What would MLK say to John Lewis?

the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him


I would ask how Trump has made that clear but I know this game. They say silly stuff, you ask what makes them believe it, then they cry about by covering their hurt by lashing out and calling OTHER people sensitive snowflakes while they whine and cry to the heavens lol

Are you claiming there will not be a reduction in current inner city crime rates during Trump's term?

Trump is claiming he will reduce crime in those areas. You are claiming he will not, Is that correct?

See? I ask how he's made anything clear about how he'll help black and instead of answers I get leading questions. Is it a secret how he's proven this?

Or, Is this where you get frustrated and start calling names?
John Lewis should focus on the inner cities? All of 'em?

Sounds reasonable. What has Trump done while he lived in the inner cities for social justice? Hired illegals? Lol...the criticism and where it's coming from is hilarious.
the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him


I would ask how Trump has made that clear but I know this game. They say silly stuff, you ask what makes them believe it, then they cry about by covering their hurt by lashing out and calling OTHER people sensitive snowflakes while they whine and cry to the heavens lol

Are you claiming there will not be a reduction in current inner city crime rates during Trump's term?

Trump is claiming he will reduce crime in those areas. You are claiming he will not, Is that correct?

See? I ask how he's made anything clear about how he'll help black and instead of answers I get leading questions. Is it a secret how he's proven this?

Or, Is this where you get frustrated and start calling names?

He has said it over and over. He said it in every debate It's not my fault you are choosing not to pay attention. He said it it every debate and he even said it in the tweet about Lewis.

You are contending that Trump didn't make it clear during the campaign and since winning that he wants to help black communities?

He made it clear to me. Sounds like your problem
Is you.
I know man, it's simple. You hold everyone to a higher standard than Trump, whatever Trump does or says to people they deserve it and followed with that person, place or thing being the worst ever.

I'll be brutally honest, on THIS forum, much of my participation is just for fun; sure, I am a conservative & that is reflected in my rants

But I am happy to criticize Trump and any republican when I feel it is warranted (like when Trump made disparaging remarks about McCain & Fiorina during the primaries - there have been other times, but there are 2 examples)

Lewis' comments about not attending the inauguration were childish - do you really disagree with that?

Trump responded in kind, and yes, that was childish as well.

What I am addressing here is the fallout - the outrage over what Trump said.

We already know that Trump will not leave any slight unanswered - love it or hate it; that is reality.

In THIS instance, Trump is 100% correct. Lewis' district IS crime ridden and falling apart. Lewis has been in congress just under 30 years - things have not gotten better in his district. Lewis DOES give a lot of lip service to helping the downtrodden minorities; but not much has been done to create positive change during his time in office.

Trump has stated that improving the quality of life in the inner cities is a priority. Lewis SHOULD, at a minimum, explore whether or not Trump is serious and see if there is an area where they can work together to effect positive change.

Like I asked - you want to have a serious conversation? Please tell me what I am getting wrong here
John Lewis should focus on the inner cities? All of 'em?

Sounds reasonable. What has Trump done while he lived in the inner cities for social justice? Hired illegals? Lol...the criticism and where it's coming from is hilarious.

Didn't Trump mention Lewis' district in the first tweet?
John Lewis should focus on the inner cities? All of 'em?


policies that make things better for folks in the inner city of Atlanta are very likely to have the same effect in Memphis, Chicago & Detroit - the symptoms & the problems are the same

So by doing what is best for his constituents, he will naturally be helping those in other areas with similar demographics - again, please explain why you think I am wrong on this...
I know man, it's simple. You hold everyone to a higher standard than Trump, whatever Trump does or says to people they deserve it and followed with that person, place or thing being the worst ever.

I'll be brutally honest, on THIS forum, much of my participation is just for fun; sure, I am a conservative & that is reflected in my rants

But I am happy to criticize Trump and any republican when I feel it is warranted (like when Trump made disparaging remarks about McCain & Fiorina during the primaries - there have been other times, but there are 2 examples)

Lewis' comments about not attending the inauguration were childish - do you really disagree with that?

Trump responded in kind, and yes, that was childish as well.

What I am addressing here is the fallout - the outrage over what Trump said.

We already know that Trump will not leave any slight unanswered - love it or hate it; that is reality.

