What's Wrong with Public Education: Society

These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.
Chicago torture video: 4 charged with hate crimes, kidnapping - CNN.com
I would take it out further than rap culture. That's only one subset. It isn't just rap culture that has been screaming (if it is, I don't know) that Trump is a racist, that he is Hitler, that he is a Nazi, that he hates all minorities, on and on and on.

This division has permeated our entire society. It's not just rap. It's social justice warriors. It's teachers and professors. It's the celebrities that these kids look up to. It's TV shows. It's POLITICIANS. It's media figures and pundits. It's everywhere. It's entirely possible that it's all these kids have heard about Trump.

It's not just disagreement with Trump, it's the most vicious possible attacks, the worst possible things people can come up with to say.

And we're supposed to be surprised and shocked when something like this happens? Really?
Yes. What you're hearing is being vastly exaggerated by the media. I don't doubt that Trump dislike is strong in some communities, but I would bet you a dollar that none of these 18 year olds voted. I haven't watched any of the video and don't plan to, so maybe I'm talking out of my ***, but this behavior was not "caused" by political rhetoric, Mac. It was caused by a culture being dragged further and further into savagery. These kids have no empathy and get a kick out of lording power over others. They deserve to go to jail, not as punishment but to keep society safe from them. They aren't going to change. I've heard some commentators say they were "stupid kids," but the only thing "stupid" was putting it on Facebook. The rest of it was meanness gone beyond. Like torturing cats. It wasn't political in its core.
Direct causation, no, agreed. But kids are far more influenced by their culture than adults, and all these kids see is what I described.

And as I said, this goes far beyond political rhetoric. It's cultural now, it's everywhere.

That stuff didn't just come out of nowhere.
Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:

Guy, it doesn't matter what your positions are on these issues...

The thing is, what you choose to spend the time you have here, and you spend all your time on these White Male Grievance threads....
Jake sure gets his hardcore left wing allies to jump in and defend him from me a lot.

Ya big meanie, stop bullying the brainless gub'mint worshipers Mac.
These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.
Chicago torture video: 4 charged with hate crimes, kidnapping - CNN.com
I would take it out further than rap culture. That's only one subset. It isn't just rap culture that has been screaming (if it is, I don't know) that Trump is a racist, that he is Hitler, that he is a Nazi, that he hates all minorities, on and on and on.

This division has permeated our entire society. It's not just rap. It's social justice warriors. It's teachers and professors. It's the celebrities that these kids look up to. It's TV shows. It's POLITICIANS. It's media figures and pundits. It's everywhere. It's entirely possible that it's all these kids have heard about Trump.

It's not just disagreement with Trump, it's the most vicious possible attacks, the worst possible things people can come up with to say.

And we're supposed to be surprised and shocked when something like this happens? Really?
Yes. What you're hearing is being vastly exaggerated by the media. I don't doubt that Trump dislike is strong in some communities, but I would bet you a dollar that none of these 18 year olds voted. I haven't watched any of the video and don't plan to, so maybe I'm talking out of my ***, but this behavior was not "caused" by political rhetoric, Mac. It was caused by a culture being dragged further and further into savagery. These kids have no empathy and get a kick out of lording power over others. They deserve to go to jail, not as punishment but to keep society safe from them. They aren't going to change. I've heard some commentators say they were "stupid kids," but the only thing "stupid" was putting it on Facebook. The rest of it was meanness gone beyond. Like torturing cats. It wasn't political in its core.
Direct causation, no, agreed. But kids are far more influenced by their culture than adults, and all these kids see is what I described.

And as I said, this goes far beyond political rhetoric. It's cultural now, it's everywhere.

That stuff didn't just come out of nowhere.
I think we're just differing on the extent of the political messaging and it's power over people. I don't live in that Chicago neighborhood, so I could be wrong, but I don't think you live there, either. That stuff DIDN'T come out of nowhere, but it didn't come out of the campaign, either.
These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.
Chicago torture video: 4 charged with hate crimes, kidnapping - CNN.com
I would take it out further than rap culture. That's only one subset. It isn't just rap culture that has been screaming (if it is, I don't know) that Trump is a racist, that he is Hitler, that he is a Nazi, that he hates all minorities, on and on and on.

This division has permeated our entire society. It's not just rap. It's social justice warriors. It's teachers and professors. It's the celebrities that these kids look up to. It's TV shows. It's POLITICIANS. It's media figures and pundits. It's everywhere. It's entirely possible that it's all these kids have heard about Trump.

