What's fundamentally wrong with America?


Obama promised to change us fundamentally, and liberals cheered.

So please tell me what's wrong, why it needs to be changed and why it's been fundamental.

The stigma of being on the government dole has changed with this guy. Now people are proud they dont have to work.

The problem with America is that people actually believe your stupid statement. Do you have any clue how many people on public assistance would love to be off of it? You idiots see a few stupid people who really are too dumb to work making stupid statements about Obamaphones, and you think everyone receiving assistance is just like them. That is how dumb you people have become. And it's pissing off those of us who know better and have a realistic view of this country.

Bull Shit. what do you think I am some 47 year old white guy that has never been in the hood or to Cook County Jail? (Chicqgo)I used to party my ass off in the 80's, on the weekends and the best dope was the west and south side, screw the middle men. Also a few years ago I drove a cab "inbetween" jobs at night in South Carolina. I know whats up. Go try to lie to someone else who will believe you..
Yes, if we would just subjugate our own wants and desires, and become drones serving a one world government, everything would just be great. Except for the simple fact that life would no longer be worth living.

Life is not just existing to feed some common cause, and reproducing to provide for future drones with the same goal. It is a challenge of the individual to thrive, regardless of circumstances. There is little joy in winning, if their is no sorrow in losing. There is no reward for being successful, if there is no penalty for failure to succeed. There is no self satisfaction in helping others, if helping others is not a volunteer act.

Lame argument. Why do we have any pretense of civility at all? Maybe we should just let the biggest, baddest mutherfuckers pummel the crap out of whoever has what they want and let them take it. I see little difference between that and what you're suggesting.

you liberals cannot separate empathy from marxism. We have laws that prevent pummeling the crap out of whoever you want. Charities exist to help the less fortunate and the sick.

You guys want government to be one great big charity and some beaurocrats to decide who "needs" help and who should pay for it.

You don't understand the basic concept of freedom. Real freedom includes the freedom to succeed beyond your wildest dreams and the freedom to fail and end up in the ditch.

Government does not exist to keep people from failing and to punish people who succeed.

Liberals do not understand human nature or life in general. I do not comprehend what goes on in a liberal mind.

I'm not in favor of everything being a giant charity but when winning and losing is as stark in contrast as it as here and now, it really serves no useful purpose. So one guy 'earns' more money than he can spend by nickel and diming others with service fees or charging extortionate interest rates while another can't afford health care for his family because he chose wrong early in life. That's your idea of a well functioning society?
Read "Greedy Bastards" by Dylan Ratigan.

What is wrong with our country is the Greedy Bastards that inhabit just about every aspect of our nation....energy, trade, banking, healthcare, education and government/taxation.

It's a great read and it is very party neutral...both sides have their share of the blame and most of it revolves around campaign money.

Just an example...do you realize that the price we pay at the.pump for a gallon of gas is less than a third of the actual cost? Who.pays the other 2/3? Everybody...in the form of taxes....taxes to keep our.military ready to put out the "fires" in the middle East in order to keep things relatively stable, the cost of health care for folks.that have breathing issues.in our cities where the air quality is shitty.at times, let's not forget direct subsidation of both the oil industry and the the farming industry(ethanol) economists estimate the true cost for a gallon of regular unleaded to be between $10-15. If we were.paying that at the pump, there would be a revolution...but because.it's hidden from us, most don't even pay attention...unless it goes up a significant amount at the pump.....that's not to.mention that we are funding people who don't fucking like us.

Obviously...he goes into much greater detail than I can recall off the top of my head....but it's definitely worth the price.of admission.

to me there is nothing wrong with wanting to make as much as you can.....i just have a problem when you are fucking over other people to do it......

You cannot be fucked over, unless you put yourself in that position. You have an obligation to take control of your own life, and not depend on someone else to provide for your pursuit of happiness. Or, you can sit back, let life run over the top of you, and bitch about being fucked over by those who are not sitting on their asses and allowing live to run over them.
bullshit....you cant be fucked over by a Conglomerate?.....where the hell do you live?....
The only "Greedy Bastads" are the libtards like you. There is nothing "greedy" about hard work and long hours. Whatever you reap from that is well deserved.

