Whatever ever happened to the little sign… ‘We have a right to refuse service’?

Ame®icano said:

“Now back to reality. Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party. Far from conservatives, the other end of political spectrum.”

This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

Let us guess: you think that because the word 'socialist' is part of the Party's name that the Nazis were 'socialists.' Do some research concerning the subject to end your ignorance.

It is a settled and accepted fact of history and political science that fascism, including the NSDAP, manifests on the right side of the political spectrum.

It is a settled fact that fascism is left-wing. This shouldn't need to be explained.
Ame®icano said:

“Now back to reality. Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party. Far from conservatives, the other end of political spectrum.”

This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

Let us guess: you think that because the word 'socialist' is part of the Party's name that the Nazis were 'socialists.' Do some research concerning the subject to end your ignorance.

It is a settled and accepted fact of history and political science that fascism, including the NSDAP, manifests on the right side of the political spectrum.

Left is trying so hard to distance themselves from Nazis but the facts are not in their favor. For start, try reading NSDAP political program. If not enough, try their own words. You'll probably recognize who said something like "we're socialists, we're enemies of capitalist system that exploit economically weak, bla, bla...".

Nationalization of businesses, confiscation of income not earned from work, free high education, state provided homes, common interest, common good, common core, common what-the-fuck-not, regulation of everything... are we talking about Nazis or progressives/liberals here? And you're calling me ignorant...
They have some sick form of inferiority complex which causes them to want to control everything and everyone.

Hey, I'm sure you're being too tough on 'em. Example:

A young black man owns a t-shirt store. A white guy in a big ol' pickup drives up and orders two dozen t-shirts emblazoned with a big ol' confederate flag. The young man politely refuses the order and provides the guy with the name of another t-shirt store down the street.

I'm sure our leftist friends would march in the streets, demanding that the t-shirt order is honored by the young black man. You know, public accommodation laws n' stuff.




Hmmmmmmm. You have racked your brain to come up with this one, huh?

If the reason that the t-shirt guy refused the work does not violate the public accommodation laws, he can refuse the work. Simple.

He can refuse to print racist or bigoted t-shirts.
A baker can refuse to make a cake with a huge cock and balls on it.
A restaurant owner can refuse to sell fermented soybeans.

Now....in your example....the white guy in the pickup also wants a dozen shirts that say "Eat at Joe's".....the store owner needs to make them. He cannot refuse the work BECAUSE THE CUSTOMER IS WHITE!!!

Fucking duh!

Your reasoning is wrong pal.

He can refuse doing business. Period. No explanation needed.

But you can't stop there, you need to explain, how t-shit is bigoted, or racist, or whatever...

Cake with dick and balls on it? Hilarious.

By the way, based on what you're wrote above, you're contradicting yourself.
Ame®icano said:

“Now back to reality. Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party. Far from conservatives, the other end of political spectrum.”

This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

Let us guess: you think that because the word 'socialist' is part of the Party's name that the Nazis were 'socialists.' Do some research concerning the subject to end your ignorance.

It is a settled and accepted fact of history and political science that fascism, including the NSDAP, manifests on the right side of the political spectrum.

It is a settled fact that fascism is left-wing. This shouldn't need to be explained.
Fascism is not Nazism, like Democratic Socialism is not Communism.

Fascism is 'right wing'. Mussolini's fascism*1 and Franco's fascism was built on religious conservatism, state capitalism, and extreme nationalism.

Nazism, while it might be placed as 'fascist' is actually an entirely different political system. It is more of hybrid of fascism, with a cult of personality, a genocidal state policy towards minorities, and state control of religion*2. In terms of economics, there was state control of companies to a much larger extent than under Fascism in Italy or Spain.

That is the major flaw in your argument.

