Which Came First Creation Or Evolution?

Dr. Henry Morris, states, "One question remains. Assuming Satan to be the real source of the evolutionary concept, how did it originate in his mind? . . . A possible answer to this mystery could be that Satan, the father of lies, has not only deceived the whole world and the angelic hosts who followed him--he has even deceived himself! The only way he could really know about creation (just as the only way we can know about creation) was for God to tell him! . . . . He refused to believe and accept the Word of God concerning his own creation and place in God's economy . . . He therefore deceived himself into supposing that all things, including himself and including God, had been evolved by natural processes out of the primordial stuff of the universe. . . ." (Morris, Troubled Waters of Evolution, 1974, pp 74-75)."

He is correct in stating that we know about creation through the Bible or God's Word. Evolution came afterward as we see during the times of Paul, the Epicureans and Stoics.


"The Theory of Biological Evolution is most often associated with Charles Darwin, because it was Charles Darwin that proposed the mechanism of natural selection and accompanied that proposition with a large volume of empirical data providing evidence for biological evolution.

Darwin was not, however, the first person to propose an evolutionary explanation for the diversity of life on earth. In fact, evolutionary concepts about life date far back into history and arose in many different cultures. The Greeks developed a concept of evolution over 2,300 years ago that was basically equivalent to that of Charles Darwin's, but the early Christians opposed the idea and destroyed all of the works that promoted it or any other naturalistic explanations for earthly phenomena."

Understanding Evolution: History, Theory, Evidence, and Implictions

ETA: Both of my sources are atheist, so they could be lying. Still, the first one brings up an interesting question. We find science backs up the Bible, but science doesn't back up evolution. Thus, the first one is the truth and not the myth.

"Your God of repentance will not save you.
Your Holy Ghost will not save you
Your god Plutonium will not save you
. . . in fact . . . you will not be saved!"
~John Carpenter, Prince of Darkness

Creation, along with the nuclear core of free will. What followed was the evolution of most every thing known and yet to be discovered.
Even Jesus had to accept Satan as god of this world when he tempted him by saying, “I’ll give you all the kingdoms of the world if you bow down and worship me” Matthew 4:8-9. He knew that he could do this because while God created earth and it is his, he is not the god of this world and thus there is a conflict of interest between God and Satan.

lol...Jesus wasn't talking to any "god of this world."

That story is just about some guy in robes trying to talk Jesus out of doing what he knew was right by saying something like,

" Whats wrong with you Jeez? Why are you so upset about things? The romans aren't so bad. They brought us law and order. You are such a nice guy, smart, good looking, talented. Everyone likes you. You make beautiful furniture! Why rock the boat? Why be such a party pooper? Take a good look around. Anything you want can be yours. You could make tons of money, live on easy street, and have the whole world at your feet if you would just take my advice, get with the program, and quit all that crazy talk about good and evil and right and wrong....
Do you make this stuff up as you go along?

lol...You've heard the story before and never saw anything there but archaic superstitious lore.

I see whats written between the lines and showed it to you..

From now on you won't be able to see anything else.

You're welcome.
Basically, you've dumbed down the bible so much that it no longer makes any sense... except to you.

lol.... You thought that you've heard it all before, but you never heard anything like what I said.

Its the only way to see it that makes any sense.

Whats the problem? Without the supernatural element you have nothing left to dispute without looking like an asshole?

Thats a shame....
Even Jesus had to accept Satan as god of this world when he tempted him by saying, “I’ll give you all the kingdoms of the world if you bow down and worship me” Matthew 4:8-9. He knew that he could do this because while God created earth and it is his, he is not the god of this world and thus there is a conflict of interest between God and Satan.

lol...Jesus wasn't talking to any "god of this world."

That story is just about some guy in robes trying to talk Jesus out of doing what he knew was right by saying something like,

" Whats wrong with you Jeez? Why are you so upset about things? The romans aren't so bad. They brought us law and order. You are such a nice guy, smart, good looking, talented. Everyone likes you. You make beautiful furniture! Why rock the boat? Why be such a party pooper? Take a good look around. Anything you want can be yours. You could make tons of money, live on easy street, and have the whole world at your feet if you would just take my advice, get with the program, and quit all that crazy talk about good and evil and right and wrong....
Do you make this stuff up as you go along?

lol...You've heard the story before and never saw anything there but archaic superstitious lore.

I see whats written between the lines and showed it to you..