It's you libtards who demand free food, free housing, free healthcare, free transportation, free education, etc. that are the "greedy (lazy) bastards".

there is something wrong with those "greedy" people who fuck people over or have no cares about what they are destroying to get their money.....


companies who would pollute the environment or allow shit to get in the food supply because they would rather cut corners than be ethical so they can make more money....and if you are going to ask me to prove that any American company has actually done that.....we are going to need some room here.....
You can add that senile old sack of puss Bob Dole, and that fat, greasy obama ass kisser Chrissy Christie to the list too.

whats the matter 007?.....do you have a problem with people who just are not as Far Right as you are?...someone who can actually work with others piss you off?...

You have to admit HD - Christie has become a deplorable hypocrite. After screaming about conservative principles and the problem with federal government, he goes running to Obama for every federal dollar he can get when a small storm causes some damage.

Sorry, but if you're going to run your mouth, you damn well better walk-the-walk when push comes to shove. And Christie didn't do it - he went for the easy way out.

so show me where he said after a Disaster NO State should ask for Federal help and i will apologize and shut up.....and that was a small storm?.....so i suppose the recent Tornado in Oklahoma was small by your standards also......
to me there is nothing wrong with wanting to make as much as you can.....i just have a problem when you are fucking over other people to do it......

You cannot be fucked over, unless you put yourself in that position. You have an obligation to take control of your own life, and not depend on someone else to provide for your pursuit of happiness. Or, you can sit back, let life run over the top of you, and bitch about being fucked over by those who are not sitting on their asses and allowing live to run over them.
bullshit....you cant be fucked over by a Conglomerate?.....where the hell do you live?....

I know, right? He's probably one of the fuckers.
Who is supposed to do the compromising then?

Google "compromise"

no one can compromise with people who are "fundamentally" wrong. Obama's "fundamentals" are wrong for the USA. We are not a marxist country.

no one in DC is capable of doing that.....we have poor leadership from the President down to the Party "leaders'.....everyone is so scared of being labeled by the Far Left and right that they just let the people who make the most noise steer the ship.....
Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton, Washington, Adams, Chief Justice Marshall...and many more could not agree on things, yet somehow you think you know exactly what they didn't and struggled with?

How does that make any sense? Where did DTMB say we had to agree on everything?

The reality is, we've allowed liberals (on BOTH sides of the aisle) to ignore the ultimate law of the land and do whatever the hell they wanted.

Obama isn't the heart of the problem. The real problem with America and the rest of the world is the fact that human beings are in charge.

Want some change??? Some real change???

Sorry. Not going to happen. Not just because of democrats or republicans or American greed, but that human beings in this country, and every other country, are concerned with their well being and not the worlds.

People not giving a shit about other people is our countries problem. If the world lived by the golden rule, then the world would be perfect. Unfortunately people care fathoms more about being RIGHT, and how much something COSTS, rather than all helping each other be awesome.

We could cure world hunger...but we would rather put spinning rims on a gold jet ski.

The sad irony of course is that it's the liberals who are the most guilty of this. Who spends more lavishly or absurdly than the leerject limousine liberals of Hollywood who also scream the loudest about curing world hunger.

You don't see Glenn Beck dropping $15,000 on "Krystal" at some club. Nope, he's home in bed so that the next morning he can be on site in Oklahoma with semi's packed full of food and other needed supplies.
no one can compromise with people who are "fundamentally" wrong. Obama's "fundamentals" are wrong for the USA. We are not a marxist country.

Google "compromise"

I think we all know what the word means. The problem is that the sides are so far apart on the basics of government, that compromise makes both sides move farther than they are willing to do. I am not saying that is good, just that that is what is happening.

In the past we had common goals and just differed in how to get there, now we no longer have common goals

yep....and because we haven't had a decent "leader" since last Century.....the divide is growing.....it sure as hell aint getting any better............
I think our founders had it right. A government run by the people. Unalienable rights. Freedom and liberty.

I recall Obama, as an Ill senator, in a radio interview saying the problem with the constitution is that it gives more rights to people than government. He felt then, and clearly feels now, that he is constrained by our founding document. It was meant to keep government in check and I realize that some who feel that they are better suited to run our lives than we are would find fault with a constitution that ties their hands when it comes to our rights.

What went wrong with the country was not our constitution, but rather getting away from it. Wilson made a huge mistake when he went against the constitution and signed a bill, written by the banks, that gave them control over our currency. The creation of the Federal Reserve Banks was when we started going astray. We are in debt forever to the reserve banks.

