What's happened to us?

The reason is of course that the ideological left doesn't rest upon ANY PRINCIPLES... they simply believe that "America" as a concept can be anything to anyone... That "America" doesn't mean shit... and if they want America to be a failing progressive state of a declining economic opportunities, with no discernible cultural morality... than THAT IS PERFECTLY FINE.

Now go to work Xo... we've seen you do your Sig thing... now use the fertile imagination to form a lucid, cogent, reasoned argument.

I see the contemptuous onslaught of shrieking bullshit like yours as being part of the problem, hardly part of the solution.

What did Will Rogers say? I don't belong to any organized political party...I'm a democrat". :lol:

I like it when cons use that quote as some sort of support for their position(s), when it's actually complimentary.
i guess so, but it still doesn't explain why "god" allows the suffering of innocent children. How does your friend explain that?
it's hard not to just when exploring how human beings are biologically formed with all those vessels and circuits racing around perfectly in sync and miraculously finding the right place within our physical bodies to perform every manuever, conscious or unconsious.

because those whose circulatory system,s went awry died and did not reproduce...

Willow, while I believe your right about the expectations for nothing these days, I can't help but think that deep down Americans are still the same hard working liberty minded people they always were. The problem is that a lot of young people simply don't know much about the country in which they live, and as long as it's visually pleasing and is the "in" thing to do then they go along with it. It starts with education and that begins at home. Too many parents expect schools and the State to do that for them these days as well. Once we teach young people what it means to be self reliant, then they will realize what it means to live in country where anything is possible though hard work and sacrifice. I submit Willow it's only too late when you give up, no matter who is in power at the moment or no matter what the latest trends are. Remember "pet rocks" didn't last all that long!!

I know what you are saying and I admit to getting low sometimes, I have a friend whose son arrived home fresh from his liberal college education bitching a blue streak about America and how evil she is bla bla bla you know all the progressive bs you hear every day?? know what she did?? she took his butt into the den and said here, I'm gonna spin this globe and you put your finger down where it is you want to live.. then you get a one way ticket.. :lol:

Newsflash: The reason this country was founded, and the reason it remains a global superpower with opportunities for the best lifestyle in the world is BECAUSE OF diverse visions and our traditional ability to compromise instead of falling before a supreme leader. Why should YOUR vision be the best, the first, the only?

phuck yew!
YouTube - 1951 General McArthur Big Parade in New York

This is such a telling video. Thousands of NY'ers pouring ticker tape all over famed General Douglas McArthur after his return from the Korean War in 1951. Today our military faces liberal, left wing protestors who spit at them and left-wing organizations like the ACLU and Human Rights Watch that think the people who go to war against a country should be tried for crimes against humanity.

Today, we punish the good, like Israel and the US and the military and honest taxpayers who have paid their mortgage on time, and we reward the bad like the Arab countries, people who skip out on their loan, the "Palestinians." If a four-star general returned home from war today, he would barely be recoginzed by anyone. Countries such as Iran and North Korea are threatening their neighbors and the United States is powerless to stop them. Why? Not because our military isn't the best and brightest in the world, but because no one cares anymore.

What's happened to us? As a society why do we reward the bad and punish the good? Do good and evil even exist in people's vocabularies anymore? What's happened to us? What's wrong with our society?

The fags are ruining the rest of this country. The New World Order is liquidating us. We are the faithful wife and the NWO has porked the living daylights out of us and now they have Hong Kong Fever and we are no longer attractive. The folks who made up the Fed are laughing all the way to the bank. Since 1963 our presidents have been yes men to banking global elitists. The average American is a drooling dolt hooked on Idol and did not realize we the American people could have ended the wars by now. The right could have voted for Ron Paul and the left could have voted for Kucinich. Had we done that our boys would be coming home. We cannot afford these wars and if Bin Laden did this(9/11 was an inside job) then he succeeded in killing this country because the next couple years look real grim. The global elite push button program the average person to vote for their man. I was one of the few who voted independent. I voted Baldwin. Ron Paul was kicking ass in the early debates and then they stopped asking him questions(limited his time). We have a fag in the white house(my worst nightmare) That Larry Sinclaire story by itself is Bull but when you put the 3 homos murdered execution style from Obama's church in Dec 07, they had their man. They elected Obama and they shoved him down our throats. Yes, Obama was pitching, not catching.
Here's a head's up for you.