From now on you won't be able to see anything else.

You're welcome.
Basically, you've dumbed down the bible so much that it no longer makes any sense... except to you.

lol.... You thought that you've heard it all before, but you never heard anything like what I said.

Its the only way to see it that makes any sense.

Whats the problem? Without the supernatural element you have nothing left to dispute without looking like an asshole?
Thats a shame....
Without the supernatural element, it's not a religious book, just a cartoonish book of moralistic stories, like a Dr Seuss book.
Can you close your eyes and think of the earth when it was brand new. That was the garden of Eden. God created man for companionship. I believe he probably had plans for Adam and Eve. He was going to show them places all over the globe probably. I like to think I was divinely created instead of evolving from an amoeba. Our bodies are magnificent. It is a design from higher intelligence. If you can really imagine all the different places in the universe, how can you say there is no god. Anything could be possible. The universe has been around for millions and millions of years. Perhaps someone figured out how to create. In the scope of things it becomes more than possible.
Creationism has been around some 3,000 years or so.

Humanoids have been around 10,000 years.

So evolution wins out by 7,000 years.
I disagree. I think Adam and Eve were around more than a few days before the fall. I believe they were here when the earth was new and the fall of man came a lot later. We have the story right it's the time frame people place on it that seems to be incorrect.

As I said, geology (along with biology, zoology and astronomy) is one of the areas where evolution has its biggest lies.

Why A Million People Follow A Woman Who Says She's Channeling The Archangels

Why A Million People Follow A Woman Who Says She's Channeling The Archangels

The Bible warns against believing people like her. Archangels as messengers and protectors are true, but she's not channeling any archangel..

The Bible doesn't like competition clearly.

Nothing more nutty about her than any of our 'Creation Scientists'.....lol

Not competition, but one truth. Can't you get that through your thick skull? There can't be part of this is correct while that part is not correct. The Bible can't change, but science textbooks change every year. It's either the Bible is all correct or evolution is all correct. However, we know that it isn't because the science changes yearly. Science only accepts the best theory of the moment until a better explanation is found.

As for creation scientists, they have been many of the greatest scientists of all time. It's only recently that atheist scientists have become known because the creation scientists have been left out of secular science. Is God upset about this? Sure. And there will be a "hell" of a price to pay by the atheist scientists and atheists who believe in their wrong science.

You keep laughing at creation scientists, but it's a serious matter when your real and future life is at stake.

But Mr. Bond, James Bond, the way creationist believe history, their have been observations that cause a subtle change in how we interrupt the bible. If that makes sense?
Must you take the chronology of the bible so literally? I mean is there any chance the time frame we place on the flood etc could be misinterpreted? I mean the earth is 4.543 billion years old.

As I said, geology (along with biology, zoology and astronomy) is one of the areas where evolution has its biggest lies.

Why A Million People Follow A Woman Who Says She's Channeling The Archangels

Why A Million People Follow A Woman Who Says She's Channeling The Archangels

The Bible warns against believing people like her. Archangels as messengers and protectors are true, but she's not channeling any archangel..

The Bible doesn't like competition clearly.

Nothing more nutty about her than any of our 'Creation Scientists'.....lol

Not competition, but one truth. .

Religious communities around the world disagree with you. Not just scientists- but even the Catholic Church disagrees with you.

Your 'one truth' is nothing but the opinion of a small group of self selected quacks who believe that their interpretation of the big book of fairy tales is correct- and everyone else's- including that of science is wrong.
Why is it do you suppose that there are no Jewish 'Creation Museums'- or Muslim 'Creation Museums' or Hindu 'Creation Museums'- not even a Catholic 'Creation Museum'.

What JB refers to as 'Creation scientists' are a small group of religious quacks promoting their own hokum.
lol...Jesus wasn't talking to any "god of this world."

That story is just about some guy in robes trying to talk Jesus out of doing what he knew was right by saying something like,

" Whats wrong with you Jeez? Why are you so upset about things? The romans aren't so bad. They brought us law and order. You are such a nice guy, smart, good looking, talented. Everyone likes you. You make beautiful furniture! Why rock the boat? Why be such a party pooper? Take a good look around. Anything you want can be yours. You could make tons of money, live on easy street, and have the whole world at your feet if you would just take my advice, get with the program, and quit all that crazy talk about good and evil and right and wrong....
Do you make this stuff up as you go along?

lol...You've heard the story before and never saw anything there but archaic superstitious lore.