It's not just disagreement with Trump, it's the most vicious possible attacks, the worst possible things people can come up with to say.

And we're supposed to be surprised and shocked when something like this happens? Really?
Yes. What you're hearing is being vastly exaggerated by the media. I don't doubt that Trump dislike is strong in some communities, but I would bet you a dollar that none of these 18 year olds voted. I haven't watched any of the video and don't plan to, so maybe I'm talking out of my ***, but this behavior was not "caused" by political rhetoric, Mac. It was caused by a culture being dragged further and further into savagery. These kids have no empathy and get a kick out of lording power over others. They deserve to go to jail, not as punishment but to keep society safe from them. They aren't going to change. I've heard some commentators say they were "stupid kids," but the only thing "stupid" was putting it on Facebook. The rest of it was meanness gone beyond. Like torturing cats. It wasn't political in its core.
Direct causation, no, agreed. But kids are far more influenced by their culture than adults, and all these kids see is what I described.

And as I said, this goes far beyond political rhetoric. It's cultural now, it's everywhere.

That stuff didn't just come out of nowhere.
I think we're just differing on the extent of the political messaging and it's power over people. I don't live in that Chicago neighborhood, so I could be wrong, but I don't think you live there, either. That stuff DIDN'T come out of nowhere, but it didn't come out of the campaign, either.
Again, as I said, it's coming from EVERYWHERE. Of course it didn't come out of the campaign. It's cultural.

As I said: This division has permeated our entire society. It's not just rap. It's social justice warriors. It's teachers and professors. It's the celebrities that these kids look up to. It's TV shows. It's POLITICIANS. It's media figures and pundits. It's everywhere. It's entirely possible that it's all these kids have heard about Trump.

That is my point. This has not just been about politics. It's cultural, and that has an effect on kids.
Trump-hating race crime against defenseless white man by young black Americans | Daily Mail Online

Imagine for a moment that a young black man with special needs had been kidnapped, abused and tortured by a gang of smirking white youths?

Imagine watching a video of this black man’s horrific ordeal streamed live on Facebook?

Imagine seeing and hearing the white assailants systematically torment their black victim, physically and mentally?

Imagine watching them kicking him, punching him, scalping him and flicking burning cigarette ash on the wounds they inflicted with their vicious, sustained assault?

Imagine hearing one of them shouting ‘F**k Barack Obama! F**k black people!’ as they did so?

Then imagine the video of all this emerging and hitting TV screens and news websites across America.

All hell would rightly have broken loose.

There would have been instant huge protests, and probably riots.

The #BlackLivesMatter group would have lit up social media demanding ‘justice’.

Black celebrities, led by the likes of Beyoncé and John Legend, would have made statements expressing their fury at the incident and their solidarity with the victim.

Police, under the huge pressure of such concerted public outrage, would have undoubtedly confirmed this as a hate crime.

Yet as I write this, I don’t see any protests, riots, social media campaigns or celebrity statements.

I don’t even see the police having the guts to call this attack what it is.

You don't understand any of it, MacRegressive is the point. You are a Far Right plant, nothing more, no Centrist at all. You can't handle the issues so you attack me personally.
Let's go, Jake:


Tell you what, Jake. Since I can't get you to stop stalking me, I'll let you prove your point.

Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Personal Income Taxation
  • Gay Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Health Care
  • Unions
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Immigration
  • Welfare/Safety Net
You say I'm a right winger, and that you're a mainstream Republican. Now, back up your words, just this once..
You don't understand any of it, MacRegressive is the point. You are a Far Right plant, nothing more, no Centrist at all. You can't handle the issues so you attack me personally.
Let's go, Jake:


Tell you what, Jake. Since I can't get you to stop stalking me, I'll let you prove your point.

Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Personal Income Taxation
  • Gay Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Health Care
  • Unions
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Immigration
  • Welfare/Safety Net
You say I'm a right winger, and that you're a mainstream Republican. Now, back up your words, just this once..
Now you are spamming. Start a thread on this elsewhere. On the board generally, I will take you apart on each piece by piece. You are a Regressive, which means you emote, you don't think.
Trump-hating race crime against defenseless white man by young black Americans | Daily Mail Online

Imagine for a moment that a young black man with special needs had been kidnapped, abused and tortured by a gang of smirking white youths?

Imagine watching a video of this black man’s horrific ordeal streamed live on Facebook?

Imagine seeing and hearing the white assailants systematically torment their black victim, physically and mentally?

Imagine watching them kicking him, punching him, scalping him and flicking burning cigarette ash on the wounds they inflicted with their vicious, sustained assault?

