Where Do All The Racism/Rape Fables Begin?

17. Sorel’s greatest contribution to the left was his concept of ‘myths.’

a. Definition of myths: “artificial combinations invented to give the appearance of reality to hopes that inspire men in their present activity.’

b. e.g. The coming of Christ: the idea organized men in desirable ways.

c. Sorel’s myth of the ‘general strike:’ if all the workers declared a general strike, it would crush capitalism, and turn the world over to the proletariat.
Whether the general strike actually had the predicted result didn’t matter! What matters is getting the masses to believe in the power of the weapon!

So, we should continue to expose the 'myths' of the Left, but should not expect them to admit that they are myths: for, without their 'bed time stories,' what do they have left? (pun intended)
18. In addition to the larger myths such as the college rape myth, the ubiquitous racism myth, the global warming myth......etc., etc....

...we have the personal myth....

[May 29, 1953 Sir Edmund Hillary and Norgay Climb Mount Everest: After years of dreaming about it and seven weeks of climbing, New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Nepalese Tenzing Norgay reached the top of Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world, at 11:30 a.m. on May 29, 1953.

And, the most transparent lie told by a politician:

"On a first-lady [Hillary Clinton] goodwill tour of Asia in April 1995—the kind of banal trip that she now claims as part of her foreign-policy "experience"—Mrs. Clinton had been in Nepal and been briefly introduced to the late Sir Edmund Hillary, conqueror of Mount Everest.

Ever ready to milk the moment, she announced that her mother had actually named her for this famous and intrepid explorer. The claim "worked" well enough to be repeated at other stops and even showed up in Bill Clinton's memoirs almost a decade later, as one more instance of the gutsy tradition that undergirds the junior senator from New York.

Clinton was born in 1947, and Sir Edmund Hillary and his partner Tenzing Norgay did not ascend Mount Everest until 1953, so the story was self-evidently untrue and eventually yielded to fact-checking.

For Sen. Clinton, something is true if it validates the myth of her striving and her "greatness" (her overweening ambition in other words) and only ceases to be true when it no longer serves that limitless purpose. "
The case against Hillary Clinton. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine]

Well....the thread has documented and explained the use of lies by the Left.

But, more to the point.....the method never would have worked, were it not for the abject stupidity of their supporters.
"So, we should continue to expose the 'myths' of the Left, but should not expect them to admit that they are myths: for, without their 'bed time stories,' what do they have left?"

Only libs are raped or experience racism?
So if they are lying, how is this such a problem for the country? Big whoop tee duo. Let the judicial system deal with it. You are not going to change their minds about who they vote for, and that isn't such a bad thing.
40 x 0 = 0. Which is how much rape and racism there is in the world. I read it on infowars.

Link, you lying moron.

The lying liberal media tore the link down because they want dumb ugly women to rule the world. Those slimy little weasels :mad:

So, no link? That means your claim has no credibility.

Neither does the rest of this thread.

You've just admitted that you fit right into the thread as an example of how the Left lies.

In effect, you've proven the truth of the thread.

Don't ever change.

He won't. He's the typical Liberal. Demands proof yet won't provide it when asked then blames someone else for not being able to.
Link, you lying moron.

The lying liberal media tore the link down because they want dumb ugly women to rule the world. Those slimy little weasels :mad:

So, no link? That means your claim has no credibility.

Neither does the rest of this thread.

You've just admitted that you fit right into the thread as an example of how the Left lies.

In effect, you've proven the truth of the thread.

Don't ever change.

He won't. He's the typical Liberal. Demands proof yet won't provide it when asked then blames someone else for not being able to.

PC trivializes rape, racism, and apparently heterosexual AIDS. And your sick self agrees with her. Her OP argues that we shouldn't concern ourselves over racism and rape. It's a disturbing trend that's gaining steam in the GOP and that's despicable.
16. A study of political literature will reveal that it is Leftism that proclaims dishonesty, lies, fables and myths as their path to success.

Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered.
Georges Sorel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Please note this his influence resonated in both Marxism and Fascism. There is no essential difference between any of the totalist philosophies....Marxism, Fascism, Nazism, Progressivism, Liberalism....