The era of the angry hippie never happened.

I was there in uniform at the time...I know.

Another right wing myth setting out to dsicredit the antiwar movement, I'm afraid.

Oh and to discredit the many veterans who were ALSO opposed to that war, too, of course.

I'll tell you who basically treated the Vietnam vets like crap...WWII American legion and VFW vet losers, and the media, mostly.

For a while every other film about a returning Viet Nam made them out to be psychotic killers (like Rambo, for example) and drug addicted losers

Utter bullshit, of course

But as to the returning vets getting spit on by hippi nonsense?

That's basically total bullshit.

By the time most Viet Nam vets came hope they WERE hippies, folks.

Only they were the angry hippies and believe me they were NOT spitting on themselves or former comrades in arms, either.

You are either ignorant, stupid or not old enough to know better. I was old enough to know what was going on and my Father was a Viet Nam Vet, he went twice. Go peddle your bullshit somewhere else.

I'm beginning to doubt you were ever in the service.

You are about the most ignorant whining little crybaby I have had the occassion to post around.

I was all grown up and in uniform at the time ya' little lying sack of shit.
That catalyst appeared early in February, when the U.S. began bombing North Vietnam. The pace of protest immediately quickened; its scope broadened. In February and again in March of 1965, SDS organized marches on the Oakland Army Terminal, the departure point for many troops bound for Southeast Asia. On 24 March, faculty members at the University of Michigan held a series of "teach-ins," modeled after earlier Civil Rights seminars, that sought to educate large segments of the student population about both the moral and political foundations of U.S. involvement. The teach-in format spread to campuses around the country and brought faculty members into active antiwar participation. In March, SDS escalated the scale of dissent to a truly national level, calling for a march on Washington to protest the bombing. On 17 April 1965, between 15,000 and 25,000 people gathered at the capital, a turnout that surprised even the organizers.

The Anti-War Movement in the United States

http://www.visionaryshirts.com/thumbs/Photos/WAR PROTESTORS 1971.jpg



Im hoping these images show up because they reflect a pattern here, and that is one of disrespectful attitudes towards those who would defend the very right the proterters exercise. Still further, when people claim BLATENT flasehoods made by a TV commmentator when the closest he ever came to defending his country was perhaps if someone knocked over a flagstand at MSNBC or ESPN are simply making fools of themselves and completly dishonoring those who defended the very right they exercise.

As I said, time to get over it. Returning veterans are NOT treated in the same manner. There is, of course, that whacko outfit from Kansas who travel the country for gravesite funerals of veterans claiming that they're homosexuals. Where do THOSE groups fit into the equation? Are they "leftists"?? Again, the title of the thread is "What's Happened to Us??" "Leftists" can't be blamed for every stupid, evil thing that goes on in this country.

Maggie, I hardly think my post can be seen as putting a label on all people who have a left wing belief. Still further, my post has nothing to do with returning Vets. from Iraq, however, I think if you were to go to Berkley you might get a different answer from the Marine Corps. the post was meant to address a blanket statement made about protests and this revisionist mind set that would paint Vietnam era protests towards returning Vets as somehow wonderful which they flately were not. Vets. tend to remember these things even if the current polotical winds seem to favor watering it down somewhat. The rest of the post Maggie was to show that this mindset is still alive and well today as far as the disrespectful manner in which some would treat the Warrriors that defend the very freedoms that people enjoy no matter what self righteous bullshit cause they happen to do for left or right makes ir disrecpectful and dishonors those who do as well as each and every service member active, discharged, and retired.
Willow, while I believe your right about the expectations for nothing these days, I can't help but think that deep down Americans are still the same hard working liberty minded people they always were. The problem is that a lot of young people simply don't know much about the country in which they live, and as long as it's visually pleasing and is the "in" thing to do then they go along with it. It starts with education and that begins at home. Too many parents expect schools and the State to do that for them these days as well. Once we teach young people what it means to be self reliant, then they will realize what it means to live in country where anything is possible though hard work and sacrifice. I submit Willow it's only too late when you give up, no matter who is in power at the moment or no matter what the latest trends are. Remember "pet rocks" didn't last all that long!!

