What would America fight for?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

A nagging doubt is eating away at the world order—and the superpower is largely ignoring it

May 3rd 2014 |, The Economist

Mr Obama was channelling the mood of his people, worn out by the blood and treasure squandered in Iraq and Afghanistan. A survey last autumn by the Pew Research Centre suggests that 52% want the United States to “mind its own business internationally”, the highest figure in five decades of polling. But when America’s president speaks of due caution, the world hears reluctance—especially when it comes to the most basic issue for any superpower, its willingness to fight.

We've discussed this before. Why waste our resources elsewhere when we have so many problems here at home? What are your thoughts?

Read more @ The weakened West: What would America fight for? | The Economist
why play the bully everwhere? We don't benefit from it, quite the reverse. Other countries benefit from out loss, by not having to waste THEIR money on miitary defense and our enemies benefit from the hate we arouse with our bullying.
america WILL fight for any bs excuse peddled to the masses. the correct question is, why SHOULD we fight? there's almost never any good answer to that question, then there's "how can we fight most effectively/cheaply? the answer to that is "with assassins and sabateurs". But the big boys HATE having the rabble think like THAT.
Choose fights carefully. Don't make empty threats. Never threaten action knowing there is no intention to follow up. The word of the United States should be iron clad. We seldom act and when we do the consequences are devastating.

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

What we are doing is flailing around wildly kicking and screaming. No one trusts us and we have no confidence in ourselves.
ONE little discrete, properly targets and delivered neutron backpack nuke would change things, a LOT. :)shame on us for not using it.

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