What's To Blame For The Rise In ADHD?

Sir Evil said:
that's only part of it, there is a very real condition that exists here. this is not an easy matter to overlook as young children are often misdiagnosed with this problem when they are suffering from anxieties! the conditions are real, not a matter of basic guidance and parenting.
I understand that. But I think too many kids are diagnosed and drugged up when they truly do not have ADHD. Sometimes I think parents take the quick way out, drug the child up, and don't stop to realize that maybe it is not a medical situation.

I do understand with some children there truly does exist a real condition. But for many, it is a quick fix to drug, rather than to deal with the issue on another level.
I don't think that anyone would disagree that many physicians are too quick to diagnose and then medicate kids for ADHD, but that was not the focus of our discussion. Rather, it was what causes the condition. The point I was trying to bring out was that it is based in biology not in parenting, otherwise it not be ADHD.

I would also hope we could agree that ADHD exists, and that there are children afflicted with the condition. Now, it stands to reason that we have to rely on our doctors diagnosis, as we do for many other medical problems. If in doubt get a second opinion, but to write it off to bad parenting or discipline problems is as bad as denying a child medical attention when they are sick. We are the adults and must think and act as such.
-=d=- said:
Proven by whom? The same 'doctors' who tell parents not to spank their kids? The same research done by drug companies making billions of dollars medicating our kids? The same 'experts' who are unable to teach kids outside the 'normal' way of teaching?

blah...adhd? bullshit. Does it exist? Sure...So does penile cancer. The problem is becoming more widespread because 'doctors' and 'experts' are progressively moving AWAY from traditional norms of raising kids, and establishing familes.

Read the research. Look at the EEG's. Then come back and tell us that ADD is fictional, or not as prevalent as claimed.

Personally, I think ADD is a result of over-stimulation of the cerebral cortex, especially at a very young age. Television is particularly to blame for this, as it tends to jump very quickly between topics. Modern TV content is designed for viewers with short attention spans. I think that in some people, stimulation of the brain with such short span info segments over-develops the part of the brain which seeks new info w.r.t. the part that processes info, and gets a person out of balance. Their time-sense simply gets screwed up.

Foods and chemical intakes may also be a factor. There are well over 500 (I think it's actually in the 1000's) of chemical compounds in the envrionment today that did not exist 150 years ago, many of these have the form of hormones or enzymes which can have profound effects on the human body. It is a known fact that some types of Parkinsons disease (they may have renamed the type since it's discovery in the 80's) are related to a chemical waste byproduct of bakolite plastic production in the late 1800's and early 1900's which was dumped into the enviroment in vast quantities. One or more of these chemicals may be the cause of some ADD/ADHD. Too much sugar in the diet might also be a cause.

If I had a child with ADD or ADHD, I'd do three things. First, I'd severly limit TV watching, and regulate the content to those which are not "fast paced" heavy scene switching type shows. Second, I'd try to make sure the kid had pleanty of physical excercise and time outdoors. Hiking, fishing, or hunting (which I'm not a big fan of, except for food while hiking/camping) are all activities which develop a much deeper awareness of the flow of time. Third, I'd limit or eliminate processed food consumption, limit meat consumption to a reasonable level, and be very careful about how I prepared foods and use only purified spring water. The human body is really meant to live on mostly seeds, nuts, fruits, insects, fish, and very occassional meat.

Am I saying that this will work in all cases? No. But I am opposed to the quick diagnosis of ADD/ADHD followed by perscriptions for drugs to "cure" the problem. Usually these drugs, such as ritalin, are just pharmacutical amphetamines used to induce stereotyping behavior, which makes the kid focus on tasks. It is a way to treat the symptom, but not the problem. It makes the kid more manageable, but usually does not help the kid with his problem. And when he grows up and they try to take the ritalin away, he usually turns to street drugs to replace it. This works if the goal is to solve the parent's or schools problems, but it is an easy fix that is not usually in the best interest of the child.

Am I saying that this will work in all cases? No. But I am opposed to the quick diagnosis of ADD/ADHD followed by perscriptions for drugs to "cure" the problem. Usually these drugs, such as ritalin, are just pharmacutical amphetamines used to induce stereotyping behavior, which makes the kid focus on tasks. It is a way to treat the symptom, but not the problem. It makes the kid more manageable, but usually does not help the kid with his problem. And when he grows up and they try to take the ritalin away, he usually turns to street drugs to replace it. This works if the goal is to solve the parent's or schools problems, but it is an easy fix that is not usually in the best interest of the child.


