Except if you read THEIR work, they all agree that there was a beginning; a point where there were none. This is because if you follow any object back in time you will reach a singularity. This holds true as long as there is expansion.

It is not possible for space and time to be created through quantum mechanics which honor conservation laws without the laws of quantum mechanics and conservation laws existing first. We KNOW that the universe had a beginning because of the red shift and solutions to Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. We KNOW that the laws of nature were in place before space and time because space and time were created honoring those laws.

I don't think we KNOW that for sure, it's all speculation that cannot be proven. It could be that space and time were created somehow before the laws of nature came into being, even if it was a billionth of a second prior. How can we possibly know with any certainty what was possible, Einstein's Theory may not be totally accurate or complete.
In November of 1919, at the age of 40, Albert Einstein became an overnight celebrity, thanks to a solar eclipse. Eddington’s experiment had confirmed that light rays from distant stars were deflected by the gravity of the sun in just the amount he had predicted in his theory of gravity, general relativity. Since then, general relativity has been reaffirmed in a myriad of other ways.

General relativity was applied to the structure and evolution of the universe as a whole. The leading cosmological theory, called the Big Bang theory, was formulated in 1922 by the Russian mathematician and meteorologist Alexander Friedmann. Friedmann began with Einstein's equations of general relativity and found a solution to those equations in which the universe began in a state of extremely high density and temperature (the so-called Big Bang) and then expanded in time, thinning out and cooling as it did so.

That the universe had a beginning is widely accepted within the scientific community. The Big Bang theory has been independently validated by Hubble and Slipher - who discovered that spiral galaxies were moving away from earth - and the discovery and confirmation of the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964.

The solution to Einstein's equations can only take us back to a billion of a trillionth of a second before space and time were created. At that point the equations yield infinities. That's where inflation theory comes in. Inflation theory postulates what happened before that. We know from Einsteins equations and from the Hubble and Slipher that all matter in the universe occupied the space of a million billion billion times smaller than a single atom and then expanded and cooled.

We know that an infinite acting universe is not possible because of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. As time approaches infinity usable energy will approach zero. This is known as thermal equilibrium and is the reason for why there cannot be an infinite acting universe which is eternal into the past. We don't see that, so we know that there was a beginning. Furthermore, we know that as long as expansion occurred that if we follow any object back in time that it will reach a singularity.

So I have just listed five reasons which tell us that the universe had a beginning; Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, the red shift which observes all galaxies moving away from us, background radiation which shows the remnants of the big bang, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics which precludes an infinte acting universe and expansion which when reversed takes us back to a singularity.

Yes we cannot know what happened before the universe reached the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second, but just like there are five reasons why we believe the universe had a beginning, there are five reasons why we believe that inflation theory explains the creation of time and space.

So, I guess my question to you is do you have a better explanation for any of this and do you believe that these explanations are not based on science?
That this universe had a beginning, I don't think anyone is disputing that. What we're trying to get at is what may have existed before this universe came into being, which nobody has proven yet.
The question ultimately boils down to if you believe the the beginning of the universe was a natural event or not. Given that you are an atheist I will assume you believe it was a natural event and not a creative act of God. There is no reason based on physics to doubt that the beginning of the universe was a natural event. To say that an event is natural, is to say that it happens in accordance with the laws of nature. So you have been literally arguing that the creation of time and space were a creative act of God.
That's pretty convoluted, even for you. :D

There may be multiple universes, each with different laws that govern them, with maybe a general law that governs all the universes together. We don't know yet. But science has also theorized such things.
Can you prove that God did not create the universe through a special creative act of God?
Ex: posting a link to an inflationary universe is not proof that the universe started with the BB.
And I'm not making any wild claims like you are, I'm on the exact same page as science, what's proven is proven, and what's not yet proven is a theory until proven otherwise. Pretty simple really.
It seems that there is no proof you will accept. You reject expert testimony, you reject written papers, you reject articles interviewing the experts who tell you exactly what I have stated and you reject video interviews of the experts who tell you exactly what I have stated. And you do all of this without having any proof of your own to counter what the experts tell you. Amazing. I'm sure with behaviors like that you won't have any problems in life.
Expert testimony isn't science.
You haven't provided any links to scientific papers in reputable publications or web sites.
Interviews aren't science.
You need to up your debating skills.
Yes, expert testimony of scientists who testify on what science reveals is science.