Income taxes being made permanent by the same administration was another huge mistake. It was promised that no one would ever be taxed over 7% of their income. Of course, that was a huge lie. Taxes have continued to go up and people live in fear of the IRS. People should never fear government in any way. They keep taking more and more in taxes and creating new taxes every time we turn around. Everything is taxed. They will even tax rain. They claim Obamacare is a tax. And for all the taxes we've paid, nothing gets better. The more they take, the more corrupt they become and the more problems we have. Government is irresponsible with other peoples' money. They never have anything to show for it except unsustainable programs that requires them to steal even more money from us.
We had roads, railroads, hospitals, schools, colleges and many other things that created the infrastructure. It was not government that did it.

Then we had the great society, which began the creation of a permanent class of people who would forever be government dependents. We have 5th and 6th generations of welfare recipients now. Over the years, liberals have been more worried about removing the stigma of welfare than actually encouraging people to lift themselves out of poverty. Liberals know that their power comes from keeping people dependent on them.

Social security was another bad idea that began with false promises. It was supposed to be voluntary and people would only pay a small percent of their paycheck. When people began receiving their checks at retirement, it wasn't supposed to be taxed. All the money paid in was supposed to be kept in a special account and kept safe. All the promises were broken until the security promised people is now another worry because it's unsustainable.

What needs to be changed are the things done that got us away from the founders' vision. The country has already been fundamentally changed over a hundred years ago and we need to undo the damage by eliminating the Federal Reserve. That is the biggest change we need to make. They are the real 1% that are screwing the rest of us.

We need to streamline all the social programs and encourage people to get off them instead of encouraging more to move onto the liberal plantation. Taxes should not be high for anyone. We need a simple tax code. When it comes to capitalism, keep it, just make fair laws and enforce them.

Right now, the government has made way too many bullshit laws. We can't catch rain water in containers and other ridiculous laws that could land us in big trouble.

If Obama wants to go down in history as the greatest president ever, he simply needs to dust the constitution off and get back to basics. Abolish the Federal Reserve, reform social programs, repeal Obamacare and repeal at least half the laws on the books, as well as some unfair taxes. He is going in the opposite direction and capitalism is under attack. The middle class is shrinking and the welfare state is growing. We're heading toward socialism and we'll join other countries who were bought down because of it. Socialism and Communism are unsustainable and it's foolish to even go down that road.

wow, really well said.
Google "compromise"

I think we all know what the word means. The problem is that the sides are so far apart on the basics of government, that compromise makes both sides move farther than they are willing to do. I am not saying that is good, just that that is what is happening.

In the past we had common goals and just differed in how to get there, now we no longer have common goals.

The budget is comprised of revenue and spending. Compromises have been made on the budget for over 200 years.

Healthcare was a blank slate. There is nothing in the GOP platform that says they are incapable of supporting healthcare

Gun regulations have been around for generations. There is plenty of room for compromise on background checks, registration, high capacity magazines

There is plenty of ground for compromise on homosexual rights

Our system of government requires compromise...that is the only way it can function

Here we go again - a vintage liberal... notice everything he said was compromising on things he wants to see (less guns or rounds, more homosexuality, etc.).

Why aren't you talking about compromising on Obamcare? Social Security? Welfare? Food stamps? Subsidized housing? The size and scope of government?

Here's the problem - at the end of the day, people like you want me to compromise on my freedom. It's not fucking happening. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not next year. Not next decade. Not next century.

If you acted like an American for ONCE in your miserable socialist life, we wouldn't need to "compromise" on anything.
I think we all know what the word means. The problem is that the sides are so far apart on the basics of government, that compromise makes both sides move farther than they are willing to do. I am not saying that is good, just that that is what is happening.

In the past we had common goals and just differed in how to get there, now we no longer have common goals.

The budget is comprised of revenue and spending. Compromises have been made on the budget for over 200 years.

Healthcare was a blank slate. There is nothing in the GOP platform that says they are incapable of supporting healthcare

Gun regulations have been around for generations. There is plenty of room for compromise on background checks, registration, high capacity magazines

There is plenty of ground for compromise on homosexual rights

Our system of government requires compromise...that is the only way it can function

Very true. the GOP controlled house has passed many budget bills, Reid has not let a single one be debated on the floor of the senate or offered to meet with a compromise committee to find a workable compromise budget.