In THIS instance, Trump is 100% correct. Lewis' district IS crime ridden and falling apart. Lewis has been in congress just under 30 years - things have not gotten better in his district. Lewis DOES give a lot of lip service to helping the downtrodden minorities; but not much has been done to create positive change during his time in office.

Trump has stated that improving the quality of life in the inner cities is a priority. Lewis SHOULD, at a minimum, explore whether or not Trump is serious and see if there is an area where they can work together to effect positive change.

Like I asked - you want to have a serious conversation? Please tell me what I am getting wrong here

There is little discussion of any substance with nearly all of the liberal posters on this site.

I ask them about specifics all the time and they rarely engage. They are mostly bumper sticker slogan bomb throwers with no real knowledge of what they are talking about.

They pretty much stick to the "You're a racist/misogynist/xenophobe/homophobe!" level of discourse.
See? I ask how he's made anything clear about how he'll help black and instead of answers I get leading questions. Is it a secret how he's proven this?

well, for starters, he has brought people like Jim Brown and Steve Harvey in and picked their brains, he has reached out to folks that have made it their life's work to improve inner cities & is apparently ready to accept their council and suggestions

Some of the fallout there? Harvey & Brown have been maligned & called names (House Negro/Uncle Tom/etc). What we have seen is that many would rather criticize than get their hands dirty and try t help

Democrats have been talking about making things better for 50+ years. Things have not gotten better. So, it's time to try a new approach.

The people that REALLY care will work with Trump - does Lewis really care?
What I am addressing here is the fallout - the outrage over what Trump said.

We already know that Trump will not leave any slight unanswered - love it or hate it; that is reality.

This is a simple pass to talk in circles. 1. Here is Trump, the future POTUS lashing out athe someone personally in the most childish of ways. 2. People respond to the tweet rant of the day from our future leader against some new person he singles out. 3. You want to focus on the response to his latest rant and giving Trump (but not John Lewis) a pass by saying "love it or hate it, that's how it is" but expect so much more from everyone else? Sorry, I ain't buying it.

In THIS instance, Trump is 100% correct. Lewis' district IS crime ridden and falling apart. Lewis has been in congress just under 30 years - things have not gotten better in his district. Lewis DOES give a lot of lip service to helping the downtrodden minorities; but not much has been done to create positive change during his time in office.

Saying something is "falling apart" isn't serious man. He's made positive change but Trump and people like you, say a hit like things should be "better" (too general) and then pretend that Lewis is the king of Georgia.

And a critique from someone who has the money and celeb that Trump has and him having a record of doing FUCK ALL for social justice is even more ironic. Hell, you might as well knock Lewis for never building a goal course or marrying Melania. Lol..
See? I ask how he's made anything clear about how he'll help black and instead of answers I get leading questions. Is it a secret how he's proven this?

well, for starters, he has brought people like Jim Brown and Steve Harvey in and picked their brains, he has reached out to folks that have made it their life's work to improve inner cities & is apparently ready to accept their council and suggestions

Some of the fallout there? Harvey & Brown have been maligned & called names (House Negro/Uncle Tom/etc). What we have seen is that many would rather criticize than get their hands dirty and try t help

Democrats have been talking about making things better for 50+ years. Things have not gotten better. So, it's time to try a new approach.

The people that REALLY care will work with Trump - does Lewis really care?

Exactly, if Lewis really cared, he would insist on working with Trump closely to help those minority communities that need it.

Instead, he decided to politically grandstand. What an activist!
And it is abundantly obvious that our friends on the left made an appropriate choice when they chose a diaper pin as their new symbol...

My word, John Lewis was acting like a petulant child, Trump called him out & now the folks on the left are losing their collective minds - it's really pathetic

Everything Trump said was true - a large portion of Lewis' district in GA is crime ridden and decaying. Lewis has been in congress since I was in high school (I am 48) and not helped matters. At all, in fact, things are actually worse.

Yeah, he marched with King, so that gives him a right to be an immature jackass?

Well, to many on the left, the answer is a resounding YES!

