When Is It Racism...And When Is It Memorex?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....when is it simply a cry for attention?

...or some sort of 'me-too'ism?

...or 'I'm a victim/hero'ism?

1. The term 'racist' is both ubiquitous and harmful to the one so labeled, that a firm definition should be applied.

Here it is: it isn't 'racism' unless there is some documented physical or monetary harm done.
Being offended is not racism, as the ability...and desire...to claim offense is without end. It has become an attention-getting device.

The real America is not a place where we enable criminalizing opinions or thought crimes. That the meaning of the first amendment.
If your feelings are hurt....toughen up, move on.

a. In our society, the charge of 'racist' is as common as it is damaging....in fact, that's why it is so common.
In fact, it should be a crime if one claims 'racism' and can't prove physical or monetary harm.

2. ‘They Don’t Like Black People’: Leslie Jones Blasts Ritz-Carlton for ‘Racist’ Treatment, but Offers No Evidence
Comedian and Saturday Night Live cast member Leslie Jones took to Twitter on Monday night to excoriate Ritz-Carlton hotels for ‘racist’ treatment she received while staying there this weekend.

Allegations of racism are serious business, and for such a big name hotel as the Ritz Carlton-Los Angeles, certainly means they’re in for trouble. But aside from side-swiping them on Twitter, Jones hasn’t really followed up on her accusations...."

‘They Don’t Like Black People’: Leslie Jones Blasts Ritz-Carlton for ‘Racist’ Treatment, but Offers No Evidence

Leslie: Put your Dinaro where you put your dinner!!!
I don't know who the hell Leslie Jones is, but she was probably acting in a rude, loutish way and got called on it.

For most black racists, the excuse for anybody confronting rude behavior is attributed to racism rather than their own actions.
I don't know who the hell Leslie Jones is, but she was probably acting in a rude, loutish way and got called on it.

For most black racists, the excuse for anybody confronting rude behavior is attributed to racism rather than their own actions.

Soooo....you believe that the 'victim's' actions should be added to my list:
....when is it simply a cry for attention?

...or some sort of 'me-too'ism?

...or 'I'm a victim/hero'ism?

In this case, the 'victim' won't even elucidate what, exactly, the 'racism' was.

The implication of the OP is that it, racism, doesn't exist, but claiming it has value for the 'victim.'
People can be racist without causing physical or monetary harm. People can cause physical and monetary harm without being racist.

That being said the race card is overplayed.
People can be racist without causing physical or monetary harm. People can cause physical and monetary harm without being racist.

That being said the race card is overplayed.

"People can be racist without causing physical or monetary harm."

Sooooo.....why is it such a terrible charge to be called so?
It isn't 'racism' unless there is some documented physical or monetary harm done.

Being offended is not racism, as the ability...and desire...to claim offense is without end.

While actual 'racism' no longer exists, outside of the physical assaults on conservatives and Republicans, keeping the pretense alive serves a purpose:

Without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election.

...the Dems can's take a chance on losing the black constituency....so, here we are.
They're pretty much saddled with this donkey.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"

Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet
How interesting a white racist trying to tell us when thing are racist according to them. That's like the rapist telling us when rape is consensual sex.

Racism no longer exists has been said here so:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
People can be racist without causing physical or monetary harm. People can cause physical and monetary harm without being racist.

That being said the race card is overplayed.

There is no such thing as a race card. And f there was, whites have overplayed it
How interesting a white racist trying to tell us when thing are racist according to them. That's like the rapist telling us when rape is consensual sex.

Racism no longer exists has been said here so:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.

"How interesting a white racist trying to tell us when thing are racist ..."

1. Who is this 'white racist'?

2. Who is the 'us'?

3. As per the OP: it isn't 'racism' unless there is some documented physical or monetary harm done.
Being offended is not racism, as the ability...and desire...to claim offense is without end. It has become an attention-getting device.

