What would MLK say to John Lewis?

"After successfully having won and held our rights for 50 years you let a man who stands against everything I fought for win the White House?!" :mad:
. You've drank to coolaid too, so is there any hope for you ?? :dunno:
"After successfully having won and held our rights for 50 years you let a man who stands against everything I fought for win the White House?!" :mad:
So you think MLK is a liar also?
No, Trump is illegitimate just as Lewis said.
Trump is not illegitimate. The dnc was incompetent...as was their candidate. Blaming the Russians is lame...you should be embarrassed hiding behind Vlad.

Like I said in another thread, Lewis spoke for many a deranged un-American Libtard. They're coming outta the closet in this thread!
MLK Jr. would tell JL, "kick some Trump butt . . . often and more often even until the end of days."
John Lewis is simply a great American patriot who loves America! He has more than earned the right to speak his mind - and the truth.
What is truly funny is that Lewis and the Bigot in Chief HATE the MLK family....

HATE HATE HATE HATE them.... for telling the TRUTH about LBJ...

Son of Dr. King Asserts L.B.J. Role in Plot

"Mr. King asserted that President Lyndon B. Johnson must have been part of a military and governmental conspiracy to kill Dr. King."

meaning ZIONISM killed MLK.... and JFK and the Marines in Lebanon 1982 and everyone who died on 911... and more....


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