In his most famous work (1908), Sorel emphasized the violent and irrational motivations of social and economic conduct (echoing Pareto in many ways). His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after. http://homepage.newschool.edu/het//profiles/sorel.htm

He supported belief in myths about future social developments, arguing that such belief promoted social progress. Georges Sorel Facts information pictures Encyclopedia.com articles about Georges Sorel

Since your posts always include some information that is non-factual, I'll assume that makes you a leftist.
"So, we should continue to expose the 'myths' of the Left, but should not expect them to admit that they are myths: for, without their 'bed time stories,' what do they have left?"

Only libs are raped or experience racism?

Of course, the thread says neither.

Why do Liberals inflate the rapes by a factor of 40 times?

And why do you believe it?

Because you couldn't be a Liberal if you questioned it?
16. A study of political literature will reveal that it is Leftism that proclaims dishonesty, lies, fables and myths as their path to success.

Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered.
Georges Sorel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Please note this his influence resonated in both Marxism and Fascism. There is no essential difference between any of the totalist philosophies....Marxism, Fascism, Nazism, Progressivism, Liberalism....

In his most famous work (1908), Sorel emphasized the violent and irrational motivations of social and economic conduct (echoing Pareto in many ways). His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after. http://homepage.newschool.edu/het//profiles/sorel.htm

He supported belief in myths about future social developments, arguing that such belief promoted social progress. Georges Sorel Facts information pictures Encyclopedia.com articles about Georges Sorel

Since your posts always include some information that is non-factual, I'll assume that makes you a leftist.

"Since your posts always include some information that is non-factual,...."

Why aren't you able to give examples of same?

You must be lying....so "I'll assume that makes you a leftist."
The lying liberal media tore the link down because they want dumb ugly women to rule the world. Those slimy little weasels :mad:

So, no link? That means your claim has no credibility.

Neither does the rest of this thread.

You've just admitted that you fit right into the thread as an example of how the Left lies.

In effect, you've proven the truth of the thread.

Don't ever change.

He won't. He's the typical Liberal. Demands proof yet won't provide it when asked then blames someone else for not being able to.

PC trivializes rape, racism, and apparently heterosexual AIDS. And your sick self agrees with her. Her OP argues that we shouldn't concern ourselves over racism and rape. It's a disturbing trend that's gaining steam in the GOP and that's despicable.

"PC trivializes rape, racism, and apparently heterosexual AIDS."

(ˈtrɪv i əˌlaɪz)

v.t. -ized, -iz•ing.
to cause to appear unimportant, insignificant, etc.
trivialize - definition of trivialize by The Free Dictionary

So you either don't understand the word 'trivialize,' or you are lying.

Either one identifies you as a Liberal.

"Her OP argues that we shouldn't concern ourselves over racism and rape."

You dope....it does no such thing. In fact it is not about either racism nor rape...it is about lies that Liberals tell to get dupes to hand-wring.

See the word 'fable' in the title?

Now get a dictionary.....
Hmmm... only liberals lie. Conservatives never do. They are truly patriotic. Now that is funny.
Conservatives are right; there is no rape or racism in the world. It's just a liberal conspiracy.

You moron....point to anyone...conservative, or moron like you, who has said rape doesn't exist.

The question is why Liberals/Progressives lie about it, by multiplying the actual numbers 40 times.

Not 20-25%....but 0.61%
TheOldSchool is a troll rapist.

So...you don't believe simply "fool" would cover it?
Just not believing 'em.

Progressives/Liberals have always been able to make up lies and use their control of the media and the schools to keep them circulating.

But more and more, folks are simply rolling their eyes, and identifying them as self-serving deceptions.

So says Naomi Schaefer Riley....

1. ".... recent revelations that the gang-rape story at UVa was made up, that Lena Dunham wasn’t actually sexually assaulted by a college Republican named Barry (and perhaps not at all), people may start wondering why the young and well-educated are so inclined to lie —

2. ... colleges and the culture at large are pressuring them to do so.

3. If there is an epidemic of rape on campus, why do people need to make up stories to prove it? If there is structural racism everywhere, why keep making up incidents of bigotry?