And that is why my Son wasn't put on ritalin, rather Adderall, and again, it was a short term with counseling. And yes, there things that need to be taken out of a child with hyperness as well, one is anything with artificial flavors, which can cause hyperness. Yes, some doctors and parents are quick to throw medicine at all child, but not all. You all act like it's such an EASY thing, just change the channel and give them activity. Funny, my Son doesn't spend much time watching TV, rather out playing, riding his bike and taking part at a skate park, run by the local police department.
janeeng said:
And that is why my Son wasn't put on ritalin, rather Adderall, and again, it was a short term with counseling. And yes, there things that need to be taken out of a child with hyperness as well, one is anything with artificial flavors, which can cause hyperness. Yes, some doctors and parents are quick to throw medicine at all child, but not all. You all act like it's such an EASY thing, just change the channel and give them activity. Funny, my Son doesn't spend much time watching TV, rather out playing, riding his bike and taking part at a skate park, run by the local police department.

I think your son is going to be ok, your willing to help him, that's a lot more than I can say for MANY parents. Given the fact that your willing to question yourself tells me you're doing better than you may think.
janeeng said:
And that is why my Son wasn't put on ritalin, rather Adderall, and again, it was a short term with counseling. And yes, there things that need to be taken out of a child with hyperness as well, one is anything with artificial flavors, which can cause hyperness. Yes, some doctors and parents are quick to throw medicine at all child, but not all. You all act like it's such an EASY thing, just change the channel and give them activity. Funny, my Son doesn't spend much time watching TV, rather out playing, riding his bike and taking part at a skate park, run by the local police department.

I'm not saying it is an easy thing at all, or that any one solution is right for all children.

I had a GF for many years who, while working toward here masters and phd in clinical psychology worked with different problems each year or so. One was ADD/ADHD, and what I saw of that was that a huge number of kids were being thrown onto ritalin and other drugs as the simple "cure".

My point is there is no simple cure, at least not yet. For some it may be overstimulation of the brain through TV and other sources, for others it may be chemicals in their environment or food, or their diet. For others it may be a combination of these factors, or it may just be genetic.

I'm sorry if you took my post wrong, I was not trying to minimize the issue or the problem, just to point out that I think quickly looking for a pharmacutical solution can be a mistake. Drugs are an option, but they should not be the first option.

Right now in this country, something between 6-8 million kids, perhaps more are taking prozac, zoloft, paxril, or one or more of a couple of other drugs. This does not even include those taking drugs like ritalin. I think we are too quick to prescribe drugs as a quick fix rather than trying alternatives that might be much less abusive to a childs development. This in no way means that drugs are not appropriate in some cases.

I think your son is going to be ok, your willing to help him, that's a lot more than I can say for MANY parents. Given the fact that your willing to question yourself tells me you're doing better than you may think.

Yes Said, Janeen is a terrific mom !
Time for Grandma to speak up on this one! Janeen's son was at one time the most lovable child on the face of God's earth. The change in him didn't come on overnight, but very gradually. I know there is something wrong with this child - and I pray for someone to be able to help him. ADHD or not, this child needs some serious help and soon! I feel that it is not only a real condition, but it is also an inherited trait that can be emphasized by an improper home situation. I know Janeen has spoiled him, but I know in my heart it was done to over compensate for other things that were going on in the home. Jared I don't believe was physically abused (I could be wrong), but severe mental abuse, I have personally witnessed. Yes, I too do not like putting children on drugs, but seeing the change in his behavior when he was taking the medication, was like giving me back my original loving grandson! I only pray that with the home situation improving that we can all work together to get this little boy the help he needs. Anyone who doesn't think this is an honest and true "condition" has never spent time with a child suffering as this boy is!
Joan said:
Time for Grandma to speak up on this one! Janeen's son was at one time the most lovable child on the face of God's earth. The change in him didn't come on overnight, but very gradually........ Anyone who doesn't think this is an honest and true "condition" has never spent time with a child suffering as this boy is!

