Where is the MSM when 4 former EPA chiefs disagree with Obama global warming?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
When asked this question by Jeff Sessions..

Senator Jeff Sessions says:
"The President on November 14th 2012 said, ‘The temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted, even ten years ago.’ And then on May 29th last year he also said - quote - ‘We also know that the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or ten years ago.’ Close quote.

So I would ask each of our former Administrators if any of you agree that that’s an accurate statement on the climate. So if you do, raise your hand.”
"Thank you," said Senator Sessions. "The record will reflect no one raised their hand."

That’s a 100 per cent consensus that the President’s words were not an “accurate statement”.
- See more at: Four former EPA chiefs refuse to endorse Obama's claims about global warming | Poor Richard's News

NOT ONE single hand of the EPA saying they agree with obama's wild ass claim!!!
When asked this question by Jeff Sessions..

Senator Jeff Sessions says:
"The President on November 14th 2012 said, ‘The temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted, even ten years ago.’ And then on May 29th last year he also said - quote - ‘We also know that the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or ten years ago.’ Close quote.

So I would ask each of our former Administrators if any of you agree that that’s an accurate statement on the climate. So if you do, raise your hand.”
"Thank you," said Senator Sessions. "The record will reflect no one raised their hand."

That’s a 100 per cent consensus that the President’s words were not an “accurate statement”.
- See more at: Four former EPA chiefs refuse to endorse Obama's claims about global warming | Poor Richard's News

NOT ONE single hand of the EPA saying they agree with obama's wild ass claim!!!
Will never see the light of day on any news outlet other than FoxNews.
When asked this question by Jeff Sessions..

Senator Jeff Sessions says:
"The President on November 14th 2012 said, ‘The temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted, even ten years ago.’ And then on May 29th last year he also said - quote - ‘We also know that the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or ten years ago.’ Close quote.

So I would ask each of our former Administrators if any of you agree that that’s an accurate statement on the climate. So if you do, raise your hand.”
"Thank you," said Senator Sessions. "The record will reflect no one raised their hand."

That’s a 100 per cent consensus that the President’s words were not an “accurate statement”.
- See more at: Four former EPA chiefs refuse to endorse Obama's claims about global warming | Poor Richard's News

NOT ONE single hand of the EPA saying they agree with obama's wild ass claim!!!

I'm curious. What is your agenda?
When asked this question by Jeff Sessions..

Senator Jeff Sessions says:
"The President on November 14th 2012 said, ‘The temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted, even ten years ago.’ And then on May 29th last year he also said - quote - ‘We also know that the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or ten years ago.’ Close quote.

So I would ask each of our former Administrators if any of you agree that that’s an accurate statement on the climate. So if you do, raise your hand.”
"Thank you," said Senator Sessions. "The record will reflect no one raised their hand."

That’s a 100 per cent consensus that the President’s words were not an “accurate statement”.
- See more at: Four former EPA chiefs refuse to endorse Obama's claims about global warming | Poor Richard's News

NOT ONE single hand of the EPA saying they agree with obama's wild ass claim!!!

I'm curious. What is your agenda?

to earn its place in the world as a rightwing shill
(from 92 years ago)

Report on Global Warming
Washington Post Nov.2,1922

The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft,at Bergen, Norway.

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.

Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by mountains of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely

Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
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When asked this question by Jeff Sessions..

Senator Jeff Sessions says:

poor paid shill...

all four are republican appointees\

p.s. Ruckelshaus campaigned for Obama because he said you loons are irrational on environmental issues.

Please deal with facts not speculation ok?

"Feds close 600 weather stations amid criticism they're situated to report warming thanks to temperature readings from sweltering parking lots, airports and other locations that distort the true state of the climate.

Indeed, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has closed some 600 out of nearly 9,000 weather stations over the past two years that it has deemed problematic or unnecessary, after a long campaign by one critic highlighting the problem of using unreliable data.
The agency says the closures will help improve gathering of weather data, but critics like meterologist and blogger Anthony Watts say it is too little, too late.
Distorted data? Feds close 600 weather stations amid criticism they're situated to report warming | Fox News

There are over 11,000 weather stations around the world measuring land, air and sea temperatures, as well as satellites, ships and aircraft that also take measurements. https://www.wmo.int/pages/themes/climate/climate_observation_networks_systems.php

So the basis of "global warming" theory has been these 11,000 weather stations around the world.
So again explain to a novice like me :
when NOAA closes 600 stations because they've distorted temperatures..

when "The number of [Siberian] stations increased from 8 in 1901 to 23 in 1951 and then decreased to 12 from 1989 to present only four (4) stations,
those at Irkutsk, Bratsk, Chita and Kirensk, cover the entire 20th century.
IEA analysts say climatologists use the data of stations located in large populated centers that are influenced by the urban-warming effect more frequently than the correct data of remote stations…
The scale of global warming was exaggerated due to temperature distortions for Russia accounting for 12.5% of the world’s land mass.
The IEA said it was necessary to recalculate all global-temperature data in order to assess the scale of such exaggeration.
Climategatekeeping: Siberia « Climate Audit

Please explain how from 1901 to 2014 the majority of reading stations were located in population areas thus excluding the temperature readings from 12.5% of the earth's land mass?
(from 92 years ago)

Report on Global Warming
Washington Post Nov.2,1922

The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft,at Bergen, Norway.

