What's the problem with Aldean's "try that in a small town"

Is Toronto a little town, dumbass? Maybe you should learn how to read or get your big assed nose out of your way.

Do you have any idea how retarded that sounds. Keep your big city deviancy in the big city, like Toronto. 🤦‍♂️
You didn't have to run cover for calls for vigilante violence ....
I am not "running cover" for anything. YOU didn't have to very deliberately misrepresent the matter at hand. Why did you? Not enough drama in your lefty life? Can't find enough real racism in the real world you occupy every day? "Lynching" by the way, is generally understood to mean something very specific and is never mentioned in the song. Why are YOU being dishonest?

Do we have to go around the circle of me pointing out that guilt-hungry liberals never seem to object to the many, many and very, very clear, detailed and direct popular culture references to killing police officers and/or acts of violence and abuse against women, but you will tie yourself into knots to imagine things in one song to fit your social and political agenda?
Back during the 2020 Negro Insurrection the Negroes tried to loot a store and intimidate Whites one Saturday night in the county where I live. The Sheriff put an end to it pretty quickly. Some Insurrectionists heads were busted during the process.

That is unlike what happen in 200 American cities where the Democrat leadership mainly told the police to stand down and the Insurrectionists got away with looting, murder and destruction.

That is what the song is referencing.
"Lynching" by the way, is generally understood to mean something very specific and is never mentioned in the song.
Contrary to your claim, lynching is not restricted to black people. Stop trying to redefine the language.

Do we have to go around the circle of me pointing out that guilt-hungry liberals never seem to object to the many, many and very, very clear, detailed and direct popular culture references to killing police officers and/or acts of violence and abuse against women,
We don't have to, but if you want to resort to "You didn't object to this thing that nobody heard of, so you support it" dishonest sleaze, I can't stop you.

Shall I now start a list of all the awful things you clearly support, since you haven't publicly objected to each one of them? Remember, by your standards, it doesn't matter if you've never heard of them. You are required to publicly object to each one, otherwise you clearly support them.

In this case, it's not just a case of righties failing to condemn the awful thing. It's a case of every single rightie announcing their enthusiastic support of the awful thing

Shall I now start a list of all the awful things you clearly support, ...

If you want to start a list of questions about things I do or do not support, go ahead. If you want to make an ass of yourself by posting clearly illogical assumptions, I can't stop you. I understand that you're embarrassed by what you posted originally, but don't make it worse on yourself. It's ok to stop digging.

In this case, it's not just a case of righties failing to condemn the awful thing. It's a case of every single rightie announcing their enthusiastic support of the awful thing

The awful thing you imagine, but that isn't ever mentioned in the song that has got your panties in such a bunch?
My only issue with the song if it's even considered an issue would be one of the things that's been said so far about the song. It's been said that the song is about members of small-town communities taking care of each other. Yesterday marked 27 years that I have lived in a small-town compared to where I was before which was just south of Cincinnati, OH. If there is anything that I have learned, it is that there are dirt bags and shmucks all over the place and not just in the north or in a bigger city. They are everywhere.

God bless you and Jason always!!!


P.S. Let us not forget about what has always been addressed in country music anyway: cheating, which has never been a way to take care of anyone other than one person's own self pretty much.
I saw the vid and it resonates with honest Americans both black and white.
I don't really have a problem with it politically. It's kind of simplistic, and jingoistic, but It's not promoting lynching or hatred or whatever they're saying.

My issue is that it's just a shitty song artistically.
Its frustrating because had this song came out and nobody said anything...99% of the world would have never heard of it. But...just like when some ignorant right wing loon tries to give a speech on a college campus...the left wing making an issue of it gives the object they are trying to criticize more stature.

Activists never cease to amaze me in their urge to inflict wounds upon themselves.

I wish that more of your theoretical political opposition, specifically thinking about a lot of the usership in places like this, and even elsewhere on the www, who contend to oppose your values or worldview or whatever, would understand how people like you think/operate on platforms like this.

I mean you basically just said it outright. A wound of your own doing toward yourself however, when someone like me, meaning someone who thinks like me, reads what you said. If I so chose. Which I likely won't. Because I don't really care, other than to comment on the observation. But I already knew how some of your group operate on here anyway. So I'm just generally speaking here.

And, hey, I'm saying that completely respectfully. When I say ''some of your group'' I mean people who appear to operate with the model you've described in shutting down dialogue before it can/will evolve.
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