What Would Be So Awful About Overturning Roe v. Wade & Saving Unborn Children's Lives?

If you have no respect for human life, you have no respect for liberty. You are advocating (this is assuming you’re not trolling) “might makes right” and violent killing of the most innocent among us.
Government force. Doesn't get any more libertarian than that.

I actually didn’t say anything about government. But I am saying this, a true libertarian doesn’t advocate violation of the nonaggression principle, “might makes right” and trampling on the most precious, basic right of all… the right to life. Without a respect for human life, you cannot have liberty.
Interesting. "Might makes right" is what the California shooter said in his blog.

Teen identified as gunman at California food festival, police hunt for associate

Its caption urged people to read "Might is Right," a racist and sexist treatise written by the pseudonymous author Ragnar Redbeard in the late 19th century.
We don't need women who would choose abortion over reproductive responsibility as mothers now do we ?

No, we don't need mothers who allow over population, poverty, crimes, etc.
Abortion is a million times better than all the bad alternatives.
The fetus does not care if it is aborted.
It is not conscious.
1) You are forcing poor women to have babies & now you admit you want to condemn them to a childhood of poor living conditions & hunger. Higher costs thsat you will constantly whine about.

2) Tossing a quarter in the Red Kettle is not enough.

noun: baby; plural noun: babies
  1. 1.
    a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
    "his wife's just had a baby"
    synonyms: infant, newborn, child, tot, little one; More
noun: fetus; plural noun: fetuses; noun: foetus; plural noun: foetuses
  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
4) Men make the abortion laws. You know I am right. Since men contribute to these pregnancies, how about we implant a balloon in their guy & fill it with water in the same way a fetus grows.

Honey, unless you have evidence of someone kidnapping women, raping them, and holding them hostage for 9 months, no one's "forcing" them to have babies, so save the melodrama for old movies.

"Tossing a quarter in the Red Kettle" is a phrase that says nothing about actual charitable giving in the United States, but speaks volumes about YOUR charitable giving, if that's as much as you know about

I'm not sure what you think you're proving with the dictionary definitions, Noah Webster, when the definition for fetus SAYS "baby" right in it.

If "men make abortion laws" is supposed to be some argument about how the pro-life position is an attempt to "oppress women", explain to me how that tallies with the fact that the CURRENT abortion law in the United States is Roe v. Wade.

So, if a women is pregnant & you don't let them have an abortion, what is the other options to having the baby?

I wasn't aware that I NEEDED another option to having a baby once someone has started one. There are all manner of alternatives to starting one.

The time to decide whether or not you wish to be pregnant is BEFORE you get pregnant, much the same way that the time to decide whether to jump off a building is while you're still on the roof, not when you're halfway down. Bit too late then.

So, no sex unless you want a baby. Great plan.


I've been married for 23 years. In that time, I have gotten pregnant three times. Obviously, my husband and I have had sex a lot more than 3 times in over two decades. We used birth control. In fact, my first and third children were conceived WHILE using birth control (when they say "99% effective", they are not joking). We were not looking to have children those times, hence the birth control; however, we accepted EVERY time that pregnancy was still a possible consequence, hence the married, committed relationship between two mature people with good incomes who had discussed how we wanted to raise children if and when they turned up.

No, sex is a biological imperative like sleep or food.
Without sex, the body deliberately induces constant pain.
It won't kill you, but it will drive you crazy.
So sex is not optional.
And a fetus is not a life yet.
It does not at all care what you do to it.
And adding another mouth to feed is not a good idea necessarily.
We don't need women who would choose abortion over reproductive responsibility as mothers now do we ?

No, we don't need mothers who allow over population, poverty, crimes, etc.
Abortion is a million times better than all the bad alternatives.
The fetus does not care if it is aborted.
It is not conscious.

"It's a GOOD thing to kill babies, based on what I personally am SURE is true, based on no scientific proof whatsoever, but I want to believe it!"