I know what you are saying and I admit to getting low sometimes, I have a friend whose son arrived home fresh from his liberal college education bitching a blue streak about America and how evil she is bla bla bla you know all the progressive bs you hear every day?? know what she did?? she took his butt into the den and said here, I'm gonna spin this globe and you put your finger down where it is you want to live.. then you get a one way ticket.. :lol:

I like the part about a one way ticket.:clap2:
YouTube - 1951 General McArthur Big Parade in New York

This is such a telling video. Thousands of NY'ers pouring ticker tape all over famed General Douglas McArthur after his return from the Korean War in 1951. Today our military faces liberal, left wing protestors who spit at them and left-wing organizations like the ACLU and Human Rights Watch that think the people who go to war against a country should be tried for crimes against humanity.

Today, we punish the good, like Israel and the US and the military and honest taxpayers who have paid their mortgage on time, and we reward the bad like the Arab countries, people who skip out on their loan, the "Palestinians." If a four-star general returned home from war today, he would barely be recoginzed by anyone. Countries such as Iran and North Korea are threatening their neighbors and the United States is powerless to stop them. Why? Not because our military isn't the best and brightest in the world, but because no one cares anymore.

What's happened to us? As a society why do we reward the bad and punish the good? Do good and evil even exist in people's vocabularies anymore? What's happened to us? What's wrong with our society?

The fags are ruining the rest of this country. The New World Order is liquidating us. We are the faithful wife and the NWO has porked the living daylights out of us and now they have Hong Kong Fever and we are no longer attractive. The folks who made up the Fed are laughing all the way to the bank. Since 1963 our presidents have been yes men to banking global elitists. The average American is a drooling dolt hooked on Idol and did not realize we the American people could have ended the wars by now. The right could have voted for Ron Paul and the left could have voted for Kucinich. Had we done that our boys would be coming home. We cannot afford these wars and if Bin Laden did this(9/11 was an inside job) then he succeeded in killing this country because the next couple years look real grim. The global elite push button program the average person to vote for their man. I was one of the few who voted independent. I voted Baldwin. Ron Paul was kicking ass in the early debates and then they stopped asking him questions(limited his time). We have a fag in the white house(my worst nightmare) That Larry Sinclaire story by itself is Bull but when you put the 3 homos murdered execution style from Obama's church in Dec 07, they had their man. They elected Obama and they shoved him down our throats. Yes, Obama was pitching, not catching.

That catalyst appeared early in February, when the U.S. began bombing North Vietnam. The pace of protest immediately quickened; its scope broadened. In February and again in March of 1965, SDS organized marches on the Oakland Army Terminal, the departure point for many troops bound for Southeast Asia. On 24 March, faculty members at the University of Michigan held a series of "teach-ins," modeled after earlier Civil Rights seminars, that sought to educate large segments of the student population about both the moral and political foundations of U.S. involvement. The teach-in format spread to campuses around the country and brought faculty members into active antiwar participation. In March, SDS escalated the scale of dissent to a truly national level, calling for a march on Washington to protest the bombing. On 17 April 1965, between 15,000 and 25,000 people gathered at the capital, a turnout that surprised even the organizers.

The Anti-War Movement in the United States

http://www.visionaryshirts.com/thumbs/Photos/WAR PROTESTORS 1971.jpg



Im hoping these images show up because they reflect a pattern here, and that is one of disrespectful attitudes towards those who would defend the very right the proterters exercise. Still further, when people claim BLATENT flasehoods made by a TV commmentator when the closest he ever came to defending his country was perhaps if someone knocked over a flagstand at MSNBC or ESPN are simply making fools of themselves and completly dishonoring those who defended the very right they exercise.

As I said, time to get over it. Returning veterans are NOT treated in the same manner. There is, of course, that whacko outfit from Kansas who travel the country for gravesite funerals of veterans claiming that they're homosexuals. Where do THOSE groups fit into the equation? Are they "leftists"?? Again, the title of the thread is "What's Happened to Us??" "Leftists" can't be blamed for every stupid, evil thing that goes on in this country.

