What’s consistent about every election, is that democrats have policy ideas and republicans don’t

Trumptards have no ideas that they didn’t have during the civil war when their ilk was fighting to own other human beings

That was Democrats fighting to preserve slavery, and Republicans fighting to end it.

It wasn't just slavery.... The Republican Party was born to prosecute that bloody civil war to insure that ANY policies or laws enacted by the democratically elected state governments could be scrutinized by and micro-managed by the federal government.

I know! I know! The irony of The Republican Party being the political entity that created an overreaching federal government is almost palpable, eh?

Meanwhile, many of the republican controlled states have stripped their budgets so deeply while cutting taxes and blowing the wealthy for campaign money that many of the education systems are shut down while teachers and students alike wear red.

Specifically which ones. You said many, so I presume you mean more than half of them. Your reliable source and a link will be greatly appreciated.


What teacher
strikes are really

14 hours ago
Teacher Protests
Spread to
Colorado As
Arizona Strike Begins

New York Magazine
1 day ago
Arizona teacher
strike: it’s not just
about a raise. It’s
about defending public education.

1 day ago
More for teachers strikes 2018
Teachers' strikes: meet the leaders of the movement marching across ...
Teachers around the US are taking matters into their own hands as they strike for raises and school funding – in some cases without union support. Adam Gabbatt and Mike Elk. Mon 16 Apr 2018 06.00 EDT Last modified on Tue 17 Apr 2018 12.09 EDT. Share on Facebook · Share on Twitter · Share via Email ...
Teachers in Oklahoma and Kentucky Walk Out: 'It Really Is a Wildfire ...
Teachers in Oklahoma and Kentucky Walk Out: ‘It Really Is a Wildfire’
Apr 2, 2018 - 'All-In or Nothing': West Virginia's Teacher Strike Was Months in the Making MARCH 2, 2018 ... Striking West Virginia teachers declared victory last month after winning a 5 percent raise, but Oklahoma educators are holding out for more. Last week, the Legislature in Oklahoma City voted to provide teachers ...
Colorado teacher walkout: What you need to know about why they are ...
Colorado teacher walkout: What you need to know about why they are walking out of classes and onto the Capitol
4 days ago - And why is there a bill trying to ban teachers from striking? ... Colorado educators rally outside the State Capitol to call for increased eduction funding on April 16, 2018 in Denver. ... Senator John Kefalas speaks with Colorado educators at the Colorado State Capitol on April 16, 2018 in Denver, Colorado.
The deeper cause behind the school strikes: Teachers are competing ...
Apr 8, 2018 - To those paying attention, the recent strikes for higher teachers' pay in West Virginia and Oklahoma are a harbinger of things to come. You can attribute the strikes to the stinginess of the states' political leaders. After all, average annual teachers' salaries in these states ranked, respectively, 49th-lowest ...
Teacher strikes 2018: Why Indiana teachers haven't gone on strike yet
Apr 10, 2018 - Indiana teachers aren't striking, but the state's largest teachers union isn't ruling it out.
Teachers Are Going on Strike in Trump's America - POLITICO Magazine
Apr 12, 2018 - It had been almost two months since Morejon watched news coverage of teachers in West Virginia, who hadn't had a raise since 2014, as they embarked on a nearly two-week long strike that forced the state's Republican Legislature to approve a 5-percent salary boost. Teacher salaries in Oklahoma, as ...
Teachers on Strike in 2018: Oklahoma Teachers Continue Rally ...
fortune.com › Leadership › Education
April 3, 2018. Oklahoma teachers shut down schools for the second day in a row Tuesday as part of a fight for higher salaries and more school funding. The strike, the most recent in a string by teachers in several states including West Virginia, Kentucky, and Arizona, began just a day after Oklahoma state legislators passed ...
2018 West Virginia teachers' strike - Wikipedia
2018 West Virginia teachers' strike - Wikipedia
The West Virginia teachers' strike began on February 22, 2018 with a call from the West Virginia branches of the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association for teachers across West Virginia to strike. The strike was called in response to low pay and high health care costs. The Industrial ...
Teacher strikes for salary increases continue, here's what they make ...
Teachers in West Virginia, Oklahoma, and Kentucky have gone on strike for better pay. Nationwide, teacher salaries have ... Apr. 5, 2018, 1:39 PM. 616,422 ... In February, West Virginia's public school teachers went on strike to protest the 1% and 2% salary increases scheduled over the next few years. After nine days, state ...


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'What’s consistent about every election, is that democrats have policy ideas and republicans don’t'

Do snowflakes actually read / think about what they right before they hit the 'Post' button?

Read that again ... and think about it for a minute. Let it sink in...

In 2016, The DNC gave their nomination to a felon they knew 100% was guilty of the crimes being investigated, the consequences of those crimes Obama's administration was protecting her from.

