Where's The Outrage Over The Kill Team Photos?


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Question in particular for the Leftwingers who had apoplectic fits over the Abu Graib photos:

Where is your outrage over the Kill Team Photos?

Morlock and Holmes called to him in Pashto as he walked toward them, ordering him to stop. The boy did as he was told. He stood still.

The soldiers knelt down behind a mud-brick wall. Then Morlock tossed a grenade toward Mudin, using the wall as cover. As the grenade exploded, he and Holmes opened fire, shooting the boy repeatedly at close range with an M4 carbine and a machine gun.

Mudin buckled, went down face first onto the ground. His cap toppled off. A pool of blood congealed by his head.

The Kill Team | Rolling Stone Politics

"The brigade gave me open access. I could go anywhere, anytime, so long as I could find a ride, which never was a problem beyond normal combat problems. If they had something to hide, it was limited and I didn’t find it. I was not with the Soldiers accused of murder and had no knowledge of this. It is important to note that the murder allegations were not discovered by media vigilance, but by, for instance, at least one Soldier in that tiny unit who was appalled by the behavior. A brigade is a big place with thousands of Soldiers, and in Afghanistan they were spread thinly across several provinces because we decided to wage war with too few troops. Those Soldiers accused of being involved in (or who should have been knowledgeable of) the murders could fit into a minivan. You would need ten 747s for the rest of the Brigade who did their duty. I was with many other Soldiers from 5/2 SBCT. My overall impression was very positive. After scratching my memory for negative impressions from 5/2 Soldiers, I can’t think of any, actually, other than the tiny Kill Team who, to my knowledge, I never set eyes upon."

"Rolling Stone commits a literary “crime” by deceptively entwining this normal combat video with the Kill Team story. The Taliban on the motorcycle were killed during an intense operation in the Arghandab near Kandahar City. "

Calling BULLSHIT on Rolling Stone
My question is for the Lefties who immediately jumped on the Abu Graib photos as evidence of atrocities in Iraq.

Where is their outrage now?
I'm trying to be outraged but I dont know what this is...should I break a chair first or read about it because I'm ready to do some breaking
The Kill TeamHow U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan murdered innocent civilians and mutilated their corpses – and how their officers failed to stop them. Plus: An exclusive look at the war crime photos censored by the Pentagon

based on the begining paragraph I'm going to say I dont condone this but thats a pretty easy to do.
@ plasma

I thinkthe story goes some soldiers Murdered some iraqs without cause. I don't understan why the OP would say where is the outrage and compare it to Abu Garaib tho.

My question is for the Lefties who immediately jumped on the Abu Graib photos as evidence of atrocities in Iraq.

Where is their outrage now?

I guess you've missed the threads on this where many of us expressed our outrage and were glad those involved were being court-martialled.

But, I guess I have to say it again.

I am outraged and am glad that those involved are being court-martialled.

Let me know when you forget what I just said and want me to repeat it.
No, I didn't.

I do recall all the outrage and denouncements of Bush - calls for his resignation, etc.

Where is the equal condemnation of the Obama Administration?
No, I didn't.

I do recall all the outrage and denouncements of Bush - calls for his resignation, etc.

Where is the equal condemnation of the Obama Administration?
A president is not personally responsible for a couple of murderers that happen to be in the service. They will get their just desserts. A president is however responsible for torture that is committed with the knowledge of his advisers.
Question in particular for the Leftwingers who had apoplectic fits over the Abu Graib photos:

Where is your outrage over the Kill Team Photos?

Morlock and Holmes called to him in Pashto as he walked toward them, ordering him to stop. The boy did as he was told. He stood still.

The soldiers knelt down behind a mud-brick wall. Then Morlock tossed a grenade toward Mudin, using the wall as cover. As the grenade exploded, he and Holmes opened fire, shooting the boy repeatedly at close range with an M4 carbine and a machine gun.

Mudin buckled, went down face first onto the ground. His cap toppled off. A pool of blood congealed by his head.

The Kill Team | Rolling Stone Politics


Notice the first post by Gh0ster's sock puppet.
The Left/Democrats didn't care about suffering at Abu Ghraib. They just fooled people again. For them it was really only about DA BOOOOOOSH. All of their feigned outrage was about DA BOOOOOOSH. They were not "Anti-War" and they certainly didn't care about suffering at Abu Ghraib. I said that back when they were feigning all that outrage. They don't give a shit about this 'Kill Team' stuff because DA BOOOOOOSH is gone and their guy is in there now. So don't hold your breath waiting for Left/Democrat outrage on this. They're too busy cheerleading for bombing & killing Libyans now. The Left has always been full of Shit. I've been saying that for many years. Just can't trust them.
I haven't seen the pictures and don't really want to but I have read the article and it sickens me, the common denominator I noticed is that the men on this "Kill Team" had done multiple tours to Iraq and Afghanistan, which a sign that this war is tiring our men and women, you can only be in war for so long before you snap. Not an excuse, but I doubt if any of us here had spent so much time in Iraq and Afghanistan that we would be the same people we were before we went.
The Left/Democrats didn't care about suffering at Abu Ghraib. They just fooled people again. For them it was really only about DA BOOOOOOSH. All of their feigned outrage was about DA BOOOOOOSH. They were not "Anti-War" and they certainly didn't care about suffering at Abu Ghraib. I said that back when they were feigning all that outrage. They don't give a shit about this 'Kill Team' stuff because DA BOOOOOOSH is gone and their guy is in there now. So don't hold your breath waiting for Left/Democrat outrage on this. They're too busy cheerleading for bombing & killing Libyans. The Left has always been full of Shit. I've been saying that for many years. Just can't trust them.

Did the Right/Republicans care about the suffering at Abu Ghraib?
The Left/Democrats didn't care about suffering at Abu Ghraib. They just fooled people again. For them it was really only about DA BOOOOOOSH. All of their feigned outrage was about DA BOOOOOOSH. They were not "Anti-War" and they certainly didn't care about suffering at Abu Ghraib. I said that back when they were feigning all that outrage. They don't give a shit about this 'Kill Team' stuff because DA BOOOOOOSH is gone and their guy is in there now. So don't hold your breath waiting for Left/Democrat outrage on this. They're too busy cheerleading for bombing & killing Libyans. The Left has always been full of Shit. I've been saying that for many years. Just can't trust them.

Did the Right/Republicans care about the suffering at Abu Ghraib?


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