What's Wrong with Public Education: Society

There is way too much violence being used for entertainment in our society. 50 Free Speechers will dive on me for this, but I'm all for some restraints on tv/movies/videos/popular music/games. It's a start. There's too much and it's being woven into our very cultural makeup by kids who aren't learning different at home, or are having the violence championed by their peer group. You can blame schools, single parent moms, genetics, whatever you like--the truth is, our country loves violence and craves more and more. Someone has to put the brakes on.
That is my point. This has not just been about politics. It's cultural, and that has an effect on kids.

You know, you might have a point. Dylan Roof didn't shoot nine black people in a church out of nowhere... it was in the culture... the same culture that gave us Donald Trump.

But I promise you, no one will be making excuses for these kids the way all sorts of excuses were made for Roof. "He shot a bunch of people? Must be mental illness!"
Exactly! You can't blame a system that is devoid of moral instruction and, instead, tries to side step any attempt at moral instruction at every turn on the basis that you can't say the "G" word.

For the love of the "G" word, please on one mention the "G" word. This is a liberal safe zone.

Given how many people have been murdered in Crusades, inquistions, Jihads and religious wars, the presense of the "G-Word" isn't the problem here.

Maybe these were just bad kids...
most people who own guns will never kill anyone but you want to take all guns away

you're not very consistent in your argumants

Because you haven't given me a single good reason why YOU or any other private citizen should have a gun.

you don't need them, and the minority of you that go around shooting yourselves, your family members and your neighbors costs us $270 BILLION a year.
Any one want to bet the four idiots come from single mother homes? The bane of black America, the destruction of the black family. I can't remember who said it, Thomas Sowell or Larry Elder or Jason Riley come to mind, but it was a black conservative who said that the black family survived slavery, survived Jim Crowe but didn't survive Johnson's great society.

yeah, I'm sure one of those Uncle Toms said it... but doesn't make it true.

The reality is, the two parent home has been unravelling for a number of reasons, and there's plenty of places to blame for it.
most people who own guns will never kill anyone but you want to take all guns away

you're not very consistent in your argumants

Because you haven't given me a single good reason why YOU or any other private citizen should have a gun.

you don't need them, and the minority of you that go around shooting yourselves, your family members and your neighbors costs us $270 BILLION a year.
and you haven't given me a good reason why these pieces of shit aren't a product of their public schools

and what you forget is that I don't need to give you a reason for anything I do.
most people who own guns will never kill anyone but you want to take all guns away

you're not very consistent in your argumants

Because you haven't given me a single good reason why YOU or any other private citizen should have a gun.

you don't need them, and the minority of you that go around shooting yourselves, your family members and your neighbors costs us $270 BILLION a year.
and you haven't given me a good reason why these pieces of shit aren't a product of their public schools

and what you forget is that I don't need to give you a reason for anything I do.

The victim went to the same school. So that also makes him a piece of shit too?
most people who own guns will never kill anyone but you want to take all guns away

you're not very consistent in your argumants

Because you haven't given me a single good reason why YOU or any other private citizen should have a gun.

you don't need them, and the minority of you that go around shooting yourselves, your family members and your neighbors costs us $270 BILLION a year.
and you haven't given me a good reason why these pieces of shit aren't a product of their public schools

and what you forget is that I don't need to give you a reason for anything I do.

The victim went to the same school. So that also makes him a piece of shit too?

Where did I say that?

The victim did nothing wrong. Only pieces of shit torture and brutalize a helpless person and those pieces of shit are a product of their school
most people who own guns will never kill anyone but you want to take all guns away

you're not very consistent in your argumants

Because you haven't given me a single good reason why YOU or any other private citizen should have a gun.

you don't need them, and the minority of you that go around shooting yourselves, your family members and your neighbors costs us $270 BILLION a year.
and you haven't given me a good reason why these pieces of shit aren't a product of their public schools

and what you forget is that I don't need to give you a reason for anything I do.

The victim went to the same school. So that also makes him a piece of shit too?

Where did I say that?