Maggie, I hardly think my post can be seen as putting a label on all people who have a left wing belief. Still further, my post has nothing to do with returning Vets. from Iraq, however, I think if you were to go to Berkley you might get a different answer from the Marine Corps. the post was meant to address a blanket statement made about protests and this revisionist mind set that would paint Vietnam era protests towards returning Vets as somehow wonderful which they flately were not. Vets. tend to remember these things even if the current polotical winds seem to favor watering it down somewhat. The rest of the post Maggie was to show that this mindset is still alive and well today as far as the disrespectful manner in which some would treat the Warrriors that defend the very freedoms that people enjoy no matter what self righteous bullshit cause they happen to do for left or right makes ir disrecpectful and dishonors those who do as well as each and every service member active, discharged, and retired.

I still contend that generally speaking, our military is treated with the respect they deserve. I'm proud but sad that our volunteer service people and their families are the only ones who have made a supreme sacrifice for America in recent years. It's become way too easy to fight wars behind closed doors, and to criticize as armchair warriors, while the blood is spilled by 17-24 year olds. There have always been, and there always will be, pacifists and/or war protestors, and I take offense at the impression some people give that the same type of angst is as prevalent today as it was during the Vietnam war. I certainly don't see it where I live, and frankly, I have not seen the type of "mindset" you describe, except on those select YouTube or uber pro-military, anti-left websites where the agenda (which is political, surprise surprise) is obvious.
What happens was we became the enemy in the eyes of the world and in the eyes of thinking rational Americans. We involved ourselves ourselves in Vietnam over a domino theory of fear and then lied about the corrupt South Vietnamese government. We engaged in clandestine illegal actions in too many nations where our sole interest was the status quo. We allowed and supported Israel as they created an apartheid nation and looked the other way as they took over lands that were not legally theirs. We invaded Iraq over fear and hubris, and created a media of lies. A genuine patriot today would weep over their nations actions in-spite of the good we too have accomplished. Power corrupts and power in the hands of small men corrupts completely. We place halos on our heads as all people do and we forget our treatment of the American Indian or the Blacks who we brought over and made slaves. He without sin......

Maybe what happened was we started to be honest, to see things as they are, and not how we dream or imagine them to be. Maybe we are on a path to reason, maybe....

Amazon.com: Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity: Robert Jensen: Books

Amazon.com: The Culture of Make Believe: Derrick Jensen: Books

Once Upon a Time...: Trapped in the Wrong Paradigm: Three Handy Rules

What happened is that we became the enemy in the eyes of a bunch of people who wanted to redefine good as evil and vice versa in order to justify and rationalize their own desire to do things they knew were wrong without feeling guilty. They took advantage of the fact that most people are generally decent and/or want to believe they are, and convinced them that drawing a bright line between right and wrong and standing for it was "mean". And because most people ARE decent and/or want to believe they are, we let them get away with it.

Because we don't live in a country where most of us are ever likely to see less-industrialized nations firsthand, or even other nations at all for many people, it was easy for them to convince us that we were horrible and that any flaws we had, real or imagined, were actually enormous evil, greater than anything anyone else was doing.

Power corrupts, all right, and the power of suggestion that they wielded not only corrupted them, but us as well. And now we lack the perspective to compare ourselves clearly and objectively to others, and the will to state the results of that comparison and withstand the objections to it even if we could.
I think Maggie, your missing my point though, in all I think generally today service members are treated much better than they were during the Vietnam era but that Maggie was not what i was addressing. I was pointing out that to revise history on the treatment of returning Vets from Vietnam to achieve a political end is completly wrong no matter who is doing it. I do think however that today the returning Vet. is not subject to the same kinds of treatment they once were and thats a good thing to see. However, I did point out that random acts no matter who does them and in what name they do them are dishonorable and still occur and no matter what your party beliefs should be roundly condemned.
The 'family unit' was in pretty good shape throughout the first half of the 20th C., nearly all of which was non-agrarian economically. It was the family unit for the most part that saved individuals throughout the depression.

However much I admire Jefferson, blaming the economic engine is unlikely as a source for good or evil.

you are right that it wasn't just one thing...but wrong imo to leave out all possibilities of being spokes in the wheel that rolled downwards....

What are some of your ideas Annie, on why people don't care and how we evolved to that point...?


