What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?

Early in Clinton's first term democrats conceived the idea that everyone should be able to achieve the American dream by owning their own home regardless of their ability to pay the mortgage. Democrats intimidated banks with the threat of civil rights litigation if they didn't comply and sign off on bad loans. Democrats stacked Fannie Mae with no show jobs and political appointments and bad loans were bundled up with good loans and sold back to lending institutions as good loans. The scam lasted about a decade and when the democrats controlled both houses of congress in Bush's 2nd term the unthinkable happened. Democrat Barney Frank told America that Fannie was solvent while it was on the verge of collapse. Sure enough Fannie collapsed under democrat control and they ....guess what....blamed it on Bush.

Truer words will never be heard.
George Bush was GOP conservative policies on steroids. He did what he had been taught since being a child. Republicans can't run on policies they believe no one would be dumb enough to follow. Bush was dumb enough. Redistribution of wealth to the top 1%. Exploding deficits. Unpaid for wars. Trickle down. Anti science. See?

Proof positive this one know nothing!!

GWB was far from a conservative fiscally.

Redistribution of wealth to the top 1%
Exploding deficits
Unpaid for wars
Trickle down
Anti science

Modern conservative policy. This isn't the party of Dwight D. Eisenhower.

So you really must hate Obama right,the 1 % are doing even better under his wing.

Deficits are not a sign of a conservative
Unpaid wars?? those would be which ones?
Trickle down?? nice buzz word
Anti science is just your crazy self making shit up.

Reagan, Bush and Bush. Deficits are most definitely a sign of the current crop of Republican conservatives.
Every freaking Military adventure in the bloody 20th century happened during a liberal democrat administration. Woodie Wilson told American mothers that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he (or his wife) sent the Doughboys to save France from the Hun. FDR had no sustainable foreign policy in the 30's and appointed an old Soldier to be the front line commander of the area most likely t be attacked by the Japanese. "Dug out Doug" thought he was a special envoy and he lost his entire freaking army four months into WW2. Dumb assed high school graduate Harry Truman was busy downsizing the Military after WW2 and paying the Marines back for their uncommon valor by reducing the Marine Corps to nothing when he suddenly decided to send them back to Korea without permission from congress. Truman's timid handling of the Korean adventure led to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory with 50,000 Americans lost in three years. We don't even need to talk about LBJ's fake Tonkin Gulf resolution and Bill Clinton's bombing of a defenseless country to cover for his abuse of an intern. All in all the democrat adventures in the Military cost Americans about half a million lives. Bush followed the rules and democrats tried to undermine the mission in Iraq every way they could.

Every freaking Military adventure in the bloody 20th century happened during a liberal democrat administration. Woodie Wilson told American mothers that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he (or his wife) sent the Doughboys to save France from the Hun. FDR had no sustainable foreign policy in the 30's and appointed an old Soldier to be the front line commander of the area most likely t be attacked by the Japanese. "Dug out Doug" thought he was a special envoy and he lost his entire freaking army four months into WW2. Dumb assed high school graduate Harry Truman was busy downsizing the Military after WW2 and paying the Marines back for their uncommon valor by reducing the Marine Corps to nothing when he suddenly decided to send them back to Korea without permission from congress. Truman's timid handling of the Korean adventure led to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory with 50,000 Americans lost in three years. We don't even need to talk about LBJ's fake Tonkin Gulf resolution and Bill Clinton's bombing of a defenseless country to cover for his abuse of an intern. All in all the democrat adventures in the Military cost Americans about half a million lives. Bush followed the rules and democrats tried to undermine the mission in Iraq every way they could.


