What You'll Never See..... Palestine Agree To Something


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Kind of a convoluted plot to my final thought, but when I read this article, it made me think of the constant fighting between Israel and Palestine, but since the story isn't actually ABOUT those two countries, I posted it here. But it brings me back to what I often wonder, that despite decades of efforts by the UN, Israel, and countless other countries to find peace and agreement, we'll never have peace and agreement in the Levant like these five countries found in sharing the Caspian Sea because Palestinian Towelheads simply refuse to agree to anything but unlimited eternal bloodshed (mostly their own) unless they get 100% of what THEY want, which they can never have. Shame. Bastards still living in this bubble that the Holy Land is THEIRS, that they were first there and have exclusive claim to it.

Caspian Sea deal may end long-held claims
Kind of a convoluted plot to my final thought, but when I read this article, it made me think of the constant fighting between Israel and Palestine, but since the story isn't actually ABOUT those two countries, I posted it here. But it brings me back to what I often wonder, that despite decades of efforts by the UN, Israel, and countless other countries to find peace and agreement, we'll never have peace and agreement in the Levant like these five countries found in sharing the Caspian Sea because Palestinian Towelheads simply refuse to agree to anything but unlimited eternal bloodshed (mostly their own) unless they get 100% of what THEY want, which they can never have. Shame. Bastards still living in this bubble that the Holy Land is THEIRS, that they were first there and have exclusive claim to it.

Caspian Sea deal may end long-held claims

While I agree with you, the other side, the conservative Zionist Jews are the exact same way. They have this believe that they are the "chosen people," they control media and from the bad actions of a few, make people hateful toward that entire group radicalized terrorists that support Hammas.

Thus, compromise becomes impossible.

You believe there are none on the Palestinian side that want to compromise or have peace, and thus you use degrading dehumanizing terms that makes it easier to treat them ALL like animals. Siding with Israel, no matter how loathsome that states behavior likewise is. (trust me, the list is pretty long, not just against the Palestinians, but against the US as well.)

Others believe the same about the Israelis due to the arrogant, violent and dehumanizing actions of a few, and of course language and attitudes like yours, and thus, peace and cooperation becomes all but impossible.

You are absolutely right, when one group believe they were their fist and have a birth right to the place, and the other group believes that they are chosen by god to be there and it is their manifest destiny. . . . .

There will be no compromise.

The only solution for us in America? Is for the US is to cut all support for both sides and walk the hell away from them all. There is no place for ignorant folks that use religion as a mandate for government. Theocracy is bad, no matter who does it.

. . . or Israel agree to something either.
Kind of a convoluted plot to my final thought, but when I read this article, it made me think of the constant fighting between Israel and Palestine, but since the story isn't actually ABOUT those two countries, I posted it here. But it brings me back to what I often wonder, that despite decades of efforts by the UN, Israel, and countless other countries to find peace and agreement, we'll never have peace and agreement in the Levant like these five countries found in sharing the Caspian Sea because Palestinian Towelheads simply refuse to agree to anything but unlimited eternal bloodshed (mostly their own) unless they get 100% of what THEY want, which they can never have. Shame. Bastards still living in this bubble that the Holy Land is THEIRS, that they were first there and have exclusive claim to it.

Caspian Sea deal may end long-held claims

Thus, compromise becomes impossible. You believe there are none on the Palestinian side that want to compromise or have peace,

Actually, the Jews have tried compromise on more than one occasion, but it did no good. And if you read my recent posts on the matter, you'd know that I just said that many of the Palestinian people WANTED a settlement but it was the Arab States (the leaders) of the region who absolutely would not accept a deal giving land to the Jews from day one and vowed to drive them into the sea at any cost. And they are still trying.

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