When freedom of speech crosses the line.

Ah good ole freedom of speech issues. Got to love them. We dont have freedom of speech in this nation. We never really have. We all know this, and accept it. ( see Fire in a crowded room or a public school and dress codes as evidence.

And yet what do we see on here and from the conservative media all the time? Personal responsibility and owning up to your words. Hell watch how they take the left to task over statements. See "you didn't build that" as the latest in the whine-fest world.

Yet here we have the opposite in cases. Here we see conservatives defending this mans right to make a "movie" and not have any blow back because of that.
Which on the face of it is interesting because its attacking Muslims. So you can see they pick and choose when they want to use this line of argument.

Had this been another group, maybe Christians you wouldn't see this. You would see the right defend their actions of outrage and protest. Which is rather transparent when you look at it. they are using this man to justify their hate for all things muslims. They are hiding behind freedom of speech because they agree with the video.

Freedom of speech is not the issue here at all. The man has the right to make whatever video he wants. You can't get outraged when everyone in the world doesn't fall in love with your piece of speech.

The man went and hit a hornets nest and instead of facing up to it, he hide.


That's what you call an excellent post. They defend the movie which is a clear attack on Muslim citizens of America and foriegn world....it's also an attack on Americans who are against bigotry and hate.
Yeah, you know that the film maker killed those 4 Americans --- The terrorists were just the weapon he used to get it done!

Lefties are so dense.

Dense? Hardly....after all, it's us lefties that can see a correlation....you idiots can't seem to grasp that notion.

You guys are morons - so, to dumb it down for you --- if a girl in a miniskirt gets raped, is it her fault?

Look - bad people do bad things - terrorists are bad people - taking it further than that is basing arguments on conjecture and holds no weight. In fact you guys do things so BACKWARDS that you are taking an end result and attempting to draw conculsions back to the origin bases on your personal desires. It's unclean...

typical lefty behavior.
Yeah, you know that the film maker killed those 4 Americans --- The terrorists were just the weapon he used to get it done!

Lefties are so dense.

Dense? Hardly....after all, it's us lefties that can see a correlation....you idiots can't seem to grasp that notion.

You guys are morons - so, to dumb it down for you --- if a girl in a miniskirt gets raped, is it her fault?

Look - bad people do bad things - terrorists are bad people - taking it further than that is basing arguments on conjecture and holds no weight. In fact you guys do things so BACKWARDS that you are taking an end result and attempting to draw conculsions back to the origin bases on your personal desires. It's unclean...

typical lefty behavior.

Apples and oranges.....stupid fucking analogy from a simple fucking mind.

Terrorists are bad people? Really? wow...thanks for the info....didn't know that.

Let's see...now that we ALL know that little tidbit of information.....why in the FUCK would we want to give them ammunition to fuel their rage and turn more people against us?

You're fucking unclean...
Yeah, you know that the film maker killed those 4 Americans --- The terrorists were just the weapon he used to get it done!

Lefties are so dense.

Dense? Hardly....after all, it's us lefties that can see a correlation....you idiots can't seem to grasp that notion.

You guys are morons - so, to dumb it down for you --- if a girl in a miniskirt gets raped, is it her fault?

Look - bad people do bad things - terrorists are bad people - taking it further than that is basing arguments on conjecture and holds no weight. In fact you guys do things so BACKWARDS that you are taking an end result and attempting to draw conculsions back to the origin bases on your personal desires. It's unclean...

typical lefty behavior.

None of us praised the terororists who committed a crime in Libya. And 4 members of the plot were arrested by Libyan police and they are being interrogated. We all condemn the killings and may they RIP

But, the video isn't simpy a freedom of speech case where Rightwingers try to justify that hateful video as freedom of speech. There isn't freedom of speech like you think. It doesn't allow threats or attacks against Muslim American citizens or anybody of any faith

Stop excusing his pitiful behavior and disgusting attack on Muslims. Since when was something like that accepted? This hate campaign against Muslims is going too far.
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Read what she wrote....did she say anything about limiting anything? But yeah....there are times when Freedom of speech is limited....slander, libel, harrassment....just for some examples. I think a film which directly or indirectly causes the deaths of our citizens would fall into a situation that isn't fully protected.