The destruction of the American Family began in earnest in the 60's with the Liberal agenda. Now a days your children have more rights then the parents, or rather the Government uses the courts to make it so. Illegal Courts I might add. Family Courts are ILLEGAL. They do not assume innocent till proven guilty at all. They deny you the right to a trial by your peers as well. Further they claim they can do this because they are not criminal in nature, yet they take your children, they take your money and can lead to imprisonment.

And leave you with government agents crawling up your ass with magnifying glasses, questioning and controlling every aspect of your existence, for as long as they choose.
The people have become corrupt and turned from the God who blessed them with prosperity and freedom.

We as a people have become lazy and dishonest. We think we are entiteld to everything and if our neighbor has something we dont we hate them and bitch and moan about how life is unfair to us rather than buckling down and doing the work we need to do our duty and to accomplish what we want.

We have a media culture always telling people that the "cool" thing to do is to smoke pot, snort coke, shoot heroin, get drunk off our asses, and engage in random sex with everyone because it feels good. Im not saying its the media's fault, quite the opposite. the Media reflex the people. Parents arent raising their kids. Parents are more concerned about doing what feels good for themselves rather than what's in the best interest of their kid. To the point that they are willing to kill their children claiming justification through "choice".

We have a corrupt society and wonder why our politicians are corrupt. We wonder why all these bad things are happening to our nation and why we arent the people our parents and grandparents were. And unfortunately no one has the guts to actually do the hard things in life, to repent, to actively get people to change in their own life first and then in the lives of those around them. We deny the existence of truth and the path of happiness and wonder why we arent happy. We are apathetic to our lives and the lives around us.

And this isnt a partisan issue. This is an issue of severe importance for all people. We need to start by humbling ourselves and repenting. Thats the only way this corruption will cease. And thats going to take alot of work and sacrifice.

Good answer, but I'm not so sure about the "repenting" stuff. One would think that if there really is a God and you believe that repenting is what will fix everything, then you would also have to believe that God is very much aware of the current state of affairs on His Earth. So if He's directing the show and it's gotten so awful, why doesn't he do something about all the evil in His World? Why were 35 innocent Mexican children badly burned in a fire yesterday? Was it because they hadn't "repented"??

How did you get from "aware of the current state of affairs" to "directing the show"? And why is it automatically His job to jump in and start controlling everyone like marionettes every time we decide we don't like the way other people are fucking up? Maybe He's up there, wondering why WE let it go on?

By the way, death isn't a punishment for lack of repentance. It happens to everyone eventually.
Willow, while I believe your right about the expectations for nothing these days, I can't help but think that deep down Americans are still the same hard working liberty minded people they always were. The problem is that a lot of young people simply don't know much about the country in which they live, and as long as it's visually pleasing and is the "in" thing to do then they go along with it. It starts with education and that begins at home. Too many parents expect schools and the State to do that for them these days as well. Once we teach young people what it means to be self reliant, then they will realize what it means to live in country where anything is possible though hard work and sacrifice. I submit Willow it's only too late when you give up, no matter who is in power at the moment or no matter what the latest trends are. Remember "pet rocks" didn't last all that long!!

I think you're right, but I also think Americans have a lot more shit to wade through in order to express their American values in a meaningful way these days, not the least of which is their own willingness to recognize the existence of that shit and to start wading.
Willow, while I believe your right about the expectations for nothing these days, I can't help but think that deep down Americans are still the same hard working liberty minded people they always were. The problem is that a lot of young people simply don't know much about the country in which they live, and as long as it's visually pleasing and is the "in" thing to do then they go along with it. It starts with education and that begins at home. Too many parents expect schools and the State to do that for them these days as well. Once we teach young people what it means to be self reliant, then they will realize what it means to live in country where anything is possible though hard work and sacrifice. I submit Willow it's only too late when you give up, no matter who is in power at the moment or no matter what the latest trends are. Remember "pet rocks" didn't last all that long!!