I'm sure as with anything else there are SOME children misdiagnosed. And too, our society is a 'now' society. Adults with road rage because of traffic. No one wants to stand in a line for their purchase. How can you expect kids to be any different.

BUT, NO ONE can fault a mother, such as Janeen, for seeking help for her child. There are many adults who are on medication that makes their behavior more 'normal'. She would know in her heart if this was not right, or if it wasn't helping. My hat goes off to her for being the conscientious mother that she is who got her son help. Blessings to you & yours, Janeen.
My older brother was diagnosed with ADHD. Turns out it was just waaaaaaay to much sugar. He was later diagnosed with hypoglycemia.
deaddude said:
My older brother was diagnosed with ADHD. Turns out it was just waaaaaaay to much sugar. He was later diagnosed with hypoglycemia.

Welcome deaddude, don't recall seing you on here - I will agree with that, there are a lot of kids out there that are just getting too much sugar. I have to say this with my own son. I try to buy only juices now and limit the soda, but unless you get 100% juice with no sugar, even that isn't helping. They claim to cut out all things with artificial flavoring in it, that's kinda tough, considering so much has that. Another big thing that people don't understand is Ketchup, I saw the news one night where they had a big thing on it, tons of sugar and tends to make kids hyper. My Daughter loves ketchup on EVERYTHING, and she sure as hell has a lot of fuel in her.
When they run the test for hypoglycemia they give you a glucose injection. Before doing this the doctor asked my brother what he had had for lunch. Three packs of starburst and two 16oz bottles of coke answered my brother. The doctor put away the needle and informed our mother that the glucose injection would not be necessary.
deaddude said:
When they run the test for hypoglycemia they give you a glucose injection. Before doing this the doctor asked my brother what he had had for lunch. Three packs of starburst and two 16oz bottles of coke answered my brother. The doctor put away the needle and informed our mother that the glucose injection would not be necessary.

OMG! yeah, I would say a lot of sugar there! I won't talk, my son I am sure could polish that away as well. He is now mad that I won't buy junk for the house, but he doesn't understand I am only trying to help and instead putting apples and cantaloupe instead.
Cantolope is delicious.
Though I never actualy understood how natural sugars like the kind found in fruits and milk are less harmful than the refined sugar in the bag. Maybe there is just less of it in the fruit.
deaddude said:
Cantolope is delicious.
Though I never actualy understood how natural sugars like the kind found in fruits and milk are less harmful than the refined sugar in the bag. Maybe there is just less of it in the fruit.

Sucrose is basically fructose + glucose. It is broken down into these two smaller sugars by an enzyme (I cannot remember what it is called), and thus sucrose sits in your body longer as it waits to be broken down.

Most fruits contain fructose, which is a much simpler surgar than sucrose (common granualed surgar). Since it is more easily broken down by the body, and spends less time in your system in the form of sugar, it has fewer of the negative effects that sugar can have. Fructose is also sweeter than suctrose, which only really becomes sweet as the fructose and glucose are released by enzymes in your mouth. Therefore, the tendancy is to consume more sucrose than you would fructose/glucose to get the desired level of sweetness.

Fructose is also less stable than sucrose, thus it is harder to store, and this is why sucrose is so much more popular as a kitchen item. Honey and high-fructose corn sweetener can be substituded for white (or brown) sugar if you wish to have a healthier way to sweeten things.

janeeng said:
OMG! yeah, I would say a lot of sugar there! I won't talk, my son I am sure could polish that away as well. He is now mad that I won't buy junk for the house, but he doesn't understand I am only trying to help and instead putting apples and cantaloupe instead.

You might consider using high-fructose corn sweetner (or honey - but it has a taste that can get old fast) in things you make to provide the desired sweetness with less actual sugar. But be aware the foods you make will probably not have good shelf life (but if they taste good, that should not matter!).

To explain it, tell him that until he grows up (mid-late puberty) when he eats too much, especially sweets, his body makes more fat cells. Later, after puberty, the body only makes the existing fat cells larger when you eat more (or more sweets or fatty foods). It is very hard to trim fat if you have a lot of fat cells, as you must make them all smaller, and once they get below a certain size, they SCREAM for nourishment. So if he doesn't want to have a weight problem when he's an adult, tell him to stay trim now while he's young.