Again - Lewis acts like an ass, he gets called on the carpet and his pathetic record as a congressman is brought up

The left (which includes the media) gets OUTRAGED

this is going t be such a fun 8 years!

this whole thing is nothing short of comical.

the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him

if Lewis had any sense (he doesn't) - he would be embracing that, looking for areas that he can work with the new president, and holding Trump's feet to the fire

folks want to feign OUTRAGE - the real outrage is that Trump is correct - Lewis' district is crime infested & falling apart, or a big part of it is (the part where he gets most of his votes)

Lewis' district also includes areas that are the wealthiest in the state (and some of the wealthiest in the nation). Buckhead, Alpharetta, Roswell & north Fulton are part of that district & the district is BELOW the national average in household income and unemployment - it really is pathetic

29 years John Lewis has been there. No improvement for the people that keep electing him.

Seriously folks, we can't move forward so long as people get maligned for speaking the truth. Lewis has an opportunity to do something now, but he would rather be a malcontent - that's on him & the people of his district continue to suffer

Time to man up and do the right thing for the folks you represent John - time to quit acting like a whiny little baby.

The left would hate it if any Republicans addressed the violence in the cities that they have long allowed to happen.

First step is to talk about it honestly. The left has never done that. Their approach to dealing with minority on minority crime in cities is to ignore it. They also don't make any real attempts at addressing the high poverty level or the poor schools. The left wants all minorities to feel like victims of white racists but the real harm is their own policies, which have encouraged division and anger. Groups like BLM only exist because of the false narrative that many blacks suffer because of racism. Everything is blamed on racists, which the left claims only exists among wealthy white Republicans. They'll never let go of that lie. The real racism is found on the left, where they deliberately keep people in poverty by convincing them that the only way out is through a government program, which never happens.

Division is key for those who seek to tear down this country and bring in socialism.

Right now, the left is encouraging anarchy in the streets. The thugs have ruled the inner cities for years. Now, they are encouraging more to join the violent movement. Just look what they have planned for January 20. The left uses people. Helps that they've controlled education long enough to dumb some people down and indoctrinate those who stayed in school.

If people were doing well, the last thing they'd want is nanny government. Libs always manufacture fake villains and then claim to be the only ones who can save people from them.

Liberals have focused on keeping people divided and pitted against each other. The high murder rates in black neighborhoods is ignored because they don't care. It would anger their supporters if they admit that whites are not the problem with poverty and high crime rates. It's their own policies that created the problem because they've have had the trust of minorities for decades and they've let them down. People have waited over 50 years for the promise of a better life to be fulfilled. The libs also have had control over the worst schools in the country and they aren't helping any of the students. When some minorities escape the liberal plantation, often by listening to Republicans, they are called traitors and the left bashes them lest any other of their dependents get any big ideas.

People like Lewis need voters. The best way to keep people loyal is to keep them under your wing. The left seems to love angry supporters who accuse their opponents of causing trouble for them. Doesn't need to make sense, just so they have someone else to blame.
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Was your only point that Trump is racist because you don't remember him saying he would help blacks enough times?

This seems like an incredibly meaningless point.

Was there more to it? Lay it out for us specifically.
See? I ask how he's made anything clear about how he'll help black and instead of answers I get leading questions. Is it a secret how he's proven this?

well, for starters, he has brought people like Jim Brown and Steve Harvey in and picked their brains, he has reached out to folks that have made it their life's work to improve inner cities & is apparently ready to accept their council and suggestions

Some of the fallout there? Harvey & Brown have been maligned & called names (House Negro/Uncle Tom/etc). What we have seen is that many would rather criticize than get their hands dirty and try t help

Democrats have been talking about making things better for 50+ years. Things have not gotten better. So, it's time to try a new approach.

The people that REALLY care will work with Trump - does Lewis really care?

He MET with Steve Harvey! Well alright. I can see how that's proof. He MET with AL Gore too. I guess that means hes serious about global warming...or meetings are just meetings. Or sometimes they are, when you say so.

The only Negros he's met with carried a ball, sung a song or told jokes. If that's your level of proof he's proven to help blacks then I just thought you meant something more than meetings.
And it is abundantly obvious that our friends on the left made an appropriate choice when they chose a diaper pin as their new symbol...

My word, John Lewis was acting like a petulant child, Trump called him out & now the folks on the left are losing their collective minds - it's really pathetic

Everything Trump said was true - a large portion of Lewis' district in GA is crime ridden and decaying. Lewis has been in congress since I was in high school (I am 48) and not helped matters. At all, in fact, things are actually worse.