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.

Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by mountains of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely

Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
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Oh they just wanted those 1922 Global Warming Govt Grants....

That were coming in 60 years :lol:
Just curious...
Want to make sure I'm making the right assumptions here...
1) Oil comes from decayed plants right?
The majority of petroleum is thought to come from the fossils of plants and tiny marine organisms. Larger animals might contribute to the mix as well.
The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil
2) Plants don't grow in the Arctic do they... too cold.

Then why is there oil exploration in the Arctic?
A 2008 United States Geological Survey estimates that areas north of the Arctic Circle have 90 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil (and 44 billion barrels of natural gas liquids ) in 25 geologically defined areas thought to have potential for petroleum.
Petroleum exploration in the Arctic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If there is almost 90 billion barrels that meant at one time plants that depended on warm climate to grow and then decay.

Please explain how the Arctic Circle could have a temperature warm enough to sustain plants ?
Just curious...
Want to make sure I'm making the right assumptions here...
1) Oil comes from decayed plants right?
The majority of petroleum is thought to come from the fossils of plants and tiny marine organisms. Larger animals might contribute to the mix as well.
The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil
2) Plants don't grow in the Arctic do they... too cold.

Then why is there oil exploration in the Arctic?
A 2008 United States Geological Survey estimates that areas north of the Arctic Circle have 90 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil (and 44 billion barrels of natural gas liquids ) in 25 geologically defined areas thought to have potential for petroleum.
Petroleum exploration in the Arctic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If there is almost 90 billion barrels that meant at one time plants that depended on warm climate to grow and then decay.

Please explain how the Arctic Circle could have a temperature warm enough to sustain plants ?

Google It For Me!
Just curious...
Want to make sure I'm making the right assumptions here...
1) Oil comes from decayed plants right?
The majority of petroleum is thought to come from the fossils of plants and tiny marine organisms. Larger animals might contribute to the mix as well.
The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil
2) Plants don't grow in the Arctic do they... too cold.

Then why is there oil exploration in the Arctic?
A 2008 United States Geological Survey estimates that areas north of the Arctic Circle have 90 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil (and 44 billion barrels of natural gas liquids ) in 25 geologically defined areas thought to have potential for petroleum.
Petroleum exploration in the Arctic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If there is almost 90 billion barrels that meant at one time plants that depended on warm climate to grow and then decay.

Please explain how the Arctic Circle could have a temperature warm enough to sustain plants ?

Google It For Me!

thank you and as YOU could have done I appreciate your simply giving the link..

From that page for the rest of the readers..
Throughout the Earth's history its climate has fluctuated between periods of warmth and periods of sustained cold known as ice ages.
An ice age is composed of periods of warmer weather called interglacials that last 10,000-40,000 years, and periods of intense cold (glaciations) in which glaciers advance over much of the northern parts of continents.
People normally think of these glaciations or glacial periods as an ice age.
Although the last of these glacial periods ended 10,000 years ago, we do in fact live in what scientists call the Holocene, an interglacial period of the Pleistocene ice age.
Arctic Studies Center - Resources - Frequently Asked Questions

So we've had "warming and cooling" right?
Wouldn't it seem scientific to assume the "global warming" is part of the ending of the Pleistocene ice age?
Again not for you because YOU can do research... but this is for others that seem to believe "global warming" is UNIQUE to the 21st century!
Sure as long as extinction is all the rage then why do anything or even try! The saying goes "Give it the old college...don't"
The purpose of the thread was asking why the MSM doesn't show these 4 EPA chiefs NOT agreeing with Obama's global warming statements.

Wouldn't this be news? Or because it doesn't support what the MSM "BELIEVES" don't show!

Once again this shows WHY only 82% of Americans don't believe the network news!
The purpose of the thread was asking why the MSM doesn't show these 4 EPA chiefs NOT agreeing with Obama's global warming statements.

Wouldn't this be news? Or because it doesn't support what the MSM "BELIEVES" don't show!

Once again this shows WHY only 82% of Americans don't believe the network news!

The purpose of your thread is to deceive by selective editing. The four agreed that global warming is undeniable, the only disagreement is the pace. So you cite only their disagreement with the pace Obama presented.
When asked this question by Jeff Sessions..

Senator Jeff Sessions says:
"The President on November 14th 2012 said, ‘The temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted, even ten years ago.’ And then on May 29th last year he also said - quote - ‘We also know that the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or ten years ago.’ Close quote.

