Which butt instructs others including military on how to eat!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

First lady Michelle Obama pushing for more fruits and vegetables in military food.
Hold the mystery meat: Military mess halls soon will be serving more fruits, vegetables and low-fat dishes under the first program in 20 years to improve nutrition standards across the armed services.
Michelle Obama pushes for upgrades in military food | NBC17.com
Of course she like Obama belongs to the school of "do as I say and not as I do"!$thumbnail.aspx.jpeg
View attachment 17382

First lady Michelle Obama pushing for more fruits and vegetables in military food.
Hold the mystery meat: Military mess halls soon will be serving more fruits, vegetables and low-fat dishes under the first program in 20 years to improve nutrition standards across the armed services.
Michelle Obama pushes for upgrades in military food | NBC17.com

Oh Jesus - this regime has fucked-up our military so bad to date, now this lard-ass is weighing in (no pun intended) on good old Navy chow??

No more steak and lobster, blueberry cobbler?

OK, before we go too far into the usual dichotomy of those who cum all over themselves when Moshelle appears, and those who think she looks a lot like some circus freak, let's do a little comparison:
Here's a very nicely proportioned, fit, gorgeous black woman (who also happens to be a liberal!)
Compare her to buffalo-butt, teeny-titty, (but she's got great arms!) Moshelle.


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it's really too bad that michelle has been attacked as much as she has. laura was attacked some too but not to this extent. now, the next republican first lady is gonna get attacked even worse just because the democratic partisans will want payback. it's also pretty bad when adults go after some dude's wife just because they hate him. i think most parents would tell their kids, if they did the same thing, that that kind of behavior was unacceptable.
it's really too bad that michelle has been attacked as much as she has. laura was attacked some too but not to this extent. now, the next republican first lady is gonna get attacked even worse just because the democratic partisans will want payback. it's also pretty bad when adults go after some dude's wife just because they hate him. i think most parents would tell their kids, if they did the same thing, that that kind of behavior was unacceptable.

Laura Bush was a lot more low-key. She wasn't always courting the media lime-light and made much less of a fuss about her public projects.
First off I will give Mrs Obama credit for being in fairly good shape. Some pictures of her were rather terrible but I think she has learned to dress better along the way.

Now about military chow. It is designed by nutritionists to give a military person the correct number of calories protein fat etc that they need to keep going in their active lifestyle. You cannot survive the military on the sensible diet that the Lady is talking about.

This is where she needs to just get her civilian nose out of military business...... Seems as though neither of the Obama's understand the military.
I think you're all a bunch of douchebags that have nothing better to do than hang on a fucking message board and bitch about the dumbest subjects... how do I know?

takes one to know one.

Funny, I note that you are here at least as often as some, more often than others...just sayin'...

So was he! Thanks for the update. :lol:
OK.... one question, maybe two.....

First: Why the Hell is Moochelle Obama targeting ACTIVE military personell with her sill obesity bullshit.
Seems to me the military is quite fit.... its the idiots who are trying to sign up that are too fat, not active soldiers. :cuckoo:

Second: What the Fuck does she know??? Is she a nutritionist now???

Bitch needs to check herself :eusa_hand:

Yep.... those fighting men and women are just way too fat :confused:



View attachment 17382

First lady Michelle Obama pushing for more fruits and vegetables in military food.
Hold the mystery meat: Military mess halls soon will be serving more fruits, vegetables and low-fat dishes under the first program in 20 years to improve nutrition standards across the armed services.
Michelle Obama pushes for upgrades in military food | NBC17.com

Oh Jesus - this regime has fucked-up our military so bad to date, now this lard-ass is weighing in (no pun intended) on good old Navy chow??

No more steak and lobster, blueberry cobbler?


Don't you mean gristle and lobster? I bet your favorite dish was trouser trout.
OK.... one question, maybe two.....

First: Why the Hell is Moochelle Obama targeting ACTIVE military personell with her sill obesity bullshit.
Seems to me the military is quite fit.... its the idiots who are trying to sign up that are too fat, not active soldiers. :cuckoo:

Second: What the Fuck does she know??? Is she a nutritionist now???

Bitch needs to check herself :eusa_hand:

Yep.... those fighting men and women are just way too fat :confused:




Don't you mean "Black bitch needs to check herself"? Isn't that what you call her at home, or is it "****** bitch"?
OK.... one question, maybe two.....

First: Why the Hell is Moochelle Obama targeting ACTIVE military personell with her sill obesity bullshit.
Seems to me the military is quite fit.... its the idiots who are trying to sign up that are too fat, not active soldiers. :cuckoo:

Second: What the Fuck does she know??? Is she a nutritionist now???

Bitch needs to check herself :eusa_hand:

Yep.... those fighting men and women are just way too fat :confused:




Don't you mean "Black bitch needs to check herself"? Isn't that what you call her at home, or is it "****** bitch"?

How about: "She needs to mind her own business and leave the military alone"? But, if you prefer "****** bitch", OK...your words...
OK.... one question, maybe two.....

First: Why the Hell is Moochelle Obama targeting ACTIVE military personell with her sill obesity bullshit.
Seems to me the military is quite fit.... its the idiots who are trying to sign up that are too fat, not active soldiers. :cuckoo:

Second: What the Fuck does she know??? Is she a nutritionist now???

Bitch needs to check herself :eusa_hand:

Yep.... those fighting men and women are just way too fat :confused:




Don't you mean "Black bitch needs to check herself"? Isn't that what you call her at home, or is it "****** bitch"?

How about: "She needs to mind her own business and leave the military alone"? But, if you prefer "****** bitch", OK...your words...

No, your words, asshat.

Military bases don't need healthier food? Really?

How many bases you been on?
Why do people a)get so upset that Michelle Obama pushes an anti-obesity campaign and b)assume any time she says anything about it, that she is the sole arbiter of what is included?

The article said the Pentagon was working to improve nutrition. It also said that problems with weight in the military have become much worse since the last time they worked on their food content. So, people joining the military are often overweight (at least for military fitness) and active members more often have weight issues than they did in the past.....and the president's wife involving herself with the issue is somehow horrible?

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