When they look back, how will historians see this Republican Party?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Eventually, this Republican Party will be judged.

How do you think this Republican Party will be judged by history?
Eventually, this Republican Party will be judged.

How do you think this Republican Party will be judged by history?

Insufficient data. It all depends on what in the end they are prepared to do for the country. Right now they are far to prone to politeness and negotiation with those who seek to "fundamentally change" this country while dispensing with the constitutional mandate for doing so.
Historians will score the Republican, AND the Democratic, Party 3 on a scale of 10.

and no signs of either improving
Eventually, this Republican Party will be judged.

How do you think this Republican Party will be judged by history?
Republicans can't even bring themselves to admit that Lincoln was a Republican, and he was the best they had.
But Republicans have their usual stock answer for historians: "Historians are communists."
Eventually, this Republican Party will be judged.

How do you think this Republican Party will be judged by history?

As the heroic entity that finally rid the world of the democrat scourge.
Eventually, this Republican Party will be judged.

How do you think this Republican Party will be judged by history?
Republicans can't even bring themselves to admit that Lincoln was a Republican, and he was the best they had.
But Republicans have their usual stock answer for historians: "Historians are communists."

We're better than FDR and his Tuskegee Experiment, where he perverted a legitimate scientific experiment into something that would later influence the Nazis.
The Republican Party will be remembered for saving America from the far left wing totally corrupt banana republic Democrats who almost destroyed our country with their Dossiergate abuse of power.
Compare and contrast

Republicans: Boy Scouts, Chamber of Commerce, PTA, Rotary Club, American Legion, 4H Club, Lion’s Club, Little League, Sunday School, VFW, great neighborhoods, good schools, clean suburbs, pro-business, pro-America........ just grilling and chilling…..

Democrats: Terrorist sympathizers, Sanctuary Cities for illegal alien rapist and murderers, gang warfare, Organized Crime, Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, racist Aztlán Nationalist, BLM separatist, violent Antifa bigots, deranged men in the women’s restrooms, dirty ghettos, failed schools, human traffickers, Mexican drug cartels, drive-by shootings…….
The Republican Party will be remembered for saving America from the far left wing totally corrupt banana republic Democrats who almost destroyed our country with their Dossiergate abuse of power.
The Republican Party will be remembered for saving America from the far left wing totally corrupt banana republic Democrats who almost destroyed our country with their Dossiergate abuse of power.
We can thank Reagan for voting for FDR four times.
The Republican Party will be remembered for saving America from the far left wing totally corrupt banana republic Democrats who almost destroyed our country with their Dossiergate abuse of power.
The Republican Party will be remembered for saving America from the far left wing totally corrupt banana republic Democrats who almost destroyed our country with their Dossiergate abuse of power.
We can thank Reagan for voting for FDR four times.

The Democratic Party has devolved into just being far left wing knuttjobs, totally corrupt and despicable racist.
It's like a crazy crackpot fanatic cult.
A better question, R-Derp...is how will historians judge the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party during and after the Obama two terms? How did you improve the country? Was ObamaCare designed by your leaders to fail? Did your economic policies hasten or delay the end of the recession? Did you use your political power to subvert the Constitution and spy on average Americans through illegally obtained FISA warrants? Did you use the IRS to handicap your political opponents? Did ANY of your foreign policy work? Did you drop the ball completely on ISIS? Did you attempt to cover up how badly you handled security for our State Department personnel in Libya? Did you look the other way while our Secretary of State used a home server network to run a "pay for play" scheme and avoid Congressional oversight? Did you unite the nation or divide it like it's never been divided before? Those will be the things that historians will be looking at over the next few hundred years.
Eventually, this Republican Party will be judged.

How do you think this Republican Party will be judged by history?

Whatever George Soros wants teachers and academia to say.
Compare and contrast

Republicans: Boy Scouts, Chamber of Commerce, PTA, Rotary Club, American Legion, 4H Club, Lion’s Club, Little League, Sunday School, VFW, great neighborhoods, good schools, clean suburbs, pro-business, pro-America........ just grilling and chilling…..

Democrats: Terrorist sympathizers, Sanctuary Cities for illegal alien rapist and murderers, gang warfare, Organized Crime, Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, racist Aztlán Nationalist, BLM separatist, violent Antifa bigots, deranged men in the women’s restrooms, dirty ghettos, failed schools, human traffickers, Mexican drug cartels, drive-by shootings…….
The delusions are deep.

The Boy Scouts wanted an apology form Trump but didn't get it.

Boy Scouts deny Trump's claim that top leader called him to praise speech

Boy booted from Cub Scouts after tense exchange with GOP senator

And as far as schools go:

Federal education funding cut by 5 times more than all spending

Republicans have to cut school funding, daycare and school lunches for poor children.

How do you think they pay for all those tax cuts for billionaires?

Graham: 'Financial contributions will stop' if GOP doesn't pass tax reform


What history is going to say will have nothing to do with what Fox news says now.
Eventually, this Republican Party will be judged.

How do you think this Republican Party will be judged by history?

Whatever George Soros wants teachers and academia to say.
I hear George Soros name, but only from Republicans. It's like their fixation on Saul Alinsky. They hope to smear to keep people from talking about their Nazi connections and their subservience to Russia.

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