The other flaw in your argument is equating Nazism with the gay rights movement, when it was illegal to be openly homosexual in Nazi Germany*3, and homosexuals are not either:
a) The dominant political group.*4
b) Out to exterminate another racial group.*4
c) Out to exterminate a religious group.*5
d) Discriminating against another group.*5

*1: Mussolini though did adopt Nazi race theory, in difference to Franco.
*2: Nazi Germany persecuted or harassed church leaders and restricted the rights of worship.
*3: It is not illegal to be heterosexual in the US, nor is it illegal for opposite-sex couples to marry.
*4: LGBT are estimated at around 3.8% of the US population (LGBT demographics of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia) and LGBT people are a minority and not the majority in Congress or the Senate. Violence of heterosexual people towards LGBT people is quite real however:
In 2011, the FBI reported 1,572 hate crime victims targeted based on a sexual orientation bias, making up 20.4% of the total hate crimes for that year.
History of violence against LGBT people in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
*5: And no, same-sex marriage and forcing people to bake cakes, is not the moral equivalent of sending someone to a concentration camp or gas chamber.
When it comes to services; I think the conservatives have a point; when it comes to goods, they have no point. What if every pharmacy decided they wouldn't sell heart medicine to blacks? This is what the hateful conservatives see as a "tough shit" proposition.

However, when you are talking about services such as photography for a wedding or a sitting or someone to do write resumes or what have you, unless you have a contract and THEN decide you don't want to work with blacks, you should have a right to simply refuse to do business in my view. I mean, I may want Taylor Swift to play at my graduation party. If I came up with her asking price, would she be bound to play? I hope not.

Wrong. Again.

Libs love to play with words. When told as candycorn did, mostly everyone would agree. Just in this wedding cake case, disagreement is in the issue. We're not talking about pharmacy denying sale of heart medicine to blacks, we're not talking about refusing to serve meal in restaurant, we're not talking about refusing to serve shirtless person, we're not talking about baking a cake for a birthday party. We're talking about baking a cake for wedding that for Christians represent little bit more then just "I do". We're talking about specific ceremony that people of faith believe god created and ordained. They could deny baking cake for straight people who are marrying the second time for the same, religious reason.

Liberals should learn the difference between public and private. This is not an issue of gay people being treated differently then straight people by their government. Government has no right to do so, just as government has no right to deny religious freedom to anyone. The problem is, if liberal can't get something they want, they will force it on everyone with court order. Bottom line, it would be much easier to find gay bakers...

If we have a contract then you honor the contract.....if not the provider of services is or should be free to refuse service for any reason.

Goods are an entirely different matter.
Of course they did

Righties supported the King and were tarred and feathered for it

Liberals really knew how to handle Conservatives back then

And lefties continued to evolve to understand that racism, sexism, and government interference into private lives was wrong. Somehow the "righties" got off the development train and are quite proud of how little they have progressed.

Yeah, right, Obamacare doesn't interfere in my private life. Telling me what kind of toilet, shower head or light bulb doesn't interfere in my private life.

Libturds are a laugh a minute. They actually believe the idiocies they spew into this forum!

Liberals don't believe the government needs to bless your marriage, regulate a woman's bodily choices or that your 6th grade daughter must get 3 shots to prevent STDs....

Conservatives do.

Your move...please bitch more about light bulbs...that really matters.
Actually, liberals believe that the government needs to control marriage. And they believe that government needs to control religion. And they believe that government needs to control thought. And they believe that government needs to control everyone's bank account. And they believe that government needs to control all decisions. They also believe that government needs to control the free market, the stock market, healthcare, the internet, employment, corporations, small business, big business, my business, the food supply, the water supply, medical supplies, college education, the cost of a college education, the curriculum of a college, and yes - even lightbulbs.

Do you realize that in its entire miserable history (over 100 years now), your party has literally produced one idea: have government control it. That's it. Over 100 years and your party has yet to come up with even a second suggestion or solution. Don't like your healthcare? Have government control it. Don't like your finances? Have government control it. Don't like your marriage? Have government control it. Don't like your neighborhood? Have government control it. I mean, seriously, how embarrassing is that? The brightest minds that the liberals have to offer for over 100 years now can't even come up with a second idea. It's always the same tired, failed "solution" - have government control it. How are you not embarrassed? I'm embarrassed for your party.

None of what you wrote has any basis in reality
You fucking Nazi liberals would LOVE that, wouldn't you? Re-write a perfect document. You are a clown. Sometimes I truly wish the USSR was still intact so we could ship assholes like you over there.