  • A black student at Sweet Briar College in Virginia this fall put “white” and “colored” signs up on campus to show others, as she explained, “We can never really shake the past.”
  • A University of Chicago student admitted last month to perpetrating a racist attack on his own Facebook page. It turned out to be part of his effort to get the administration to incorporate racial and ethnic studies into the core curriculum.
  •  Oberlin canceled classes last year in the wake of a report of a sinister figure in a KKK robe hanging around the Afrikan Heritage House. It turned out to be someone in a blanket.
....those who follow higher education learn to be skeptical from the start.

4. ....the perpetrators inevitably get their way — even when it’s a hoax, the administration engages in days of handwringing and re-education.

5. [It] isn’t simply how very few real racial incidents occur on college campuses these days, but something bigger:

College students feel pressured to find a cause from very early on in their days on campus, and if they want to lend that cause some legitimacy, they need a story of personal struggle that brought them to it.

6. You can join one of the many feminist groups on campus. But if you want people to take you seriously, you should probably have some kind of discrimination, abuse or even assault in your past.....you need to be traumatized. The personal is political, as they say.

7. But most of the students at Oberlin or UVa or the University of Chicago haven’t really been through a lot — at least in the sense they want to mean it, which is why their “narratives” are so often embellished."
Empty 8216 stories Beyonce and today 8217 s college kids New York Post

So teaching Liberals-in-Training to lie is what college has become.

Dear PoliticalChic
Now you're starting to remind me of
David Spetch who is convinced all religions are based on lies
and there is no truth to them.

Are you cut from the same cloth?

Just because religious fraud and abuse exists
doesn't mean ALL religious activity is fraudulent.

I think you both are so set on imposing your negative criticisms
you color right over good examples that people should fol.ow.
Just not believing 'em.

Progressives/Liberals have always been able to make up lies and use their control of the media and the schools to keep them circulating.

But more and more, folks are simply rolling their eyes, and identifying them as self-serving deceptions.

So says Naomi Schaefer Riley....

1. ".... recent revelations that the gang-rape story at UVa was made up, that Lena Dunham wasn’t actually sexually assaulted by a college Republican named Barry (and perhaps not at all), people may start wondering why the young and well-educated are so inclined to lie —

2. ... colleges and the culture at large are pressuring them to do so.

3. If there is an epidemic of rape on campus, why do people need to make up stories to prove it? If there is structural racism everywhere, why keep making up incidents of bigotry?

  • A black student at Sweet Briar College in Virginia this fall put “white” and “colored” signs up on campus to show others, as she explained, “We can never really shake the past.”
  • A University of Chicago student admitted last month to perpetrating a racist attack on his own Facebook page. It turned out to be part of his effort to get the administration to incorporate racial and ethnic studies into the core curriculum.
  •  Oberlin canceled classes last year in the wake of a report of a sinister figure in a KKK robe hanging around the Afrikan Heritage House. It turned out to be someone in a blanket.
....those who follow higher education learn to be skeptical from the start.

4. ....the perpetrators inevitably get their way — even when it’s a hoax, the administration engages in days of handwringing and re-education.

5. [It] isn’t simply how very few real racial incidents occur on college campuses these days, but something bigger:

College students feel pressured to find a cause from very early on in their days on campus, and if they want to lend that cause some legitimacy, they need a story of personal struggle that brought them to it.

6. You can join one of the many feminist groups on campus. But if you want people to take you seriously, you should probably have some kind of discrimination, abuse or even assault in your past.....you need to be traumatized. The personal is political, as they say.

7. But most of the students at Oberlin or UVa or the University of Chicago haven’t really been through a lot — at least in the sense they want to mean it, which is why their “narratives” are so often embellished."
Empty 8216 stories Beyonce and today 8217 s college kids New York Post

So teaching Liberals-in-Training to lie is what college has become.

Dear PoliticalChic
Now you're starting to remind me of
David Spetch who is convinced all religions are based on lies
and there is no truth to them.

Are you cut from the same cloth?

Just because religious fraud and abuse exists
doesn't mean ALL religious activity is fraudulent.

I think you both are so set on imposing your negative criticisms
you color right over good examples that people should fol.ow.

