When it comes time behind the voting booth curtain... Trump supporters can be honest..

Of course there's 10% more Democrats in the sample. That represents their majority nationwide and explains why Hillary is going to be the next President of the United States.
Not hardly. Only if you include 'lean Democrats' does their margin go up to 9%, and many of them are self identified conservatives.
Polls only poll fewer than two thousand people, and the media runs with it. So far, they say Hillary is winning. But how about if we poll 100,000 people: does bobblehead Hillary win?

Not at all, says a smartphone app developer. Their results reveal that the opposite is true.

When more people are polled, the data shows that Donald Trump will be the victor.
New Poll Reveals Trump Will Smash Bobblehead Hillary Big Time - Freedom Outpost

So, you're going to go with something unproven and ignore established polling that more often than not calls the races accurately.

And you do this why? Because Trump supporters don't want to tell pollsters how they really feel because they think the pollster is going to call them a racist? Doesn't pan out, robocall polling also has Clinton leading.

You're a Trump supporter who is letting their bias getting the better of them and are choosing to ignore polls because they tell you what you don't want to hear. Man up, son.
Last I checked the poll on here had Trump winning by over 10 points.
Could be but the MSM /pollster are so biased I don't believe any poll till I see the demographics of who was polled.
Most people reading that poll don't go to the last page and see this:
10% MORE Democrats then GOP in the poll! So naturally she will be ahead.
But this is the only example of this gross misrepresentation of people being polled!
The Post-ABC poll was conducted Monday to Thursday among a random national sample of 1,002 adults interviewed on cellular and landline phones.
33% or 330 Democrats...... 23% or 230 GOP......... 36% or 360 Independent.

A clear lead for Clinton after the conventions - The Washington Post
Of course there's 10% more Democrats in the sample. That represents their majority nationwide and explains why Hillary is going to be the next President of the United States.

Where are your FACTS that Democrats represents the majority???
There has NEVER been 10% more Democrats then GOP... again a false premise that the biased pollsters do when they do a poll.
Since 1988 33% Dem.. 31% GOP up to 2014... 29% Dems..... 26% GOP..
So what is the justification for this:
A clear lead for Clinton after the conventions - The Washington Post
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View attachment 85897

Democratic, Republican Identification Near Historical Lows

Great post.

The Two Party system is in danger of collapse because of the reigning corporate crony network and now that network of corporate owned shills is pulling out all the stops to back Hillary Clinton and get her elected as they know Trump spells the end of their corruption and they dont want that!
C'mon....just because Health's record of using polls to predict elections is a steaming pile of dog shit doesn't mean you should hold it against him...

Obama will lose Big Time per Washington Post Polling data!!!

After all, Obama lost big time in 2012, exactly as Myth predicted he would. Oh...wait. It was Romney that lost big time, by almost 6 million votes.

Well surely Myth did better in his other foray into polling:

Romney winner Polls were biased!!!!

Nope, dog shit there too. Maybe third time is a charm?

PLEASE!!! Don't change the POLLING DATA!!

Nope, pure hapless dog shit then too. Lucky Number 4?

If the Polls are "Skewed"

Sigh...still dog shit? This is getting embarrassing

Perhaps you're right.
So this election this year is exactly like the election in 2012?

Are you feeling well?
And you know that's part of the issue! You make your decisions based on nothing! I've proven time after time that pollsters are skewing the results.
You don't provide any proof as I do though so who would be more believable?

And on other occasions, Trump has suggested that the polls can’t accurately measure his support. Alluding earlier this month to Tom Bradley’s experience in California — though he declined to use Bradley’s name — Trump said the phenomenon that led some voters to tell pollsters they were going to vote for Bradley but to choose the white candidate, George Deukmejian, instead was occurring this year, too.

“He was supposed to win by 10 points, and he lost by 5 or something. So it’s a certain effect,” Trump said, referring to Bradley. “Now, I have — unfortunately, maybe fortunately — the opposite effect. When I poll, I do fine. But when I run, I do much better.”

“In other words, people say, ‘I’m not going to say who I’m voting for,’” Trump added.
“And then they get it, and I do much better. It’s like an amazing effect.”

Pollsters call this social-desirability bias. Voters misrepresent their intentions to provide responses that might be viewed more favorably. Or they could decline to be interviewed entirely to avoid giving responses they view as socially undesirable.
Are the polls skewed against Trump?

So why would people on this forum or answering polls take the insults that people like you hurl that has NO substantiation!
This "social-desirability bias" will make itself known as I called this thread...behind the voting booth curtain!

The libtards are just goading you, ignore them if you dont like stress.

You might find this interesting.

Shock Poll: Clinton 44.0% Trump 43.4% (Trump Has Closed Within Less Than 2)
Polls only poll fewer than two thousand people, and the media runs with it. So far, they say Hillary is winning. But how about if we poll 100,000 people: does bobblehead Hillary win?

