When did the GOP

Who is talking about mayors you dope?

Again with the diversionary tactics. :D It's perpetual.

perhaps you are having trouble understanding this discussion. we're talking about dems v slacker repubs and the lies of your candidate.

i know it's confusing to you and you have difficulty actually following a conversation as opposed to troling one.

but for the low IQ//high volume poster that is you...

NYC is doing fine. ... our economy is good... we're the number 1 tourist destination in the country...

but then again... NY isn't a red state sucking money from the federal government.

Take a deep breath! You're like shit..all over the place. Answer what you were asked? Then try real hard even with your ADD to follow the posts in order.

A well renowned attorney like you should be able to do it in 2 or 3 tries.


P.S. NYC is a den of Liberal shits with deadbeats who don't work and welfare lines around the corner. Don't lie to me I worked there for 30 years and you aren't going to bullshit me when it comes to what NYC is all about...EPIC FAIL this time.

are you this stupid in real life?

never mind...rhetorical question.
i guess you're confused about the fact that this thread is about mitt's comments.

nice deflect from the rightwingnut troll brigade.

You made the assertion that Mitt doesn't pay enough tax yet I pointed out that Obama pays less tax (as a percentage) than I do even though he earns more.

Not very Progressive wouldn't you agree?
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become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

Probably about the same time the Democrats did.
I am so sick of hearing Republicans throw out that "47% don't pay any taxes" bullshit. Dems need to jump on that and let the truth be known. I love how cons never ever talk about the fact that they pay so much less as a percentage of income at the state level compared to the lowest income earners who pay the most, but they continue to throw out the stupid crap about 47% not paying any taxes, when in fact they do pay payroll taxes which actually total more than Mitt payed.

Obama needs to bring this up and throw right back at Romney. I hope this comes up in the debates.

Care to explain why that is the case?

Seriously, I need to explain how regressive tax systems work? I imagine you must have been a big supporter of Herman Cain, considering he was the King of the regressive tax with his 9-9-9 plan.

I didn't ask you for a definition or an insult, nor did I say that you're wrong. I asked you to explain by showing some proof....a link, a statistic that can be verified...you know...it's called evidence of what one says/posts.
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perhaps you are having trouble understanding this discussion. we're talking about dems v slacker repubs and the lies of your candidate.

i know it's confusing to you and you have difficulty actually following a conversation as opposed to troling one.

but for the low IQ//high volume poster that is you...

NYC is doing fine. ... our economy is good... we're the number 1 tourist destination in the country...

but then again... NY isn't a red state sucking money from the federal government.

Take a deep breath! You're like shit..all over the place. Answer what you were asked? Then try real hard even with your ADD to follow the posts in order.

A well renowned attorney like you should be able to do it in 2 or 3 tries.


P.S. NYC is a den of Liberal shits with deadbeats who don't work and welfare lines around the corner. Don't lie to me I worked there for 30 years and you aren't going to bullshit me when it comes to what NYC is all about...EPIC FAIL this time.

are you this stupid in real life?

never mind...rhetorical question.

She still can't answer! :lol::lol::lol:
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

You libs crack me up....always talking about what someone else is paying in Taxes....NEVER, EVER bothering to think about the taxes YOU or they pay in relation to what the government SPENDS!

I would like for you to try to wrap your feeble head around a simple FACT....here goes, the government (no matter what you pay) is spending (SPENDING) at a rate of over $12,000 a YEAR for EACH and EVERY American citizen!

Now, do YOU pay $12,000 a year in Taxes? NOPE..you don't. Guess what though...SOMEONE IS!

and a lot more!

So, a typical family of four is having almost $50,000 SPENT by the government in their name each year.

Does that make any sense? Not in whacky liberal world but in THE REAL WORLD?