Therefore.....there is no racism you can point to other than that inflicted on conservatives and Republicans.
"This List Of Attacks Against Conservatives Is Mind Blowing"
This List Of Attacks Against Conservatives Is Mind Blowing
People can be racist without causing physical or monetary harm. People can cause physical and monetary harm without being racist.

That being said the race card is overplayed.

There is no such thing as a race card. And f there was, whites have overplayed it

"There is no such thing as a race card."

And yet, here you are playing it.

You really don't mind everyone seeing you as a liar and a fool, huh?
I don't mind revealing you as such, either.
Carry on.
People can be racist without causing physical or monetary harm. People can cause physical and monetary harm without being racist.

That being said the race card is overplayed.

There is no such thing as a race card. And f there was, whites have overplayed it

You are profoundly stupid and profoundly racist.

Stop blaming white people for all your considerable shortcomings and you might finally get places in life.

Must disagree....

The oaf will neither stop blaming others, nor will he get somewhere in life.
It's Karma.
....when is it simply a cry for attention?

...or some sort of 'me-too'ism?

...or 'I'm a victim/hero'ism?

1. The term 'racist' is both ubiquitous and harmful to the one so labeled, that a firm definition should be applied.

Here it is: it isn't 'racism' unless there is some documented physical or monetary harm done.
Being offended is not racism, as the ability...and desire...to claim offense is without end. It has become an attention-getting device.

The real America is not a place where we enable criminalizing opinions or thought crimes. That the meaning of the first amendment.
If your feelings are hurt....toughen up, move on.

a. In our society, the charge of 'racist' is as common as it is damaging....in fact, that's why it is so common.
In fact, it should be a crime if one claims 'racism' and can't prove physical or monetary harm.

2. ‘They Don’t Like Black People’: Leslie Jones Blasts Ritz-Carlton for ‘Racist’ Treatment, but Offers No Evidence
Comedian and Saturday Night Live cast member Leslie Jones took to Twitter on Monday night to excoriate Ritz-Carlton hotels for ‘racist’ treatment she received while staying there this weekend.

Allegations of racism are serious business, and for such a big name hotel as the Ritz Carlton-Los Angeles, certainly means they’re in for trouble. But aside from side-swiping them on Twitter, Jones hasn’t really followed up on her accusations...."

‘They Don’t Like Black People’: Leslie Jones Blasts Ritz-Carlton for ‘Racist’ Treatment, but Offers No Evidence

Leslie: Put your Dinaro where you put your dinner!!!

My turn! I now get to choose an officially defined term and make up my own definition. Here is MY definition of out of wedlock birth. That is when a mother has children and the father does not wear dread locks. Hence, more white kids are born out of wedlock than blacks....or is that being born "out of dreadlocks".
....when is it simply a cry for attention?

...or some sort of 'me-too'ism?

...or 'I'm a victim/hero'ism?

1. The term 'racist' is both ubiquitous and harmful to the one so labeled, that a firm definition should be applied.

Here it is: it isn't 'racism' unless there is some documented physical or monetary harm done.
Being offended is not racism, as the ability...and desire...to claim offense is without end. It has become an attention-getting device.

The real America is not a place where we enable criminalizing opinions or thought crimes. That the meaning of the first amendment.
If your feelings are hurt....toughen up, move on.

a. In our society, the charge of 'racist' is as common as it is damaging....in fact, that's why it is so common.
In fact, it should be a crime if one claims 'racism' and can't prove physical or monetary harm.

2. ‘They Don’t Like Black People’: Leslie Jones Blasts Ritz-Carlton for ‘Racist’ Treatment, but Offers No Evidence
Comedian and Saturday Night Live cast member Leslie Jones took to Twitter on Monday night to excoriate Ritz-Carlton hotels for ‘racist’ treatment she received while staying there this weekend.

Allegations of racism are serious business, and for such a big name hotel as the Ritz Carlton-Los Angeles, certainly means they’re in for trouble. But aside from side-swiping them on Twitter, Jones hasn’t really followed up on her accusations...."