Imagine hearing one of them shouting ‘F**k Barack Obama! F**k black people!’ as they did so?

Then imagine the video of all this emerging and hitting TV screens and news websites across America.

All hell would rightly have broken loose.

There would have been instant huge protests, and probably riots.

The #BlackLivesMatter group would have lit up social media demanding ‘justice’.

Black celebrities, led by the likes of Beyoncé and John Legend, would have made statements expressing their fury at the incident and their solidarity with the victim.

Police, under the huge pressure of such concerted public outrage, would have undoubtedly confirmed this as a hate crime.

Yet as I write this, I don’t see any protests, riots, social media campaigns or celebrity statements.

I don’t even see the police having the guts to call this attack what it is.

I don’t even see the police having the guts to call this attack what it is.
Just what does this writer think it is, other than a hate crime?

This is the stupidest waste of energy of an argument that I've seen in days. White guys getting all het up over something that has not and would not happen. There would not have been protests and celebrities piping up due to the actions of four sick white bastards. Sick white bastards pull shit all the time and there aren't protests in the streets.

I heard on the news this a.m. that it is a hate crime. What is all this noise about?
You don't understand any of it, MacRegressive is the point. You are a Far Right plant, nothing more, no Centrist at all. You can't handle the issues so you attack me personally.
Let's go, Jake:


Tell you what, Jake. Since I can't get you to stop stalking me, I'll let you prove your point.

Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Personal Income Taxation
  • Gay Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Health Care
  • Unions
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Immigration
  • Welfare/Safety Net
You say I'm a right winger, and that you're a mainstream Republican. Now, back up your words, just this once..
Now you are spamming. Start a thread on this elsewhere. On the board generally, I will take you apart on each piece by piece. You are a Regressive, which means you emote, you don't think.
Let's go, Jake.


Tell you what, Jake. Since I can't get you to stop stalking me, I'll let you prove your point.

Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Personal Income Taxation
  • Gay Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Health Care
  • Unions
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Immigration
  • Welfare/Safety Net
You say I'm a right winger, and that you're a mainstream Republican. Now, back up your words, just this once.
Trump-hating race crime against defenseless white man by young black Americans | Daily Mail Online

Imagine for a moment that a young black man with special needs had been kidnapped, abused and tortured by a gang of smirking white youths?

Imagine watching a video of this black man’s horrific ordeal streamed live on Facebook?

Imagine seeing and hearing the white assailants systematically torment their black victim, physically and mentally?

Imagine watching them kicking him, punching him, scalping him and flicking burning cigarette ash on the wounds they inflicted with their vicious, sustained assault?

Imagine hearing one of them shouting ‘F**k Barack Obama! F**k black people!’ as they did so?

Then imagine the video of all this emerging and hitting TV screens and news websites across America.

All hell would rightly have broken loose.

There would have been instant huge protests, and probably riots.

The #BlackLivesMatter group would have lit up social media demanding ‘justice’.

Black celebrities, led by the likes of Beyoncé and John Legend, would have made statements expressing their fury at the incident and their solidarity with the victim.

Police, under the huge pressure of such concerted public outrage, would have undoubtedly confirmed this as a hate crime.

Yet as I write this, I don’t see any protests, riots, social media campaigns or celebrity statements.

I don’t even see the police having the guts to call this attack what it is.

I don’t even see the police having the guts to call this attack what it is.
Just what does this writer think it is, other than a hate crime?

This is the stupidest waste of energy of an argument that I've seen in days. White guys getting all het up over something that has not and would not happen. There would not have been protests and celebrities piping up due to the actions of four sick white bastards. Sick white bastards pull shit all the time and there aren't protests in the streets.

I heard on the news this a.m. that it is a hate crime. What is all this noise about?
Are you saying that if the races had been reversed the Left would not have gone nuts on this?

Is that what I'm seeing?
You don't understand any of it, MacRegressive is the point. You are a Far Right plant, nothing more, no Centrist at all. You can't handle the issues so you attack me personally.
Let's go, Jake:


Tell you what, Jake. Since I can't get you to stop stalking me, I'll let you prove your point.

Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Personal Income Taxation
  • Gay Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Health Care
  • Unions
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Immigration
  • Welfare/Safety Net
You say I'm a right winger, and that you're a mainstream Republican. Now, back up your words, just this once..
Now you are spamming. Start a thread on this elsewhere. On the board generally, I will take you apart on each piece by piece. You are a Regressive, which means you emote, you don't think.
Let's go, Jake.