Grow a brain people...it's not the taxes, it's the SPENDING!
Seriously, I need to explain how regressive tax systems work? I imagine you must have been a big supporter of Herman Cain, considering he was the King of the regressive tax with his 9-9-9 plan.

he knows that question has nothing to do with this thread. but they can't justify romney's stupid comments. they can't just say, yeah, he messed up.. they can't acknowledge he's a horrible candidate and an ugly person.

so they'd rather spew and rant and deflect.

it makes them feel better about themselves. *shrug*

Don't even go there. You divert EVERY thread because you insert yourself in things that you know nothing of. Get your ass handed to you... and then try to switch the gears of the whole thread....Keep blabbering.

You prove it with each successive post.
They really don't want to talk about Governor Romney's comments. In the space of less than two weeks he has shown himself to be unfit to sit in the Oval Office with his lies concerning the situation in Egypt and Libya, his surreal comments on the income of the middle class, and he denigration of nearly half of the American people that are at the bottom of the income scale.

Absolutely amazing cycle of self destruction.
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

You libs crack me up....always talking about what someone else is paying in Taxes....NEVER, EVER bothering to think about the taxes YOU or they pay in relation to what the government SPENDS!

I would like for you to try to wrap your feeble head around a simple FACT....here goes, the government (no matter what you pay) is spending (SPENDING) at a rate of over $12,000 a YEAR for EACH and EVERY American citizen!

Now, do YOU pay $12,000 a year in Taxes? NOPE..you don't. Guess what though...SOMEONE IS!

and a lot more!

So, a typical family of four is having almost $50,000 SPENT by the government in their name each year.

Does that make any sense? Not in whacky liberal world but in THE REAL WORLD?

Grow a brain people...it's not the taxes, it's the SPENDING!

Wait for it...She'll reply with some remark that has nothing to do with what you said. She'll likely call you a name for good measure!
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

i hear ya Jill.....i have been negged and called a few choice expletives by some of the Far Righties for being a ...gasp...Government Worker and i really got shit upon when they found out i belong to......a Union........:eusa_shifty:

No one is calling her anything for a reason like you propose. She reaps what she sows and she can't ever back up her now daily and infamous..."Ass Facts"!

Nothing wrong with working for the Government.

tell that to the assholes who negged me and called me a Govt Tit sucker.....
i hear ya Jill.....i have been negged and called a few choice expletives by some of the Far Righties for being a ...gasp...Government Worker and i really got shit upon when they found out i belong to......a Union........:eusa_shifty:

No one is calling her anything for a reason like you propose. She reaps what she sows and she can't ever back up her now daily and infamous..."Ass Facts"!

Nothing wrong with working for the Government.

tell that to the assholes who negged me and called me a Govt Tit sucker.....

I have no problem with you or what you do. I work at times as a Contractor to the DoD. Have the "negging" feature turned off. Who gives a shit about it...it's for retards like jillian who have esteem issues. She needs s reputation here since she likley has a lousy one outside of this board. It's a tool for "tools".
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become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

You libs crack me up....always talking about what someone else is paying in Taxes....NEVER, EVER bothering to think about the taxes YOU or they pay in relation to what the government SPENDS!

I would like for you to try to wrap your feeble head around a simple FACT....here goes, the government (no matter what you pay) is spending (SPENDING) at a rate of over $12,000 a YEAR for EACH and EVERY American citizen!

Now, do YOU pay $12,000 a year in Taxes? NOPE..you don't. Guess what though...SOMEONE IS!

and a lot more!

So, a typical family of four is having almost $50,000 SPENT by the government in their name each year.

Does that make any sense? Not in whacky liberal world but in THE REAL WORLD?

Grow a brain people...it's not the taxes, it's the SPENDING!

Wait for it...She'll reply with some remark that has nothing to do with what you said. She'll likely call you a name for good measure!

That is because she and millions like her are useful tools! So long as the government can keep all of us fighting over who's paying their "fair share" in taxes we never bother to actually think (In real terms) just how much money that government is spending!

The simple TRUTH is it doesn't matter who or how much is being collected in taxes if you have a government that is spending at a rate of over $12,000 annually per citizen!

They never stop to put that number into the equation and recognize the pure LUNACY of such a figure........