Still not planning to support public policy based on leftist ignorance and elitism.
Honey, unless you have evidence of someone kidnapping women, raping them, and holding them hostage for 9 months, no one's "forcing" them to have babies, so save the melodrama for old movies.

"Tossing a quarter in the Red Kettle" is a phrase that says nothing about actual charitable giving in the United States, but speaks volumes about YOUR charitable giving, if that's as much as you know about

I'm not sure what you think you're proving with the dictionary definitions, Noah Webster, when the definition for fetus SAYS "baby" right in it.

If "men make abortion laws" is supposed to be some argument about how the pro-life position is an attempt to "oppress women", explain to me how that tallies with the fact that the CURRENT abortion law in the United States is Roe v. Wade.

So, if a women is pregnant & you don't let them have an abortion, what is the other options to having the baby?

I wasn't aware that I NEEDED another option to having a baby once someone has started one. There are all manner of alternatives to starting one.

The time to decide whether or not you wish to be pregnant is BEFORE you get pregnant, much the same way that the time to decide whether to jump off a building is while you're still on the roof, not when you're halfway down. Bit too late then.

So, no sex unless you want a baby. Great plan.


I've been married for 23 years. In that time, I have gotten pregnant three times. Obviously, my husband and I have had sex a lot more than 3 times in over two decades. We used birth control. In fact, my first and third children were conceived WHILE using birth control (when they say "99% effective", they are not joking). We were not looking to have children those times, hence the birth control; however, we accepted EVERY time that pregnancy was still a possible consequence, hence the married, committed relationship between two mature people with good incomes who had discussed how we wanted to raise children if and when they turned up.

No, sex is a biological imperative like sleep or food.
Without sex, the body deliberately induces constant pain.
It won't kill you, but it will drive you crazy.
So sex is not optional.
And a fetus is not a life yet.
It does not at all care what you do to it.
And adding another mouth to feed is not a good idea necessarily.

Wow, you're just hitting all the old classics on the "I'm too stupid to learn real facts, so science is whatever I heard on the Interwebs" list, aren't you? "Sex is natural, so we HAVE to fuck like minks! How DARE you think people can make decisions rationally?!" And the ever-popular "A fetus isn't a life, according to my idea of what life is, because I don't want it to be!!!"

Thank God scientific facts aren't determined by personal opinion, especially the personal opinion of mouthbreathing imbeciles who would flunk high school biology.
We don't need women who would choose abortion over reproductive responsibility as mothers now do we ?

No, we don't need mothers who allow over population, poverty, crimes, etc.
Abortion is a million times better than all the bad alternatives.
The fetus does not care if it is aborted.
It is not conscious.

"It's a GOOD thing to kill babies, based on what I personally am SURE is true, based on no scientific proof whatsoever, but I want to believe it!"

Still not planning to support public policy based on leftist ignorance and elitism.

We have all the scientific proof in the world that a fetus is not conscious.
If nothing else, we have our own memories.
And there is not a single person who has ever had a memory of being conscious as a fetus.
I can remember even around the age of 3, of being aware that everyone else was very concerned about avoiding danger, but at that age I really did not care whether I lived or died.
There is also the fact humans have much too high of a reproductive rate to be sustainable unless most fetus are not allowed to survive.
The earlier terminated, the better.
So, if a women is pregnant & you don't let them have an abortion, what is the other options to having the baby?

I wasn't aware that I NEEDED another option to having a baby once someone has started one. There are all manner of alternatives to starting one.

The time to decide whether or not you wish to be pregnant is BEFORE you get pregnant, much the same way that the time to decide whether to jump off a building is while you're still on the roof, not when you're halfway down. Bit too late then.

So, no sex unless you want a baby. Great plan.


I've been married for 23 years. In that time, I have gotten pregnant three times. Obviously, my husband and I have had sex a lot more than 3 times in over two decades. We used birth control. In fact, my first and third children were conceived WHILE using birth control (when they say "99% effective", they are not joking). We were not looking to have children those times, hence the birth control; however, we accepted EVERY time that pregnancy was still a possible consequence, hence the married, committed relationship between two mature people with good incomes who had discussed how we wanted to raise children if and when they turned up.