Yeah, he marched with King, so that gives him a right to be an immature jackass?

Well, to many on the left, the answer is a resounding YES!

Again - Lewis acts like an ass, he gets called on the carpet and his pathetic record as a congressman is brought up

The left (which includes the media) gets OUTRAGED

this is going t be such a fun 8 years!

this whole thing is nothing short of comical.

the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him

if Lewis had any sense (he doesn't) - he would be embracing that, looking for areas that he can work with the new president, and holding Trump's feet to the fire

folks want to feign OUTRAGE - the real outrage is that Trump is correct - Lewis' district is crime infested & falling apart, or a big part of it is (the part where he gets most of his votes)

Lewis' district also includes areas that are the wealthiest in the state (and some of the wealthiest in the nation). Buckhead, Alpharetta, Roswell & north Fulton are part of that district & the district is BELOW the national average in household income and unemployment - it really is pathetic

29 years John Lewis has been there. No improvement for the people that keep electing him.

Seriously folks, we can't move forward so long as people get maligned for speaking the truth. Lewis has an opportunity to do something now, but he would rather be a malcontent - that's on him & the people of his district continue to suffer

Time to man up and do the right thing for the folks you represent John - time to quit acting like a whiny little baby.

The left would hate it if any Republicans addressed the violence in the cities that they have long allowed to happen.

First step is to talk about it honestly. The left has never done that. Their approach to dealing with minority on minority crime in cities is to ignore it. They also don't make any real attempts at addressing the high poverty level or the poor schools. The left wants all minorities to feel like victims of white racists but the real harm is their own policies, which have encouraged division and anger. Groups like BLM only exist because of the false narrative that many blacks suffer because of racism. Everything is blamed on racists, which the left claims only exists among wealthy white Republicans. They'll never let go of that lie. The real racism is found on the left, where they deliberately keep people in poverty by convincing them that the only way out is through a government program, which never happens.

Division is key for those who seek to tear down this country and bring in socialism.

Right now, the left is encouraging anarchy in the streets. The thugs have ruled the inner cities for years. Now, they are encouraging more to join the violent movement. Just look what they have planned for January 20.

If people were doing well, the last thing they'd want is nanny government. Libs always manufacture fake villains and then claim to be the only ones who can save people from them.

Liberals have focused on keeping people divided and pitted against each other. The high murder rates in black neighborhoods is ignored because they don't care. It would anger their supporters if they admit that whites are not the problem with poverty and high crime rates. It's their own policies are the problem with society because they've have had the trust of minorities for decades and they've let them down. People have waited over 50 years for the promise of a better life to be fulfilled. The libs also have had control over the worst schools in the country and they aren't helping any of the students.

People like Lewis need voters. The best way to keep people loyal is to keep them under your wing. The left seems to love angry supporters who accuse their opponents of causing trouble for them. Doesn't need to make sense, just so they have someone else to blame.

Very well laid out.

Blacks are nothing but votes to Dems.
Crybaby Trump trashes John Lewis in the same fashion as he trashed John McCain (and all POWs).

Donald Trump isn't fit to be in the same room as either man.

Flabby Trump has handed money & he did nothing to serve this country as he worked diligently to avoid supporting it through taxes.
You mean the same John Lewis who compare McCain to George Wallace?
Yup. Once a race bating whore always a race baiting whore. Injecting racial divisiveness is basically all this piece of shit Lewis has. This is from 2008:

"What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history. Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse," Lewis said in a statement.

"During another period, in the not too distant past, there was a governor of the state of Alabama named George Wallace who also became a presidential candidate. George Wallace never threw a bomb. He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights. Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama," wrote the Democrat.

He truly is a one note wonder......
There is so much racism in the country today....we elected a black President in order to hide how racist the country is......
See? I ask how he's made anything clear about how he'll help black and instead of answers I get leading questions. Is it a secret how he's proven this?

well, for starters, he has brought people like Jim Brown and Steve Harvey in and picked their brains, he has reached out to folks that have made it their life's work to improve inner cities & is apparently ready to accept their council and suggestions

Some of the fallout there? Harvey & Brown have been maligned & called names (House Negro/Uncle Tom/etc). What we have seen is that many would rather criticize than get their hands dirty and try t help

Democrats have been talking about making things better for 50+ years. Things have not gotten better. So, it's time to try a new approach.

