Whew...4 men beat and rob victim...no one has a gun...so he gets beaten and robbed...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is another example of why a gun free world would be just as, if not more brutal, than one with guns in it...in a world without guns, the weak, the old, women, the handicapped, and the individual...are all at a disadvantage when confronted by young, strong, violent males bent on taking what they want....

Guns, which require a limited amount of training and little or no physical strength make it possible for the weak, the old, women, the handicapped and the individual to win...even when they are surprised or outnumbered...

WHY I CARRY Man Brutally Beaten Robbed by 4 Men on Street as Bystanders Walk By
Courageous gorillas vs. dumbass white Democrat. I bet he'll turn Conservative in a hurry (if he's still alive).

Buy a gun. Keep it loaded. Learn how to use it. Carry it. And never walk into the jungle without your hunting rifle.
People are growing tired of the plague of negro crime.

It's very unfortunate but it's time for white people to wake up to the fact that they simply aren't safe in black neighborhoods.
Only fools go into neighborhoods where they are unwanted and unwelcome.

That's not the kind of america white people support. In america a citizen shouldn't have to consider if they might "offend" some negroes by walking by them...white americans are waking up, though.

If negroes want to segregate, though and create no go zones, I'm in favor of it. Give them a couple of states so they can create their new africa without any evilwhiteracists to hinder them.
Whew...4 men beat and rob victim...no one has a gun...so he gets beaten and robbed...

What a shame that he didn't get the opportunity to be shot, crippled, rendered a paraplegic and visit the same upon innocent bystanders, right?


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