Whatcha think about this MLK quote?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."

Simply curious.

My thoughts are mixed. Programs of social uplift, done the wrong way, can alleviate incentive.
MLK was a pacifist, a far left socialist and a radical community organizer. Somehow, the right has attempted to hijack this and carve it into their own message.
The context, is that if he gave this speech today, he'd be TAKEN out of context, called a whiner by the likes of YOU, like you did to me last week for saying this exact thing:

The Western arrogance of feeling that it has everything to teach others and nothing to learn from them is not just. A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war: "This way of settling differences is not just." This business of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nation's homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into veins of people normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped and psychologically deranged, cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love. A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.
MLK was a pacifist, a far left socialist and a radical community organizer. Somehow, the right has attempted to hijack this and carve it into their own message.

If you study his speeches, he's definitely not a Conservative, at least. Far left socialist? Ehhhhhhhh, I can't say that.
"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."

Simply curious.

My thoughts are mixed. Programs of social uplift, done the wrong way, can alleviate incentive.
If they took the money pissed away on duhhh military and put it towards free higher education you could get an "A' and become America again.
For now you're just a bunch of ignorant, brainwashed, flag waving idiots.
murkins. Nada ms.
No ? Watch and see who gets re-upped in Nov. ALL of the same assholes.

Just like "they" wanted it.

MLK hit the nail on the head........errrrr coffin.
"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."

Simply curious.

My thoughts are mixed. Programs of social uplift, done the wrong way, can alleviate incentive.
If they took the money pissed away on duhhh military and put it towards free higher education you could get an "A' and become America again.
For now you're just a bunch of ignorant, brainwashed, flag waving idiots.
murkins. Nada ms.
No ? Watch and see who gets re-upped in Nov. ALL of the same assholes.

Just like "they" wanted it.

MLK hit the nail on the head........errrrr coffin.

I agree. Look at McCain! :eek:

There's no right and left in Government, it's just a big facade to cover for the power hungry bedfellows.
MLK was a pacifist, a far left socialist and a radical community organizer. Somehow, the right has attempted to hijack this and carve it into their own message.

If you study his speeches, he's definitely not a Conservative, at least. Far left socialist? Ehhhhhhhh, I can't say that.

He certainly was a man ahead of his time. I do wish people wouldn't claim Heroes as one thing or another. I agree with King on many things. I disagree with him too.... but that's because I'm a person who considers people within the timeframe of their life. I tend to view MLK as a a man who should inspire all of us to be better people - I don't see him as the property of the left or the right.

I think it's kind of sad when either side tries to claim him.
MLK was a pacifist, a far left socialist and a radical community organizer. Somehow, the right has attempted to hijack this and carve it into their own message.

If you study his speeches, he's definitely not a Conservative, at least. Far left socialist? Ehhhhhhhh, I can't say that.

He didn't hide his socialism. His complaint about the Great Society was that it was far too little, lost to the fields of Vietnam. His 1968 March was a multi-racial march for the poor and impoverished and spoke of reconstructing society in a manner that addressed "Systematic flaws of militarism, racism and poverty".
Well, CG, this speech here, if you read it, is the EPITOME of what Obama was saying during 2009, yet, for Obama it was called an apology tour.

There is nothing different of note between the point both were trying to make. Nothing at all.
MLK was a pacifist, a far left socialist and a radical community organizer. Somehow, the right has attempted to hijack this and carve it into their own message.

If you study his speeches, he's definitely not a Conservative, at least. Far left socialist? Ehhhhhhhh, I can't say that.

He didn't hide his socialism. His complaint about the Great Society was that it was far too little, lost to the fields of Vietnam. His 1968 March was a multi-racial march for the poor and impoverished and spoke of reconstructing society in a manner that addressed "Systematic flaws of militarism, racism and poverty".