The people that REALLY care will work with Trump - does Lewis really care?

He MET with Steve Harvey! Well alright. I can see how that's proof. He MET with AL Gore too. I guess that means hes serious about global warming...or meetings are just meetings. Or sometimes they are, when you say so.

The only Negros he's met with carried a ball, sung a song or told jokes. If that's your level of proof he's proven to help blacks then I just thought you meant something more than meetings.

Your claim is clearly that Trump will not reduce crime in those areas that currently have very high rates, like Chicago.

I guess we will see if you are correct over the next 4 years.

Personally, I think you are wrong and I think he will be able to help those communities reduce violence.

It's a tough point to argue either way at this point, isn't it?

He says he will. You say he won't. For now, I will take his word over yours. Your track record with Trump predictions is a bit spotty.
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And it is abundantly obvious that our friends on the left made an appropriate choice when they chose a diaper pin as their new symbol...

My word, John Lewis was acting like a petulant child, Trump called him out & now the folks on the left are losing their collective minds - it's really pathetic

Everything Trump said was true - a large portion of Lewis' district in GA is crime ridden and decaying. Lewis has been in congress since I was in high school (I am 48) and not helped matters. At all, in fact, things are actually worse.

Yeah, he marched with King, so that gives him a right to be an immature jackass?

Well, to many on the left, the answer is a resounding YES!

Again - Lewis acts like an ass, he gets called on the carpet and his pathetic record as a congressman is brought up

The left (which includes the media) gets OUTRAGED

this is going t be such a fun 8 years!

this whole thing is nothing short of comical.

the truth is, Trump has reached out to the black community and has made it clear that making things better in the inner cities is a priority for him

if Lewis had any sense (he doesn't) - he would be embracing that, looking for areas that he can work with the new president, and holding Trump's feet to the fire

folks want to feign OUTRAGE - the real outrage is that Trump is correct - Lewis' district is crime infested & falling apart, or a big part of it is (the part where he gets most of his votes)

Lewis' district also includes areas that are the wealthiest in the state (and some of the wealthiest in the nation). Buckhead, Alpharetta, Roswell & north Fulton are part of that district & the district is BELOW the national average in household income and unemployment - it really is pathetic

29 years John Lewis has been there. No improvement for the people that keep electing him.

Seriously folks, we can't move forward so long as people get maligned for speaking the truth. Lewis has an opportunity to do something now, but he would rather be a malcontent - that's on him & the people of his district continue to suffer

Time to man up and do the right thing for the folks you represent John - time to quit acting like a whiny little baby.

I love how Trump doesn't let these liars and fools go unanswered. It's about time we had a leader with a spine.

Your avi is creepin' me out dude. Seriously.
I know man, it's simple. You hold everyone to a higher standard than Trump, whatever Trump does or says to people they deserve it and followed with that person, place or thing being the worst ever.

I'll be brutally honest, on THIS forum, much of my participation is just for fun; sure, I am a conservative & that is reflected in my rants

But I am happy to criticize Trump and any republican when I feel it is warranted (like when Trump made disparaging remarks about McCain & Fiorina during the primaries - there have been other times, but there are 2 examples)

Lewis' comments about not attending the inauguration were childish - do you really disagree with that?

Trump responded in kind, and yes, that was childish as well.

What I am addressing here is the fallout - the outrage over what Trump said.

We already know that Trump will not leave any slight unanswered - love it or hate it; that is reality.

In THIS instance, Trump is 100% correct. Lewis' district IS crime ridden and falling apart. Lewis has been in congress just under 30 years - things have not gotten better in his district. Lewis DOES give a lot of lip service to helping the downtrodden minorities; but not much has been done to create positive change during his time in office.

Trump has stated that improving the quality of life in the inner cities is a priority. Lewis SHOULD, at a minimum, explore whether or not Trump is serious and see if there is an area where they can work together to effect positive change.

Like I asked - you want to have a serious conversation? Please tell me what I am getting wrong here

See, he doesn't want to have a serious conversation.

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