Kids are usually easier to deal with if you explain things to them in a way they can understand.

I am not an ADHD fan. I had a teacher keep telling me that my youngest child was ADD for her entire 5th grade year. We had just made a major move, so she was adjusting to that, and then toward the end of the year, I found out that lo and behold, she needed glasses!!! After that, she was fine!!!

I do not let my kids eat a lot of sugar. I watched what breakfast cereals they ate, and I never threw a sandwich at them at dinnertime. They ate well balanced meals. Basically, I made meals for my kids that my mom made for us.

And tv and the media!!! Don't even get me started on this!!! Both get worse and worse as the days go by! The garbage morals they keep infecting our kids with!!! Also, TV shows that are too overstimulating, not to mention "educational toys". Then they go to school and have to do work the regular way. well, duh! I guess they ARE bored after all the lights and bells, buzzers and whistles going off!!!

And finally, yes, I believe that ADD/ADHD is the catch all for undisciplined kids. Notice that the percentage of this "disease" goes up as discipline goes out the window. In my book, ADD/ADHD is a big crock!!!
I've known some people who actually are ADD or ADHD...so many, in fact, that I can pick out a real from a fake in an instant. Doctors are so quick to perscribe Ritalin now that it makes me wonder if they're getting kickbacks. Most cases I see are just bogus.

I think the main way to tell the difference is if they repeat the same exact bad behavior over and over again. ADHD kids usually do something different every time they get up and run around since they're easily distracted. The undisciplined will just go for their favorite thing.

ADD kids are easily distracted, but not stupid. Take one to a room with lots of stuff in it and explain something simple to him (something a child could pay attention to). An ADD child wouldn't remember most of what you said, but could tell you some things about the room you probably didn't notice. If the kid just didn't want to listen, all they'll have fresh in their minds is a vivid daydream.
Mother Moonie said:
I am not an ADHD fan. I had a teacher keep telling me that my youngest child was ADD for her entire 5th grade year. We had just made a major move, so she was adjusting to that, and then toward the end of the year, I found out that lo and behold, she needed glasses!!! After that, she was fine!!!

I do not let my kids eat a lot of sugar. I watched what breakfast cereals they ate, and I never threw a sandwich at them at dinnertime. They ate well balanced meals. Basically, I made meals for my kids that my mom made for us.

And tv and the media!!! Don't even get me started on this!!! Both get worse and worse as the days go by! The garbage morals they keep infecting our kids with!!! Also, TV shows that are too overstimulating, not to mention "educational toys". Then they go to school and have to do work the regular way. well, duh! I guess they ARE bored after all the lights and bells, buzzers and whistles going off!!!

And finally, yes, I believe that ADD/ADHD is the catch all for undisciplined kids. Notice that the percentage of this "disease" goes up as discipline goes out the window. In my book, ADD/ADHD is a big crock!!!

That is totally unfair. ADD/ADHD is a real disorder that some children and even some adults suffer from. However, I agree it is way over diagnosed. A proper diagnosis will include an EEG as one of the last confirmations.

When it is diagnosed, I believe diet changes and some activity changes should be tried before drugs. But if these do not work, then drugs are the approriate option.

And what were you doing listening to a teacher on this issue anyway? A teacher may spot the symptoms of ADD/ADHD, but they do not diagnose it. All they should do is suggest the child be tested by a qualified doctor for this disorder.

Just because the teacher was wrong in the case of your child does not mean that every case is a fake. It is insulting to those parents who have to deal with this problem to claim that ADD/ADHD is not a real disorder.

wade said:
That is totally unfair. ADD/ADHD is a real disorder that some children and even some adults suffer from. However, I agree it is way over diagnosed. A proper diagnosis will include an EEG as one of the last confirmations.

When it is diagnosed, I believe diet changes and some activity changes should be tried before drugs. But if these do not work, then drugs are the approriate option.

And what were you doing listening to a teacher on this issue anyway? A teacher may spot the symptoms of ADD/ADHD, but they do not diagnose it. All they should do is suggest the child be tested by a qualified doctor for this disorder.

Just because the teacher was wrong in the case of your child does not mean that every case is a fake. It is insulting to those parents who have to deal with this problem to claim that ADD/ADHD is not a real disorder.


It can be a valid disorder and still be overprescribed.

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