When Staunch Liberals Criticize Obama, You Know It's Bad


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I don't like Piers Morgan. He's an arrogant liberal who is full of himself. That said, it looks like the recent beheadings have angered him and, like many of us, he is genuinely upset at the delayed and lame response from Obama. He pointed out the way Obama said 'they' instead of 'we' when talking about how the ISIS threat was grossly underestimated. I wonder if Piers is actually shocked to see Obama blaming others, as if he noticed for the first time that playing the blame game is Obama's strong point.

The truth is that Obama is the one who underestimated ISIS, plunging his head ostrich-like into the sand and hoping they would go away without having to do anything to actually make them go away.


There were clear, unambiguous public warnings made nearly a year ago in front of the Foreign Affairs Committee that ISIS was on the march in Syria and Iraq.


But perhaps Obama missed them.


Hardly surprising when we discover yesterday that he has only attended 42.1 percent of his Presidential Daily intelligence briefings.

The often-snarky Morgan couldn’t resist offering a suggestion as to why Obama has missed so many briefings:

Imagine how emboldened they must have felt when Obama made his ‘heartfelt’ speech about journalist James Foley’s execution, and was then seen laughing and joking on the golf course SEVEN MINUTES later.


Obama has so far played golf 192 times since becoming President.


Even (Irish pro-golfer) Rory McIlroy would struggle to match such enthusiasm for the game.
So franco is the money with his eyes covered! I like to learn something everyday.
Many liberals criticize Obama. He's a centrist. Many liberals aren't so partisan as to be the "Obamabots" that conservatives on this board make us out to be. It doesn't mean we'd be happier with a conservative - conservatives don't represent our values.

I'm pissed about a lot of the things Obama has done (the recent Afghanistan agreement as an example), and campaign promises that he's broken (the expansion of the scope of the Patriot Act), and disappointed by him in other ways (he's not a good executive). But he sure as hell isn't as bad as conservatives make him out to be, and he's a hell of a lot better than anybody the GOP has nominated.
BTW, Piers Morgan is not a liberal. He's just a "news as entertainment" hack. He will say anything that gets him higher ratings.

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