Given that I have explained the science and presented scientific testimony and you have presented nothing at all, I would say that you are the one who needs to improve her debating skills.
I never made any big claim that needs to be backed up, if I do, I'll back it up, don't worry. I'm no weenie.

Your interview testimony is so fucking great that you can't find a proper site to back it up with. :lol:
Because your claim is agnostic. As far as you know the universe was created through a special act of God, right?
No, we don't know why this universe was created, or by whom/what.
Can you prove that God did not create the universe through a special creative act of God?
No, it's up to the person making such a claim to prove it. I'm agnostic, I see no proof of god, but show me some and it's all good.
It seems that there is no proof you will accept. You reject expert testimony, you reject written papers, you reject articles interviewing the experts who tell you exactly what I have stated and you reject video interviews of the experts who tell you exactly what I have stated. And you do all of this without having any proof of your own to counter what the experts tell you. Amazing. I'm sure with behaviors like that you won't have any problems in life.
Expert testimony isn't science.
You haven't provided any links to scientific papers in reputable publications or web sites.
Interviews aren't science.
You need to up your debating skills.
Yes, expert testimony of scientists who testify on what science reveals is science.

Given that I have explained the science and presented scientific testimony and you have presented nothing at all, I would say that you are the one who needs to improve her debating skills.
I never made any big claim that needs to be backed up, if I do, I'll back it up, don't worry. I'm no weenie.

Your interview testimony is so fucking great that you can't find a proper site to back it up with. :lol:
Because your claim is agnostic. As far as you know the universe was created through a special act of God, right?
No, we don't know why this universe was created, or by whom/what.
So the universe could have been created by God through a special creative act of God, right?
Can you prove that God did not create the universe through a special creative act of God?
No, it's up to the person making such a claim to prove it. I'm agnostic, I see no proof of god, but show me some and it's all good.
You also see no proof there isn't a God. You are agnostic. :dance:
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Except if you read THEIR work, they all agree that there was a beginning; a point where there were none. This is because if you follow any object back in time you will reach a singularity. This holds true as long as there is expansion.

It is not possible for space and time to be created through quantum mechanics which honor conservation laws without the laws of quantum mechanics and conservation laws existing first. We KNOW that the universe had a beginning because of the red shift and solutions to Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. We KNOW that the laws of nature were in place before space and time because space and time were created honoring those laws.

I don't think we KNOW that for sure, it's all speculation that cannot be proven. It could be that space and time were created somehow before the laws of nature came into being, even if it was a billionth of a second prior. How can we possibly know with any certainty what was possible, Einstein's Theory may not be totally accurate or complete.
In November of 1919, at the age of 40, Albert Einstein became an overnight celebrity, thanks to a solar eclipse. Eddington’s experiment had confirmed that light rays from distant stars were deflected by the gravity of the sun in just the amount he had predicted in his theory of gravity, general relativity. Since then, general relativity has been reaffirmed in a myriad of other ways.

General relativity was applied to the structure and evolution of the universe as a whole. The leading cosmological theory, called the Big Bang theory, was formulated in 1922 by the Russian mathematician and meteorologist Alexander Friedmann. Friedmann began with Einstein's equations of general relativity and found a solution to those equations in which the universe began in a state of extremely high density and temperature (the so-called Big Bang) and then expanded in time, thinning out and cooling as it did so.

That the universe had a beginning is widely accepted within the scientific community. The Big Bang theory has been independently validated by Hubble and Slipher - who discovered that spiral galaxies were moving away from earth - and the discovery and confirmation of the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964.

The solution to Einstein's equations can only take us back to a billion of a trillionth of a second before space and time were created. At that point the equations yield infinities. That's where inflation theory comes in. Inflation theory postulates what happened before that. We know from Einsteins equations and from the Hubble and Slipher that all matter in the universe occupied the space of a million billion billion times smaller than a single atom and then expanded and cooled.

We know that an infinite acting universe is not possible because of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. As time approaches infinity usable energy will approach zero. This is known as thermal equilibrium and is the reason for why there cannot be an infinite acting universe which is eternal into the past. We don't see that, so we know that there was a beginning. Furthermore, we know that as long as expansion occurred that if we follow any object back in time that it will reach a singularity.