So these murdering pieces of shit were well withing their rights to kill?

Dude....gimme a fucking break. Do you REALLY think that was even REMOTELY what I was saying? I'm telling you fuckers who live to hate to grow the fuck up....That is a part of the world where it's really fucking unstable.....and that your hatred has contributed to the deaths of innocent Americans.

But do blather the fuck on about "Freedom of Speech" and how the most unstable part of the globe should just shrug shit off like we do here in probably the most stable and educated place on the planet....We'll just fight another fucking war in the sandpit just so you can be an ignorant bigoted dickhead. What's another trillion or so?

But you have really just argued that our free speech must be curtailed if we don't want to see the results 'contribute to the death of innocent Americans.'

Could you make the same argument about the new Batman movie?
So these murdering pieces of shit were well withing their rights to kill?

Dude....gimme a fucking break. Do you REALLY think that was even REMOTELY what I was saying? I'm telling you fuckers who live to hate to grow the fuck up....That is a part of the world where it's really fucking unstable.....and that your hatred has contributed to the deaths of innocent Americans.

But do blather the fuck on about "Freedom of Speech" and how the most unstable part of the globe should just shrug shit off like we do here in probably the most stable and educated place on the planet....We'll just fight another fucking war in the sandpit just so you can be an ignorant bigoted dickhead. What's another trillion or so?

But you have really just argued that our free speech must be curtailed if we don't want to see the results 'contribute to the death of innocent Americans.'

Could you make the same argument about the new Batman movie?

That's not comparable at all....wow
Dense? Hardly....after all, it's us lefties that can see a correlation....you idiots can't seem to grasp that notion.

You guys are morons - so, to dumb it down for you --- if a girl in a miniskirt gets raped, is it her fault?

Look - bad people do bad things - terrorists are bad people - taking it further than that is basing arguments on conjecture and holds no weight. In fact you guys do things so BACKWARDS that you are taking an end result and attempting to draw conculsions back to the origin bases on your personal desires. It's unclean...

typical lefty behavior.

Apples and oranges.....stupid fucking analogy from a simple fucking mind.

Terrorists are bad people? Really? wow...thanks for the info....didn't know that.

Let's see...now that we ALL know that little tidbit of information.....why in the FUCK would we want to give them ammunition to fuel their rage and turn more people against us?

You're fucking unclean...

See how stupid you are? You actually beleive radical muslims are going to like us if we kiss their butts... You sound like that MORON in the whitehouse. How is that working out for him again. His tea with terrorists policies really helped improve how muslim nations view America, huh?

Lefties are the stooopisdist more ons on erf!!!
So these murdering pieces of shit were well withing their rights to kill?

Dude....gimme a fucking break. Do you REALLY think that was even REMOTELY what I was saying? I'm telling you fuckers who live to hate to grow the fuck up....That is a part of the world where it's really fucking unstable.....and that your hatred has contributed to the deaths of innocent Americans.

But do blather the fuck on about "Freedom of Speech" and how the most unstable part of the globe should just shrug shit off like we do here in probably the most stable and educated place on the planet....We'll just fight another fucking war in the sandpit just so you can be an ignorant bigoted dickhead. What's another trillion or so?

But you have really just argued that our free speech must be curtailed if we don't want to see the results 'contribute to the death of innocent Americans.'

Could you make the same argument about the new Batman movie?

oh...because some nutjob in Colorado equals an unstable society of people.....like I said.....apples and oranges. You want to make a complicated issue into something simple....which is why you tea party assholes should NEVER have the codes to our nuclear arsenal.

When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. The person that made this video knew what it would incite and is responsible for the death of the Ambassadors. And he is scum at the bottom of the cesspool. Punk ass little bitch hiding behind the Constitution is not how the framers of the Constitution meant it to be used. The scum is probably sitting under his little rock enjoying his 15 minutes untouched fully aware of what he has accomplished. And the federal and state laws protects the LPAB.

I personal know how it feels to have someones freedom of speech lashed out on ones race and religion.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou

Fuck off and die, you ignorant BITCH! Go live somewhere that the government can coddle your sorry, sniveling ass to your putrid little hearts content and leave freedom to the people that are tough enough to deal with it.