‘They Don’t Like Black People’: Leslie Jones Blasts Ritz-Carlton for ‘Racist’ Treatment, but Offers No Evidence

Leslie: Put your Dinaro where you put your dinner!!!

My turn! I now get to choose an officially defined term and make up my own definition. Here is MY definition of out of wedlock birth. That is when a mother has children and the father does not wear dread locks. Hence, more white kids are born out of wedlock than blacks....or is that being born "out of dreadlocks".

Don't give up the day job.
My personal opinion...
Why black people, particularly suburban, are generally at the worst end of practically every demographic statistic:

40% - Liberal social policies of the 60's-80's (and restarted by Obama)
40% - Their own culture, and personal choices
10% - Racism
My personal opinion...
Why black people, particularly suburban, are generally at the worst end of practically every demographic statistic:

40% - Liberal social policies of the 60's-80's (and restarted by Obama)
40% - Their own culture, and personal choices
10% - Racism
10% - Other stuff
People can be racist without causing physical or monetary harm. People can cause physical and monetary harm without being racist.

That being said the race card is overplayed.

"People can be racist without causing physical or monetary harm."

Sooooo.....why is it such a terrible charge to be called so?
It's a side effect of the civil rights movement which helped correct many racial injustices. Racism has been stimatised and rightly so. However, many have weaponized this stigma such that being publicly branded a racist is almost as demeaning as being branded a child molester.
People can be racist without causing physical or monetary harm. People can cause physical and monetary harm without being racist.

That being said the race card is overplayed.

There is no such thing as a race card. And f there was, whites have overplayed it

You are profoundly stupid and profoundly racist.

Stop blaming white people for all your considerable shortcomings and you might finally get places in life.


I retired at 54 after a successful 32 year career. How about you?

I will blame whites for what they have done. Shouldn't have done it.
People can be racist without causing physical or monetary harm. People can cause physical and monetary harm without being racist.

That being said the race card is overplayed.

There is no such thing as a race card. And f there was, whites have overplayed it

"There is no such thing as a race card."

And yet, here you are playing it.

You really don't mind everyone seeing you as a liar and a fool, huh?
I don't mind revealing you as such, either.
Carry on.

I didn't play any race card. I played the truth card.
My personal opinion...
Why black people, particularly suburban, are generally at the worst end of practically every demographic statistic:

40% - Liberal social policies of the 60's-80's (and restarted by Obama)
40% - Their own culture, and personal choices
10% - Racism

Poor people, in general, are impacted by liberal social policies such as transfer payments. Not due to their color, but rather, their economic CLASS. At the time social policies or liberalism/Great society programs went into high gear, the consequences of racism had already rendered blacks 3 times poorer than whites. Hence, poor people were drawn to liberalism as a relief from poverty and racism created disproportionate poverty among blacks. In other words, if liberalism is the cause then what was the cause that rendered blacks disproportionately liberal? Answer: Racism. Its like.....yeah.....being hit by a car was the cause of my injuries.....but you pushing me into the street was the cause of me getting hit by the car.

Black culture is "African Culture". All culture is learned by its practitioners. Black people in America do not speak African languages, black people do not dress in traditional African clothing, black people do not practice African rights of passage, black people do not practice African religions, etc, etc. Of course, there are exceptions to these rules, but that is the rule. Hence, black culture in America was learned from whites in America. Blacks learned it from what you exposed. The white culture showed blacks the bad side of white culture....and that is what we picked up. Why do you think we call each other the N word? That did not come from Africa.....aka...black culture. That word came from white folks and we mimicked it. Blacks that immigrate to America with TRUE black culture....do much better than blacks whose culture was leaned from watching what white folks did to black folks over the centuries.

Prolonged exposure to white culture, for black people, is like prolonged exposure to radiation. It creates bad mutations.
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My personal opinion...
Why black people, particularly suburban, are generally at the worst end of practically every demographic statistic:

40% - Liberal social policies of the 60's-80's (and restarted by Obama)
40% - Their own culture, and personal choices
10% - Racism

No that's not it.

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