When cops hate one Amendment, they always hate others.

Let's say you go to the Hospital, and you are going for surgery. Instead of removing your Gall Bladder, the surgeon removes your Appendix. Would you say that you were satisfied? You paid him to perform an operation, and you should be happy right? So it was the wrong surgery, no big deal, it was a surgery right?

That is what you are saying. Just because the cops don't do what we are paying them to do, is no reason to get upset. They are doing something. That's enough. The only reason you could possibly be upset is if you are a criminal and hoping to get away with whatever. It could not possibly be that the Constitution matters to you, and truth matters. It must be that you are a criminal.

You go to the airport. You pay for a plane ticket to go from Los Angeles to New York. You get on the plane they tell you to, and instead of New York, they land you in Miami. You got a flight, you paid for a flight, what's the problem? Just because it wasn't what was agreed to is no reason to get upset. You shouldn't get a refund right? I mean, you flew didn't you?

That is what we are getting with the police. We are paying them, to obey and enforce the law within the rules and laws. When they don't do that, we the people paying them have a right to know, and a right to object. It's our money that funds them, and when they act it is in our name.
No, that's not what I'm saying. Not even close. You are illustrating the problem. You simply cannot process information before you. If a cop says stop, you hear go. If he asks for your license you hear an insult to your mother.

Like I said, I have no worries, you are clearly troubled by being caught or mishandled when you act up. Adults know how to act, you don't.
He has it in his head that the Pareto Principle (the 80/20 rule) is reversed when it comes to law enforcement that 80% of cops are bad and only 20% are good. He'll use Availability Heuristics to try and prove his point while all the time not realizing his attempts at proof only indict his bias.
I would actually say it is closer to 95% of cops beimg bent.
Of course you would........... but no one cares what you think. :thup:
You a cop, or just a badge bunny?
Neither. You an idiot? Oh, why am I asking............ Of course you are.
For me the police have helped me out on a business theft and home theft. For the business they were there before I knew what was going on and got the scumbag. I haven't had a speeding ticket in along time and before that even longer. But I was speeding. My point is if you are having problems with the police the police are not the problem. They are doing a job and if you're a jackass you'll likely get more attention. If you escalate they will escalate. Some go overboard but there's usually a reason.

so based upon 3 encounters with armed government agents, you think that armed government agents are there to protect you and watch over you? you're even more narrow minded than I thought
For me the police have helped me out on a business theft and home theft. For the business they were there before I knew what was going on and got the scumbag. I haven't had a speeding ticket in along time and before that even longer. But I was speeding. My point is if you are having problems with the police the police are not the problem. They are doing a job and if you're a jackass you'll likely get more attention. If you escalate they will escalate. Some go overboard but there's usually a reason.

so based upon 3 encounters with armed government agents, you think that armed government agents are there to protect you and watch over you? you're even more narrow minded than I thought

The problem with this subject and the blind supporters of the police is the obvious. They see only two options. Option 1 is the continuation of the Status Quo. Option 2 is anarchy.

Reform is akin to anarchy in their minds. Since they do not want anarchy they justify any abuse, any misconduct as a necessary evil.

Robert B Parker wrote many books. In the first Spenser Book he described the problem. The police worked to keep the germs from taking over. If occasionally that meant an innocent went to prison it was a small price to pay to keep the germs from taking over.

That by the way is from "The Godwulf Manuscript".

I don't like that attitude. I eschew that argument. It is unworthy of even being considered as a valid point of view. It is however how the system is viewed by far too many.

Look at the threads on this very board. No matter how egregious the actions the defenders rush out and declare that the baddie is wrong. He did something. He had to have done something. The dead man is always a liar.

The juries are often similar. The accused must have done something. Even if he didn't do this he did something.

I believe that people are flawed. I can easily forgive an honest mistake. One thing about an honest mistake, you don't lie about it. Once you lie the mistake is no longer honest. That is to say it becomes an intentional act.

Failing to see the car in your blind spot and merging into them is a mistake. When questioned you say you didn't see them. That is an honest mistake. If you say they merged into you or cut you off or whatever it is no longer a mistake. It is an intentional act. I do not forgive those.

If the cop stood there and said yes I searched without a warrant I'd shrug it off. I'd expect the case to be thrown out. But I would not blame the cop for anything but a mistake. I'd argue that the cop should be retrained and taught how to do the job right. I'd forgive the honest mistake. When the cop lies I won't forgive.

The system will be reformed. It is inevitable at this point. The longer the defenders of the faith resist, the more extreme the reforms will be. That is how it always plays out in history. The more resistance to doing the right thing the more extreme the correction.

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