Where would you rank Donald Trump on the list of greatest US Presidents? Best? Worst? Average??

Political scientists rank the best and worst US Presidents ever, with Trump being the worst

According to political scientists, Donald Trump is the worst President in US history. What do you guys think?
Donald Trump ranks as the worst president in United States history, according to a survey of political scientists.

All presidents were ranked in the 2018 Presidents and Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey. Experts part of the Presidents and Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association were asked to rank each president on a scale of 0-100.

Trump earned the lowest average score – 12.34. Abraham Lincoln


finished in first place
To early to tell, so why the cart before the horse analogy ??? A little TDS maybe gotcha down ?
Not too early He's already helped make America an unreliable partner ,,not to be trusted by the rest of the world
You have the undeserved honor of having lived during two of America's greatest presidents, Reagan and Trump.

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