time. He made budget profits by not cutting socislist programs,but raising certain state fees drastically,and then the socialized medicine.

What do you think the odds are that he will raise taxes on us if he were to win the Presidency?
Jim, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Newtie isn't exactly a Conservative. If you want to know what kind of anti-American, globalist POS he is, I'll go bump the thread I started "Newt Gingrich - NWO shill"

He's a Trojan Horse, Jim, I ain't kidding!
From the earlier blog:

It took a hundred million dollars of Romney cash to waterboard Americans with Orwellian propaganda via "conservative" talk radio, Fox News and "pro-family" lawyers and religious mercenaries. Their consensus is they've rewritten enough history to fool enough of the people enough of the time.

They are calling Romney the favorite to be McCain's running mate. But many real conservatives -- the long-suffering field slaves of the Republican Party-- already know or sense the truth about this man. The American Spectator reports:

McCain campaign insiders say that while it's true they have polled Romney on the (McCain) ticket, the data confirms that such a move would be a political disaster for the party.

"Mitt tanks the ticket," says a McCain insider. "We lose fiscal conservatives. We lose social conservatives. We lose Catholics. We lose evangelicals. All the groups were spending time and money on bringing into the camp would be lost. He just doesn't help us enough to do something like this, as much as Mitt might think we should. He doesn't even win us Massachusetts."

No, kidding. The American Spectator is among the formerly conservative media that have cast journalistic integrity aside and refused to report the ugliest parts of Romney's actions and measure his misrepresentations about the law against the Massachusetts Constitution.

The mercenary GOP elites are still airbrushing Romney into a Reagan-esque figure. They've totally fooled Dr. James Dobson of "Focus on the Family," who called him, "a man pro-family voters could support."

But in a general election this time around, Mitt somehow morphs into this dynamo of conservative principle?

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Jim, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Newtie isn't exactly a Conservative. If you want to know what kind of anti-American, globalist POS he is, I'll go bump the thread I started "Newt Gingrich - NWO shill"

He's a Trojan Horse, Jim, I ain't kidding!

Bullshit. Gingrich has poked the NWO people in the eye so many times its stupid.

That is why the GOP establishment said nothing while the Dems ran a kangaroo court ruling against Newt on things the IRS cleared him on. For Christ's sake, if the IRS clears you of tax fraud, the only ones left still acusing are ideological whores and paid liars.

BTW,, your join date is Jan 2012?

lol, astroturfing poseur
Rick Santorum for President. You keep forgetting he's still there. He will be there for a while. As Gingrich proves he's not worthy and a chimera, Santorum will prevail.
Which one is Conservative?

That would be Rick Santorum.

I agree, but Santorum is hardly even running any more.

Conservatives should unite behind the half loaf they got instead of hoping on a star that Romney isnt the same liar he has always been.

And for what its worth, I am not a conservative. I am more of a populist who is conservative on two thirds of the issues and progressive on the other third.

But Romney is a neofascist and were he to win election he would be a serious threat to our Republic. The man's dishonesty is only surpassed by his craving for power.
Rick Santorum for President. You keep forgetting he's still there. He will be there for a while. As Gingrich proves he's not worthy and a chimera, Santorum will prevail.

Santorum, God bless him, simply does not have the funds to make a serious run. After his daughters health issues, he may drop out very soon.

Meanwhile I would rather take my chances on a conservative chimera than a closet neofascist liar like Romney.
Jim, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Newtie isn't exactly a Conservative. If you want to know what kind of anti-American, globalist POS he is, I'll go bump the thread I started "Newt Gingrich - NWO shill"

He's a Trojan Horse, Jim, I ain't kidding!

Bullshit. Gingrich has poked the NWO people in the eye so many times its stupid.

That is why the GOP establishment said nothing while the Dems ran a kangaroo court ruling against Newt on things the IRS cleared him on. For Christ's sake, if the IRS clears you of tax fraud, the only ones left still acusing are ideological whores and paid liars.

BTW,, your join date is Jan 2012?

lol, astroturfing poseur
NWO = New World Order

My join date is what it is. You don't have to believe me, but you need to do your own research so you can see for yourself what I'm talking about. The links are in the thread, and you really should read them. Alvin Toffler is like a guru to Newt, and Newt even made Toffler's book 'The Third Wave' required reading in his college class. In that book Toffler lays out his thoughts on the end of American sovereignty and the rise of a "supranational authority" to replace it.

Newt calls this guy a GENIUS.
Problem i have with newt is too many flipflops,inconsistancy,and the morals of a pig. You have to have values,morals,charactor,and set an example of those values to be a true leader.
Problem i have with newt is too many flipflops,inconsistancy,and the morals of a pig. You have to have values,morals,charactor,and set an example of those values to be a true leader.

I don't care that he's a serial adulterer, I care about his 'vision' for this country.

Alvin Toffler is not the guy I want influencing the POTUS.
1. How can Romney be “pro-life” when 3 years after his supposed “pro-life conversion” he signed $50 abortions into law as part of his socialist healthcare plan that was endorsed by Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, and Planned Parenthood?
2. How can Romney be “pro-marriage” when he is unilaterally responsible for the illegal and unconstitutional implementation of same-sex “marriage” in Massachusetts?
3. How can Romney be “pro-family” when he boosted funding for homosexual and transgender “education” starting in kindergarten?4. How can Romney be “pro-family” when he opposes a ban on homosexual scoutmasters?
5. How can Romney oppose the gay agenda when he promised the homosexual Log Cabin Republicans he would not oppose “gay marriage” in return for their endorsement?
6. How can Romney claim to oppose ObamaCare when Romney himself signed the forerunner for ObamaCare (Romneycare which includes $50 tax subsidized abortions) into law which has been a total failure?
7. How can Romney claim to be “pro-tax cuts” and “pro-limited government” when as governor he opposed the Bush Tax Cuts (for which he was lauded by Barney Frank) and raised taxes and fees by a billion dollars which has decimated the Massachusetts economy?
8. How will Romney be expected to appoint conservative judges if elected president when as governor he passed over Republican lawyers for three quarters of the 36 judicial vacancies he faced and nominated 2 open homosexuals?
9. How can Romney claim to stand for religious liberty and freedom of conscience when he supports passage of state level Employment Non-Discrimination Act which would force churches and other religious organizations to hire homosexuals and transvestites or face criminal fines and prosecution?
10. How can Romney claim to be a man of virtue and integrity when he consistently tells so many outright and easily disprovable lies? (”I saw my father march with MLK” “I”ve been a hunter pretty much my whole life” “The NRA endorsed me” etc…
— Gregg Jackson

Really, it is pure gullibility on the part of conservatives of any stripe to trust this serial liar.
Lived in mass at the time. He made budget profits by not cutting socislist programs,but raising certain state fees drastically,and then the socialized medicine.

What do you think the odds are that he will raise taxes on us if he were to win the Presidency?

Honestly, that is the only saving grace when it comes to Romney. He probably would raise taxes to increase revenue. But that I'm not even sure of anymore. He seems to think the federal government can be run on revenues totaling 13.9% of GDP or less, since that is all he pays in taxes. Either that or he thinks he can raise taxes on everyone else while leaving the wealthiest Americans paying under 15%.

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