The constitution isn't a "Perfect" document. IN fact, it has a lot of problems. The Senate is a huge bottleneck in getting things done. Lifetime appointment of judges was a terrible idea. The pure stupidity of the Electoral College is mind boggling.

But I'm sure you were missing the days when you were 3/5th of a white guy.
Fascism is 'right wing'. Mussolini's fascism*1 and Franco's fascism was built on religious conservatism, state capitalism, and extreme nationalism.
Context matters. Right wing in Iran means something different than right wing here. State sponsored capitalism is state control over the market. That is NOT right wing here. That is the aim of the left. The right wants the market to prevail, free market capitalism, freedom of religion and strong state rights. The left here are the central planner/big federal government types. So the left is increasingly moving towards a form of social/fascism.
*5: And no, same-sex marriage and forcing people to bake cakes, is not the moral equivalent of sending someone to a concentration camp or gas chamber.
No, but it is a form of tyranny when a minority rules the majority. Doing it through the court system and enforcing it by armed government representatives doesn't change what it is.
Nazi would not allow Gays to exist in their country ... the fact that you're soooooooo stupid to say "Nazi liberal" makes me laugh at your stupidity in these matters... after all being Nazi are conservative you know ... hitler supported the conservative way of thinking you moron
You wish...
Now back to reality. Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party. Far from conservatives, the other end of political spectrum.
You can't be fascist and Socialist at the same time. They are at political extremes. Make up your mind
Uh...yes you can (and you are). The problem is, like everything else, you've allowed the left to brainwash you into believing that fascism is "right-wing". It is not. It is absolutely and indisputably left-wing. I've explained this a zillion times on USMB and it's a damn shame that it even needs to be explained. But here it is once again RW. Please do your best to retain the information this time:

Right-wing: How we know Hitler was right wing. Page 68 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Left-wing: How we know Hitler was right wing. Page 69 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I understand your definition.....everything bad must be left wing

But both extreme left and extreme right are undesireable. Extreme left is pure socialism, extreme right is pure fascism. There is no way you can make them the same thing
You fucking Nazi liberals would LOVE that, wouldn't you? Re-write a perfect document. You are a clown. Sometimes I truly wish the USSR was still intact so we could ship assholes like you over there.

The constitution isn't a "Perfect" document. IN fact, it has a lot of problems. The Senate is a huge bottleneck in getting things done. Lifetime appointment of judges was a terrible idea. The pure stupidity of the Electoral College is mind boggling.

But I'm sure you were missing the days when you were 3/5th of a white guy.
Blacks were never 3/5 of a white guy. Not for voting, not for human rights, not for protection under the law

The only thing they were 3/5 of was in establishing the number of Congressmen who would ensure you remained a slave
Context matters. Right wing in Iran means something different than right wing here. State sponsored capitalism is state control over the market. That is NOT right wing here. That is the aim of the left. The right wants the market to prevail, free market capitalism, freedom of religion and strong state rights. The left here are the central planner/big federal government types. So the left is increasingly moving towards a form of social/fascism.

What the right wants is to tell gays they can't get married and tell women they have to have that "Legitimate rape" baby. You guys are just as happy to oppress people in order to meet your goals.
Nazi would not allow Gays to exist in their country ... the fact that you're soooooooo stupid to say "Nazi liberal" makes me laugh at your stupidity in these matters... after all being Nazi are conservative you know ... hitler supported the conservative way of thinking you moron
You wish...
Now back to reality. Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party. Far from conservatives, the other end of political spectrum.
You can't be fascist and Socialist at the same time. They are at political extremes. Make up your mind
Uh...yes you can (and you are). The problem is, like everything else, you've allowed the left to brainwash you into believing that fascism is "right-wing". It is not. It is absolutely and indisputably left-wing. I've explained this a zillion times on USMB and it's a damn shame that it even needs to be explained. But here it is once again RW. Please do your best to retain the information this time:

Right-wing: How we know Hitler was right wing. Page 68 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Left-wing: How we know Hitler was right wing. Page 69 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I understand your definition.....everything bad must be left wing

But both extreme left and extreme right are undesireable. Extreme left is pure socialism, extreme right is pure fascism. There is no way you can make them the same thing
Not at all. In fact, if you had actually read the links I posted, you would see that I mercilessly bashed the right-wing radicals (libertarians, sovereign citizens, and anarchists).