So I have just listed five reasons which tell us that the universe had a beginning; Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, the red shift which observes all galaxies moving away from us, background radiation which shows the remnants of the big bang, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics which precludes an infinte acting universe and expansion which when reversed takes us back to a singularity.

Yes we cannot know what happened before the universe reached the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second, but just like there are five reasons why we believe the universe had a beginning, there are five reasons why we believe that inflation theory explains the creation of time and space.

So, I guess my question to you is do you have a better explanation for any of this and do you believe that these explanations are not based on science?
That this universe had a beginning, I don't think anyone is disputing that. What we're trying to get at is what may have existed before this universe came into being, which nobody has proven yet.
The question ultimately boils down to if you believe the the beginning of the universe was a natural event or not. Given that you are an atheist I will assume you believe it was a natural event and not a creative act of God. There is no reason based on physics to doubt that the beginning of the universe was a natural event. To say that an event is natural, is to say that it happens in accordance with the laws of nature. So you have been literally arguing that the creation of time and space were a creative act of God.
That's pretty convoluted, even for you. :D

There may be multiple universes, each with different laws that govern them, with maybe a general law that governs all the universes together. We don't know yet. But science has also theorized such things.
You only have two choices. The universe was created through natural processes which you have been arguing against or it was created through a special act of God which you have been arguing for. Way to go, Mudda. :banana:
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Mudda: What just happened?

ding: You just proved that you were arguing that the universe was created through a creative act of God.

Mudda: Whhaaaaa?

ding: I know. It's funny. :lmao:
Expert testimony isn't science.
You haven't provided any links to scientific papers in reputable publications or web sites.
Interviews aren't science.
You need to up your debating skills.
Yes, expert testimony of scientists who testify on what science reveals is science.

Given that I have explained the science and presented scientific testimony and you have presented nothing at all, I would say that you are the one who needs to improve her debating skills.
I never made any big claim that needs to be backed up, if I do, I'll back it up, don't worry. I'm no weenie.

Your interview testimony is so fucking great that you can't find a proper site to back it up with. :lol:
Because your claim is agnostic. As far as you know the universe was created through a special act of God, right?
No, we don't know why this universe was created, or by whom/what.
So the universe could have been created by God through a special creative act of God, right?
Only if you can prove it scientifically.
Can you prove that God did not create the universe through a special creative act of God?
No, it's up to the person making such a claim to prove it. I'm agnostic, I see no proof of god, but show me some and it's all good.
You also see no proof there isn't a God. You are agnostic. :dance:
But you still have to prove it. Nobody's proved it either way so far. It's the only realistic stance to have.
I don't think we KNOW that for sure, it's all speculation that cannot be proven. It could be that space and time were created somehow before the laws of nature came into being, even if it was a billionth of a second prior. How can we possibly know with any certainty what was possible, Einstein's Theory may not be totally accurate or complete.
In November of 1919, at the age of 40, Albert Einstein became an overnight celebrity, thanks to a solar eclipse. Eddington’s experiment had confirmed that light rays from distant stars were deflected by the gravity of the sun in just the amount he had predicted in his theory of gravity, general relativity. Since then, general relativity has been reaffirmed in a myriad of other ways.

General relativity was applied to the structure and evolution of the universe as a whole. The leading cosmological theory, called the Big Bang theory, was formulated in 1922 by the Russian mathematician and meteorologist Alexander Friedmann. Friedmann began with Einstein's equations of general relativity and found a solution to those equations in which the universe began in a state of extremely high density and temperature (the so-called Big Bang) and then expanded in time, thinning out and cooling as it did so.

That the universe had a beginning is widely accepted within the scientific community. The Big Bang theory has been independently validated by Hubble and Slipher - who discovered that spiral galaxies were moving away from earth - and the discovery and confirmation of the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964.

The solution to Einstein's equations can only take us back to a billion of a trillionth of a second before space and time were created. At that point the equations yield infinities. That's where inflation theory comes in. Inflation theory postulates what happened before that. We know from Einsteins equations and from the Hubble and Slipher that all matter in the universe occupied the space of a million billion billion times smaller than a single atom and then expanded and cooled.

We know that an infinite acting universe is not possible because of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. As time approaches infinity usable energy will approach zero. This is known as thermal equilibrium and is the reason for why there cannot be an infinite acting universe which is eternal into the past. We don't see that, so we know that there was a beginning. Furthermore, we know that as long as expansion occurred that if we follow any object back in time that it will reach a singularity.