1 in 5 women being sexually assaulted while in college?
There is an epidemic of white police out to shoot unarmed blacks?
Global Warming?
.Life magazine’s July 1985 cover declared in bold red letters, “Now No One Is Safe from AIDS.”Heterosexual AIDS?
Photo ID is aimed at Voter suppression?
Second Hand Smoke kills?
Islam is the Religion of Peace?
Killer African Bees are about to invade the country?
DDT is a health threat?
J.Edgar Hoover wore dresses?
DNA proves that Thomas Jefferson had children with slave Sally Hemings?

You believe all of 'em, huh, Chicken Little?
2nd hand smoke is good for people PC.... you should have your kids smoke..start em young. I watched 2 uncles die from lung cancer both were smokers so digs yes... they were for sure the cause..I will stake my life on it.
1 in 5 women being sexually assaulted while in college?
There is an epidemic of white police out to shoot unarmed blacks?
Global Warming?
.Life magazine’s July 1985 cover declared in bold red letters, “Now No One Is Safe from AIDS.”Heterosexual AIDS?
Photo ID is aimed at Voter suppression?
Second Hand Smoke kills?
Islam is the Religion of Peace?
Killer African Bees are about to invade the country?
DDT is a health threat?
J.Edgar Hoover wore dresses?
DNA proves that Thomas Jefferson had children with slave Sally Hemings?

You believe all of 'em, huh, Chicken Little?

^^^ SEE ^^^
Where is this "all or nothing" mentality coming from?

That ALL have to be true or ALL have to be false?

PC you know the crap in the media is a mix of all kinds of garbage.

Are you going to say
ALL American politics is crap.
ALL religion is crap.
ALL music is crap, ALL TV is crap, ALL media hype is crap.

then YOU are full of crap too!

If YOU are going to apply this BLANKET THINKING to ALL CRAP as CRAP
then INCLUDE yourself as part of that crap and you are CONSISTENT.

But PoliticalChic if you are going to ask people to DISTINGUISH what you
are saying from all the other CRAP people vent, then why aren't you doing the same?

and distinguishing the fact from the fiction?

Do you want people to lump you in with all the hyped up garbage online?


As for your overly broad sweeping generalizations:
Example A:
Just because I know women who were actually raped
doesn't mean ALL women who claim to be raped were,
and doesn't mean ALL women are lying either.

Don't go by statistics. Help each woman or rape victim (I even know
one male victim) to deal with their own situation on their OWN TERMS.
Then you don't have to rely on outside data -- only what helps THAT person to recover!

Example B: Islam
1. the % of militant Jihadists who don't respect due process but act unilaterally
as judge jury and executioner are worshipping Jihad not God. Same as Zionists
who worship Armaggeddon (instead of Christ Jesus as Justice with Mercy and Peace)

PC I don't confuse the militant Apocalyptic Christians with the ones who serve in a peaceful universal all inclusive way with charity and healing for all people.

These two groups are not the same folks.

2. likewise the Jihadists are not the same as the peaceful Muslims who get along fine with other Hindus, Buddhists, Jewish and Christian as people of God.

I can make this distinction by taking each person in their own context.

NOT by making "gross generalizations"
trying to paint them all with a broad brush: black/white, true/false, all/nothing.

Thanks PC

I appreciate your passion, but you can't go around blasting away
without distinguishing the Consistent from Inconsistent cases of rape or other things.

What is wrong?

Why are you lumping all these together?

Are you trying to prove there is some good use of Liberals
if they are good at analyzing and critically contrasting and comparing?

If you can't pick apart your own generalizations you just threw together,
maybe that is why you need allies like me who do think like liberals
and can explain what you are missing or skirting over.

PoliticalChic I am not your enemy.

I actually AGREE with the sentiment and strength of your msgs
but if you misdirect your words and energy, you even lose me.
And I am on your side! I agree with the sentiment of what you
mean, but your way of saying it is just exacerbating the problems with
the media painting things as polarized opposites and not making the right distinctions
of what are the solutions and not just pigeonholing the problems in a corner for points.
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2nd hand smoke is good for people PC.... you should have your kids smoke..start em young. I watched 2 uncles die from lung cancer both were smokers so digs yes... they were for sure the cause..I will stake my life on it.

" both were smokers "

So your obnoxious post has nothing to do with second hand smoke, you dope.

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