When did we become a medieval society?

and what if he were already dead?

THen I would be fine with them lying to the American people if it meant closure for the victims of 911.

But common sense tells me they wouldn't lie unless they knew for a fact that he was dead and if they knew for a fact before this incident they wouldn't have waited until now. Unless you prescribe to the asinine theory that Obama KNEW he'd need some political capital at the beginning of May, 2011. Also one would have to prescribe to the ridiculous notion that ANYONE in our government is capable of keeping a secret for any length of time.

They shot the mother fucker and killed him, yay for freedom. End of story.

I'm not even saying I think they're lying, it's just an instance where a basic photo would end everything. With all the lies I've already been told from government about this it'd be nice to see the photo. I'm just cynical of government because common sense tells me to be after hearing 25 years of lies on just about every issue a bureacrat can blather about.

I don't see what the negative is in releasing a photo.

And I don't see what good a photo would do. We both know that those who wear tin hats would claim it was all a lie if they had mounted his body on a staff and paraded it around like a trophy.

People are going to believe what they CHOOSE to believe. No announcement from AQ that he's alive is good enough for me.
I don't see what the negative is in releasing a photo.

You don't live in NYC, do you? Trust me, the last thing 9-11 survivors and their families want to see is more death. Discard him like an old newspaper and be done with it. He doesn't deserve the attention.
Wanting a photo of a dead guy is rather ridiculous. I would've settled for his head on a silver platter or one made of copper.
Ah, yes.....Biblical-methods, rather-than medieval-methods.

Big difference......except when the Middle Eastern folks participate. Then, it's evil.

THen I would be fine with them lying to the American people if it meant closure for the victims of 911.

But common sense tells me they wouldn't lie unless they knew for a fact that he was dead and if they knew for a fact before this incident they wouldn't have waited until now. Unless you prescribe to the asinine theory that Obama KNEW he'd need some political capital at the beginning of May, 2011. Also one would have to prescribe to the ridiculous notion that ANYONE in our government is capable of keeping a secret for any length of time.

They shot the mother fucker and killed him, yay for freedom. End of story.

I'm not even saying I think they're lying, it's just an instance where a basic photo would end everything. With all the lies I've already been told from government about this it'd be nice to see the photo. I'm just cynical of government because common sense tells me to be after hearing 25 years of lies on just about every issue a bureacrat can blather about.

I don't see what the negative is in releasing a photo.

And I don't see what good a photo would do. We both know that those who wear tin hats would claim it was all a lie if they had mounted his body on a staff and paraded it around like a trophy.

People are going to believe what they CHOOSE to believe. No announcement from AQ that he's alive is good enough for me.

I just have a preference of proof to back the words of our bureacrats, that's all.
when did we become the kind of people that clamor for a photo of a dead guy or we won't believe he's really dead?

some of y'all are just fucked.

true story


Shortly after the fall of the Roman empire. some people think it was the vikings that caused the fall, but I think it was the damage done earlier by the Huns.

Please pick any time, any at all, that we as a people, were squeemish about blood.
when did we become the kind of people that clamor for a photo of a dead guy or we won't believe he's really dead?

some of y'all are just fucked.

true story


You know as well as I do some douche (Orly Tate probably) is filing under the Freedom of Info Act right now. They are going to get out. They will be scrutinized by "experts" and people will come to the came conclusions they already have. One big circle jerk.
Welllllll.....Palin wants it released now so this will be another lovely topic for the rightwingloonatic fringe to obsess over.

when did we become the kind of people that clamor for a photo of a dead guy or we won't believe he's really dead?

some of y'all are just fucked.

true story


I'd like to see it less out of convincing me, and more to shut up any budding conspiracy theories to add to the ones we already have to deal with, Truthers, birthers, and triggers are bad enough, but binladendeaders would just be too much.

i'm afraid i've got some bad news for you...

all a picture would do is add a subset of deathers, imo.

Yeah, pics don't help with the Faked Moon Landing people, did it?
I'm disheartened by the rabid bloodlust I see on this board, and in certain media, over releasing these images, and the hysterical ranting about what people would do with his body.

He's dead. This particular terrorist is dead. Let's focus on destroying the rest of the bastards.
Some people really need to use their heads.

Why would they fake killing Bin Laden, if the real live Bin Laden was still out there and could pop up at any time??

jeezus people.
when did we become the kind of people that clamor for a photo of a dead guy or we won't believe he's really dead?

some of y'all are just fucked.

true story


We are dealing with the medieval deathcult of islam.Out of spite I want to see the corpse
of that dead pig and taunt the muslim scum.
We aren't a medieval society already? This photo was taken in Slippery Rock, PA during the second week of August in 2005.....


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I'm disheartened by the rabid bloodlust I see on this board, and in certain media, over releasing these images, and the hysterical ranting about what people would do with his body.

He's dead. This particular terrorist is dead. Let's focus on destroying the rest of the bastards.

It's nothing new.

some want to see it cuz it's news
Some just want it as proof for closure
some are sick freaks that get off on it

seriously, bloodlust, gore, the macabre, is not a 20th century invention
I'm disheartened by the rabid bloodlust I see on this board, and in certain media, over releasing these images, and the hysterical ranting about what people would do with his body.

He's dead. This particular terrorist is dead. Let's focus on destroying the rest of the bastards.

It's nothing new.

some want to see it cuz it's news
Some just want it as proof for closure
some are sick freaks that get off on it

seriously, bloodlust, gore, the macabre, is not a 20th century invention

Yea, but we really should be slightly more civilized than that. I expect to see ranting and raving and disgusting images from our enemy... we are better than them. We should act like it.
when did we become the kind of people that clamor for a photo of a dead guy or we won't believe he's really dead?

some of y'all are just fucked.

true story


As a person who was disturbed by our nation releasing pictures of Saddam Huessein's dead sons:

I support this advertisement or whatever.

At some point, you just have to tell the paranoid few to get fucked. He's dead. We killed him. All the paranoia in the world isn't going to change that. I half expect some people to start bitching about the fact that we didn't behead him and stick his head on a pike at ground zero (in a nod to the theme of this thread).
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