So I have just listed five reasons which tell us that the universe had a beginning; Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, the red shift which observes all galaxies moving away from us, background radiation which shows the remnants of the big bang, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics which precludes an infinte acting universe and expansion which when reversed takes us back to a singularity.

Yes we cannot know what happened before the universe reached the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second, but just like there are five reasons why we believe the universe had a beginning, there are five reasons why we believe that inflation theory explains the creation of time and space.

So, I guess my question to you is do you have a better explanation for any of this and do you believe that these explanations are not based on science?
That this universe had a beginning, I don't think anyone is disputing that. What we're trying to get at is what may have existed before this universe came into being, which nobody has proven yet.
The question ultimately boils down to if you believe the the beginning of the universe was a natural event or not. Given that you are an atheist I will assume you believe it was a natural event and not a creative act of God. There is no reason based on physics to doubt that the beginning of the universe was a natural event. To say that an event is natural, is to say that it happens in accordance with the laws of nature. So you have been literally arguing that the creation of time and space were a creative act of God.
That's pretty convoluted, even for you. :D

There may be multiple universes, each with different laws that govern them, with maybe a general law that governs all the universes together. We don't know yet. But science has also theorized such things.
You only have two choices. The universe was created through natural processes which you have been arguing against or it was created through a special act of God which you have been arguing for. Way to go, Mudda. :banana:
I think your brain needs a tune-up. Try crowdfunding.
Can you prove that God did not create the universe through a special creative act of God?
No, it's up to the person making such a claim to prove it. I'm agnostic, I see no proof of god, but show me some and it's all good.
You also see no proof there isn't a God. You are agnostic. :dance:
But you still have to prove it. Nobody's proved it either way so far. It's the only realistic stance to have.
Actually I don't. You see no proof that there isn't a God. :banana:
Yes, expert testimony of scientists who testify on what science reveals is science.

Given that I have explained the science and presented scientific testimony and you have presented nothing at all, I would say that you are the one who needs to improve her debating skills.
I never made any big claim that needs to be backed up, if I do, I'll back it up, don't worry. I'm no weenie.

Your interview testimony is so fucking great that you can't find a proper site to back it up with. :lol:
Because your claim is agnostic. As far as you know the universe was created through a special act of God, right?
No, we don't know why this universe was created, or by whom/what.
So the universe could have been created by God through a special creative act of God, right?
Only if you can prove it scientifically.
Don't need to. You believe the universe could have been created by God through a special act. You see no evidence either way. :lol:
In November of 1919, at the age of 40, Albert Einstein became an overnight celebrity, thanks to a solar eclipse. Eddington’s experiment had confirmed that light rays from distant stars were deflected by the gravity of the sun in just the amount he had predicted in his theory of gravity, general relativity. Since then, general relativity has been reaffirmed in a myriad of other ways.

General relativity was applied to the structure and evolution of the universe as a whole. The leading cosmological theory, called the Big Bang theory, was formulated in 1922 by the Russian mathematician and meteorologist Alexander Friedmann. Friedmann began with Einstein's equations of general relativity and found a solution to those equations in which the universe began in a state of extremely high density and temperature (the so-called Big Bang) and then expanded in time, thinning out and cooling as it did so.

That the universe had a beginning is widely accepted within the scientific community. The Big Bang theory has been independently validated by Hubble and Slipher - who discovered that spiral galaxies were moving away from earth - and the discovery and confirmation of the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964.

The solution to Einstein's equations can only take us back to a billion of a trillionth of a second before space and time were created. At that point the equations yield infinities. That's where inflation theory comes in. Inflation theory postulates what happened before that. We know from Einsteins equations and from the Hubble and Slipher that all matter in the universe occupied the space of a million billion billion times smaller than a single atom and then expanded and cooled.

We know that an infinite acting universe is not possible because of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. As time approaches infinity usable energy will approach zero. This is known as thermal equilibrium and is the reason for why there cannot be an infinite acting universe which is eternal into the past. We don't see that, so we know that there was a beginning. Furthermore, we know that as long as expansion occurred that if we follow any object back in time that it will reach a singularity.

So I have just listed five reasons which tell us that the universe had a beginning; Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, the red shift which observes all galaxies moving away from us, background radiation which shows the remnants of the big bang, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics which precludes an infinte acting universe and expansion which when reversed takes us back to a singularity.