Not at all, says a smartphone app developer. Their results reveal that the opposite is true.

When more people are polled, the data shows that Donald Trump will be the victor.
New Poll Reveals Trump Will Smash Bobblehead Hillary Big Time - Freedom Outpost
There is no need to poll more than a valid sampling. Most statistically valid polls are designed to attain a 3% sampling error. Polling more people that meet the same demographics of the sample should produce the same results within the sampling error. If they don't then the sample is not statistically valid which means the sample does not match the actually voters.
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There is no need to poll more than a valid sampling. Most statistically valid polls are designed to attain a 3% sampling error. Polling more people that meet the same demographics will simple produce the same results within the sampling error. However, this only applies to statistically valid polls where the sampling is truly random among a population whose demographics match those of the voters.

If poll results change with the number polled, then the sample is not valid.
So on Planet Liberal, no one hides their intent to vote for someone that is wildly unpopular with their friends?

And history always repeats itself EXACTLY so that one can EXACTLY predict the next election with demographic proportions from the last election even if the new candidates are totally different in style and substance from the previous candidates?

Planet Liberal must be a truly wonderful place since you guys never seem to leave it to visit Planet REALITY ever at all.
How did you come to that conclusion? What FACTS provide you that statement?
What sources do you have to tell you my race,my age,my location, my education, my marital status,my income,etc....?
See this is the problem with people like you! You make grandiose unsubstantiated statements as if they are TRUE!
Come on have a little scholastic honesty here!

There is no evidence at all this place represents the United States. Political forum members are more partisan, to the left and to the right, we are not a random sample.

Trump won a poll here over Clinton, doesn't match established polling results.

The fact that you aren't even more laughed at by your moronic conspiracy about skewed polls is also evidence that this place isn't normal.

Also, after seeing your 2012 record on skewed polls demonstrates to me that I'm better off just disagreeing with you at face value.
It's just a sample, you guy's are saying Hillary is so far ahead. That proved she's not.

How far ahead are people saying she is? She's about 6-8 nationally. However she holds higher leads in states that make up 288 electoral votes.
And yet the debates haven't started yet, just wait. Trump will destroy Hillary.

That's right, back away slowly, take those goal posts with you my little sad rainbow.
So you know I'm right?
Polls only poll fewer than two thousand people, and the media runs with it. So far, they say Hillary is winning. But how about if we poll 100,000 people: does bobblehead Hillary win?

Not at all, says a smartphone app developer. Their results reveal that the opposite is true.

When more people are polled, the data shows that Donald Trump will be the victor.
New Poll Reveals Trump Will Smash Bobblehead Hillary Big Time - Freedom Outpost

So, you're going to go with something unproven and ignore established polling that more often than not calls the races accurately.

And you do this why? Because Trump supporters don't want to tell pollsters how they really feel because they think the pollster is going to call them a racist? Doesn't pan out, robocall polling also has Clinton leading.

You're a Trump supporter who is letting their bias getting the better of them and are choosing to ignore polls because they tell you what you don't want to hear. Man up, son.
Last I checked the poll on here had Trump winning by over 10 points.

What does the 'poll on here' have to do with anything related to who is going to be the next President?
Because even with all you Looney liberals on here. Hillary loses, just like on election day.
The day after Election Day will be so much fun. You DO plan on sticking around, right? :D
I'll be here laughing at you.
Polls only poll fewer than two thousand people, and the media runs with it. So far, they say Hillary is winning. But how about if we poll 100,000 people: does bobblehead Hillary win?

Not at all, says a smartphone app developer. Their results reveal that the opposite is true.

When more people are polled, the data shows that Donald Trump will be the victor.
New Poll Reveals Trump Will Smash Bobblehead Hillary Big Time - Freedom Outpost
There is no need to poll more than a valid sampling. Most statistically valid polls are designed to attain a 3% sampling error. Polling more people that meet the same demographics of the sample should produce the same results within the sampling error. If they don't then the sample is not statistically valid which means the sample does not match the actually voters.

There is when more Democrats are in the poll the GOP by 3%!

HuffPollster, which aggregates hundreds of polls across nearly 100 different pollsters, finds that averaging across 2016 polls,
34.8 percent of Americans identify as Democrats and
28.7 percent identify as Republicans

roughly a six-point Democratic advantage.
No, The Polls Aren’t Biased. Clinton Really Is Leading Trump
So hundreds of polls from 100 different pollsters all find there are more Democrats then GOP counted in the polls.

YET this Gallup study shows there are less then 3% more Democrats then GOP.

So the "pollsters" build in biases when they get 3% more Democrats then GOP every time they poll as HuffPollster has found!
To represent the USA politically correct, pollsters should poll based on 3% more Democrats then GOP instead of right now 6% more Democrats.
So trump supporters are cowards who wont admit they support him? Hillary being beaten depends on cowards who wont admit they support trump?