It's maddening to me how the government has gotten away with this ruse all these decades...it's the spending people.....

Stop fighting about how much money the government is taking from your neighbor and realized they are taking too much.....FROM ALL OF US!
You libs crack me up....always talking about what someone else is paying in Taxes....NEVER, EVER bothering to think about the taxes YOU or they pay in relation to what the government SPENDS!

I would like for you to try to wrap your feeble head around a simple FACT....here goes, the government (no matter what you pay) is spending (SPENDING) at a rate of over $12,000 a YEAR for EACH and EVERY American citizen!

Now, do YOU pay $12,000 a year in Taxes? NOPE..you don't. Guess what though...SOMEONE IS!

and a lot more!

So, a typical family of four is having almost $50,000 SPENT by the government in their name each year.

Does that make any sense? Not in whacky liberal world but in THE REAL WORLD?

Grow a brain people...it's not the taxes, it's the SPENDING!

Wait for it...She'll reply with some remark that has nothing to do with what you said. She'll likely call you a name for good measure!

That is because she and millions like her are useful tools! So long as the government can keep all of us fighting over who's paying their "fair share" in taxes we never bother to actually think (In real terms) just how much money that government is spending!

The simple TRUTH is it doesn't matter who or how much is being collected in taxes if you have a government that is spending at a rate of over $12,000 annually per citizen!

They never stop to put that number into the equation and recognize the pure LUNACY of such a figure........

It's maddening to me how the government has gotten away with this ruse all these decades...it's the spending people.....

Stop fighting about how much money the government is taking from your neighbor and realized they are taking too much.....FROM ALL OF US!

I summed it up as simple as I could many times here. If you want to pay off your credit card bill you don't keep charging things and adding to the balance. The interest alone is staggering. They don't get it. She thinks that she isn't paying for it because there's no line on her paystub bringing her attention to it...that's how dumb she is.
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On a side note...what did I say..she's (jillian) gone for now. She'll slip in later when she thinks no one is paying attention...land a few snarky remarks and retreat all while patting herself on the back in a sense of accomplishment. She's the resident diverter of threads here...even her own. :lol::lol:
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This is another attempt by the Liberal Zombie Herd to spin the news away from the ABSENT Leader in the WH who is solely responsible for a Middle Eastern policy which has blown sky high in our faces causing over 20 Embassies to be attacked, Americans being raped, beaten, and slaughtered, an Air base being attacked in Afghanistan and American lives lost there, and an Appeasement Admin doubling down on the lie it was a flim no one had ever seen.. Not even the film, a TRAILER. The DNC, LAME stream media and all the Zombies are stoking it this morning hoping to put Romney on defense. He has to come out and slap the dogshit out of these morons with FACTS.. Fact: 67% of gimme mines Liberals thinks Government needs to do more for them.. Mitt Romney at a Fund Raiser made the absolute point that he will never change the mind of about 47% who lives off of the government.. He's 1000% correct, he won't.. They're leeches, slugs.. He stated he was going after the 5% undecided vote. He said NOTHING WRONG.. Next he needs to come out swingning on this INCOMPETENT BOOB in the WH who is a liar, an Appeaser, and who costs us lives and to be attacked once again on 9-11. Say what you willl about bOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH.. We were not attacked on 9-11 under BOOOOOOOOOOSH.. WE DIDN'T have embassies burning all over the fucking place with our flag being drug thru the dirt and the BLACK FLAG OF TERRORISM raised over sovereign American land. Mr. Romney, run an AD with that BLACK FLAG flying.. show this ABSENT LEADER in Vegas partying with this friends.. Show the plea of Israel for a simple meeting... THE FACTS.. THE TRUTH.. Show the latest downgrade on America, jobs reports, DEBT TO GDP---- On all fronts, this fiasco AMATUER is just that.
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become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

30% of the people that pay no income tax identify themselves as workers earning less than $30,000 per year AND as Republicans.

You just can't help but laugh at Republicans.

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