I know what you are saying and I admit to getting low sometimes, I have a friend whose son arrived home fresh from his liberal college education bitching a blue streak about America and how evil she is bla bla bla you know all the progressive bs you hear every day?? know what she did?? she took his butt into the den and said here, I'm gonna spin this globe and you put your finger down where it is you want to live.. then you get a one way ticket.. :lol:

Newsflash: The reason this country was founded, and the reason it remains a global superpower with opportunities for the best lifestyle in the world is BECAUSE OF diverse visions and our traditional ability to compromise instead of falling before a supreme leader. Why should YOUR vision be the best, the first, the only?

You really think our country became the leading superpower that it is by having its people standing around, dithering in the middle of a bunch of visions, trying to pretend that they're all equally good and unable to judge and choose between them?
Good answer, but I'm not so sure about the "repenting" stuff. One would think that if there really is a God and you believe that repenting is what will fix everything, then you would also have to believe that God is very much aware of the current state of affairs on His Earth. So if He's directing the show and it's gotten so awful, why doesn't he do something about all the evil in His World? Why were 35 innocent Mexican children badly burned in a fire yesterday? Was it because they hadn't "repented"??

Maggie...im not tremendously religious but i used to live with this indiv.who at one time in his life HAD to read the bible and discuss it.....but he said HE was told about why this happens,is this.....when Satan challenged Mans integrity in front of God And the denizens of "HEAVEN"...which is what a lot of this Satan getting the boot from heaven is about...our integrity and why he is so enamered with us.....he said that without God giving man all that he needs they will eventually spit in his face.....God told him he was wrong,and that the vast majority of Humans have INTEGRITY with or without him there....with the beings of "heaven" looking on and wondering if this is true or not....."GOD" had to make a decision to prove mans integrity....so the story goes for a short while (in their time frame) he will turn his back on us,and what happens will happen good or bad....BUT...Satan is limited as to what he also can do to influence us.....so there it is....nice story isnt it....:razz:...

I guess so, but it still doesn't explain why "God" allows the suffering of innocent children. How does your friend explain that?

I'm not one who doesn't believe in a higher power; it's hard not to just when exploring how human beings are biologically formed with all those vessels and circuits racing around perfectly in sync and miraculously finding the right place within our physical bodies to perform every manuever, conscious or unconsious. But I do vacillate between thinking the higher power reigns from a Shangri-Law called "Heaven" or from a mother ship.

It was in the story, dingbat. Read for comprehension.

Where would you prefer to believe He reigns from?
What happens was we became the enemy in the eyes of the world and in the eyes of thinking rational Americans. We involved ourselves ourselves in Vietnam over a domino theory of fear and then lied about the corrupt South Vietnamese government. We engaged in clandestine illegal actions in too many nations where our sole interest was the status quo. We allowed and supported Israel as they created an apartheid nation and looked the other way as they took over lands that were not legally theirs. We invaded Iraq over fear and hubris, and created a media of lies. A genuine patriot today would weep over their nations actions in-spite of the good we too have accomplished. Power corrupts and power in the hands of small men corrupts completely. We place halos on our heads as all people do and we forget our treatment of the American Indian or the Blacks who we brought over and made slaves. He without sin......

Maybe what happened was we started to be honest, to see things as they are, and not how we dream or imagine them to be. Maybe we are on a path to reason, maybe....

Amazon.com: Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity: Robert Jensen: Books

Amazon.com: The Culture of Make Believe: Derrick Jensen: Books

Once Upon a Time...: Trapped in the Wrong Paradigm: Three Handy Rules

What happened is that we became the enemy in the eyes of a bunch of people who wanted to redefine good as evil and vice versa in order to justify and rationalize their own desire to do things they knew were wrong without feeling guilty. They took advantage of the fact that most people are generally decent and/or want to believe they are, and convinced them that drawing a bright line between right and wrong and standing for it was "mean". And because most people ARE decent and/or want to believe they are, we let them get away with it.

Because we don't live in a country where most of us are ever likely to see less-industrialized nations firsthand, or even other nations at all for many people, it was easy for them to convince us that we were horrible and that any flaws we had, real or imagined, were actually enormous evil, greater than anything anyone else was doing.

Power corrupts, all right, and the power of suggestion that they wielded not only corrupted them, but us as well. And now we lack the perspective to compare ourselves clearly and objectively to others, and the will to state the results of that comparison and withstand the objections to it even if we could.