You really want to go with this?
There is no evidence at all this place represents the United States. Political forum members are more partisan, to the left and to the right, we are not a random sample.

Trump won a poll here over Clinton, doesn't match established polling results.

The fact that you aren't even more laughed at by your moronic conspiracy about skewed polls is also evidence that this place isn't normal.

Also, after seeing your 2012 record on skewed polls demonstrates to me that I'm better off just disagreeing with you at face value.
It's just a sample, you guy's are saying Hillary is so far ahead. That proved she's not.

How far ahead are people saying she is? She's about 6-8 nationally. However she holds higher leads in states that make up 288 electoral votes.
And yet the debates haven't started yet, just wait. Trump will destroy Hillary.

That's right, back away slowly, take those goal posts with you my little sad rainbow.
So you know I'm right?

Right about what, Rainbow-not-so-brite? We were talking about polls happening today, at this moment they are still bad news for Trump. So, you decided to talk about what hasn't happened yet as evidence of something.

So, no, it's not that you are right or wrong it's just that your argument is weak and now based on future events.
So trump supporters are cowards who wont admit they support him? Hillary being beaten depends on cowards who wont admit they support trump?

You really want to go with this?

Hey cowards elected Obama! They didn't want to be perceived as "racist" in Iowa where you had to stand up for your candidate. Consider having a microphone
thrust in your face and some dumb ass reporter saying "why aren't you standing for Obama..is it because he is black"?

The same thing holds true here.
Protesters punch, throw eggs at Trump supporters in San Jose
Trump supporter in town of Rochester says she feels ‘terrorized’ after signs stolen, flag defaced, fence damaged

“Nazi Scum Out!!” Trump Supporters Threatened in Florida Neighborhood'

So you tell me you idiots! What if Trump supporters attacked your home, your car, egged you would you be so inclined to put your Hillary sign on your lawn?

Violence Against Trump Supporters: Who Is to Blame?
If you are physically assaulted at a Donald Trump rally because you are there to support the presumptive Republican nominee, do you deserve it?

Even if you are a victim of the violence, is it primarily the fault of the protesters who attacked you or the candidate who incited them in the first place?

So yes millions of people don't want you violent ignorant people attacking them as you attack me
on this forum but know behind the curtain their choice can be made civilly!

You know nothing about women, its more likely they will never vote for that bitch. :laugh:
"Clinton has opened a wide lead among women in particular — 58 percent to his 35 percent. Among college-educated women, she leads Trump by 19 percentage points, 57 percent to 38 percent."


But you keep on telling women how they feel, right up to election day.

The bitches that vote for Hillary should go to her when they need support.

See what they get.
See....women voters love to be called "bitches"....it makes them want to run right out and vote for those who call them that.

The "bitches" are already voting for Hillary.

Are you suggesting there is something that would change their minds?
Polls only poll fewer than two thousand people, and the media runs with it. So far, they say Hillary is winning. But how about if we poll 100,000 people: does bobblehead Hillary win?

Not at all, says a smartphone app developer. Their results reveal that the opposite is true.

When more people are polled, the data shows that Donald Trump will be the victor.
New Poll Reveals Trump Will Smash Bobblehead Hillary Big Time - Freedom Outpost
There is no need to poll more than a valid sampling. Most statistically valid polls are designed to attain a 3% sampling error. Polling more people that meet the same demographics of the sample should produce the same results within the sampling error. If they don't then the sample is not statistically valid which means the sample does not match the actually voters.

There is when more Democrats are in the poll the GOP by 3%!

HuffPollster, which aggregates hundreds of polls across nearly 100 different pollsters, finds that averaging across 2016 polls,
34.8 percent of Americans identify as Democrats and
28.7 percent identify as Republicans

roughly a six-point Democratic advantage.
No, The Polls Aren’t Biased. Clinton Really Is Leading Trump
So hundreds of polls from 100 different pollsters all find there are more Democrats then GOP counted in the polls.

YET this Gallup study shows there are less then 3% more Democrats then GOP.

So the "pollsters" build in biases when they get 3% more Democrats then GOP every time they poll as HuffPollster has found!
To represent the USA politically correct, pollsters should poll based on 3% more Democrats then GOP instead of right now 6% more Democrats.
View attachment 86094
If the purpose of the poll is to predict the winner of an election and not just popularity, the percentage of Democrats and Republicans should theoretically match the voting population. However, all pollsters have their own method of creating their polling sample and they do not disclose it or necessarily agree. For example, the sample may include less democrats because democrats are slightly less likely to vote than republicans. There are also other reasons a pollster may vary his sample slightly away from the party demographics.

Remember, the pollster's goal is to stay withing his plus or minus 3% margin of error.

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