Bush gave Saddam about a year to comply with UN sanctions or risk an invasion. Bush followed the rules and sought permission from Congress . Democrats responded with about 36% and congressional approval was overwhelming. Next thing you know a full page ad appears in the NY Times calling the US Commander "betray-us" and senate majority leader Reid tells Americans that "the war is lost" on the eve of the "troop surge". Meanwhile Cindy Sheehan's nut case anti-war demonstrators were all over the place but they disappeared the moment Obama was elected. In other words the democrat party engaged in treason and Sheehan's mob was just a democrat dirty trick. Consider that Harry Truman did not get congressional permission for his adventure in Korea and LBJ did not have congressional approval for his adventure in South East Asia and Bill Clinton should have been impeached and indicted for bombing a defenseless country in Europe.
to sum this thread up.........the worst thing the Republicans have done is allow the Far Right assholes to have so much sway in their party.... and the worst thing the Democrats have done is to allow the Far Left to have so much sway in theirs.....basically the reason this Country is as fucked up and as divided as it is....is because of the Far Left and Right....
to sum this thread up.........the worst thing the Republicans have done is allow the Far Right assholes to have so much sway in their party.... and the worst thing the Democrats have done is to allow the Far Left to have so much sway in theirs.....basically the reason this Country is as fucked up and as divided as it is....is because of the Far Left and Right....

Nah... the worst we have done is to let authoritarians take over both parties and divide the country up to maintain their power over us.
I think the out of control war spending and destruction is the biggest cost.

But where are the liberals now to demand restitution and credits back to taxpayers for it?

Why isn't that used to fund heath care?

Some say it was invading Iraq. Because it destabilized the middle east and cost America the moral high ground. Then there is the three trillion cost and the many trillions more in the future because so many young Americans were maimed for life and they need to be taken care of.

Some say it was the deficit they created with the unpaid for wars and the massive tax cuts with most going to the very rich.

Some say it was the redistribution of wealth to the top 1%.

Some say it was the millions of jobs moved to China.

Some say it was all the fear tactics. That terrorists would be in your back yard and so on.

Some say it's the desire to arm everyone and all the resulting deaths.

Some say it was when they undermined the Justice System by replacing all those veteran lawyers with Christian College graduates.

Some say it's been this terrible war on science and education.

Some say it's this hatred for the middle class and the poor and minorities.

Some say it was the apology to BP and blocking the ability of the government to investigate BP.

Some say it was ignoring nuclear weapons in North Korea and the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Some say it was working against the president blocking him from fixing any of their debacles.

It's hard to choose any one thing. So many of their policies have been terribly damaging. The fact that Republicans have been anti education in their states and anti health care and are now trying to lure liberals and Blue State business could be the worst. Now you have an armed population that have nothing, no where to go and have been betrayed by their leaders. I suspect Red States are going to be explosive in the next 10 years.
I think the out of control war spending and destruction is the biggest cost.

But where are the liberals now to demand restitution and credits back to taxpayers for it?

Why isn't that used to fund heath care?

Some say it was invading Iraq. Because it destabilized the middle east and cost America the moral high ground. Then there is the three trillion cost and the many trillions more in the future because so many young Americans were maimed for life and they need to be taken care of.

Some say it was the deficit they created with the unpaid for wars and the massive tax cuts with most going to the very rich.

Some say it was the redistribution of wealth to the top 1%.

Some say it was the millions of jobs moved to China.

Some say it was all the fear tactics. That terrorists would be in your back yard and so on.

Some say it's the desire to arm everyone and all the resulting deaths.

Some say it was when they undermined the Justice System by replacing all those veteran lawyers with Christian College graduates.

Some say it's been this terrible war on science and education.

Some say it's this hatred for the middle class and the poor and minorities.

Some say it was the apology to BP and blocking the ability of the government to investigate BP.

Some say it was ignoring nuclear weapons in North Korea and the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Some say it was working against the president blocking him from fixing any of their debacles.

It's hard to choose any one thing. So many of their policies have been terribly damaging. The fact that Republicans have been anti education in their states and anti health care and are now trying to lure liberals and Blue State business could be the worst. Now you have an armed population that have nothing, no where to go and have been betrayed by their leaders. I suspect Red States are going to be explosive in the next 10 years.

Huh? You want to take the paychecks back from our military fighting men who were doing their duty?

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