The DNC ...and the liberal media ... had to take giant steps for Hillary, help her rig the primaries, cheat in debates, commit election fraud, $crew Bernie and his supporters, and protect her in the media...

The DNC's 'Police Message' there? We will do whatever it takes to give a lying, law-breaking, Constitution-violating, national security - jeopardizing felon the nomination...because it's her turn.'

Everyone on the left were pretty much in agreement - Hillary was so obviously guilty of enough crimes to send her to jail for life that she HAD to win the Presidency to make it all go away. She WAS going to win....in a 'landslide'. They all did their criminal part....

For over 2 years now America - the whole world - has watched the sedition, treason , attempted coup by the left to overthrow a candidate, 1st, and now the President of tge United States.

Enough of the BS - call it what it is, what it has ALWAYS BEEN.

There was NEVER any evidence to suggest Donald Trump was / had ever illegally colluded with the Russians to 'steal' the election. Almost 2 years later, there is still none ... but the left's nission to oust the President continues...

The left's conspirators, however, have been revealed...with actual evidence, their treasonous coup exposed: Protecting a felon from prison, Secret Societies, Obstruction, illegal leaks of classified, foreign spies working with Russians, collusion and collaboration between the DOJ / US AG, State Department and WH....all proven...

The accounts of some 3rd world nation's elections have been playing out here in the US by the Democrats...while some American citizens upport themand cheer them on.

The OP lies his ass if with the statement above.

Hillary's policy ideas consisted of TWO ideas:

1. 'Obama 2.0'

2. Once in, run the WH as a branch of the Clinton Foundation as she did with the State Departnent'.

The republicans running, as usual, offer NOTHING new or no specific ideas at all. It’s just the same shit over and over about lower taxes, deregulation, and whining about DACA.

Those sound like great ideas. Where do I sign up to vote?
This is just so laughable. It's actually the reverse. Dems usually talk in broad generalities with few specifics, mixed in with a bunch of appeals to class warfare and race baiting.
Ok, so suddenly you are for welfare?

What happened there?

It's simple, Progressives want as many people as possible dependent on the plantation, errr, government as possible thus keeping them under the hand of their masters.

We Conservatives want to provide assistance to the truly needy only for so long as it is absolutely necessary. We want to make it better for them to work for themselves than depend on the owner.

Parroted rwnj talking points are a disqualifiable offense. Try again.
Trumptards have no ideas that they didn’t have during the civil war when their ilk was fighting to own other human beings

That was Democrats fighting to preserve slavery, and Republicans fighting to end it.

It wasn't just slavery.... The Republican Party was born to prosecute that bloody civil war to insure that ANY policies or laws enacted by the democratically elected state governments could be scrutinized by and micro-managed by the federal government.

I know! I know! The irony of The Republican Party being the political entity that created an overreaching federal government is almost palpable, eh?


Actually it was to make sure that the federal government, which is superior in power to the states, protected people in the states from slave owners from taking away human rights protected by our constitution.

And that is how it works.
In my state, the democrats running for governor have actual ideas. They come up with solutions to problems. You may not like these ideas, but they at least exist. They talk strategy.

The republicans running, as usual, offer NOTHING new or no specific ideas at all. It’s just the same shit over and over about lower taxes, deregulation, and whining about DACA. At worst, instead of giving specific proposals, they just give flowery, generalized speeches about protecting the constitution and family values as if they actually give a shit about poor or middle class families. Their base is stupid enough to fall for it every time.

At what point do republicans realize most deregulation policy does more harm than good and the EFFECTIVE tax rate on the 1% is already too low? Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. Saving them more does not accomplish jack shit besides running up deficits.

So Republicans offer more freedom, lower taxes so you can keep more of your own money, and secure borders to keep out illegals who rape and kill Americans yeah that's pretty much why they kick the crap out of Dem's in elections. Goddamn you libs are dumb.
The answer remains.....

Fair and simple tax codes, public budgets that are balanced by law, transparency in public spending with budgetary emphasis on education and infrastructure.
Then, build an economy that your spawn can drive to the stars.

Still not rocket science.


That's probably why the Democrat governor here chose to cut the TOPs program that assisted well performing students with tuition.
Because when he talked about cutting college athletics to pay for his garbage ... The inner city responded with a resounding "no".

Wonder if you have the wherewithal to figure that one out Sir George Cayley ... :tongue-44:

Trumptards have no ideas that they didn’t have during the civil war when their ilk was fighting to own other human beings

That was Democrats fighting to preserve slavery, and Republicans fighting to end it.

It wasn't just slavery.... The Republican Party was born to prosecute that bloody civil war to insure that ANY policies or laws enacted by the democratically elected state governments could be scrutinized by and micro-managed by the federal government.

I know! I know! The irony of The Republican Party being the political entity that created an overreaching federal government is almost palpable, eh?