The healthcare bill was passed by democrats, no debate was allowed, no GOP amendments were allowed to come to the floor.

seems to me that its the left that is refusing to compromise.

The budget is comprised of revenue and spending. Compromises have been made on the budget for over 200 years.

Healthcare was a blank slate. There is nothing in the GOP platform that says they are incapable of supporting healthcare

Gun regulations have been around for generations. There is plenty of room for compromise on background checks, registration, high capacity magazines

There is plenty of ground for compromise on homosexual rights

Our system of government requires compromise...that is the only way it can function

Very true. the GOP controlled house has passed many budget bills, Reid has not let a single one be debated on the floor of the senate or offered to meet with a compromise committee to find a workable compromise budget.

The healthcare bill was passed by democrats, no debate was allowed, no GOP amendments were allowed to come to the floor.

seems to me that its the left that is refusing to compromise.

Bills passed that contain poison pills are not compromise. Passing the "Kill Obamacare Jobs Bill" is not an attemprt at compromise

Healthcare bill was a series of compromises made with Republicans on the committee. Repuiblicans voted against compromises they insisted on

Obama offered Republicans at the Healthcare Summit......"Tell me what you need in this bill to be able to vote for it" Republicans replied to a man....Tear it up and start over

Do you ever listen to yourself RightWinger?

The Obamcare bill was pure, unaltered CANCER for America. It was proven over and over (and why Obama was desperate to hide what was in it). So you're idea of compromise is to say "ok - you can give us CANCER as long as you also give us "X"?!? :cuckoo:

Compromise would have been Obama saying, "Ok - this bill sucks - what do you recommend we do? You put together a bipartisan bill, pass it, and then I will sign it - even if that bill says NO HEALTHCARE reform".

Obama promised to change us fundamentally, and liberals cheered.

So please tell me what's wrong, why it needs to be changed and why it's been fundamental.

It needs to be changed because the liberals have screwed it up.

care to be a tad bit more specific?

What fundamental changes have, just liberals, made that screwed us?
RightWinger's idea of "compromise": Give us bigger government, more debt, more socialism, more homosexuality, in return we will let you have those things as well" :cuckoo:

You can't make this stuff up. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so fuck'n tragic...
I'll give you anything you want. 100% of your every whim.

All I ask in return is that it is Constitutional (and no - a Supreme Court radically stacked with libtards does NOT make something constitutional).

You want Social Security? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Medicare? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Medicaid? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Food Stamps? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want subsidized housing? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Obamacare? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

I'm willing to trade your infinite wishes for my ONE already required demand. Lets's see how much you assholes are willing to "compromise" now... I'm willing NOT one will accept this - and it's already the requirement of the U.S. Constitution. I'm not adding one more item to what already exists.

Obama promised to change us fundamentally, and liberals cheered.

So please tell me what's wrong, why it needs to be changed and why it's been fundamental.

It needs to be changed because the liberals have screwed it up.

care to be a tad bit more specific?

What fundamental changes have, just liberals, made that screwed us?

Obamcare. Social Security. Medicare. Medicaid. Food Stamps. Subsidized Housing. Freddie & Fannie. The 1978 Community Re-Investment Act. The 1997 Community Re-Investment Act (collapsed the housing market, which in turn collapsed the economy).

Is that enough for you, or should I keep going?
What's wrong with America? People who refuse to work with others due to their political affiliation.

like the Far Right and Left....
Almost everyone considers themselves a moderate and the opposition is either extreme right or left. Both sides read their parties' platform and then espouse it in the extreme, and heaven forbid if anyone disagreed with them.

Regardless of the issue, any attempt to solve a problem without totally changing life as we know is doomed. To some extent, this situation has always existed but we had moderates who were more interested in solving specific problems, than rebuilding the nation, according to some ideological beliefs.
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Obama promised to change us fundamentally, and liberals cheered.

So please tell me what's wrong, why it needs to be changed and why it's been fundamental.

Obama called it correctly in 2008 - too much money in Washington. Big business controlling our legislative decisions (and said he was going to change it).

Unfortunately, those who voted for him were duped, and we have no move to fix any of those things. In fact, the situation has become much worse in Obama's past 5 years running this nation. Perhaps will be noted as one of the worsts of all time due to the pivotal time he came into office, and the horrible precedents he set.

Even my wife - a stringent Democrat - has turned on the guy...

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