No, sex is a biological imperative like sleep or food.
Without sex, the body deliberately induces constant pain.
It won't kill you, but it will drive you crazy.
So sex is not optional.
And a fetus is not a life yet.
It does not at all care what you do to it.
And adding another mouth to feed is not a good idea necessarily.

Wow, you're just hitting all the old classics on the "I'm too stupid to learn real facts, so science is whatever I heard on the Interwebs" list, aren't you? "Sex is natural, so we HAVE to fuck like minks! How DARE you think people can make decisions rationally?!" And the ever-popular "A fetus isn't a life, according to my idea of what life is, because I don't want it to be!!!"

Thank God scientific facts aren't determined by personal opinion, especially the personal opinion of mouthbreathing imbeciles who would flunk high school biology.

How dare you think that you can prevent your body from driving you crazy with pain if you do not fook like minks?
Why not just also make the conscious decision to not sleep or eat as well?
And we all know a fefus is not a life from personal experience.
We were all a fetus at one time, and we all know that a fetus has no awareness of anything, no feelings, no memories, no concern over life or death. There is not a single person who does not know this for a fact.
Overturning RvWade would mean turning this government into a police state that dictated the most personal of all choices. Government would be practicing medicine without a license, and imposing the most draconian slavery possible on women.
Roe v Wade should be overturned. It’s bad law, there is nothing in the Constitution giving the Federal Government the right to either allow or prohibit abortion. It’s a state legislature matter, not a judicial one,
Roe v Wade should be overturned. It’s bad law, there is nothing in the Constitution giving the Federal Government the right to either allow or prohibit abortion. It’s a state legislature matter, not a judicial one,
We already know right-wingers don't really care about natural rights. Just love to tell women what to do?
"It's a GOOD thing to kill babies, based on what I personally am SURE is true, based on no scientific proof whatsoever, but I want to believe it!"

Still not planning to support public policy based on leftist ignorance and elitism.
Nearly 99% are done in the first 4 months. I will go with the supreme Court over the American Taliban.
What exactly would be so awful or terrible about overturning Roe v. Wade, allowing the states to resume control over the issue, and saving thousands or tens of thousands of unborn babies' lives?

Roe v. Wade was based on junk science, junk law, and on the myth of an epidemic of "back alley abortions." Legalized elective abortion is far more of a stain on our nation's history than slavery was. The number of babies killed by abortion dwarfs the number of slaves who were killed by abusive slaveholders.

If Roe v. Wade were overturned, state governments would retake control of the issue. Some states would legalize all abortion except partial-birth abortion (which is illegal under federal law). Other states would place significant restrictions on abortion. And some states would ban most or all abortions. Undoubtedly, thousands or tens of thousands of babies would be saved from abortion.

If women were really determined to kill their babies for their own convenience (i.e., elective abortion), they could always go to a state where elective abortion were legal.

Debunking the myth of ‘back-alley’ abortions

U.S. Abortion Statistics

Chilean Study Proves that Outlawing Abortion Does Not Lead to "Coat-hanger Deaths"


Science Has Advanced Since Roe v. Wade But Abortion Laws Haven’t

It's a scientific fact: Human life begins at conception

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

When Does Life Begin | Just The Facts
First off, fetus's and zygotes aren't babies....
And Secondly, most women support abortions, not because they want one, but because they fear being forced to have a baby fathered from a rape or having a deformed or already dead infant to carry to gestation.
Third a certain group of women use abortion as birth control--they shouldn't be having any children and with abortions---having a bunch of them cuts the ability to carry to term which is a good thing at times. You don't want these women passing along their genes.

Stay away from womens bodies..you don't understand basics.
Roe v Wade should be overturned. It’s bad law, there is nothing in the Constitution giving the Federal Government the right to either allow or prohibit abortion. It’s a state legislature matter, not a judicial one,

It's a medical matter between a woman and her doctor, and none of your business.

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