The victim did nothing wrong. Only pieces of shit torture and brutalize a helpless person and those pieces of shit are a product of their school

They go to the same school!

Your logic is that the school created the shits , then the victim must also be a shit because the school creates them and he goes there .
most people who own guns will never kill anyone but you want to take all guns away

you're not very consistent in your argumants

Because you haven't given me a single good reason why YOU or any other private citizen should have a gun.

you don't need them, and the minority of you that go around shooting yourselves, your family members and your neighbors costs us $270 BILLION a year.
and you haven't given me a good reason why these pieces of shit aren't a product of their public schools

and what you forget is that I don't need to give you a reason for anything I do.

The victim went to the same school. So that also makes him a piece of shit too?

Where did I say that?

The victim did nothing wrong. Only pieces of shit torture and brutalize a helpless person and those pieces of shit are a product of their school

They go to the same school!

Your logic is that the school created the shits , then the victim must also be a shit because the school creates them and he goes there .

So what? If public education is going to take credit for the kids who do well it has to take responsibility for the pieces of shit too
I would take it out further than rap culture. That's only one subset. It isn't just rap culture that has been screaming (if it is, I don't know) that Trump is a racist, that he is Hitler, that he is a Nazi, that he hates all minorities, on and on and on.

This division has permeated our entire society. It's not just rap. It's social justice warriors. It's teachers and professors. It's the celebrities that these kids look up to. It's TV shows. It's POLITICIANS. It's media figures and pundits. It's everywhere. It's entirely possible that it's all these kids have heard about Trump.

Yes, clearly these four adults would be total model citizens if MSNBC hadn't pointed out the racist things Trump has said. No, really.

Im sure when more of this story comes out, we are going to find out these four had lots of criminal incidents before this happened.

(Also, what kind of idiot live-streams this shit on facebook?)

Trump said nothing racist, you ass.
These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.

Most kids that age don't do stuff like this. so, um, no.

I'm sure this isolated incident of juvenile deliquency will add to the whole sense of white persecution, though.

Like most of you gave a shit about this mentally disabled man before this incident happened when you slashed the shit out of special needs programs to give tax cuts to millionaires.
It's a hate crime.....

It's a hate crime against DISABLED PEOPLE. You know, like the guy Trump mocked and made fun of.
So what? If public education is going to take credit for the kids who do well it has to take responsibility for the pieces of shit too
Giving the credit to the public education system either way just continues the systemic problems that the society as a whole faces. Granted many teachers shouldn't be in those positions but many parents married or single do not handle parenting worth a damn either.
Got your number, Mac.

Public education, back to the OP, is going to be only as good as the families and parents let it be.
which is why we need school choice.....lefties have ruined public education.....
School choice will be no better than the families who choose it. If you think charter schools are the silver bullet, think again.
it won't be a magic cureall but it will be a start to rid the poison from the current indoctrination centers......er, public schools.....
Got your number, Mac.

Public education, back to the OP, is going to be only as good as the families and parents let it be.
which is why we need school choice.....lefties have ruined public education.....
School choice will be no better than the families who choose it. If you think charter schools are the silver bullet, think again.
it won't be a magic cureall but it will be a start to rid the poison from the current indoctrination centers......er, public schools.....
Nope, only improving the American family can do that.
Got your number, Mac.

Public education, back to the OP, is going to be only as good as the families and parents let it be.
which is why we need school choice.....lefties have ruined public education.....
School choice will be no better than the families who choose it. If you think charter schools are the silver bullet, think again.
it won't be a magic cureall but it will be a start to rid the poison from the current indoctrination centers......er, public schools.....

Indoctrination centres? Who decides the curriculum?

Idiots on the right claim that public schools are left wing indoctrination centres because teachers belong to a union. But it's the cirriculum and the textbooks which right wingers claim is biased. The school boards are deciding what is taught, according to the states' input, and most states are controlled by Republicans.

You keep claiming that because schools have union member teachers that the system is biased, but that would only make sense if the teachers set the cirriculum or wrote and purchased the text books.
ScreamingEagle does not understand that union teachers do not create the curriculum or the text books.

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