Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

Don't make fun. Many people cherish the maudlin stories about when baby Jesus lost a tooth during the high hare holy days and his mother put a chocolate gelt egg under his holy pillow.
la la la ----AWAAAAY in the manger, no crib for a bed----the little lord JESUS lay down
his sweet head. THE STARS in the sky looked down where he lay and little lord Jesus
no crying he made <sob> ------my first song----then----OH paddy dear and did you
hear the news that's goin' round-----the british have forbid by law the wearin' 'o the GREEN
I grew up in an Anglican, protestant, Irish catholic neighborhood
The book I linked to suggests that it was for being a military/political threat to the occupying Roman forces.

Absolutely. And the threat didn't end with his death. When Jesus was asked by Pilate if he was a king he replied, "King is your word. My task (as messiah) is to bear witness to the truth." When asked again Jesus replied "if I was a worldly king my followers would be fighting to free me." adding "my kingdom is elsewhere" And Pilate said "so you are a king". and then he was executed.
Don't make fun. Many people cherish the maudlin stories about when baby Jesus lost a tooth during the high hare holy days and his mother put chocolate gelt under his pillow during the night.
"gelt" is neither hebrew nor aramaic and chocolate was not invented until the Spanish
encountered MONTEZUMAH (and strangled him in the name of the HOLY ROMAN
Absolutely. And the threat didn't end with his death. When Jesus was asked by Pilate if he was a king he replied, "King is your word. My task (as messiah) is to bear witness to the truth." When asked again Jesus replied "if I was a worldly king my followers would be fighting to free me and when he said "my kingdom is elsewhere" Pilate said "so you are a king". and then he was executed.
Jesus was executed for being a Pharisee with PHARISEE MOTIVATIONS
la la la ----AWAAAAY in the manger, no crib for a bed----the little lord JESUS lay down
his sweet head. THE STARS in the sky looked down where he lay and little lord Jesus
no crying he made <sob> ------my first song----then----OH paddy dear and did you
hear the news that's goin' round-----the british have forbid by law the wearin' 'o the GREEN
I grew up in an Anglican, protestant, Irish catholic neighborhood

Sheesh. Living in the wilderness among the wild beasts has really left its mark on you. Be healed.
:auiqs.jpg: Like I said, the only ones who think I am nuts are the ones who are running around naked, unwashed and covered with filth, reeking of vomit, cutting themselves with rocks and shrieking GIBBERISH among the jelly bean tombstones.
I am ALWAYS dressed-----being a shy girl
the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - is not in conclusion as injustice, the crucifixion of those in the 1st century, the criminals have not been brought to reckoning and continue their crimes to this day and in final triumph will terminate humanity to extinction upon final judgement ...

that's you hobo whether yourself or not - the religion of antiquity is for all humanity - see noah.

There will be no termination or extinction of humanity. Just an end to perversity and the age of darkness. Then humanity will flourish like never before. A new age. The Messianic age of light.

"Howbeit, God in His inscrutable wisdom has appointed a term for existence of perversity, and when the time of Inquisition comes, He will destroy it for ever. Then truth will emerge triumphant for the world, albeit now until the time of the final judgment it go sullying itself in the ways of wickedness owing to the domination of perversity. Then, too, God will purge all the acts of man in the crucible of His Truth, and refine for Himself all the fabric of man, destroying every spirit of perversity from within his flesh and cleansing him by the holy spirit from all the effects of wickedness. Like waters of purification He will sprinkle upon the Spirit of truth, to cleanse him of all the abominations of falsehood and of all pollution through the spirit of filth; to the end that, being made upright, men may have understanding of transcendental knowledge and of the lore of the sons of heaven, and that, being made blameless in their ways, they may be endowed with inner vision. For them has God chosen to be the partners of His eternal covenant, and theirs shall be all mortal glory. Perversity shall be no more, and all works of deceit shall be put to shame.

(Of the two spirits in man)

you must be fond of moses - the liar.
wait...your "proof" is the self-serving text of the gospels? And within that, the random statement of unnamed people who were not speaking with any authority?

Got it. Good work.

a claim by all three desert religions - heavenly 10 commandments ... that never existed. they are the same.

provide the heavenly etched tablets w/ 10 commandments claimed by the liar moses ... or the conclave that is responsible for their writings.

- the very deceptions the 1st century events were enacted to overcome, being unjustly terminated by the criminals that rule the desert religions to this day.

rosends, jesus was not alone many were fed to the lions you are on very thin ice - denying jesus is not the same as including those others that gave their lives for liberation theology, self determination - - they will remember your words.
la la la ----AWAAAAY in the manger, no crib for a bed----the little lord JESUS lay down
his sweet head.
- there are no documented historical records for jesus during their time of dissertation and crucifixion - just how is it they have knowledge of their birth 30 years earlier and what specific details were involved for that event ...

could it be - - all madeup ...
a claim by all three desert religions - heavenly 10 commandments ... that never existed. they are the same.

provide the heavenly etched tablets w/ 10 commandments claimed by the liar moses ... or the conclave that is responsible for their writings.

- the very deceptions the 1st century events were enacted to overcome, being unjustly terminated by the criminals that rule the desert religions to this day.

rosends, jesus was not alone many were fed to the lions you are on very thin ice - denying jesus is not the same as including those others that gave their lives for liberation theology, self determination - - they will remember your words.
Jesus was fed to lions? And I claimed he was alone fed to lions? What are you replying to? It certainly isn't to what I claimed. And I notice you ignored the fact that we can't produce any handwritten Shakespearean texts.
could it be - - all madeup ...

No. There was no such thing as the freedom of expression in the ancient past. People were beaten, maimed, imprisoned, enslaved, persecuted, and killed on a daily basis for trivial reasons.

With that in mind, try to understand that the unknown authors had to use figurative language.

Any story or claim that offends the sensibilities of a child or contradicts reality is like a giant X on a treasure map marking the exact location where something of great value was buried and hidden.

If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it. If you don't look you will never find it.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, (Jesus H. Christ!) buried it again" So put on your thinking cap and start digging, if you can dig it..
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