But tell the uh, uber educated, how he was pro socialism yet so anti communism. According to our residents here, they're all the same bundle of joy.
But 8537, he was so clearly anti Communist. HOW CAN THIS BE?!?!?! lulz, I <3 Conservatives. I keeed, I keeed.
If you study his speeches, he's definitely not a Conservative, at least. Far left socialist? Ehhhhhhhh, I can't say that.

He didn't hide his socialism. His complaint about the Great Society was that it was far too little, lost to the fields of Vietnam. His 1968 March was a multi-racial march for the poor and impoverished and spoke of reconstructing society in a manner that addressed "Systematic flaws of militarism, racism and poverty".

But tell the uh, uber educated, how he was pro socialism yet so anti communism. According to our residents here, they're all the same bundle of joy.

He lived in a different era. I'm not saying that he would have supported the war in Iraq or anywhere else.... Only really stupid people want war. Sometimes, it is necessary. And, MLK was a Christian..... Christianity and socialism share many traits.... the main difference being that Christians believe it is the responsibility of the individual (a fundamental of Conservatism), socialists believe it is the government's responsibility and that responsibility gives them the right to take from one to give to another. Things were different in the 1960s. Do I believe that MLK would be on the far left or the far right - I think he would be neither.
"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."

Simply curious.

My thoughts are mixed. Programs of social uplift, done the wrong way, can alleviate incentive.

Sounds socialist to me.

No wonder J Edgar Hoover spent so much time and money trying to discredit him. I mean anyone who would advocate spending money on the American people vs using it for a good war is Un-American
"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."

Simply curious.

My thoughts are mixed. Programs of social uplift, done the wrong way, can alleviate incentive.

Sounds socialist to me.

No wonder J Edgar Hoover spent so much time and money trying to discredit him. I mean anyone who would advocate spending money on the American people vs using it for a good war is Un-American

You're welcome to spend your money any way you want. Please recognize that I have that right also.
He didn't hide his socialism. His complaint about the Great Society was that it was far too little, lost to the fields of Vietnam. His 1968 March was a multi-racial march for the poor and impoverished and spoke of reconstructing society in a manner that addressed "Systematic flaws of militarism, racism and poverty".

But tell the uh, uber educated, how he was pro socialism yet so anti communism. According to our residents here, they're all the same bundle of joy.

He lived in a different era. I'm not saying that he would have supported the war in Iraq or anywhere else.... Only really stupid people want war. Sometimes, it is necessary. And, MLK was a Christian..... Christianity and socialism share many traits.... the main difference being that Christians believe it is the responsibility of the individual (a fundamental of Conservatism), socialists believe it is the government's responsibility and that responsibility gives them the right to take from one to give to another. Things were different in the 1960s. Do I believe that MLK would be on the far left or the far right - I think he would be neither.

I think he'd be Democratic or Independant. Like it or not, each Political party comes with its stereotyopes, and he openly stated he wanted a Socialist Democracy. Also, he was vehemently against Militarism, and he went on what you and others call "American apology tours," stating that the West is acting arrogant, etc. but is also great. Same shit Obama said, and got hoe-smacked for it.

I disagree with a lot of shit Obama's done and said, but I'm going to defend him for the purposes of these message boards. The handling of all things Obama has been disgustingly exaggerated, and so-much-so that more and more ass-clowns are believing the most baseless asinine shit about him. I think that's aweful.
The context, is that if he gave this speech today, he'd be TAKEN out of context, called a whiner by the likes of YOU, like you did to me last week for saying this exact thing:

The Western arrogance of feeling that it has everything to teach others and nothing to learn from them is not just. A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war: "This way of settling differences is not just." This business of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nation's homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into veins of people normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped and psychologically deranged, cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love. A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.

MLK...what a WHINER!!!
I believe he was a pacifist. However, in regards to "social uplift", I don't think he would have approved of how The Great Society evolved into undermining the family unit. He would have preached personal responsibility. Something along the lines of what Bill Cosby was doing a few years back, who unfortunately got hammered by some.

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