Excellent thoughts. Now the question becomes what to do about it.
Maggie...im not tremendously religious but i used to live with this indiv.who at one time in his life HAD to read the bible and discuss it.....but he said HE was told about why this happens,is this.....when Satan challenged Mans integrity in front of God And the denizens of "HEAVEN"...which is what a lot of this Satan getting the boot from heaven is about...our integrity and why he is so enamered with us.....he said that without God giving man all that he needs they will eventually spit in his face.....God told him he was wrong,and that the vast majority of Humans have INTEGRITY with or without him there....with the beings of "heaven" looking on and wondering if this is true or not....."GOD" had to make a decision to prove mans integrity....so the story goes for a short while (in their time frame) he will turn his back on us,and what happens will happen good or bad....BUT...Satan is limited as to what he also can do to influence us.....so there it is....nice story isnt it....:razz:...

I guess so, but it still doesn't explain why "God" allows the suffering of innocent children. How does your friend explain that?

I'm not one who doesn't believe in a higher power; it's hard not to just when exploring how human beings are biologically formed with all those vessels and circuits racing around perfectly in sync and miraculously finding the right place within our physical bodies to perform every manuever, conscious or unconsious. But I do vacillate between thinking the higher power reigns from a Shangri-Law called "Heaven" or from a mother ship.

It was in the story, dingbat. Read for comprehension.

Where would you prefer to believe He reigns from?

Sorry, but I still don't understand how Satan and God temporarily turning his back in order to prove "integrity" has anything to do with small children being burned alive. I don't know where "God" reigns, but I sure don't rely on The Bible to tell me. After all, it's great literature, but unproven history written by monks who had nothing to do all day but write stories.
YouTube - 1951 General McArthur Big Parade in New York

This is such a telling video. Thousands of NY'ers pouring ticker tape all over famed General Douglas McArthur after his return from the Korean War in 1951. Today our military faces liberal, left wing protestors who spit at them and left-wing organizations like the ACLU and Human Rights Watch that think the people who go to war against a country should be tried for crimes against humanity.

Today, we punish the good, like Israel and the US and the military and honest taxpayers who have paid their mortgage on time, and we reward the bad like the Arab countries, people who skip out on their loan, the "Palestinians." If a four-star general returned home from war today, he would barely be recoginzed by anyone. Countries such as Iran and North Korea are threatening their neighbors and the United States is powerless to stop them. Why? Not because our military isn't the best and brightest in the world, but because no one cares anymore.

What's happened to us? As a society why do we reward the bad and punish the good? Do good and evil even exist in people's vocabularies anymore? What's happened to us? What's wrong with our society?

The fags are ruining the rest of this country. The New World Order is liquidating us. We are the faithful wife and the NWO has porked the living daylights out of us and now they have Hong Kong Fever and we are no longer attractive. The folks who made up the Fed are laughing all the way to the bank. Since 1963 our presidents have been yes men to banking global elitists. The average American is a drooling dolt hooked on Idol and did not realize we the American people could have ended the wars by now. The right could have voted for Ron Paul and the left could have voted for Kucinich. Had we done that our boys would be coming home. We cannot afford these wars and if Bin Laden did this(9/11 was an inside job) then he succeeded in killing this country because the next couple years look real grim. The global elite push button program the average person to vote for their man. I was one of the few who voted independent. I voted Baldwin. Ron Paul was kicking ass in the early debates and then they stopped asking him questions(limited his time). We have a fag in the white house(my worst nightmare) That Larry Sinclaire story by itself is Bull but when you put the 3 homos murdered execution style from Obama's church in Dec 07, they had their man. They elected Obama and they shoved him down our throats. Yes, Obama was pitching, not catching.


Even a moron dolt like you with an IQ around 90 can watch a 66 second video. After you view this video, go to youtube and youtube 3 bombs in the building and it will show you the local news coverage of the OKC bombing. Why did the main media tells us it was just the truck bomb? People like you are frightened of the truth as we all should be. When our government kills JFK, RFK, MLK and pulls off the OKC bombing and 9/11 bombing, it is fearful. Too bad you are such a tard you cannot study this. We will overcome you drooling idiots and take our country back and then you will absorbe the Truth.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEPjOi2dQSM]YouTube - WTC-7 Any Questions[/ame]

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