Where is the MSM when 4 former EPA chiefs disagree with Obama global warming?

All the reason-based people just talk about the science.

All the deniers constantly scream hysterically about politics. Says all you need to know. Those who can talk about science, do. Deniers can't. It's really for the best that they don't try, given they stink so badly at science, logic and common sense.

Remember, denialism itself isn't the cult. The cult is the kook right wing fringe nutter cult. Denialism is just one of the many bizarre mandatory religious beliefs of that cult.

People like you think SCIENCE SAYS so it must be true.

Respected theologians the people the masses looked to for direction forced an old man of 69 who in his defense referred to his "pitiable state of bodily indisposition," Galileo was charged with "vehement suspicion of heresy." He had to renounce "with sincere heart and unfeigned faith" his belief that the sun, not Earth, was the center of the universe and that Earth moved around the sun and not vice versa, as ecclesiastical teaching dictated." Again respected people held in highest opinion.. as scientists are today...
Washingtonpost.com: Horizon Section

NOT ONE respected scientist will say it is a definite FACT like gravity that human beings are causing global warming.
They may say more indicators point to that or all factors considered but NOT one will come out like you DEFENSIVE unscientific
oriented people and claim ADAMANTLY and with evangelic fervor "GLOBAL WARMING caused by HUMANS is a FACT!

Come get a little skepticism in your life!
I for one have a real problem with the whole basis of global warming being a recent phenomenon caused by humans when
they are hunting for oil in the arctic circle, i.e. oil comes from decaying plants that need warm climates to grow. How come
there were plants in a climate that today is cold?
Just seems to show that as any scientist (true scientist!) make qualified opinions based on known data but don't make cast in
concrete you will go to hell if you don't believe this evangelistic responses.

Have an open mind at least!
Just explain one thing... temperature readings prior to digital transmission capabilities were done by 'human eye".
Were all the people that read the thermometers before digital transmission tested to verify their vision was accurate?
Because 50+ years ago thermometers were very very hard to read ACCURATELY to the 1/10th of a degree!
Have those potential discrepancies been accounted for?

What the poster did is the logic fallacy of appealing to authority. Note in the post no evidence was presented to support what Obama was wrong about. Only an appeal to authority, that authority being the ambiguous "science." What the poster had to do is ignore the evidence that was present from NOAA that clearly and without doubt showed that the statements made by Obama were incorrect, or NOAA is wrong. And if NOAA is wrong then how do we ever defer to science?

Evidence was presented yet the fear monger side can only push one talking point button, that is all.
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