It absolutely was slavery. That is what it said in the articles of secession. Don’t engage in revisionist history.
Trumptards have no ideas that they didn’t have during the civil war when their ilk was fighting to own other human beings

That was Democrats fighting to preserve slavery, and Republicans fighting to end it.

It wasn't just slavery.... The Republican Party was born to prosecute that bloody civil war to insure that ANY policies or laws enacted by the democratically elected state governments could be scrutinized by and micro-managed by the federal government.

I know! I know! The irony of The Republican Party being the political entity that created an overreaching federal government is almost palpable, eh?

It absolutely was slavery. That is what it said in the articles of secession. Don’t engage in revisionist history.

Did you say slavery?

Here are some democrat policy ideas:


Indeed, the most disastrous thing about democrats is that they do have policy ideas. Open the flood gates and make America third world just for some votes and few years worth of free shit.

Nothing about the democrat party has changed, they want more taxes than the slaves paid to their slave owners. Same plantation owners, different methods. It's rather ironic to hear people who live entirely on the means forcefully taken from others complain about slavery in any case.
Last edited:
And since when does "many" mean "more than half"? :dunno:

You failed to show anything about the failed budgets of those cities, merely a list of teacher union strikes.

You have also sown a few, not MANY.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all does it not?
In my state, the democrats running for governor have actual ideas. They come up with solutions to problems. You may not like these ideas, but they at least exist. They talk strategy.

The republicans running, as usual, offer NOTHING new or no specific ideas at all. It’s just the same shit over and over about lower taxes, deregulation, and whining about DACA. At worst, instead of giving specific proposals, they just give flowery, generalized speeches about protecting the constitution and family values as if they actually give a shit about poor or middle class families. Their base is stupid enough to fall for it every time.

At what point do republicans realize most deregulation policy does more harm than good and the EFFECTIVE tax rate on the 1% is already too low? Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. Saving them more does not accomplish jack shit besides running up deficits.
Democrat policies:

Raise taxes
Increase free shit
Porous borders
Cut military spending
Cut your balls off and declare womanhood
Kill babies
Suck putins dick
Suck Xi dick
Suck Kohmeni dick
Suck Kim dick
Suck Hillary dick

Etc, etc
The answer remains.....

Fair and simple tax codes, public budgets that are balanced by law, transparency in public spending with budgetary emphasis on education and infrastructure.
Then, build an economy that your spawn can drive to the stars.

Still not rocket science.


That's probably why the Democrat governor here chose to cut the TOPs program that assisted well performing students with tuition.
Because when he talked about cutting college athletics to pay for his garbage ... The inner city responded with a resounding "no".

Wonder if you have the wherewithal to figure that one out Sir George Cayley ... :tongue-44:


The wherewithal? Probably.

The inclination? Not so much.

I'll wait for the movie.

In my state, the democrats running for governor have actual ideas. They come up with solutions to problems. You may not like these ideas, but they at least exist. They talk strategy.

The republicans running, as usual, offer NOTHING new or no specific ideas at all. It’s just the same shit over and over about lower taxes, deregulation, and whining about DACA. At worst, instead of giving specific proposals, they just give flowery, generalized speeches about protecting the constitution and family values as if they actually give a shit about poor or middle class families. Their base is stupid enough to fall for it every time.

At what point do republicans realize most deregulation policy does more harm than good and the EFFECTIVE tax rate on the 1% is already too low? Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. Saving them more does not accomplish jack shit besides running up deficits.

TRUE...Mexicrats have lots of ideas on how to steal more from America’s best to give to lowlife, bottom feeding pet humans and illegal wetbacks.
True story.
In my state, the democrats running for governor have actual ideas. They come up with solutions to problems. You may not like these ideas, but they at least exist. They talk strategy.

The republicans running, as usual, offer NOTHING new or no specific ideas at all. It’s just the same shit over and over about lower taxes, deregulation, and whining about DACA. At worst, instead of giving specific proposals, they just give flowery, generalized speeches about protecting the constitution and family values as if they actually give a shit about poor or middle class families. Their base is stupid enough to fall for it every time.

At what point do republicans realize most deregulation policy does more harm than good and the EFFECTIVE tax rate on the 1% is already too low? Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. Saving them more does not accomplish jack shit besides running up deficits.

TRUE...Mexicrats have lots of ideas on how to steal more from America’s best to give to lowlife, bottom feeding pet humans and illegal wetbacks.
True story.
What ideas are you speaking of exactly? You have no idea. You are just a talking point.
The wherewithal? Probably.

The inclination? Not so much.

I'll wait for the movie.


Perhaps ... But there's been a movie that may suggest why the inner city has a tendency to disapprove cutting college athletics already.

Republicans and Democrats have different policies?

So how is it these policies all end up in the same back pockets?

Do tell......


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