Tell you what, Jake. Since I can't get you to stop stalking me, I'll let you prove your point.

Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Personal Income Taxation
  • Gay Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Health Care
  • Unions
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Immigration
  • Welfare/Safety Net
You say I'm a right winger, and that you're a mainstream Republican. Now, back up your words, just this once.
You are a Regressive Far Right Winger, yes. Now you are spamming this thread. Keep it up.
Trump-hating race crime against defenseless white man by young black Americans | Daily Mail Online

Imagine for a moment that a young black man with special needs had been kidnapped, abused and tortured by a gang of smirking white youths?

Imagine watching a video of this black man’s horrific ordeal streamed live on Facebook?

Imagine seeing and hearing the white assailants systematically torment their black victim, physically and mentally?

Imagine watching them kicking him, punching him, scalping him and flicking burning cigarette ash on the wounds they inflicted with their vicious, sustained assault?

Imagine hearing one of them shouting ‘F**k Barack Obama! F**k black people!’ as they did so?

Then imagine the video of all this emerging and hitting TV screens and news websites across America.

All hell would rightly have broken loose.

There would have been instant huge protests, and probably riots.

The #BlackLivesMatter group would have lit up social media demanding ‘justice’.

Black celebrities, led by the likes of Beyoncé and John Legend, would have made statements expressing their fury at the incident and their solidarity with the victim.

Police, under the huge pressure of such concerted public outrage, would have undoubtedly confirmed this as a hate crime.

Yet as I write this, I don’t see any protests, riots, social media campaigns or celebrity statements.

I don’t even see the police having the guts to call this attack what it is.

I don’t even see the police having the guts to call this attack what it is.
Just what does this writer think it is, other than a hate crime?

This is the stupidest waste of energy of an argument that I've seen in days. White guys getting all het up over something that has not and would not happen. There would not have been protests and celebrities piping up due to the actions of four sick white bastards. Sick white bastards pull shit all the time and there aren't protests in the streets.

I heard on the news this a.m. that it is a hate crime. What is all this noise about?
Are you saying that if the races had been reversed the Left would not have gone nuts on this? Is that what I'm seeing?
Both sides would go nuts.
You don't understand any of it, MacRegressive is the point. You are a Far Right plant, nothing more, no Centrist at all. You can't handle the issues so you attack me personally.
Let's go, Jake:


Tell you what, Jake. Since I can't get you to stop stalking me, I'll let you prove your point.

Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Personal Income Taxation
  • Gay Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Health Care
  • Unions
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Immigration
  • Welfare/Safety Net
You say I'm a right winger, and that you're a mainstream Republican. Now, back up your words, just this once..
Now you are spamming. Start a thread on this elsewhere. On the board generally, I will take you apart on each piece by piece. You are a Regressive, which means you emote, you don't think.
Let's go, Jake.


Tell you what, Jake. Since I can't get you to stop stalking me, I'll let you prove your point.

Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Personal Income Taxation
  • Gay Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Health Care
  • Unions
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Immigration
  • Welfare/Safety Net
You say I'm a right winger, and that you're a mainstream Republican. Now, back up your words, just this once.
You are a Regressive Far Right Winger, yes. Now you are spamming this thread. Keep it up.
You can end this. Either stop posting to me, or man up and back up your words.

After you've reported me, that is.
You don't understand any of it, MacRegressive is the point. You are a Far Right plant, nothing more, no Centrist at all. You can't handle the issues so you attack me personally.
Let's go, Jake:


Tell you what, Jake. Since I can't get you to stop stalking me, I'll let you prove your point.

Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Personal Income Taxation
  • Gay Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Health Care
  • Unions
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Immigration
  • Welfare/Safety Net
You say I'm a right winger, and that you're a mainstream Republican. Now, back up your words, just this once..
Now you are spamming. Start a thread on this elsewhere. On the board generally, I will take you apart on each piece by piece. You are a Regressive, which means you emote, you don't think.
Let's go, Jake.


Tell you what, Jake. Since I can't get you to stop stalking me, I'll let you prove your point.

Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Personal Income Taxation
  • Gay Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Health Care
  • Unions
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Immigration
  • Welfare/Safety Net
You say I'm a right winger, and that you're a mainstream Republican. Now, back up your words, just this once.
You are a Regressive Far Right Winger, yes. Now you are spamming this thread. Keep it up.
You can end this. Either stop posting to me, or man up and back up your words.After you've reported me, that is.
MacRegressive, you are nothing here. You post something I find interesting, I post and correct you when necessary, which is most of the time.
These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.