You want to kill the FIRST Amendment because somebody's FEELINGS got hurt?

Fuck off and die, you ignorant BITCH!!
Dense? Hardly....after all, it's us lefties that can see a correlation....you idiots can't seem to grasp that notion.

You guys are morons - so, to dumb it down for you --- if a girl in a miniskirt gets raped, is it her fault?

Look - bad people do bad things - terrorists are bad people - taking it further than that is basing arguments on conjecture and holds no weight. In fact you guys do things so BACKWARDS that you are taking an end result and attempting to draw conculsions back to the origin bases on your personal desires. It's unclean...

typical lefty behavior.

Apples and oranges.....stupid fucking analogy from a simple fucking mind.

Terrorists are bad people? Really? wow...thanks for the info....didn't know that.

Let's see...now that we ALL know that little tidbit of information.....why in the FUCK would we want to give them ammunition to fuel their rage and turn more people against us?

You're fucking unclean...

Fuck them, and fuck you for cowering to them.

Karma is a bitch.....who you gonna blame when they kill someone you care about assbite?
This thread should earn the MOST DISGUSTING thread of the week here.. You and your thread are a disgrace. Christians are bashed CONTINUALLY and offended.. that doesn't afford anyfuckingone to SLAUGHTER innocent people... nor does it negate our protection under the United States Constitution to speak freely without fear of the government.. LEFTISTS always seek to rob our freedoms and perpetually blame the victims or speech for what CRAZED lunatics commit.

This little ditzy dummy cracks me up. According to Little Miss Shoots Blanks, the First Amendment says we should be nice to christians.

Insulting christians is very very bad.

I can't stay. I have to go re-read the First Amendment to find where it says be nice to idiots just because they SAY they're christians.


It says it right next to the part where it says we can't say bad things about Muslims.
This thread should earn the MOST DISGUSTING thread of the week here.. You and your thread are a disgrace. Christians are bashed CONTINUALLY and offended.. that doesn't afford anyfuckingone to SLAUGHTER innocent people... nor does it negate our protection under the United States Constitution to speak freely without fear of the government.. LEFTISTS always seek to rob our freedoms and perpetually blame the victims or speech for what CRAZED lunatics commit.

You're a Christian? Do you follow the ten commandments and did you ever have premarital sex?

If you had premarital sex than you're not a Christian

Where does it say that in the Bible?
You guys are morons - so, to dumb it down for you --- if a girl in a miniskirt gets raped, is it her fault?

Look - bad people do bad things - terrorists are bad people - taking it further than that is basing arguments on conjecture and holds no weight. In fact you guys do things so BACKWARDS that you are taking an end result and attempting to draw conculsions back to the origin bases on your personal desires. It's unclean...

typical lefty behavior.

Apples and oranges.....stupid fucking analogy from a simple fucking mind.

Terrorists are bad people? Really? wow...thanks for the info....didn't know that.

Let's see...now that we ALL know that little tidbit of information.....why in the FUCK would we want to give them ammunition to fuel their rage and turn more people against us?

You're fucking unclean...

Fuck them, and fuck you for cowering to them.

Karma is a bitch.....who you gonna blame when they kill someone you care about assbite?

Fuck you for being a hate filled asshole....and yes, Karma is a bitch....too bad the dickhead that made the movie wasn't in that embassy...of course, he's hiding somewhere...protecting his own vile ass.

IF....they kill someone I care about? I will pray for their soul....and pray for the soul of the killer. THAT is what Christians do.
Muslims and Islam are inferior.

The Quran is the ramblings of a pedophile.

We are freento burn or piss on their stupid book, and people like Steel are free to lament american insensitivity.

When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. The person that made this video knew what it would incite and is responsible for the death of the Ambassadors. And he is scum at the bottom of the cesspool. Punk ass little bitch hiding behind the Constitution is not how the framers of the Constitution meant it to be used. The scum is probably sitting under his little rock enjoying his 15 minutes untouched fully aware of what he has accomplished. And the federal and state laws protects the LPAB.

I personal know how it feels to have someones freedom of speech lashed out on ones race and religion.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou
The "marketplace of ideas" will exact justice on the movie-makers.

