What will the consequences be of a Hillary coronation?

The 500 years of coal reserves we have will remain totally unmolested with even more regulations placed upon power plants. A marked increase in our electric bills will result.

Wall Street and other big Democrat donors will find a renewed liberty to fleece American.

Saudi Arabia will see an extremely friendly Administration due to their huge contributions to the Clinton Foundation.

Taxes will be increased for all taxpayers including the Middle Class.

The Hyde Act will be repealed or an Executive Order will be penned permitting tax payer funding of abortions. The number of abortions will increase.

Respect for law and order and the police will further decline.

The few branches of government which are now incorrupt will become corrupt joining with the ranks of the Justice Department, the FBI, the IRS, the EPA, Homeland Security, etc.

The federal government will continue to take away personal liberties and invade the privacy of the citizens.

Hillary will engage in a war with Russia and China.

There will be terrorist attacks in America with the resettlement of massive numbers of Syrian immigrants which have been infiltrated by Islamic extremists.

Unemployment will increase. Entitlement programs will increase. The national debt will explode.

Some more people who do not support Hillary will die under mysterious circumstances.

Hillary, Bill, and Chelsa will all become billionaires via the Clinton Foundation.

Political favors will be for sale on a wholesale basis the likes of which have never before been seen.

Bill will molest a few more women.
Islam and terrorism become more prevalent as she makes more illegal deals with terrorists and completely puts the country at risk. Alas, though, she hates america and its people.
The division in this country is so deep and wide that no matter who is elected, this country is ungovernable and finished. The best result would be if China or Russia steps in and does for us that which we can no longer do for ourselves.
The division in this country is so deep and wide that no matter who is elected, this country is ungovernable and finished. The best result would be if China or Russia steps in and does for us that which we can no longer do for ourselves.

The US is in decline and falling fast. We have almost completed the cycle. Almost back full circle to bondage.

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