So I would ask each of our former Administrators if any of you agree that that’s an accurate statement on the climate. So if you do, raise your hand.”
"Thank you," said Senator Sessions. "The record will reflect no one raised their hand."

That’s a 100 per cent consensus that the President’s words were not an “accurate statement”.
- See more at: Four former EPA chiefs refuse to endorse Obama's claims about global warming | Poor Richard's News

NOT ONE single hand of the EPA saying they agree with obama's wild ass claim!!!

Actually there was 100% consensus on the reality og global warming by the 4 Republican EPA heads!


Testimony of William D. Ruckelshaus
Before the Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee
U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
June 18th, 2014
Thank you Senators Whitehouse, Sessions and other members
of the Subcommittee for convening this hearing on a matter of
enormous consequence for our future.
Several months ago, after talking with one another, the four former
EPA administrators sitting in front of you found we were convinced by
the overwhelming verdict of scientists that the earth was warming and
that we humans were the only controllable contributor to this
Given those facts we all signed an op ed piece that
recommended that America get serious about reducing our contribution
to changing the world’s climate rather than simply sitting back and
accepting the avoidable consequences.
If anything, new reports in the last three months have made the
need to act even more urgent. It is hard to believe that there is any
question of that.

Statement of the Honorable William K. Reilly
before the
Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety
Washington, D.C.
June 18, 2014

In other words, not only is climate change likely to affect natural resources and public
health, but it will have profound effects on our economy.
We have to take seriously that climate change and the associated disruptions are a global
as Members of Congress, policymakers, scientists, and virtually everyone I know have
explicitly acknowledged. Absent action by China, India, and other fast-growing economies,
what we do alone will not suffice. Action by the United States, if not sufficient, is nonetheless
absolutely necessary if we are to have the credibility to negotiate with other countries, who
typically fault the developed world for causing the problem and worry that carbon constraints
will thwart their legitimate need for economic growth. We have to take this need for
development seriously and frame our approach in the international arena with this in mind.

Statement of the Honorable Lee M. Thomas
Former Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
before the
United States Committee on Environment and Public Works
Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety
Washington, D.C.
June 18, 2014

We know that carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have increased by 40 percent
since pre-industrial times.

We know that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are warming the atmosphere,
contributing to a more than 1.5oF rise in global temperatures since 1880.

We know global sea level has risen by an average of eight inches since 1870 primarily from
thermal expansion caused by warmer oceans and the melting of glaciers and the Greenland and
West Antarctic ice sheets.We know that ocean acidification is occurring, harming our coral reefs and marine ecosystems.
Absorbing about a quarter of our emissions each year, the current rate of acidification is roughly
50 times faster than known historical change.

We know that communities in our country are already dealing with the effects of the changing
climate today. In my state of Florida, we see increasing salt water intrusion infiltrating our
drinking water supply due to sea level rise. Coastal communities are dealing with the impact sea
level rise is having on their drainage systems, resulting in an investment of more than $300
million to upgrade flood mitigation infrastructure in Miami Beach alone. The economic impact is
undeniable, and local governments struggle to address today’s impacts of climate change while
trying to anticipate the increased risk it poses in the future.
When asked this question by Jeff Sessions..

Senator Jeff Sessions says:
"The President on November 14th 2012 said, ‘The temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted, even ten years ago.’ And then on May 29th last year he also said - quote - ‘We also know that the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or ten years ago.’ Close quote.

So I would ask each of our former Administrators if any of you agree that that’s an accurate statement on the climate. So if you do, raise your hand.”
"Thank you," said Senator Sessions. "The record will reflect no one raised their hand."

That’s a 100 per cent consensus that the President’s words were not an “accurate statement”.
- See more at: Four former EPA chiefs refuse to endorse Obama's claims about global warming | Poor Richard's News

NOT ONE single hand of the EPA saying they agree with obama's wild ass claim!!!

Actually there was 100% consensus on the reality og global warming by the 4 Republican EPA heads!


Testimony of William D. Ruckelshaus
Before the Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee
U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
June 18th, 2014
Thank you Senators Whitehouse, Sessions and other members
of the Subcommittee for convening this hearing on a matter of
enormous consequence for our future.
Several months ago, after talking with one another, the four former
EPA administrators sitting in front of you found we were convinced by
the overwhelming verdict of scientists that the earth was warming and
that we humans were the only controllable contributor to this
Given those facts we all signed an op ed piece that
recommended that America get serious about reducing our contribution
to changing the world’s climate rather than simply sitting back and
accepting the avoidable consequences.
If anything, new reports in the last three months have made the
need to act even more urgent. It is hard to believe that there is any
question of that.

Dam, it must be a good reason why Health lied by omission, right? RIGHT? :eusa_shifty:

Health cant get away from this much dope science

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