Incidentally, you didn't even get the left's side of the political spectrum correct. Socialism is not the "extreme left". You can go much further left (and thus much worse) than socialism. You could have a Democracy where everyone is free to work where ever they chose and the people freely vote for socialism. Further left is communism/fascism where everyone is forced into socialism.

The fact remains, fascism is as left-wing as it gets while the most radical and dangerous form of right-wing extremism is anarchy. No rules, no laws, complete and total freedom - even to rape, pillage, and murder. In other words, the complete opposite of fascism (so they simply can't be on the same side of the spectrum my friend).
Of course they did

Righties supported the King and were tarred and feathered for it

Liberals really knew how to handle Conservatives back then

And lefties continued to evolve to understand that racism, sexism, and government interference into private lives was wrong. Somehow the "righties" got off the development train and are quite proud of how little they have progressed.

Yeah, right, Obamacare doesn't interfere in my private life. Telling me what kind of toilet, shower head or light bulb doesn't interfere in my private life.

Libturds are a laugh a minute. They actually believe the idiocies they spew into this forum!

Liberals don't believe the government needs to bless your marriage, regulate a woman's bodily choices or that your 6th grade daughter must get 3 shots to prevent STDs....

Conservatives do.

Your move...please bitch more about light bulbs...that really matters.
Actually, liberals believe that the government needs to control marriage. And they believe that government needs to control religion. And they believe that government needs to control thought. And they believe that government needs to control everyone's bank account. And they believe that government needs to control all decisions. They also believe that government needs to control the free market, the stock market, healthcare, the internet, employment, corporations, small business, big business, my business, the food supply, the water supply, medical supplies, college education, the cost of a college education, the curriculum of a college, and yes - even lightbulbs.

Do you realize that in its entire miserable history (over 100 years now), your party has literally produced one idea: have government control it. That's it. Over 100 years and your party has yet to come up with even a second suggestion or solution. Don't like your healthcare? Have government control it. Don't like your finances? Have government control it. Don't like your marriage? Have government control it. Don't like your neighborhood? Have government control it. I mean, seriously, how embarrassing is that? The brightest minds that the liberals have to offer for over 100 years now can't even come up with a second idea. It's always the same tired, failed "solution" - have government control it. How are you not embarrassed? I'm embarrassed for your party.

None of what you wrote has any basis in reality
It is 100% accurate - which is why you are incapable of disputing it. Right now, as we speak, the left is bringing charges against churches, bakeries, and farms for not marrying homosexuals. Why? Because the left believes that they should control religion, marriage, etc.

Face it my friend, the facts are the facts - which is why you can't dispute what I said. Denying reality doesn't change reality.
Nazi would not allow Gays to exist in their country ... the fact that you're soooooooo stupid to say "Nazi liberal" makes me laugh at your stupidity in these matters... after all being Nazi are conservative you know ... hitler supported the conservative way of thinking you moron
You wish...
Now back to reality. Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party. Far from conservatives, the other end of political spectrum.
You can't be fascist and Socialist at the same time. They are at political extremes. Make up your mind
Uh...yes you can (and you are). The problem is, like everything else, you've allowed the left to brainwash you into believing that fascism is "right-wing". It is not. It is absolutely and indisputably left-wing. I've explained this a zillion times on USMB and it's a damn shame that it even needs to be explained. But here it is once again RW. Please do your best to retain the information this time:

Right-wing: How we know Hitler was right wing. Page 68 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Left-wing: How we know Hitler was right wing. Page 69 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I understand your definition.....everything bad must be left wing

But both extreme left and extreme right are undesireable. Extreme left is pure socialism, extreme right is pure fascism. There is no way you can make them the same thing
Not at all. In fact, if you had actually read the links I posted, you would see that I mercilessly bashed the right-wing radicals (libertarians, sovereign citizens, and anarchists).