I see whats written between the lines and showed it to you..

From now on you won't be able to see anything else.

You're welcome.
Basically, you've dumbed down the bible so much that it no longer makes any sense... except to you.

lol.... You thought that you've heard it all before, but you never heard anything like what I said.

Its the only way to see it that makes any sense.

Whats the problem? Without the supernatural element you have nothing left to dispute without looking like an asshole?
Thats a shame....
Without the supernatural element, it's not a religious book, just a cartoonish book of moralistic stories, like a Dr Seuss book.

lol... Apparently understanding cartoonish moralistic stories written by shepherds 6000 years ago to teach their children the hard learned lessons of their distant past proved far too difficult for you. You said you never even got past the story of noah, stumped by the question of kangaroos...


I bet you never finished a Dr Seuss book either.
Do you make this stuff up as you go along?

lol...You've heard the story before and never saw anything there but archaic superstitious lore.

I see whats written between the lines and showed it to you..

From now on you won't be able to see anything else.

You're welcome.
Basically, you've dumbed down the bible so much that it no longer makes any sense... except to you.

lol.... You thought that you've heard it all before, but you never heard anything like what I said.

Its the only way to see it that makes any sense.

Whats the problem? Without the supernatural element you have nothing left to dispute without looking like an asshole?
Thats a shame....
Without the supernatural element, it's not a religious book, just a cartoonish book of moralistic stories, like a Dr Seuss book.

lol... Apparently understanding cartoonish moralistic stories written by shepherds 6000 years ago to teach their children the hard learned lessons of their distant past proved far too difficult for you. You said you never even got past the story of noah, stumped by the question of kangaroos...


I bet you never finished a Dr Seuss book either.
But your mistake is that it IS a supernatural book about an invisible superbeing that made everything. Dumbing it down as far as you do renders it meaningless.
Satan is a myth.

Evolution came first and last, as there is not s hred of evidence ir any rational reason whatsoever to believe in creation, and the reason and evidence all stands against young earth creationist.

So, it's a silly question.
We have the story right
You absolutely do not. While we know there existed a common female and a common male ancestor of all modern humans, they existed quite a long time apart, and about 4.543 billion years after the earth formed.
How do you know? Can you actually look around on earth and divine what happened on earth a billion years ago?
How do you know?
From the fossil record, DNA analysis, geology, taxonomy, and other fields of science that have all produce mountains of mutually supportive evidence. We don't have to watch something happen in order to make evidence-based determinations about it.
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Oh bullshit Fort Fun Indiana, you can take all the scientific evidence and still not be able to ascertain exactly what was happening on earth. And by the way the same way you are constantly updating and creating scientific evidence the churches are looking at the creation and re-thinking. Religion is a discipline.
Dr. Henry Morris, states, "One question remains. Assuming Satan to be the real source of the evolutionary concept, how did it originate in his mind? . . . A possible answer to this mystery could be that Satan, the father of lies, has not only deceived the whole world and the angelic hosts who followed him--he has even deceived himself! The only way he could really know about creation (just as the only way we can know about creation) was for God to tell him! . . . . He refused to believe and accept the Word of God concerning his own creation and place in God's economy . . . He therefore deceived himself into supposing that all things, including himself and including God, had been evolved by natural processes out of the primordial stuff of the universe. . . ." (Morris, Troubled Waters of Evolution, 1974, pp 74-75)."

He is correct in stating that we know about creation through the Bible or God's Word. Evolution came afterward as we see during the times of Paul, the Epicureans and Stoics.


"The Theory of Biological Evolution is most often associated with Charles Darwin, because it was Charles Darwin that proposed the mechanism of natural selection and accompanied that proposition with a large volume of empirical data providing evidence for biological evolution.

Darwin was not, however, the first person to propose an evolutionary explanation for the diversity of life on earth. In fact, evolutionary concepts about life date far back into history and arose in many different cultures. The Greeks developed a concept of evolution over 2,300 years ago that was basically equivalent to that of Charles Darwin's, but the early Christians opposed the idea and destroyed all of the works that promoted it or any other naturalistic explanations for earthly phenomena."

Understanding Evolution: History, Theory, Evidence, and Implictions

ETA: Both of my sources are atheist, so they could be lying. Still, the first one brings up an interesting question. We find science backs up the Bible, but science doesn't back up evolution. Thus, the first one is the truth and not the myth.
Creation. Evolution never occurred.

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