Most kids that age don't do stuff like this. so, um, no.

I'm sure this isolated incident of juvenile deliquency will add to the whole sense of white persecution, though.

Like most of you gave a shit about this mentally disabled man before this incident happened when you slashed the shit out of special needs programs to give tax cuts to millionaires.
most people who own guns will never kill anyone but you want to take all guns away

you're not very consistent in your argumants
Let's go, Jake:


Tell you what, Jake. Since I can't get you to stop stalking me, I'll let you prove your point.

Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Personal Income Taxation
  • Gay Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Health Care
  • Unions
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Immigration
  • Welfare/Safety Net
You say I'm a right winger, and that you're a mainstream Republican. Now, back up your words, just this once..
Now you are spamming. Start a thread on this elsewhere. On the board generally, I will take you apart on each piece by piece. You are a Regressive, which means you emote, you don't think.
Let's go, Jake.


Tell you what, Jake. Since I can't get you to stop stalking me, I'll let you prove your point.

Go ahead and challenge me on the issues, and let's see where we stand. Start threads and invite me in, if you prefer.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Personal Income Taxation
  • Gay Marriage
  • Abortion
  • Health Care
  • Unions
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Immigration
  • Welfare/Safety Net
You say I'm a right winger, and that you're a mainstream Republican. Now, back up your words, just this once.
You are a Regressive Far Right Winger, yes. Now you are spamming this thread. Keep it up.
You can end this. Either stop posting to me, or man up and back up your words.After you've reported me, that is.
MacRegressive, you are nothing here. You post something I find interesting, I post and correct you when necessary, which is most of the time.
Man up and back up your words, Jake.

Come on. Surprise us.
Got your number, Mac.

Public education, back to the OP, is going to be only as good as the families and parents let it be.
Any one want to bet the four idiots come from single mother homes? The bane of black America, the destruction of the black family. I can't remember who said it, Thomas Sowell or Larry Elder or Jason Riley come to mind, but it was a black conservative who said that the black family survived slavery, survived Jim Crowe but didn't survive Johnson's great society.
Trump-hating race crime against defenseless white man by young black Americans | Daily Mail Online

Imagine for a moment that a young black man with special needs had been kidnapped, abused and tortured by a gang of smirking white youths?

Imagine watching a video of this black man’s horrific ordeal streamed live on Facebook?

Imagine seeing and hearing the white assailants systematically torment their black victim, physically and mentally?

Imagine watching them kicking him, punching him, scalping him and flicking burning cigarette ash on the wounds they inflicted with their vicious, sustained assault?

Imagine hearing one of them shouting ‘F**k Barack Obama! F**k black people!’ as they did so?

Then imagine the video of all this emerging and hitting TV screens and news websites across America.

All hell would rightly have broken loose.

There would have been instant huge protests, and probably riots.

The #BlackLivesMatter group would have lit up social media demanding ‘justice’.

Black celebrities, led by the likes of Beyoncé and John Legend, would have made statements expressing their fury at the incident and their solidarity with the victim.

Police, under the huge pressure of such concerted public outrage, would have undoubtedly confirmed this as a hate crime.

Yet as I write this, I don’t see any protests, riots, social media campaigns or celebrity statements.

I don’t even see the police having the guts to call this attack what it is.

I don’t even see the police having the guts to call this attack what it is.
Just what does this writer think it is, other than a hate crime?

This is the stupidest waste of energy of an argument that I've seen in days. White guys getting all het up over something that has not and would not happen. There would not have been protests and celebrities piping up due to the actions of four sick white bastards. Sick white bastards pull shit all the time and there aren't protests in the streets.

I heard on the news this a.m. that it is a hate crime. What is all this noise about?
Are you saying that if the races had been reversed the Left would not have gone nuts on this?

Is that what I'm seeing?
Yes, that is what I am saying. No more nuts than anyone is going now.
These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.
Chicago torture video: 4 charged with hate crimes, kidnapping - CNN.com

Don't blame public education or society for the behavior of those miscreants, put the blame where it belongs on the PARENTS, it's about time people start taking personal responsibility for their children's behavior, either that or don't have kids.

"Parents are the ultimate role models for children. Every word, movement and action has an effect. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than the parent." -- Bob Keeshan

Exactly! You can't blame a system that is devoid of moral instruction and, instead, tries to side step any attempt at moral instruction at every turn on the basis that you can't say the "G" word.

For the love of the "G" word, please on one mention the "G" word. This is a liberal safe zone.

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