Trying to do this through the DOJ, would be crossing the Constitutional line this country cannot do.
Dude....gimme a fucking break. Do you REALLY think that was even REMOTELY what I was saying? I'm telling you fuckers who live to hate to grow the fuck up....That is a part of the world where it's really fucking unstable.....and that your hatred has contributed to the deaths of innocent Americans.

But do blather the fuck on about "Freedom of Speech" and how the most unstable part of the globe should just shrug shit off like we do here in probably the most stable and educated place on the planet....We'll just fight another fucking war in the sandpit just so you can be an ignorant bigoted dickhead. What's another trillion or so?

But you have really just argued that our free speech must be curtailed if we don't want to see the results 'contribute to the death of innocent Americans.'

Could you make the same argument about the new Batman movie?

oh...because some nutjob in Colorado equals an unstable society of people.....like I said.....apples and oranges. You want to make a complicated issue into something simple....which is why you tea party assholes should NEVER have the codes to our nuclear arsenal.

Speech and privacy are very simple matters, and you want to see your government squelch it because somebody threatens to kick your ass for exercising them.

This isn't difficult.
Apples and oranges.....stupid fucking analogy from a simple fucking mind.

Terrorists are bad people? Really? wow...thanks for the info....didn't know that.

Let's see...now that we ALL know that little tidbit of information.....why in the FUCK would we want to give them ammunition to fuel their rage and turn more people against us?

You're fucking unclean...

Fuck them, and fuck you for cowering to them.

Karma is a bitch.....who you gonna blame when they kill someone you care about assbite?

Fuck you for being a hate filled asshole....and yes, Karma is a bitch....too bad the dickhead that made the movie wasn't in that embassy...of course, he's hiding somewhere...protecting his own vile ass.

IF....they kill someone I care about? I will pray for their soul....and pray for the soul of the killer. THAT is what Christians do.

Your half white President knew of the impending attack 48 hours before it happened.
HE killed those people.

You are an ignorant piece of shit that is able to live in a theoretical world because you live in a bubble.

I hate inferior people that do bad things to good people...and I don't much care for you either pissant.
I love it....when someone says something....you want a concrete. proposal....fuck you. She doesn't owe you one.

when someone suggests that one of Constitutional rights should be limited, yeah I'm kind of interested in hearing the full answer. Or what is the purpose of having a message board in the first place....

Read what she wrote....did she say anything about limiting anything? But yeah....there are times when Freedom of speech is limited....slander, libel, harrassment....just for some examples. I think a film which directly or indirectly causes the deaths of our citizens would fall into a situation that isn't fully protected.

Seriously? She argues that a film about a guy that died 1400 years is incites violence.


When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. The person that made this video knew what it would incite and is responsible for the death of the Ambassadors. And he is scum at the bottom of the cesspool. Punk ass little bitch hiding behind the Constitution is not how the framers of the Constitution meant it to be used. The scum is probably sitting under his little rock enjoying his 15 minutes untouched fully aware of what he has accomplished. And the federal and state laws protects the LPAB.

I personal know how it feels to have someones freedom of speech lashed out on ones race and religion.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou

Can you explain how a movie about a dead pedophile provokes and urges people to kill others? I might get the connection if they went after other pedophiles.
Read what she wrote....did she say anything about limiting anything? But yeah....there are times when Freedom of speech is limited....slander, libel, harrassment....just for some examples. I think a film which directly or indirectly causes the deaths of our citizens would fall into a situation that isn't fully protected.

So these murdering pieces of shit were well withing their rights to kill?

Dude....gimme a fucking break. Do you REALLY think that was even REMOTELY what I was saying? I'm telling you fuckers who live to hate to grow the fuck up....That is a part of the world where it's really fucking unstable.....and that your hatred has contributed to the deaths of innocent Americans.

But do blather the fuck on about "Freedom of Speech" and how the most unstable part of the globe should just shrug shit off like we do here in probably the most stable and educated place on the planet....We'll just fight another fucking war in the sandpit just so you can be an ignorant bigoted dickhead. What's another trillion or so?

I don't hate them, I know they hate me.

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