Yes we cannot know what happened before the universe reached the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second, but just like there are five reasons why we believe the universe had a beginning, there are five reasons why we believe that inflation theory explains the creation of time and space.

So, I guess my question to you is do you have a better explanation for any of this and do you believe that these explanations are not based on science?
That this universe had a beginning, I don't think anyone is disputing that. What we're trying to get at is what may have existed before this universe came into being, which nobody has proven yet.
The question ultimately boils down to if you believe the the beginning of the universe was a natural event or not. Given that you are an atheist I will assume you believe it was a natural event and not a creative act of God. There is no reason based on physics to doubt that the beginning of the universe was a natural event. To say that an event is natural, is to say that it happens in accordance with the laws of nature. So you have been literally arguing that the creation of time and space were a creative act of God.
That's pretty convoluted, even for you. :D

There may be multiple universes, each with different laws that govern them, with maybe a general law that governs all the universes together. We don't know yet. But science has also theorized such things.
You only have two choices. The universe was created through natural processes which you have been arguing against or it was created through a special act of God which you have been arguing for. Way to go, Mudda. :banana:
I think your brain needs a tune-up. Try crowdfunding.
You are agnostic. You're good either way. Although you were arguing that the universe was created through a creative act for God by arguing against the universe being created through natural processes.
Mudda: You have to prove God exists to me.

ding: No, I don't. You are agnostic. You see no proof for or against God's existence.

Mudda: Damn.

ding: I know. It's funny. :lmao:
Can you prove that God did not create the universe through a special creative act of God?
No, it's up to the person making such a claim to prove it. I'm agnostic, I see no proof of god, but show me some and it's all good.
You also see no proof there isn't a God. You are agnostic. :dance:
But you still have to prove it. Nobody's proved it either way so far. It's the only realistic stance to have.
Actually I don't. You see no proof that there isn't a God. :banana:
That's why I'm agnostic. You just figuring that out now? :lol:
I never made any big claim that needs to be backed up, if I do, I'll back it up, don't worry. I'm no weenie.

Your interview testimony is so fucking great that you can't find a proper site to back it up with. :lol:
Because your claim is agnostic. As far as you know the universe was created through a special act of God, right?
No, we don't know why this universe was created, or by whom/what.
So the universe could have been created by God through a special creative act of God, right?
Only if you can prove it scientifically.
Don't need to. You believe the universe could have been created by God through a special act. You see no evidence either way. :lol:
No, I don't rule out that a god created the universe because I see no such proof. That's what agnostic means.
That this universe had a beginning, I don't think anyone is disputing that. What we're trying to get at is what may have existed before this universe came into being, which nobody has proven yet.
The question ultimately boils down to if you believe the the beginning of the universe was a natural event or not. Given that you are an atheist I will assume you believe it was a natural event and not a creative act of God. There is no reason based on physics to doubt that the beginning of the universe was a natural event. To say that an event is natural, is to say that it happens in accordance with the laws of nature. So you have been literally arguing that the creation of time and space were a creative act of God.
That's pretty convoluted, even for you. :D

There may be multiple universes, each with different laws that govern them, with maybe a general law that governs all the universes together. We don't know yet. But science has also theorized such things.
You only have two choices. The universe was created through natural processes which you have been arguing against or it was created through a special act of God which you have been arguing for. Way to go, Mudda. :banana:
I think your brain needs a tune-up. Try crowdfunding.
You are agnostic. You're good either way. Although you were arguing that the universe was created through a creative act for God by arguing against the universe being created through natural processes.
I never argued any such thing.
Can you prove that God did not create the universe through a special creative act of God?
No, it's up to the person making such a claim to prove it. I'm agnostic, I see no proof of god, but show me some and it's all good.
You also see no proof there isn't a God. You are agnostic. :dance:
But you still have to prove it. Nobody's proved it either way so far. It's the only realistic stance to have.
Actually I don't. You see no proof that there isn't a God. :banana:
That's why I'm agnostic. You just figuring that out now? :lol:
I am agnostic about your agnosticism.
Mudda: You have to prove God exists to me.

ding: No, I don't. You are agnostic. You see no proof for or against God's existence.

Mudda: Damn.

ding: I know. It's funny. :lmao:
Now you're just making shit up. As usual.

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