Incidentally, you didn't even get the left's side of the political spectrum correct. Socialism is not the "extreme left". You can go much further left (and thus much worse) than socialism. You could have a Democracy where everyone is free to work where ever they chose and the people freely vote for socialism. Further left is communism/fascism where everyone is forced into socialism.

The fact remains, fascism is as left-wing as it gets while the most radical and dangerous form of right-wing extremism is anarchy. No rules, no laws, complete and total freedom - even to rape, pillage, and murder. In other words, the complete opposite of fascism (so they simply can't be on the same side of the spectrum my friend).
Communism and fascism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

You can't be both
You wish...
Now back to reality. Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party. Far from conservatives, the other end of political spectrum.
You can't be fascist and Socialist at the same time. They are at political extremes. Make up your mind
Uh...yes you can (and you are). The problem is, like everything else, you've allowed the left to brainwash you into believing that fascism is "right-wing". It is not. It is absolutely and indisputably left-wing. I've explained this a zillion times on USMB and it's a damn shame that it even needs to be explained. But here it is once again RW. Please do your best to retain the information this time:

Right-wing: How we know Hitler was right wing. Page 68 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Left-wing: How we know Hitler was right wing. Page 69 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I understand your definition.....everything bad must be left wing

But both extreme left and extreme right are undesireable. Extreme left is pure socialism, extreme right is pure fascism. There is no way you can make them the same thing
Not at all. In fact, if you had actually read the links I posted, you would see that I mercilessly bashed the right-wing radicals (libertarians, sovereign citizens, and anarchists).

Incidentally, you didn't even get the left's side of the political spectrum correct. Socialism is not the "extreme left". You can go much further left (and thus much worse) than socialism. You could have a Democracy where everyone is free to work where ever they chose and the people freely vote for socialism. Further left is communism/fascism where everyone is forced into socialism.

The fact remains, fascism is as left-wing as it gets while the most radical and dangerous form of right-wing extremism is anarchy. No rules, no laws, complete and total freedom - even to rape, pillage, and murder. In other words, the complete opposite of fascism (so they simply can't be on the same side of the spectrum my friend).
Communism and fascism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

You can't be both
Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Anarchy (no rules or laws and no government) and fascism (complete government control) are what are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

The fact that you can't articulate why or how communism and fascism are at "opposite ends of the political spectrum" but I have clearly articulated all of it kind of proves which of us is correct - wouldn't you say?

The further right you go, the smaller and less powerful government becomes. That is the complete opposite of fascism. And since the opposite of right is left, that means fascism is clearly left-wing. The end of the political spectrum on the right is anarchy. The end of the political spectrum on the left is fascism/communism (two sides of the same coin).
Whatever happened to going into business to make money rather than turning customers away. Maybe owners figured that out and took those stupid signs down...
You can't be fascist and Socialist at the same time. They are at political extremes. Make up your mind
Uh...yes you can (and you are). The problem is, like everything else, you've allowed the left to brainwash you into believing that fascism is "right-wing". It is not. It is absolutely and indisputably left-wing. I've explained this a zillion times on USMB and it's a damn shame that it even needs to be explained. But here it is once again RW. Please do your best to retain the information this time:

Right-wing: How we know Hitler was right wing. Page 68 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Left-wing: How we know Hitler was right wing. Page 69 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I understand your definition.....everything bad must be left wing

But both extreme left and extreme right are undesireable. Extreme left is pure socialism, extreme right is pure fascism. There is no way you can make them the same thing
Not at all. In fact, if you had actually read the links I posted, you would see that I mercilessly bashed the right-wing radicals (libertarians, sovereign citizens, and anarchists).

Incidentally, you didn't even get the left's side of the political spectrum correct. Socialism is not the "extreme left". You can go much further left (and thus much worse) than socialism. You could have a Democracy where everyone is free to work where ever they chose and the people freely vote for socialism. Further left is communism/fascism where everyone is forced into socialism.

