When you white men fight for Israel, the refugees end up in Europe


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
True. All of your efforts to make war in the Middle East and destabilize it, means refugees head for Europe, your ancestral homeland.

Now, you rednecks may not give a crap, but it's something to think about.
So let me get this straight. In your addled, microscopic brain, the "white men" who have been fighting in the Middle East for the past 15 years are there in order to "destabilize" the region?

Go back to the sports pages, dfens, you are out of your element.
So let me get this straight. In your addled, microscopic brain, the "white men" who have been fighting in the Middle East for the past 15 years are there in order to "destabilize" the region?

Go back to the sports pages, dfens, you are out of your element.

You understand perfectly well what he meant. I'll take your snarky comment as evidence you know he's right and just don't have the firepower to deploy against it. Loser.
True. All of your efforts to make war in the Middle East and destabilize it, means refugees head for Europe, your ancestral homeland.

Now, you rednecks may not give a crap, but it's something to think about.
Straight from the RACISTS mouth.
A leftist calling people racist? Hehehe, this is funny.

By the way, is it true that all those Muslims are now converting to Christianity after immigrating into Europe?
So let me get this straight. In your addled, microscopic brain, the "white men" who have been fighting in the Middle East for the past 15 years are there in order to "destabilize" the region?

Go back to the sports pages, dfens, you are out of your element.

It's just an expression of the age-old formula -- stupidity + paranoid schizophrenia = antisemitism.
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True. All of your efforts to make war in the Middle East and destabilize it, means refugees head for Europe, your ancestral homeland.

Now, you rednecks may not give a crap, but it's something to think about.
WARNING: History lesson. A few thousand years ago, Hebrews founded a kingdom, complete with palaces, kings, queens, and a thriving culture, their capitol (if you want to call it that) was Jerusalem (Islam didn't even exist at this time); enter the Romans. They were "true" occupiers, however, they allowed the Hebrews to maintain their kings (albeit puppets of Rome). When the western Roman empire was destroyed, the eastern Roman empire continued on. Fast forward to the sixth century and the entry of a murderous, thieving, pedophilic warlord named Muhammad. His overall call to those who would follow him: "convert them to my teachings, if they don't convert, offer them protection if they pay the poor tax and agree to live under my rules, if they refuse, cut off their heads and hands, also, you can have up to four wives and have sex with girls when they enter puberty (generally, age 9)...if a woman says no to you, you can beat her. If you rape a woman, she has to have four "male" witnesses, otherwise she is to be punished....and hey...you get 72 virgins when you get to paradise. How about that, you're free to kill anyone that doesn't agree with what you've been told and you can rape with impunity, if there are no men watching. Anyway....with these teachings, he gathers a lot of followers for his army and rapes and pillages his way across North Africa and the Middle East. Jerusalem repeatedly changes hands...Christians, Muslims, Christians, Muslims, all the while with Hebrews still living there. Fast forward to the collapse of the Ottoman empire (Muslim domination) at the end of World War I. The European allies control what is called Palestine (what the Ottomans were calling it). Fast forward to shortly after World War II. The United Nations is approached by the Hebrews/Jews/Israelites. They petition the Security Council to gain nationhood for territory which was "originally theirs." The Security Council approves their request and grant them a small portion of what they once created. They call it...Israel. The Muslims (who like to call themselves Palestinians) refuse to live in a Jewish state (per Islam, Muslims cannot give up land they once conquered and must fight to regain it, for they consider non-believers who get their land back, are occupiers). So, the conflict with Muslim nations will never end and those of us who believe that the Israelis (Hebrews) are entitled to have a bit of their original homeland back, should help them keep what they have struggled so long to have back. It isn't just "white guys," there are non-Muslim Arabs, blacks and others who side with their cause.
In the U.S., it would be like Native Americans getting back a portion of the United States that was stolen from them.
In the U.S., it would be like Native Americans getting back a portion of the United States that was stolen from them.

Would "Native Americans" like to go back to living in tepees and killing/torturing each other for fun? Or do they prefer running casinos and getting rich off of elderly social security recipients? They can't have it both ways, and neither can the "Palestinians."
True. All of your efforts to make war in the Middle East and destabilize it, means refugees head for Europe, your ancestral homeland.

Now, you rednecks may not give a crap, but it's something to think about.

NOt our fault that europeans are dumb enough to leave them in.
In the U.S., it would be like Native Americans getting back a portion of the United States that was stolen from them.

Would "Native Americans" like to go back to living in tepees and killing/torturing each other for fun? Or do they prefer running casinos and getting rich off of elderly social security recipients? They can't have it both ways, and neither can the "Palestinians."
As for the Native Americans, the Iroquois Nations (east coast natives) consisted of five tribes that eventually formed a confederation. They were agricultural in nature and unlike the nomadic western tribes, weren't involved in a great deal of warfare...they also didn't live in "tepees."
The point of that which you extracted from my paragraph, was that if the Native Americans got back some of their original territory, they wouldn't be "occupiers." If anything, the whites, blacks, et cetera, are actually the occupiers. So, since the original inhabitants descendants were able to get a portion back of what their forefathers had, they aren't occupiers.
True. All of your efforts to make war in the Middle East and destabilize it, means refugees head for Europe, your ancestral homeland.

Now, you rednecks may not give a crap, but it's something to think about.
You do realize that the US Military has been racially integrated since 1948 ?

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