The fact remains, fascism is as left-wing as it gets while the most radical and dangerous form of right-wing extremism is anarchy. No rules, no laws, complete and total freedom - even to rape, pillage, and murder. In other words, the complete opposite of fascism (so they simply can't be on the same side of the spectrum my friend).
Communism and fascism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

You can't be both
Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Anarchy (no rules or laws and no government) and fascism (complete government control) are what are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

The fact that you can't articulate why or how communism and fascism are at "opposite ends of the political spectrum" but I have clearly articulated all of it kind of proves which of us is correct - wouldn't you say?

The further right you go, the smaller and less powerful government becomes. That is the complete opposite of fascism. And since the opposite of right is left, that means fascism is clearly left-wing. The end of the political spectrum on the right is anarchy. The end of the political spectrum on the left is fascism/communism (two sides of the same coin).
Rightwinger is correct here.
The gay community and the liberals have lost their little Nazi minds. A privately owned business has the right to refuse to conduct business with anybody they want. Period. It's not even open for debate.

Further still, the 1st Amendment affords you the right to practice your religious belief. And the little liberal/gay Nazi community is working so hard to trample on that right as well.

All I can say is that I hope these companies deliver the most dreadful products and services when they are unconstitutionally forced to by the liberal Nazi's. If you're a bakery and you're forced to bake a cake for a gay wedding, I hope you put 70lbs of salt in the cake and make the frosting primarily out of vinegar so that they vomit when they eat it. Then maybe word will spread in their little gay circles that your bakery isn't any good and you can be left the hell alone to conduct your private business as you see fit.

*Note - desperate Nazi liberals will try to spin this as "homophobia" because they need to justify their anti-constitutional Nazi beliefs. However, it is not. I couldn't care less if someone is gay. What I do care about however is when they unconstitutionally force someone to do their bidding because they think being gay makes them special and entitled.

It's an agenda of reeducation

An army of mischievous little lawyers went around late one night and stole them all. :)
Uh...yes you can (and you are). The problem is, like everything else, you've allowed the left to brainwash you into believing that fascism is "right-wing". It is not. It is absolutely and indisputably left-wing. I've explained this a zillion times on USMB and it's a damn shame that it even needs to be explained. But here it is once again RW. Please do your best to retain the information this time:

Right-wing: How we know Hitler was right wing. Page 68 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Left-wing: How we know Hitler was right wing. Page 69 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I understand your definition.....everything bad must be left wing

But both extreme left and extreme right are undesireable. Extreme left is pure socialism, extreme right is pure fascism. There is no way you can make them the same thing
Not at all. In fact, if you had actually read the links I posted, you would see that I mercilessly bashed the right-wing radicals (libertarians, sovereign citizens, and anarchists).

Incidentally, you didn't even get the left's side of the political spectrum correct. Socialism is not the "extreme left". You can go much further left (and thus much worse) than socialism. You could have a Democracy where everyone is free to work where ever they chose and the people freely vote for socialism. Further left is communism/fascism where everyone is forced into socialism.

The fact remains, fascism is as left-wing as it gets while the most radical and dangerous form of right-wing extremism is anarchy. No rules, no laws, complete and total freedom - even to rape, pillage, and murder. In other words, the complete opposite of fascism (so they simply can't be on the same side of the spectrum my friend).
Communism and fascism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

You can't be both
Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Anarchy (no rules or laws and no government) and fascism (complete government control) are what are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

The fact that you can't articulate why or how communism and fascism are at "opposite ends of the political spectrum" but I have clearly articulated all of it kind of proves which of us is correct - wouldn't you say?

The further right you go, the smaller and less powerful government becomes. That is the complete opposite of fascism. And since the opposite of right is left, that means fascism is clearly left-wing. The end of the political spectrum on the right is anarchy. The end of the political spectrum on the left is fascism/communism (two sides of the same coin).
Rightwinger is correct here.
Again - which is why neither of you are able to articulate how he is "right".

The fact is, the further you go to the right on the political spectrum, the smaller and less powerful government becomes until you reach no government at all - anarchy. Since fascism is the complete opposite of that - total government control - it is literally impossible for fascism to be a right-wing ideology.

But then again, liberals never did let facts get in the way. This debate is over and the indisputable facts show that you and RW are wrong.

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